Huevos al Gusto (Eggs as you like them). Buen pedo adj A good person. Mi vieja (My wife). Vocabulary quizzes are powered by SpanishDict's world-class Spanish-English dictionary. Also Chilangazo. e.g. 2. reflexive verb To go somewhere. Literally with your permission. The proper response to this phrase is Propio. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. pale, pallid complexion. Que hubole exclam More informal version of Que hubo. Bring a bottle of something.). De Pelos Antiquated description of something which is very good or impressive. Grilla noun A vocal and forthright argument. While the word 'pendejo' literally means 'pubic hair' it's the equivalent of calling someone 'stupid' or an 'asshole' and can be used in both an endearing way (between friends) or in an offensive way it all depends on the tone of voice. Mexican Spanish: A true amalgamation. Jinetear verb To rob, most often with the use of violence. Dejaron de pagar, y no di la cara (They didnt pay, and never showed their face). Aguitado adj A sad or pensative mood. Te mamaste expression Saying meaning that the subject has gone beyond the normal boundaries, in either a good or bad sense. Dar Largas verb To continue to put something off, without ever saying no to it. Tropa del Infierno noun A special forces-style militia, or armed group, pertaining to the Cartel del Noroeste. Usually made of fibreglass and with an outboard motor attached to the back. No le buscas chichis a las culebras expression Dont go looking for problems that you cant handle. Agazapado adj Descriptive of someone who moves in a way so as not to be seen. Partir la madre verb To beat the shit out of someone. The expressions etymology derives from the accented pronunciation of Mexicano, i.e. Comal noun The wide hotplate on which tortillas are cooked. Charolear verb To work as a waiter, or waiting tables. Do you want to come?). Tostn noun The monetary amount of fifty pesos. A style of music originating in the north of the country, in which brass, wind and percussion instruments are key. Most often heard in modern world during Temazcal. Me da culo ir a Acapulco (Im scared of going to Acapulco). Comerse verb To have sex with someone. Jalada noun Male masturbation. To banter. Its most commonly eaten in taco form, with coriander, onion and pineapple. b. nappy (United Kingdom) Chinga su Madre! This is the cartel which shot down a federal governments helicopter in 2015. adj Descriptive of the climate, when it is very hot and humid. A huevo! Tianguis noun A street market or flea market. This is a glossary intended to inform those who want to know the meanings of common Mexican terms, not to stir up controversy or ill-feeling. Comes from the word for falcon. muff. Either economically, or in a situation which one is not apt to handle. e.g. Palero noun An individual who is quick, or easily convinced, to change their allegiances. la Morena esta coqueta y resbalosa expression Impolite and sexually-suggestive way of saying that the road or motorway is wet with rain. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. rale exclam 1. e.g. nasty, or bad. A commonly used word of Spanish slang to express agreement. Te desayunaste payaso hoy? (Youre in a silly mood). e.g. Polaco expression An albur expression signifying anal sex. English-language speakers who are not familiar with the origins of Spanish words (or don't care to become educated about them) can become misinformed into believing that one culture's mumbo-jumbo is widely accepted by other Spanish-language societies. Parar los tacos expression To stop someones train of thought, in an effort to indicate that they are getting the wrong idea. El Gabacho The United States, or an American person when used in the personal context. Most common filling it ham and cheese. To take more than is ones fair share. Check out Mexico Relocation Guide. Comes from the phrase Para quien es perico, donde queda es verde. Commonly used in the context of Mexicos northern neighbours; i.e. Get a move on!, or Hurry Up!. Often in celebration or passion. Much like a real piata. Lets go or Lets move. noun A problem or issue, often one without a quick or easy solution. Chingn 1. adj. Zacate noun A provincial and agricultural term for weeds, or unwanted plant growth on a field. hazme un paro (do me a favour). Chipotle noun A Jalapeo chilli pepper, which has been allowed to mature to its final red colour (usually, they are picked while still green), and then put through a process of smoking and curing, to obtain a final product. noun A posh person, or individual from a privileged social class. All esta la papa expression Signifying the weakest link in any system. la fiesta estaba desangelada (the party was dead). Chofer noun The driver of a vehicle, not limited to the role of chauffeur. Tenochttlan noun The nahuatl term for Mexico City, as it was known under the Aztecs who inhabited the area. 2. verb To make a mistake. Traer Tenis verb To take somebody by surprise, in whatever context. 