It is run by RGL and its debut season began on the 12th of March 2019 in North America. These formats have either been discontinued or exist in rare epithermal day cups or tournaments. However, much complaint from the competitive community led to the nerf being reverted a week later (airbursting stickies while advancing is a common offensive tactic). A lot of players are upset about the banned weapons in the TF2 competitive beta. Ye Demo is balanced. To make your entrance into the world of competitive Team Fortress 2 as smooth and easy as possible, you will require. I heard that there are some weapons are not allowed to be used or banned in tf2 competitive. Over the past few weeks, however, a darker side of the community has emerged. On paper, it seems tame enough: a Force-A-Nature reskin that trades knockback for a Hype meter that builds when the Scout deals damage, and when the meter is filled, the Scout can temporarily gain the ability to perform multiple midair jumps. While these game modes do not feature regularly organised tournaments, they are still played frequently among some competitive players. When the lobby fills, you will hear a distinctive Heavy sound from your browser: "Who is not ready!?" Prolander, the newest competitive format in TF2, is a 7v7 one-class-limit format conceived on the idea of minimizing player count while maintaining class diversity and dynamic gameplay. Ability to choose a desired class directly from the lobby overview page. The gamemode promotes prolific switching between classes as certain situations call for certain resources. To obtain a full list of items that can be added to a whitelist, use the item_show_whitelistable_definitions command in the server console. also ETF2L 6v6 Season 20 seems to be really strict about these things. If players do attempt to use a restricted item, it is replaced with the stock item for that slot. The Medic has 4 primary weapon choices, 3 of which are syringe guns with minor variation in stats - while they deal high damage, the syringes they fire move so slowly and have such a drastic projectile drop, it's hard to consistently hit enemies with them unless they're incredibly close. The KnightComp League aims to be the permanent home of competitive Demoknight. This means a Sniper equipping it can simply let the opposing Sniper take the first shot and then take their time lining up a counter-shot while the enemy is reloading, unless they already charged up the shot some. Heavies, Engineers, Medics, and Spies are disallowed in this game format. Players must use a combination of rocket jumping and DM to take the ball from their opponents, and jump into (on top of) their hoop while holding it. It fires a single bolt at the time, like the Sniper's huntsman, but doesn't need to be charged, as it always fires at the highest projectile speed, with almost no drop. No items are restricted in Valve Competitive Matchmaking. This format is more popular among Soldiers, Scouts and Demomen. The most allowing league in terms of weapons is UGC Highlander. Hey what why is the wrangler here, wtf game broken. The Degreaser now has increased airblast cost and slower switch-from speed (though still faster than default). The 6v6 Global Whitelist is adopted by the Team Fortress 2 competitive community. If new weapons are released in midst of a competition season, they will typically become restricted from play unless given approval by the league's administrators and team leaders. As the Scout is one of the primary damage-dealing classes in the game and is the most notorious. The format is designed to 'overthrow the meta' and (in the first season) teams were actively incentivised to use non-standard lineups. BBall is often considered the "bar pool" of TF2, as many high and low level players across different leagues play it, and little infrastructure is needed to start games or tournaments in it. "Yes! His radius bombs being perfect for breaking stalemates and pushing in rapidly. The robots' path navigation will never target the Sniper while he's on top of the rock, keeping him safe from Spy bots, and there's only one spawn point for the robots, meaning that all the robots will come out of one spot, meaning that the Sniper just needs to aim at that one spot. Missing players will be automatically reported after 2 minutes. While the change was completely understandable, the RTR is now frowned upon as a direct downgrade to the Sapper. In the first nerf attempt, Valve nerfed the Loch-n-Load to not exceed more than 124 damage per hit, giving weaker classes a. Our new reporting system helps obtain subs faster, especially during the game, when players can typically be slow to report missing players. Whenever the weapon crits or