Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers. Missy's retail website suddenly starts getting a lot of traffic and orders due to a video that went viral on social media. Processing power is growing quickly as a result of the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which has increased demand for increasingly powerful computers. For her purchase, Nadine selects the best deal from two coupon codes offered by a store, one that she received by email and one from a text. What technology minimized Ian's wait time? . What technology allows Siri to understand you when you request a route to a location in a nearby city? However, when Henry arrived home from work, the house was very cold. Dim your screen or shut down your computer overnight, What type of System software management memory The goal of computing is to expand the capabilities and applicability of computers. b. Southeast Corporation made sales of $950 million in 2018. A unique hardware address for your device. d. Identity, Remove the battery and throw it in the trash. The technical term for this technology is multicore processing, and it is based on the concept of simultaneous multithreading. Charlie's company makes custom-designed furniture. When classical computers fail, it's often due to complexity. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? Today, IBM Quantum makes real quantum hardware -- a tool scientists only began to imagine three decades ago -- available to hundreds of thousands of developers. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? Save a copy of her file on her local hard drive. The most obvious example of the work of computer engineers is computer companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, and Dell. Another ethical concern is the working conditions in the factories where computers are assembled. What are the ethical implications of this technology? -Artificial intelligence He wants to leave a radio playing music so it sounds like someone is home. How Can Changes in Technology Affect the Unemployment Rate. Here's a primer on this transformative technology. Vance found pictures of Dorie in a bikini on Facebook and texted them to other men in the office. False. 8. What IoT device will allow Josh to turn the radio on and off using the Alexa app on his smartphone while he's traveling? Which type of digital communication technology would be the best fit for Dillon's goals? d. request or message. Ann or pci ANN In which phase of software development cycle do you acquire the necessary hardware and programming languages for the project Design or planning Design Cloud computing and the Internet are two different technologies. Group of answer choices. However, he wants the radio to turn on and off at different times so it appears that someone is interacting with it. However, he wants the radio to turn on and off at different times so it appears that someone is interacting with it. Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence that uses statistical techniques to enable computers to learn and make decisions without being explicitly programmed. than the 4% average growth projected for all jobs. What kind of cloud service can Lionel use to attend meetings with his remote coworkers? For example, computer engineers may be looking for devices that process information faster than previous versions; they may strive to make computers smaller and more portable, or they may introduce new features for computer technology or work to improve accessibility. Which of the following is an example of a personal area network? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A Stack Of Apple Laptops Could Work As A Powerful Supercomputer Yet, some observers have noted that some school mathematics curricula seem designed to make technology obsolete. If you want to share information with individuals who are internal to your organization, which type of network would you want to use? What technology allows Siri to understand you when you request a route to a location in a nearby city? Alannah just purchased a smart lock for her front door. Ready for larger workloads? While multicore processors are more expensive than single-core processors, they offer a significant increase in performance. Lionel works for a company that is trying to reduce travel time for their employees and allow more people to work from home. Broadband connections are always-on connections. When David posts his photos to a Facebook album, the Facebook site automatically places David's photos in chronological order by when they were taken and suggests places David might want to tag in the photos. He purchases hardware for the furniture in bulk from a distributor in a nearby state. What technology was used to compare the purchase to Rheas normal shopping habits and identify it as credit card fraud? For example, even simple household appliances contain temperature sensors that protect them from overheating. False. What technology enables the plagiarism checker to keep improving its detection of poorly paraphrased text? Common features of this type of application software include the ability to format text, insert multimedia files and display the slides in a slideshow format. By combining these disciplines, computer engineers design and develop many of the programs and technological devices that we use every day at work, school, and in our personal lives. She's put a lot of time into this research paper. A_____________ is an application program that allows you to do word processing. Sabrina pulls items from a box and inspects them to ensure the number of items matches what is listed on the packing list. Peripherals can be inserted or removed while the host device is on, but storage devices should not be removed