The Hum-dinger Corporation recently instituted a corporate ethics code. A. essentially the same as b. Rather than try to follow a . C. growing in popularity. Is it legal? Burger (2009) attempted a replication of Milgram's famous study. c. A clinical psychologist monitored the study. Laws represent the minimum guidelines that companies must follow, whereas a firms ethical stance may venture beyond the minimum level of compliance. An ethical dilemma refers to a situation where you must: Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. Which of the following is an example of poor ethics? Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to: A. higher profits. Formal systems of accountability, oversight, and control. Google and Apple have elected not to honor such requests. Some of the evaluation criteria that can be used to determine and evaluate the outcomes of the interventions to promote ethical practice can include one or more of the following: RELATED NCLEX-RN MANAGEMENT OF CARE CONTENT: SEE Management of Care Practice Test Questions. Corporate values are: Which approach to stakeholder theory focuses on the actual behavior of the firm and usually addresses how decisions and strategies are made for stakeholder relationships. The Milgram experiment was a famous and controversial study that explored the effects of authority on obedience. Which of the following has determined the Elena's action? Ethics and law go hand in hand. c. Ethics does not matter if you are working with nonhuman animals. A. C. teamwork eliminates a need for personal ethics. C. Negative publicity from the news media. A recent study revealed that most Americans have: Asked by aidan b #1061214 on 10/16/2020 1:16 AM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 10/28/2020 4:49 PM Which of the following statement best describes Ethical Code for counselor? D. observing the actions of others. Which of the following "ethics check questions" would you consider first? A. Corporate values are: D. Is there a desirable alternative? In the end she decides not to do so because of the possible repercussions at work. c. Research subjects must have the legal capacity to give consent. Home / NCLEX-RN Exam / Ethical Practice: NCLEX-RN. All ethical behaviors are legal, and all unethical behaviors are illegal. D. "Is it ethical?". Selecting the Best Possible Solution. C. legal behavior will reflect the totality of peoples relations with one another. D. there will not be enough jails to house those who break the law. After developing a code of ethics, it should be communicated to: everyone with whom the business has dealings. When Angela graduated with a degree in computer science and started her software company, she posted a sign that read, "This company will always operate within the legal limits of the law." It allows researchers to explore research questions that examine change over time since often times animals used in research have shorter lifespans than humans. Example 1. When managers disregard ethical concerns, the likely result is: A. conform to laws and regulations. Enron and WorldCom participated in inappropriate accounting methods. The Identification, Exploration and Generation of Possible Solutions to the Problem and the Implications of Each. The focus of core practices is on developing an individual's morals, rather than on structurally sound organizational practices and integrity for financial and non-financial performance measures. The collected data is then organized and analyzed. C. Developing the marketing plan for the next year. During the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of obedience experiments that led to some surprising results. A. The right to safety c. The right to be informed d. The right to be ethical e. The right to be heard. d. Both studies incited new laws that changed how research studies are governed at universities. C. reports health or other corporate emergencies to 911. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act made it illegal for U.S. businesses to issue bribes to foreign government officials. A. her commitment to high ethical standards of behavior. A high-level manager gathers his team of supervisors together to create a new office policy that will affect all employees at the company. C. illegal behavior. distinguish competitive strategies that enhance consumer welfare from those that reduce it. b. B. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) promotes which of the following? D. (S)he communicates primarily via e-mail. 1. (S)he is exceptionally organized. b. Which of the following statements describes ethical behavior in the U.S.? She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Adelphi with a double masters degree in both Nursing Education and Nursing Administration and immediately began the PhD in nursing coursework at the same university. D. executed its responsibility to its owners. Which of the following statements describes ethics?a. a. For example, providing nursing care for clients undergoing an abortion may raise ethical and moral concerns and issues for some nurses; and some patients may be affected with a liver transplant rejection because donor livers are not abundant enough to meet the needs of all patients who request it. Bioethics addresses ethical concerns like those that occur as the result of advancing science and technological advances. She has authored hundreds of courses for healthcare professionals including nurses, she serves as a nurse consultant for healthcare facilities and private corporations, she is also an approved provider of continuing education for nurses and other disciplines and has also served as a member of the American Nurses Associations task force on competency and education for the nursing team members. 