strikes an enemy's back, it forces the enemy into a long laughing taunt. All other classes are disallowed in this format. Depending on RNG and luck, you can get some. When a side scores a point, the intel spawns near the opposite sides hoop, giving the team (to most recently lose a point) an advantage in the next play. Spectators don't take up lobby slots. Crowd-sourced Team Fortress 2 pricelist, keeping track of user's backpack values and much more! One click connection to Mumble from the lobby. weapons banned, no class restrictions. Team Fortress 2 is played competitively in various game modes ranging from 1vs1 to 9vs9, with many different intricacies such as class limits or team compositions, map pools and rulesets. Having roughly the same damage radius of a rocket, but none of the fall off, it allows the pyro to single handily force an opposing combo to reposition gives free damage for no effect and is perfect for brain dead spamming to lead to free damage. In a similar vein to the Vita-Saw, the Solemn Vow is banned in the competitive scene for the information it gives to one team. It is played just like normal 6v6, but the class limits and weapon bans are very different. Because of the higher team size, it plays more similarly to Casual than Prolander or Sixes, making the learning curve a little less steep for new players. It only feels climactic if two players just happen to have the intel and are racing to get to their intel room first. Most commonly, a team will run one each of Scout, Soldier, Demoman, Medic, Sniper, and have two extra players switching between utility classes, rarely with Scout or Soldier replaced too. I wanna say people don't use it because it is banned in comp and people don't wanna get used to a banned weapon truth be told a lot of the broken stuff needs to be used and abused so that way people know it's an issue and by extention, the . Banned Weapon: Jarate. On paper this looks fine as it rewarded skilled Spies for careful aim and punished them for missing; in practice, it basically turned Spies into Snipers with cloaking devices, allowing them to headshot unaware people from across entire maps and immediately cloak again to escape, making the revolver a much easier and safer alternative to backstabs as long as you could aim for the head. As of the Tough Break Update, this weapon has been changed considerably. You will automatically ready up when the lobby fills whilst the timer is still active. Banned Weapon: Machina. Highlander is played on payload, KOTH, 5CP, and Attack/Defend maps. Visible player stats - displaying each players' total hours played in TF2 to give a better indication of their total experience. The 6v6 Global Whitelist is adopted by the Team Fortress 2 competitive community. While HL has a much more relaxed whitelist, if are confused on any of the lack of bans, I can respond. Thusly the weapon has this issue, it makes free damage while in the air, and makes bombing medics, much, much more easy kill, which is one of the most important jobs of soldier. The Gunslinger itself is also a point of contention. The Frontier Justice's ability to give revenge crits shines as it will give them even if the Engineer detonates his Sentry Gun, and since sentries will mow down hordes of minor robots, detonating the Sentry Gun at the end of each wave usually gives the 35 revenge crits, The Beggar's Bazooka is a weapon that hugely benefits from MvM upgrades. They're also the only projectile weapon with a similar bullet spread to actual hitscan weapons outside of the Beggar's Bazooka, meaning even if youve practiced projectile control, you're still at mercy of the spread RNG. The same thing could be done with carts on Payload maps, completely shutting out most push or defense attempts, with exceptions such as an Axtinguisher Pyro. In exchange, the explosion itself received a damage buff, letting the Pyro now kill medium-strength bots with it. The Scorch Shot is rather infamous due to being the easiest flare gun to hit with for little downside. It also didn't help that the Pomson made a tell-tale noise whenever it drained Cloak or berCharge, whereas every other hit-related sound in the game is disabled if you hit a disguised Spy. wtf?! For one thing, it can be holstered without drawing blood, but doing so will make you lose 50 health. The Soldier on banned weapons " Within some competitive leagues, competitive item restrictions during matches are employed to ensure balanced gameplay. If your team is running a Sniper instead of a Demoman, chances are he will use the Hitman's Heatmaker. Throw it into a crowd of weak robots and they pretty much instantly die if a bullet grazes them, due to the high density of chain-reaction explosions. Lobby