Carl H. Claudy, Foreign Countries (Richmond, VA: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1971),11. In their lodges, Masons use the King James Version of the Holy Bible in which they add an additional book called The Book of Constitutions. Furthermore, while some parts of both bibles may be similar in terms of content and language, there can still be subtle differences between them due to changes made by translators over time. These include meditations on faith, morality, duty, and service to others. The above-mentioned company Heirloom Bible Publishers alone sells The Original Heirloom Family Bible, the African American Family Heirloom Bible, the Spanish Bible Nuestra Biblia Catlica Familiar, and the Family Record Bible. Tyndale Bible:William Tyndale was an English translator and he was persecuted by the Church. Such versions often include illustrations of King Solomon's Temple, for example. The Holy Bible provides a complete understanding of Christianitys teachings and history, as well as an explanation of how these beliefs should be applied in everyday life. When referring to the Bible, the term edition is most often used in correlation to publication, whereas version is most often used in correlation with its translation. There are also places where I can record important family events, information concerning when I took my Masonic degrees, places where those who participated in my degree ceremonies may sign, etc. ! as alleged evidence of Bidens ties to the Illuminati or the Freemasons. Though the letters were intended as satire, the myth morphed into a popular conspiracy theory. There are thousands of Masonic lodges in the U.S. and many more worldwide. This raises an interesting question, since Freemasonry and Christianity have somewhat different beliefs. The Masonic Bible provides an opportunity for members to connect with each other through shared understanding of these special practices. Unfortunately, no known existing original bibles or holy texts exist, and there are only copies are in existence. It includes religious texts which are important to the teachings and beliefs of Freemasonry. All these texts are intended to be read in conjunction with one another, providing insight into moral questions and spiritual truths that can help guide Masons in their daily lives. Freemasonry and God. I am sure that there are some entities who publish Masonic editions of other volumes of sacred law for those who subscribe to other religions. Uploaded by to the Masonic God, the all-encompassing canopy deity. We get this question a lot about antique Bibles, and though the answer isnt in black and white, the bottom line is that the value of an old Bible very often depends on age, condition and rarity. web pages Masonic and OES Bibles [email protected] 1-800-637-4640 . The Masonic Order, also known as the Freemasons, are another historic secret society (here). How? The significance of both bibles for Freemasonry is clear: both provide religious guidance for members of the fraternity. He's the director and founder of the Christian Research Institute. The Douay-Rheims Bible (also spelled Douai-Reims) is an English translation of the Latin Vulgate (Bible translation) that was made by Roman Catholic scholars exiled from England during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. From this we can see that for Masonry, the Bible is not a rule and guide for faith and practice, but only a symbol. Whatever their title and whatever their age, books were, and are, meant to be read. With a beautiful imitation leather flexible binding, coloured page edges and its own slipcase, this is the ideal gift for a new Mason. Finally, if your conscience troubles you because you own the Masonic Lodge Bible, then you need to throw it away. If you have an antique Bible published in America in the very early 19th century, it could possibly have some value. . The Rule of Faith and Practice 93 7. The Bible still maintains to be the most popular books. Septuagint:It is a name driven by the 72 Jewish scholars who are responsible for Greek to Hebrew. The creation of this special edition of the Bible began in the late 18th century with William Preston. This is an online Viewpoint articlefrom theChristian Research Journal. However, the older the Bible, the less important condition becomes. Unfortunately, I have never seen such an edition of a Torah, a Quran, etc. 2023 Freemasons Community | All Rights Reserved. interpreted incorrectly (more info: Dogma & the Bible). The Masonic Bible is written in a more symbolic and mysterious language, while the language of the Holy Bible is focused on clear communication of its message. Take my own Masonic Bible, for example it is Heirloom Bible Publishers Red Letter Edition of the King James Version. The Masonic Bible is based on Judeo-Christian scripture, but is interpreted differently to reflect the teachings of Freemasonry. Christians, for these reasons, should not be members of the Masonic Lodge. that the "Mormon bible was printed and sent forth to the world, from a masonic printing office."4 In May 1832, the Geauga Gazette countered Howe's statements by reporting that W. W. Phelps, a prominent Mormon who had been editor of the anti-Masonic Phoenix of Ontario, New York, before his conversion to Mormonism was "one of the most While Freemasonry followers may still find value in its teachings, this version is not specifically designed for their use. For examples of this apologetic, see Steven Tsoukalas, Masonic Rites and Wrongs: An Examination of Freemasonry (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1995) and Steven Tsoukalas, The Masonic Lodge: Is It Compatible with Christianity? Personal Freedom Outreach, But you are free to own one as long as you ignore any footnotes and teachings in the margin of the Bible. This is an online articlefrom theChristian Research Journal. The Masonic Bible is distinct from the Holy Bible in many ways. It is leather and tooled in gold. In Christianity, these stories usually