1. A. The government was compelled to protect them due to the fact that too many people would lose their jobs. A whistleblower is a person who: A. Quickly and professionally. It became the model for the Institutional Review Board. Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective ethics officer? Given the ethical lapses that are prevalent today in our businesses, which of the following can be done to restore trust in the free-market system and leaders in general? A. Ethical ______ is the ability to perceive whether a situation or decision has an ethical dimension. What were some of the major achievements of the Declaration of Helsinki? C. We cannot expect people in the U.S. to all follow similar ethical patterns because there are too many cultures to deal with. Federal regulations require at least five members: one whose focus is on the sciences, one whose research focus is non-scientific, and at least one with no affiliation to the institution itself. A. social false. C. prices. Relationships between businesses and among nations: a. C. (S)he has a capacity to serve as a counselor and an investigator. D. watchdogs and whistleblowers. A. everyone with whom the business has dealings. A 2001 BBC created a filmed replication of the Zimbardo Prison experiment. A. people may begin to think that any behavior that is legal is acceptable. C. all levels of management. c. Animal research provides platforms to do experiments that are difficult to perform on humans. B. When something like this occurs, the nurse must inform the client that they cannot do it for ethical and legal reasons. B. strict penalties for illegal activities. Nurses must be fair when they distribute care, for example, among the patients in the group of patients that they are taking care of. B. taught by attending company-sponsored seminars. With respect to business ethics, it can be said that "it takes two to tango." B. reports illegal or unethical behavior in the corporation. _____ is associated with a hostile workplace where someone considered a target is threatened, harassed, belittled, or verbally abused. Which of the following statements best states what the estate L,Abri symobolizes? According to researchers, normative values largely originate from all of the following EXCEPT: A set of values, beliefs, goals, norms, and ways to solve problems that employees of an organization share. A. provided its stockholders profit through a tax loophole. Which statement best describes ethics in business? B. B. an individuals behavior is influenced by the behavior of others. Which dimension of social responsibility refers to business's contributions to society? b. Which ethics-based question would be most helpful in evaluating these situations? Descriptive - Prescriptive 3. In research, which of the following best describes ethics and ethical behavior? Is it fair and balanced? B. Ethics has not changed since it became part of society. D. Enrons and WorldComs executives were acquitted of crime because they were using generally accepted accounting principles, and no whistleblowers came forward to attest to any wrongdoing. Is staff effectively applying ethical principles to their daily practice? The opportunities that employees have for unethical behavior in an organization can be nearly eliminated through formal codes, policies, and rules that are adequately enforced by management. Is staff knowledgeable about ethics and ethical practice? Posted where all employees could clearly see it each day, this demonstrated: All ethical behaviors are legal, and all unethical behaviors are illegal. C. the Golden Rule. B. Which of the following was part of the procedure or outcome of the Tuskegee Syphilis study? d. Participants were forced to participate and were not permitted to drop out. C. instilled by the leadership of outside consultants. Like the evaluation phase of the Nursing Process, actions to resolve ethical issues are evaluated and measured in terms of their effectiveness to resolve the ethical dilemma. According to the text, business ethics comprises organizational principles, values, and __________ that may originate from individuals, organizational statements, or from the legal system. The ethical perspective that considers good varies with the particular values of the group and individuals. Which of the following is a reason why Dr. John Money's decisions in his treatment of Bruce Reimer can be deemed unethical? A. Overstating an expense report. Nurses should avail themselves to ethicists and ethical committees within their facility when such ethical resources and mechanisms are present in order to resolve ethical concerns and ethical dilemmas. Which of the following statements is true? D. (S)he communicates primarily via e-mail. Google and Apple have elected not to honor such requests. C. business people are expected A. attending corporate responsibility seminars.