leaders can set up requirements for entire lobbies or specific classes, based on the number of Lobbies played and total TF2 hours. Item_whitelist_stock.txt. click on the one you're interested in joining. Banned Weapon: Scorch Shot. Why is it top 9 players in 6s? Banned Weapon: Gas Passer. This is combined with its downsides being negligible; the bright tracer round that gives away your position only really matters in duels with other Snipers and is easily worked around by simply moving to a different spot, and the fact that it can't fire without being scoped barely matters either, as very few Snipers use the stock Sniper Rifle in close quarters anyway and will switch to Jarate/melee if threats are too close. 1 Frags - +. The Heavy's Brass Beast gives extra damage and durability at the cost of setup time and mobility. and vaccinator can all be countered, but the medigun is the only nearly surefire way to crack an effective defense. Cue players exploiting this by flailing around in trying to get as much coverage as they can. Fortunately, there is no strict meta on what classes are run at what times; while certain mainstay classes that are almost always run like Medic or Sniper are there, even the top teams have their own unique lineups and playstyles, using their creativity to its fullest. Also be sure to take a look at our competitive guides collection. . If a class icon is coloured, it means that that class is available to be played in that lobby. Since May 2013, the MGE mod was updated to also support 2v2, which tries to simulate more of a 6v6 environment. 224,941 views Feb 13, 2021 TF2's balance has been prone to change in the past years, .more .more 7.9K Dislike BaconBlitz 11.7K subscribers Comments 1K. Prolander, the newest competitive format in TF2, is a 7v7 one-class-limit format conceived on the idea of minimizing player count while maintaining class diversity and dynamic gameplay. A very friendly and welcoming community to By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As such while in 6v6 Scout has the most amount of banned weapons in HL, scout has two banned weapons. To toggle only specific kinds of lobbies to show up, use the "Filter" button to filter lobbies. why TF2 has had such an active and passionate competitive community for all these years. After the lobby has filled and readied up, you will automatically be transferred to the game. Overall however there exists weapon bans, Highlander however has weapon bans that are inherently different from the other major competitive game-mode 6v6, and many people get confused by it. In terms of 6v6 and hl, certain weapons are banned to prevent people from breaking the flow of game. Lobby leaders can set a skill level for his lobby. Well, it's simple. If this is true, could you tell me what weapons are banned from competitive TF2? exploit infinite crits with the Spy's primary weapon, the player probably doesn't know how to play Pyro without it, upgrade reload speed, ammo capacity, and maybe firing speed and spam the fire button, set of equipment grants bonuses and flaws on top of existing ones, simply purchased the hat from the Mann Co. Store, automatically slays anyone who gets into the enemy spawn prior to Humiliation, The Bonk! The Gas Passer is often deemed one of the worst weapons in the game, but that's definitely not the case in MvM, mostly thanks to its "Explode on Ignite" upgrade. Because competitive sucks in EVERY community. The ability to see the enemy health may not be as big an issue in standard gameplay, but being able to see enemy Uber meters in a format where planning around enemy Ubers is an important skill gives an unfair advantage to one team and basically forces the other team's Medic to run one. Don't be afraid to try something new and aid us in improving the quality of lobbies! The Jungle Inferno update nerfs the Reserve Shooter's powerful combo potential with airblasts as it will no longer mini-crit enemies launched by airblasts, only allowing mini-crits against Demos and Soldiers that blast jump, players launched by a reflected projectile, or Pyros using the Thermal Thruster. Teleport was the worst: the nature of Helltower's design made it impossible to teleport outside of the map, Carnival of Carnage, another spell-enabled map, has a similar problem. All of this combined meant that a Demoman had no real weaknesses, making the only way to counter one to either catch him off guard or play a Demoman yourself. It was later reworked in the Jungle Inferno update to give the wearer afterburn immunity and a 50% fire resistance, while removing all of the previous attributes. A polished UI provides an efficient user experience. The Machina is usually considered a straight upgrade