involve Jesus Christ or his apostles. This, combined with the experience dealing with antique books and access to historic auction records help judge the interest for certain types of Bibles in the antiquarian marketplace. The answer is by the influence of the pure principles of our Fraternity (see the prayer). The guiding principle for situations where the demonic is involved is given to us in 1 Corinthians 10:31. Most of you folks are familiar with Dr. Martin. It is to be noted here that many other Holy Books from all of the languages reside upon the various Masonic altars around the Globe, for the Freemasons who are English speaking. Freemasonry offers a way to reach the Celestial Lodge above. I had come across a copy of this freemason bible and read the notes, looking for any unique evidence which might be used against the masons. One of the exceptions to this guideline is if the Bible is finely bound or has some special characteristic which sets it apart from the crowd, it can have more collectibility. It is my understanding that they are more common in the United States of America, Canada, and Great Britain; I also tentatively add that they might be common in Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. It is known that no original manuscripts exist, there are only copies of the copies through translations and there is a possibility of many errors that have invariably sneaked in. Masons. Official Cipher [ritual] (Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts, 1989),34. In this article, we will explore how these two great works of literature compare when it comes to translation. Over the years, many publishers have produced and marketed versions of the Bible with added content in introductions that refers to Masonic ceremonies. Because idols are not gods and all things are lawful for Christians, unless it involves sin. Most of the Freemasonry has relied upon the biblical characters and scriptures. The first point to note is that both books have been translated countless times over the years. Although both versions are derived from similar sources, they each offer an alternate perspective on scripture that can be used to interpret religious texts differently. They do this to get the blessings of the creator. Instead, they are sacrificing to demons who deceive the naive and the unsuspecting into believing that the idol is a god. #1. There are a few questions that we can address in this piece of writing regarding the Bible. By contrast, the Holy Bible is a religious text with much more literal interpretations. My own Masonic Bible has at its forefront (before the actual Biblical text starts) a place for my name, my genealogy, pages where I can one day record the information of my children and grandchildren. Its existence is largely confined to small groups of freemasons who study and practice it for various spiritual or personal reasons. By doing so they can gain a deeper appreciation for both works and obtain insights into how different cultures have interpreted them throughout history. As such, it is important for readers to understand these nuances when comparing these two texts side-by-side. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! Both books have an important role to play in spirituality but serve distinct purposes when it comes to exploring themes related to faith. Both Bibles feature stories from the Old Testament and New Testament, The language used in both books is similar, Both Bibles contain teachings about Christianity, There are many versions of each book that have been written over time, The Masonic Bible references God as The Grand Architect of the Universe, The Holy Bible refers to God by several names including Yahweh, Elohim and El Shaddai, Both rely on symbolism and allegory to convey spiritual truths, In Freemasonry, symbols such as pillars, squares, compasses, and other tools are used to represent moral principles, In Christianity, symbols such as bread and wine are used to represent Jesus Christs body and blood that were sacrificed for our sins, Additionally, both books contain stories of how individuals interacted with God, In Freemasonry, these stories often involve figures from history or mythology who exemplify core values like integrity. In Romans 14:23 the apostle Paul said, Buthe who doubts is condemned if he eats, becausehis eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin. He refers to our freedom to eat whatever we desire as long as our conscience is not troubled. Furthermore, its interpretations can vary from one person to another depending on their beliefs about how to live out their faith. According to research, more than 180 million copies of the Holy Bible have been printed since its first publication in 1611. For instance, Elvis Presleys personal Bible, published in 1977, sold for $94,000 at auction in 2012. For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal go to: It is not a god. I condemn his condemnation and uphold the importance and beauty of Fascism as the natural state of the Aryan People. A 16th century Bible Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra in beautiful blind stamped vellum, dating to 1581. It was a reprint of Brother James Anderson's work, known as "Anderson's Constitutions," printed by William Hunter in London, which was published in 1723 under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England. This article was written for byBrandon Cole, SW. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It includes religious texts which are important to the teachings and beliefs of Freemasonry. The most common question we get is from people who have an old Bible published in the 20th century and are curious about what it is worth. . Ultimately, these differences between the two Bibles demonstrate why each has been so influential in forming religious thought across cultures around the world for centuries. Additionally, there is much discussion of masonic allegory within the masonic bible that is not found in its counterpart. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. The Masonic Bible and The Holy Bible both hold great significance to adherents of different religions. Q: Is there any difference between the Freemason Bible and a regular one? The Masonic Bible is a specific version of the King James Version of the Holy Bible, which has been tailored to meet the needs of masonic readers. (Louisville: The Standard Printing Co., 1990),21415. Heres a list of some of these similarities: Additionally, both books feature stories about Jesus Christ and his teachings, as well as other religious figures featured in the Bible such as Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon. Therefore, it stands to reason why condition becomes an important factor in the value of an antique Bible. Due to the relative scarcity of antique Bibles in decent condition which are 200+ years old, their value and collectibility rises. The Bible Biden used at his inauguration, an 1893 Douay-Rheims edition that is a family heirloom, is not evidence of the presidents alleged connection to the Illuminati or the Freemasons. on October 16, 2017. The Masonic Bible has been around for centuries and its popularity has fluctuated over time. Before its complete corruption, the Catholic Church held to this The Free Masons are a group that has sprung from the Knight Templars several centuries ago. . As explained here by the BBC, the Eye of Providence was originally a symbol of Christianity, found in religious art of the Renaissance period to represent God, such as Pontormos 1525 Supper at Emmaus (here). Lets learn about a few points that will make a difference in the value of your antique Bible. This caused some versions of the Masonic Bible to be reworked to suit other religious practices. That comment was important because it prepares us for verses 24-29. Although this Bible was published in the 1880s, it is in wonderful condition with original clasps. Furthermore, while some Christian denominations accept certain parts of the Masonic Bible into their services (such as hymns), it is not considered suitable for general Christian worship. To answer the question of whether a Christian should join the Masonic Lodge, we must first answer two questions: (1)What does Freemasonry (Masonry, the Lodge) teach regarding God and salvation? The Bible is used only by Christian when other masons of various faiths perform. important to a Freemason, today? But today, in a time when those Dogmatic warnings aren't taken In this article, we will explore the distinctions between these two powerful works of faith, examining their histories, beliefs, and practices. 4. A previous poster condemned the Nazism of the original poster. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! By engaging with its rituals and symbols, it allows them to develop an appreciation for the underlying values behind freemasonry unity, brotherhood and charity that can be lived out in everyday life. Masonic rituals involve symbolic gestures and language that are used to convey certain meanings. The fact that it's in a used bookstore implies that it doesn't even hold much sentimental value for the family of the former owner. It simply demonstrates that Roberts conformed to the overall teaching and practice contained in ritual. It can be said that in millenniums, no other book could replace it. It was once the standard text of the fraternity, and its modern usage has been a source of much debate. Masonry is neither a religion nor a substitute for one. Similarly, the holy bible has also been translated into many different languages and dialects over time. The Bible is, of course, the standard by which Christians must measure all theological/spiritual teachings. The Bible is not only the single most printed book in history but its also the most read. This is a question which has been asked for centuries, ever since man began to ponder the nature of both books. The Holy Bible is a collection of ancient texts that were written over two thousand years ago. These types of family Bibles were very common in the Victorian era and for obvious reasons are still collectible today for their beauty as display pieces. 12. Thus, while both books contain similar teachings, they differ in terms of their religious importance and usage within Freemasonry and Christianity respectively. The designs interpretation as a Masonic omen was popularized in 1975 with the publication of The Eye in the Pyramid, the first book in Wilson and Sheas The Illuminatus! This article first appeared in the Viewpoint column of the Christian Research Journal, volume28, number6 (2005). originally compiled by Jewish masters for the management of goyim 1. Finally, if your conscience troubles you because you own theMasonic Lodge Bible, then you need to throw it away. Ifone of the unbelievers invites you and you want to go,eat anything that is set before you without asking questions for conscience sake. The Masonic Lodge I. Masonic Nature and Influence 10 2. In fact, the only thing that makes this Bible a "Masonic" Bible, is that it includes a short . Q: Why is a basic understanding of Bible genealogy . To the best of my knowledge, it is one of those things that has been assumed to be "known.". All Rights Reserved. The masonic bible contains many variants of stories and passages which are not present in the holy bible, making it a unique variant of the traditional text. These modern 20th century Bibles are the type most of us have. It promotes faith in a higher power, obedience to doctrine and dogma, and encourages believers to accept divine guidance from above. ed. Over time, it has been interpreted in many different ways, but its basic message remains constant: that man should strive for goodness in his life and that faith in God will bring peace and joy. Starting in verse 14 of this chapter, the apostle Paul warns Christians to flee idolatry. The differences between the Masonic Bible and the Holy Bible are mainly in interpretation. Among other things, it promotes John the