2. noun In a similar vein, AMLO supporters who take to dogpiling (mass online abuse) critics of the Mexican Presidents administration or politcs. Juarense noun A native of Ciudad Juarez. e.g. Cakito noun A young thug or would-be gangster. Chavindeca noun A dish native to the tierra caliente reigon of Michoacan State, consisting meat and cheese sandwiched between two large grilled corn tortillas,. Mexican Slang | SpanishDict Vocabulary Mexican Slang 51 words by SpanishDict Start the Quiz Share tapato from Guadalajara rale! adj Descriptive of an individual with rural, or unrefined tastes. Most vocabulary lists and dictionaries are terrific for words that strictly adhere to standard definitions. Coward. Nos metieron 6 goles, que putiza! (They put six goals past us. A drinking session. Carambola noun Starfruit. Most often used in the negative version, as a complaint. e.g. The location of many car accidents. Sape noun A firm telling off, or bollocking. This comes from the phrase tener el colmillo largo. (X in this case being the lauded subject of the chant). A heavy smoker. Se lo ech al plato (She fucked him). exclam A very Norteo way of saying yes, or ndale. slang translate: argot, jerga [feminine, singular]. You're a kid, to be honest. Dejame preguntar a la morra (Let me ask my girlfriend). The vast majority wear masks, the removal of which is seen as a great dishonour to their characters, who inspire great devotion and adulation in Mexican culture. Diablito noun Electric power illicitly redirected from the main power grid. Ya Llovi exclam Signifying that a significant amount of time has passed since the last time an event occurred. Note: While tacos outside of Mexico are generally seen as friend hard-shell tortillas, these are not generally found within Mexico, and are rather classed as 'Tex-Mex cusine. Sort the table columns by country, language, or title. Jalas? (Were going to the bar. 2. adj Descriptive of a person who is powerful or important within the context of their work. Zetas noun A criminal cartel originating in northeastern Mexico (Tamaulipas and Veracruz) founded by a special forces military task force which went rogue, forming its own criminal organization, initially against the Gulf Cartel. Ponerse trucha verb To change ones attitude to be more proactive. e.g. bueyes nos toc arar, Con esos expression Meaning that a person has no option but to work or collaborate with certain other individuals, even though they may not be apt for the task. A Spanish pronunciation of Gangs. Recio adj Powerful or strong in somethings makeup. A task which takes a great deal of effort, Chingarse algo verb To steal, shoplift or nick something. Ojo Rojo noun The Yucatan regional term for Clamato Preparado. This is a glossary intended to inform those who want to know the meanings of common Mexican terms, not to stir up controversy or ill-feeling. For example, a 16-year-old girl might be described as a vieja by a 16-year-old boy, despite the fact that she is still young. Malaguea, a la expression Something which is done in a deceptive, or cheating, manner. Used to distinguish between the letters I and Y, which are pronounced similarly. Mexican slang for someone with a tacky, or poor attitude, and is considered less sophisticated than your regular member of society. Son of a bitch. Calli noun Nahuatl word for house. Clamato noun A tomato juice-based drink, with seafood flavouring, which is most often mixed with sauces, Bloody Mary style, to make clamato preparado. c vt. Matcha roasted chilis ground finely, and then left to infuse in oil. Medios Chiles, Estar a adj The merry, or tipsy state of drunkeness. e.g. Literally not to have a mother. Fulana/o noun Nondescript way of referring to a known individual. No conozco el pozole verde de Chilapa, pero el de Acapulco me gusta mucho.. Las de la casa noun The term for the final round of drinks, which in Mexican culture are often expected to be given free of charge, or on the house. Gayola noun The worst row of seats in the house or theater. e.g. Dont be offended if you are called Gero, its not an offensive term. Joven, no terminare ese plato, me pone un itacate? (Waiter, I will not finish this meal, could I have it to go?). Ex. Paro noun A favour. Mariconada noun A man bag. Juate en el Huevo exp An annoying or irritating thing. Echar Aguas verb To keep an eye out, or watch for approaching danger. Literally, to withstand a caning. It is sweetened whole milk, which is evaportaed, leaving behind the sugary curds. 