without notification. What cloud characteristic supports this automatic adjustment? The potential future applications of this technology are limitless. A database backup can include information on who made what changes and when since the previous database backup. Of this amount, Southeast collected cash for$876 million. Here are some examples: Computer engineers often play an integral role in the development of various technologies. Cade uses social media sites to network with customers, coworkers, and other professionals in his industry. Even temperature sensors are suitable. Tammy spends time each day reading updates and news articles in her industry. A. Development is the process of creating programs and apps from the idea stage to distribution to users. He's concerned about how to comply with PCI DSS security requirements. She wants to set up a knowledge base so team members can document what they're learning, easily share it with each other, and organize the information for easy reference later. A number of career opportunities are available for those with a degree in electrical engineering or a related field. He uses a cloud-based _________ service so he can access updated information about his customers' sales transactions from his laptop as he travels. The companys cost of goods sold was $260 million, and all other expenses for the year totalled$275 million. Special purpose compute. Thomas W. Malone, In which phase of the software development life cycle do you acquire the necessary hardware and programming languages for the project? If you want to remove an older email from your inbox, but not permanently delete it, you can _____ it. As computer engineers combine these fields, they can increase the usefulness and efficiency of computers by improving software, systems, and networks, and by improving the computer hardware itself. Phishing emails are disguised as emails from a trusted source and sent by hackers; they deceive the recipient by getting them to reveal personal or financial information. Computers are used for many things. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. What kind of cloud service can Lionel use to attend meetings with his remote coworkers? You are using a social network and want to let others know that you are interested in their posts. software applications. Create documents in Microsoft Office apps and save them in HTML. Microprocessors have countless applications, from automobiles to household gadgets. Qiskit Runtime enables users to deploy custom quantum-classical applications with easy access to HPC hybrid computations on the highest performing quantum systems in the world. What improvement to the website will best help to solve this problem so customers know better what to expect when they buy items from his website? In order to understand these instructions, the processor uses a special set of rules called an instruction set. One area of debate surrounds the use of so-called conflict minerals in the production of computer components. To work with AI technologies, you must understand how AI commands are programmed into the computer and phrase your commands exactly the way the AI system expects. When describing a client/server network, which of the following would be considered a client? (532776), Rhea receives a text informing her that her credit card might have been compromised. Business activities completed on a local, private network are examples of e-business even if cloud-hosted resources are not involved. He blogs, shares articles, and comments on other people's content as well. All Rights Reserved. USB or video devices, the most common ports are VGA, DVI, _______, and Mini DisplayPort. As a result, the development of AI and the increase in processing power of these powerful gadgets are mutually exclusive. An online game developer has an issue with its most popular game and must take the server offline. Which of the following social media tools can he use in his organizing efforts? Next on the list of computer engineering professions with a degree in engineering is a computer network architect. Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers. The most common mitigating factors include: People with a computer engineering degree have a variety of lucrative career paths to explore. What are the benefits of this technology? What kind of cloud service can Lionel use to attend meetings with his remote coworkers? Computing Hayley is an accessibility advocate at a small college and frequently shares information with her co-workers about how to better accommodate students with learning challenges. (532777), Many chatbot services provide support to employees and management rather than to customers. The ride is waiting for him by the time he arrives in the lobby. The ________ is a processor designed to perform complex calculations required for image rendering. She wants to crop out certain portions of her mother's photograph to use on the card. What can you likely assume about this technology based on its name? On what type of network can you rent things such as cars, tools, and rooms? How can she make sure she won't lose access to it if something happens to her cloud storage space? In what way will cloud computing most help Frazer in this situation? This means that it can execute multiple instructions at the same time. Programs are written in a particular language, which contains instructions that tell the processor what to do. Social networking can leave you exposed to criminal activity in the following ways EXCEPT, Using your photos and posts to form impressions about your character, You received an unpleasant email from a coworker and you want to discreetly notify your supervisor. (Learn more about both Qiskit and Qiskit, Runtime, and how