over the stock Sniper Rifle and is mocked as a "noob weapon" or as crutch for bad Snipers who can't get headshots. Your won't be receiving a cooldown in this case. It's incredibly easy to get heads on some early fodder enemies, and with four measly kills with it, you can eliminate the Demo's two biggest weaknesses in MvM; his fragility, The Demoman's Scottish Resistance is a straight upgrade over the regular Stickybomb Launcher in MvM thanks to its reduced upgrade cost and its 14 bomb cap. A great community to get started in if you're new to comp. The soldier has a single banned weapon and it's probably not the weapon you have in mind. There are multiple populated MGE servers in all regions where players can practice their skills for use in various other competitive formats. Whereas the Soldier could only fire off at most 4 rockets (Even less if he rocket jumped to the fight) before a lengthy reload, a Demoman can kill any class or even small groups he sees before he needs to reload. Supporting Ban Evasion of a permanently banned player (2nd time) FERRARI.PEEK: U:1:357111431: 16 Apr 2023, 12:10: 25 May 2025, 00:00: Supporting Ban Evasion of a permanently banned player: The same weapon also made Spies ineffective. It is common for Medics to equip the Ubersaw more than any other melee weapon. He is the head of the Combo leading the team and forces the opposing team to play around him. I locked down gold rush 1st as soldier thanks to this. Some argue that it is the most authentic format because all 9 classes are played at all times. You can learn more about them from eXtine's video or find more information on our forums. . To enable a whitelist, simply define its name and location using the mp_tournament_whitelist command. For the Widowmaker, the robots' generally lower movement speed, as well as the possibility to add projectile penetration, allows it to actually give more Metal than it uses in every shot, making the Engineer much less reliant on Dispensers and ammo pickups. The Scout has the greatest mobility of all the TF2 classes; two jumps and an impressive 133% movement speed makes him a challenge to track down and even to kill once he is found. Also unlike the Soldier, the Demoman's normal walking speed only has a 7% penalty (as opposed to the Soldier's 20% decrease and the Heavy's 23% decrease). For Scouts and Heavies, it also helps that with the ammo bonus also comes a doubling in lunchbox items that can be used at a time. Later, stickies were altered so they only reached max potential damage after being primed for two seconds. Competitive matchmaking pass tf2 - Find a man in my area! In theory it's supposed to do less damage than the standard flare gun, yet, thanks to the flare being able to hit twice, it still does comparable or superior damage in most cases. If you are a middle-aged man looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this article is for you. Combining the above with the Eyelander is even more powerful. Heavy has no weapon bans in HL, he is extremely balanced all his weapons, allowing rapid damage, with careful positioning, Heavy often turns into a damage sponge forcing players into certain positions and allowing his flank or combo to move based his picks, he is extremely easy to shoot and is very easy to counter by a competent Sniper, Demo or Spy, with horrible long range damage. 6v6 is mostly played on 5CP maps, as well as KOTH maps and usually features a team running two Scouts, two Soldiers, a Demoman and a Medic. This format is great for you if you enjoy your favourite class being viable at all times and always having something to do. As such, the Pyro could halt a giant's advance or even push it down a death pit from a good distance away, especially with upgraded firing rate and reload speed. Banning stock weapons would force irregular plays, but would also break the integral balance of competitive tf2; most notably, uber advantage. Contents 1 History 2 Format 2.1 Classes 2.1.1 Primary Classes 2.1.2 Offclasses The Kritzkrieg replaces its Ubercharge with giving the patient guaranteed Critical Hits and has a faster charge rate than the default Medigun, so the player saves on one charge rate upgrade when maxing it out. Balloons serve no functional purpose and should be banned. Developers who listen to the demands of the community. The National Heavy Boxing League is the highest level of this e-sport. No restriction sixes is exactly what the name sounds like. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Payload maps are typically designed so that the cart is the only physics prop on the map, plus on most there is a glass panel which opens only for the cart. Replacing the Shotgun, it cannot directly deal damage rather, the Soldier can deal damage to charge it up, then deploy an area-of-effect, Combining the Conch with the Black Box and the Escape Plan creates what people like to, Ironically, its overpowering status was temporarily negated by the pre-nerf Short Circuit, as its firing rate and minimal metal consumption. People often get confused on 6s weapon bans and expect that there is an absolute overlap. This was a very welcome change, as Engineers could move Dispensers and Teleporter Exits with the team without needing to rebuild everything. The Vita-Saw used to give Medics a passive ability to retain up to 20% Ubercharge on death, in exchange for reducing max HP by 10. Introducing our new Notable Affiliate program, for high profile streamers, competitive players, and other community figures, with services to distinguish your SteamRep profile from impersonators and interact directly with our admins or community . On use, it makes the Scout invincible to damage for 8 seconds at the cost of not being able to attack (except for taunt kills) and being completely vulnerable during the drinking animation. The Degreaser takes 0.4 seconds to ignite and 0.23 seconds to switch weapons, the Axtinguisher's attack time is 0.8 seconds. It's also commonly paired with the Phlogistinator, making it incredibly easy to build a Mmmph charge by simply spamming it at enemies from a distance. a b c d e f g This weapon cannot be used by either the Engineer or the Spy. You will be automatically kicked from the server when your replacement joins the game. If a class icon is coloured, it means that that class is available to be played in that lobby. So if a Spy misses that first shot, he's stuck with a standard Revolver that fires slower (unless he wants to re-disguise himself in the middle of combat, which he does. TF2 Competitive Banned Weapons Let's get real, dawg. Ability to create Mumble required lobbies. quote multi-quote link. In this game any weapon with a fast recharge weapon that rewards long range spam, with a large radius is absolutely overpowered and devolves the game into a slog where fights take much longer to finish and random spam allows potentially unskilled players free health that let's them stay in the fight longer. In total, there are 160 weapons in the game not including reskins. Since the game's release, Demoman has been labeled a Game Breaker in one form or another. While this weapon makes scout even more of a glass cannon, it help's in a task in HL which scout already destroys, the DM department. Find a woman in my area! It is used both as a common form of practice, and as a competitive format in and of itself. You will have 45 seconds to ready up or you will be moved to a spectator slot. Sixes is a tight balance of teamplay and aim, and is TF2's main competitive gamemode. The best way to get start is getting onto a team and joining one of our leagues or cups. In exchange for a shotgun that you will never use, you get the ability to boost you and your teammates' damage every time you fill the rage meter, which is quite often in MvM - on top of also having upgrades for buff duration. Ready Steady Pan (RSP) is an introductory derivative of 6v6. In terms of 6v6 and hl, certain weapons are banned to prevent people from breaking the flow of game. Add the fast recharge and as long as you constantly clicked to keep it active and cancel any faked death, you had about 1200 HP (ten times the normal amount or so). Highlander actively opens up to an entirely different experience, I will most likely over the intricacies sometime as it's a lot. Or use the Team Admin Login below to use your dedicated username/password. The then-freshly-introduced Quickiebomb Launcher was not subject to the nerf, as it was designed for airbursting. As such, it's banned in community 6v6. When the Health Drain mechanic returned in the Jungle Inferno update, this exploit was clearly taken into consideration, as there is an instant 20 HP drain every time the weapon is switched to. Class limits are set to 1, with an additional restriction of 1 Heavy or Medic per team. Shame then that they will never updated the game. It is common in HL to just lob grenades, before a forward push where one team tries to wrap the other with their combo strafing and breaking the enemy. As in 6v6 3 or I guess 4 if you count the medic fire projectiles, soldiers commonly now run double gun boats making hitting scouts an even greater pain when you just can jump out of the way of intending fire, making the only real counter to scout, uh another scout. Valve Corporation. And now with Tough Break, the Reserve Shooter was indirectly nerfed via directly nerfing the Degreaser. Subreddit dedicated to serious Team Fortress 2 discussion. 6s elitists only want to fight against Stocks. If you have enough practice, it can almost seem like. Steam Login for TF2 BattleNet Login - OW Team Admin Team Admins: Login by Steam or Battlenet to access your Team Admin panel. TF2 is absolutely a failure as an esport and as a competitive game, yes. Hello friends! Support for rental servers, and detection of expired servers. AsiaFortress. It's not all bad new however, as scout is still one of the most important classes in HL. While this is largely irrelevant against a close-range Pyro, it does a great job of countering the Scorch Shot, as mentioned above. Many weapons become this intentionally in Mann vs. Machine, due to the horde-mode nature of the game mode and the fact that most weapons can be upgraded. This results in each team running at least 4 Demomen, either Full Demoknights or Hybrid Demoknights. The Scout carries a Scattergun, which deals massive damage to an opponent at close range. look at how many patches have been applied to it, players hate losing control of their character, could let an Engie completely negate every Valve-Rocket, making anyone that been shot once, regardless of distance, become a sitting duck, allowing even more shots to be landed, 60% damage resistance against ranged weaponry, Add on to that the fact that everyone instinctively backpedals. How can you determine the best 9 players? shoot himself into otherwise unreachable locations, vaporizing enemies as quickly as the Pyro's Flamethrowers, was so powerful against classes that normally counter engineers, abusing a defensive tool to wipe out enemies. Now it drains down to 40% every time you cancel with more "Cloak" than that, as well as having a cooldown of sorts. Pairs especially nice with the, Plague for the Spy is pretty strong. "Yes it was fun to constantly guess which off class they are using." But for now: TF2Center was created to help bridge the gap between public and competitive play for TF2. The majority of weapons are banned in BBall, usually save for the Original, and in some cases the Escape Plan and Gunboats. Specific requirements met for local TF2 community's demands; server configs, white-lists etc. Weapons banned in TF2 competitive :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Spectators will not prevent the lobby from filling and you have the ability to spectate several lobbies at once. All of these add together to make a weapon that is objectively better and easier to use than its contemporaries in every way. Great PUGs for all skill levels. Therefore it remains banned. Cookie Notice Weapon is cheese incarnate, I personally don't find like it is very overpowered in any context's but it does make very specific circumstances very, very unfun. If you're looking for a rewarding experience and great competition, you've found the right place. TF2 players have run a small but passionate competitive community for several years. It causes the overall game to grind to a halt as either team needs to ensure the effect has worn off before fighting, at which point the sniper can just spam another one, and much of their team mates are often dead. These can be identified by a distinctive headphone icon. New team registration is OPEN1 month left, New team registration is OPEN13 days left. These game modes are less popular amongst the community but still have dedicated leagues that host regular seasoned tournaments. Competitive Formats without Seasoned Tournaments,, While the GRU still had a damage penalty, the Heavy was fast enough to blaze through enemy fire and punch them to death faster than, The Heavy for the longest time had only one alternative secondary, and it was the almighty. The same goes for allowing a weapon to be used, changing the value to "1" instead. And, the minute-long recharge of the Gas Passer is negated since it charges faster if you deal more damage, dealing a lot of damage through the explosion charges it instantly. Pay attention to evaluate whether the lobby is Mumble required or not - this is indicated by the Mumble icon. Highlander, in which each team has one of each class for a total of 9, is one of the most popular game formats across competitive TF2s history. So basically, by simply playing normally and doing what Spies. Many players would use scripts to automate the process of GRU-hopping with perfection, allowing them the speed boost with none of the disadvantages. The Demoman's Grenade Launcher would be later nerfed to only 4 grenades in the magazine instead of 6, and the Stickybomb Launcher's ammo reserves reduced from 40 to 24. TF2Center allows lobby leaders to establish specific criteria in order for their lobby to suit their needs by reserving slots for friends or setting specific join requirements.