2. exclam Colloquial term used in conversation as an affirmation that a person has understood the point the speaker was trying to make. Cuerna de Chivo noun An AK-47, or any other similar assault rifle. Jarocho noun A native of the coast of Veracruz state. e.g. noun A monkey, or any species belonging to the primate genus. Often abbreviated to simply Chivo. Prstame quinientos varos guey. 2. noun One. Quesillo noun Oaxaca cheese. To take advantage of someone, or screw someone over. Montado noun A dish typical to northern Mexico, particularly Chihuahua, in which beans and cheese are sandwiched between two flour tortillas, and then topped with a filling, creating what is essentially a stuffed double-tortilla taco. e.g. Chilango noun A native of Mexico City. Hijo de la Chingada: noun/exclam. Also Zape. 3 Bs expression The three Bs of making any successful purchase are that it be bueno, bonito, y barato good, handsome, and cheap. Poner cuerno verb To cheat sexually on ones partner. e.g. Dar Culo verb Of something to make a person nervous or scared. From the verb Agandallar. Golfato noun A persons sharpened sense for easy women. A female partner, girlfriend, wife or hanger-on, of a member of the Sinaloa Cartel. lets do it!, sure!. Equivalent to guy, or bloke. exclam Exclamation of surprise or shock. Dang! An abbreviation of the phrase Verle la cara de pendejo". English Translation of "meco" | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Equivalent of let the cat out of the bag. e.g. Chanchullo noun An agreement or deal reached under the table, or in a way that circumvents best business practice. To save someones ass. In our new series we'll be teaching you some Spanish slang. To eat tacos. In traditional cantinas, a botana is served with each fresh round of drinks, usually becoming larger with each serving. bueno hello la pachanga party el chupe booze chafa crappy codo cheap el cantn house el aventn ride el mole mole agitado bummed out abusado look out chingn badass el chingo shitload Chale! Cura noun A Baja-Californian word for something amusing. Quiote noun The large flowering trunk sent upwards by a mature agave, to complete its lifecycle. Literally a pansy flower. Penultima noun The final beverage of a drinking session, the final drink being the one taken before you die. Chaquistle noun A small species of mosquito, or midge. Me aviento para alla (Ill rush over there). Ver en espaol en Mira ese guey con la luz verde, que no se mueve. i.e. Guarura noun A bodyguard. REcaptured finally after two jailbreaks in 2016, and since serving a prison sentence in the USA. See also Pelo Chino. Te escribo por whats (Ill write to you on WhatsApp). Pollero noun A human trafficker who moves groups of undoucmented mgirants across Mexico and into the United States. Gato Apalabrado noun A suck-up or brown-nose. An asshole in American. Pal chesco expression Abbreviated version of Para el Refresco. Me vale madre (I don't care) 3. noun Chicano word for organised crime gangs in the U.S. of non-hispanic heritage. Roughly equivalent to a pub, but with a less homely feel. Tultepec (Mountain of Tule). Halconear verb To spy or follow someone in a clandestine way. noun A novice, or person without adequate experience. Hola gallo, como estas (Hello mate, how are you?). Bocanada noun A strong hit from a smokeable material, e.g. e.g. e.g. Zcalo noun A town or citys main square. There should be! 3. verb In the context of cagar a alguien, to yell at someone, or give them a bollocking. La Maa Colloquial term for organized crime. Churro A joint, or marijuana cigarette. Tenis are trainer shoes, or sneakers, so the literal translation is you have sneakers on, thereby allowing an individual to sneak up on someone without their hearing. Guey noun, pronounced wey 1. The abbreviated nickname of Graciela, is Chela, which therefore applies also to the slang for beer. e.g. Se la anda comiendo (Hes been shagging her). e.g. Que traigo? Traete un pomo. ( What shall I bring? Curado de Bigote noun The dregs of a barrel of alcoholic drink. e.g. To steal something. Buey noun Has many spellings, but this is the correct one. b adj argtico, jergal. In that they smoke like a chimey. Porfiriato noun The historical period of 1876 to 1911 during which General Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico as president/dictator. Para el refresco, means give me a tip. Panga noun A small fishing boat. Toma, para que te persines. ( Pay me what I want! Perchern noun A jumbo-sized caballito. No mames exclam You cant be serious, or What the fuck?. Huichol noun Indigenous peoples native to western Jalisco and Nayarit states. Pararse el culo expression To act in a pretentious of superior manner. Comes from the English term crack-shot. Spanish Slang- Spanish Nicknames of People and Cities; Chilean Spanish Slang; Classic Spanish Songs; Argentine Spanish Slang; Spanish Slang- That's Cool; Usually worn over the shoulder, and often called a messenger bag, its a handbag designed for men. Chamba mata grilla expression The proposal that it is more important to work hard than to complain and fight. Man up!). exclam Wow! ero noun A mate, or friend. ongo noun A ramshackle dwelling built into the walls of the Tijuana River, where homeless people live. e.g. noun Appellation referring to a young man, equivalent of dude, or mate. Pronounced like the name. Ella es muy buen pedo. Terrible e.g. e.g. Cana al aire noun A non-committal sexual fling. Stems from the days of mounted highwaymen, who would rob carriages on horseback.