to get started, in the next section.). When it comes to enrolling in a computer engineering degree program, students need to be aware of a number of prerequisites. During a meeting at work, your boss starts talking about something called Desktop as a Service (DaaS). Group of answer choices. Meghan signs into Zoom to attend a video call for her online class. Which of the following is a key aspect of database security according to the CIA triad security model? They provide the mechanical support and electrical connection that a computer needs to perform its basic functions. Using speech recognition software, a device can identify the words in your speech and display them on the screen. Which company most likely relies almost solely on B2B transactions in their course of business? The text asks her to confirm whether she made a purchase 15 minutes ago at a store that is over 2,000 miles away from her current location and that carries products she has never bought before. However, computer engineering positions are also critical in the following areas: Computer engineers develop innovative hardware and software for various computer systems, making this one of the most dynamic professions in engineering. Computer engineering entails the development of software. Which of the following activities should he avoid when using social media for his company? Some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, while other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter. What technology allows Siri to understand you when you request a route to a location in a nearby city? Which marketing technique is Nadine benefiting from? What Percentage of the Population Uses Technology Daily? When you tell your smartphone to check for any new email messages, what device does the smartphone communicate with? Because he processes less than a dozen credit card payments per year, he does not need to worry about PCI compliance requirements for handling his customers' payment information. What kind of cloud service will work best for this situation? Lets look at these four examples. It allows the company to communicate to many users at once about an issue and release status updates, Daniela's company has decided to allow employees to work from home. While some career paths develop faster than others, in general the field of computer engineering is strong and offers many compelling career options. Which of the following could you use to alert them to your interest? Everything you do online is recorded in the cloud, but you can choose to erase it, as you have control over your digital footprint. a. She's enjoying the online conversations and wants to connect with more people on the site. Bernie is an aspiring video game developer. Today, IBM Quantum makes real quantum hardware -- a tool scientists only began to imagine three decades ago -- available to hundreds of thousands of developers. What Special Technology Allows Computers To Perform, A Stack Of Apple Laptops Could Work As A Powerful Supercomputer, Quantum Computing Hits The Desktop, No Cryo Cooling Required, What Technological Advances Made Possible The Age Of Exploration, Quantum Tech Needed To Secure Critical Data From Quantum Decryption, Integrating Emerging And Disruptive Defense Technologies, Which Of The Following Is True Of Disruptive Technologies, The 7 Best Nas Of 2023: Top Network Attached Storage, What Technological Improvements Allowed For European Exploration, Computer Skills On A Resume: What To List And Where To Revise, Meeting The Moment: Addressing Barriers And Facilitating Clinical Adoption Of Artificial Intelligence In Medical Diagnosis. Additionally, this technology can be vulnerable to outside attacks and tampering. d) strintcpy. True or false, For the keyword pertaining do academic research google returns more relevant and reliable results then google scholar since google scholar is a subsidiary of Google Here are just a few key examples of computer technology. What type of cyberattack is used to trick a user into giving valuable information to an attacker? Kori's department is learning how to use some new software. When data is encrypted with the public key, it can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. Device driver or operating system, Vocabulary-Unit 13-Travel Planning, Loading T, Unit 10: Adverse Driving Conditions and Emerg, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. What most likely caused this problem? Twitter is an example of a wiki, which allows for collaborative editing by its users. The average salary for computer network architects and software developers is $112,690 and $107,510, respectively. We also developed Qiskit Runtime, the most powerful quantum programming model in the world. Your desktop computer likely uses a fan to get cold enough to work. Who should he contact to resolve the problem? Which of the following photos would be appropriate to post on social media? Adrian is having a problem with setting up a new printer in his office, and he can't find the answers to his questions in the owner's manual. 3-D animation software or database, If you do not know how to code or design a website from scratch then which of the following could you do instead Lauren programs her AI system to occasionally give a wrong answer to a question. What kind of transaction was this? Brian needs to use an expensive application that his work provides on his computer at the office. True or false, Development is the process of creating programs and apps from the idea stage to distribution to users While a single piece of technology often overlaps into different areas, there are generally six different categories of technology: communication, electrical, energy, manufacturing, medical and transportation. To achieve this, we use super-cooled superfluids to create superconductors. Which learning model allows an AI system to create its own categories of data without labeling those categories. The car drives in different directions and is scored by the training algorithm based on how closely the car stays on the track. Execute at scale with Qiskit Runtime, our quantum programming model for efficiently building and scaling workloads. Which of the following is NOT a leading provider of PaaS and IaaS services? Some familiarity with the equipment is also important. What kind of e-commerce platform does Charlie most likely use to order the hardware? (532813), Jerry has a problem with a package he just receivedtwo items from his order are missing. At those ultra-low temperatures certain materials in our processors exhibit another important quantum mechanical effect: electrons move through them without resistance. You'll access this service over the Internet. By supporting companies that adhere to high standards for working conditions and conflict-free sourcing, you can help ensure that the technology you rely on every day is ethically produced. The operating system is the software that manages all the basic functions of a computer, from running applications to scheduling tasks. The main goal of the industry is the development of innovative and efficient computing components. How would you describe the social networking site YouTube? She wants to include descriptions to identify the photos for viewers. For those interested in pursuing a career in computer engineering, there are several topics to consider: educational requirements, core skills, and the expected salary associated with a computer engineering degree. Felipe works for an insurance agency with about 50 employees. In 2010, a series of riots broke out at a Foxconn factory in China that makes components for major tech companies like Apple and Dell. Features vary by institution. The spring is wound with D=25 mm, d=5 mm, and a pitch (distance between corresponding points of adjacent coils) of 7mm7 \mathrm{~mm}7mm. The practice of social curation is when a website provides links to other relevant websites in its field. Ex: If firstName is Barry and lastName is Allen, then output is: Barry Allen What is Sabrina's job role? IBM has also spent years advancing the software that will be necessary to do useful work using quantum computers. Netiquette only applies to social media and social networking, not emails and instant messaging. (532808), Josh is concerned about protecting his home while he's away on vacation. Entanglement is a quantum mechanical effect that correlates the behavior of two separate things. Janelle is training an AI-powered model car to stay on an oval track drawn on the floor. This means that anyone can send an encrypted message, but only the person with the private key can read it. What should she add to the photos, Use an app or software to compose and send information, Which of the following is a step in the email communication process, The message travels along Internet routers to the recipient, You just posted new photographs to Shutterfly, and the site asks you to review the metadata. Which of the following statements is NOT true about network standards? A quantum computer uses qubits (CUE-bits) to run multidimensional quantum algorithms. If the server fails, then the other devices will be unable to communicate, but if a connected device fails, then all other devices will still be able to communicate. (532805), Hana just received a shipment of cleaning supplies for her coffee shop. The definition of computing requires a discussion of computer science and electronic engineering. . Complex problems can be represented in new ways in these spaces. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? When two qubits are entangled, changes to one qubit directly impact the other. This strong growth is driven in part by the need for software for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, as well as the ever-increasing number of consumer products that use software. Which of the following storage locations does NOT give you access to your files over the Internet by default? Parallel processing is made possible by a piece of technology called a central processing unit (CPU). Special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing necessary for gaming, data analysis, and other activities. What information should she include on the blog's home page? To do this, it uses a technique called parallel processing. Josh is concerned about protecting his home while he's away on vacation. Celeste is preparing to lead a training session during a webinar. The technology that allows computers to perform the intense processing necessary for things like video editing and 3D rendering is called a graphics processing unit, or GPU. Computers communicating on a network must follow a _____, a common set of rules for exchanging information. He wants to leave a radio playing music so it sounds like someone is home. Alannah just purchased a smart lock for her front door. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? What kind of cloud service will work best for this situation? These are very large classical computers, often with thousands of classical CPU and GPU cores. Computer hardware engineers are involved in the design and development of physical computer products; specifically, they research, build, and test computer systems and components. All computers carry out four basic functions. It is worth noting that computer engineering is a field of study in mathematics and most degree programs assume that students have already taken some elementary to intermediate mathematics courses. Janelle is training an AI-powered model car to stay on an oval track drawn on the floor. What does a DSL modem use to send and receive digital data? Paulo is trying to organize groups to clean a river, which has become clogged with plastic products after a recent storm. Rhea receives a text informing her that her credit card might have been compromised. He wants to leave a radio playing music so it sounds like someone is home. She then places all the items on a conveyor belt to be transported to workers who stock shelves in the warehouse. True or false, Using speech recognition software a device can identify the words in your speech and display them on the screen Many chatbot services provide support to employees and management rather than to customers. Jake is a sales rep for a trucking company and travels throughout the Midwest. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? How can she connect her lock to the Internet so she can control the lock when she's away from home? The privacy and security implications of multi-core processors are significant, and it is important that companies be transparent about their use of this technology. A business can use a wiki in the following ways EXCEPT _____. Select the letter of the choice that best completes the statement. Meghan signs into Zoom to attend a video call for her online class. Enterprise. But it can perform an important trick: placing the quantum information it holds into a state of superposition, which represents a combination of all possible configurations of the qubit. Which of the following statements do opponents of net neutrality agree with? What is Sabrinas job role? Computer engineers need to understand the basic functions of input and output devices, network components, etc. c. Integrity The BLS also projects 10% job growth from 2019 to 2029, which is higher than the average growth rate projected for all positions. As the new manager at your local grocery store, you want to create a more efficient inventory process by allowing outside vendors and suppliers to review current inventory records and adjust recurring shipment orders to reduce product waste. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning. hdmi The factory had been accused of poor working conditions, including long hours, low pay and cramped living quarters. What technology was used to compare the purchase to Rhea's normal shopping habits and identify it as credit card fraud? ASTM A229 oil-tempered carbon steel is used for a helical coil spring. Securing the worlds digital infrastructure for the era of quantum computing. Special-purpose computers also include systems to control military planes, boats, surveillance equipment and other defense-oriented applications. Save a copy of the file on her local hard drive. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Lately, Marcus has noticed a lot of customer complaints that items purchased from his web store don't meet expectations. It is open-source, python-based, and by far the most widely-used quantum SDK in the world. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. What is Sabrina's job role? (532800), What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? Which cloud technology characteristic ensures that a cloud customer can make changes to her cloud database from her smartphone while traveling for a conference and from her laptop when she's at home? To earn a masters degree, students are usually required to have a bachelors degree in computer science, mathematics, or a related field. What type of service should he use? It also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning, which are frequently mentioned in conjunction with artificial intelligence. She's put a lot of time into this research paper. The growing need for improved cybersecurity will be a boon to this career, as will corporate expansion into digital platforms. What is the average salary for a computer engineer? Kevin runs a small auto body shop and has recently started accepting credit card payments. Computational engineering refers to the integration of computer science with electronic engineering. True or false, Every program or app requires RAM which is the volatile temporary storage location for open apps and data The short answer isthe wonder of signal processing. Success in the world of computer engineering requires a number of core competencies. Which of the following email addresses would be the best fit for a business consultant? Indeed, computer engineering is often defined as the integration of these two disciplines. (532816), As Ian walks down the hall from his hotel room, he uses his Uber app to request a ride. This means faster iteration, reduced latency, and more uninhibited compute time on the world's leading quantum systems: Qiskit Runtime's cloud-based execution model demonstrated a 120x speedup in simulating molecular behavior. Some common examples include light sensors, sound sensors, pressure sensors, and accelerometers. These machines are very different from the classical computers that have been around for more than half a century. By having multiple cores with their own caches, the processor can fetch and execute instructions from multiple threads at the same time. Mason is chatting with his friend on the phone about a computer problem at work. He uses a cloud-based _________ service so he can access updated information about his customers sales transactions from his laptop as he travels. 36 Q Suddenly, his Alexa device states that she couldn't understand what Mason was asking for. 5 int main() { 6 string secret ID; 7 string first Name; 8 string lastName; 9 10 cin >> firstName; 11 cin >> lastName; 12 13 * Your solution goes here / 14 15 cout << secretID << endl; 16 return 0; 17 }, Hello I need help with the following questions: