You simply wont find one article or post anywhere about us asking for money or donations from ANYONE. 135. Was the Roman Numeral 4 (four) like-this "IV" OR this "llll". A. Continue reading Baptism-Roman 6 full of blasphemy. And the rest of the armor of God. Some may be contain truth, but quotingadhering to themas if they are in the Bible, or holy obligation, or THE Truth can have consequences. 7. WebIt would seem that scriptures in the King James Bible have changed for those with the Mandela Effect. D. Don't tell my heart My achy breaky heart OR Don't tell my heart My achy breaky heart?? But the thigh thing is sexual innuendo. If you want to see more of these vile and evil changes thats been placed in our precious word of God, click here! It the human failsafe when threats arise. H. Stay PUFF Marshmellow Man OR Stay PUFT Marshmallow Man?? Join the Remnant List. American Gothic paintingwas the woman looking strait OR off to the side..?? Want to connect with other believers about the Bible changes? It should not be so. Was the A-Team Van Black with a Red stripe OR Black & Gray with a Red stripe?? The Lords prayer Does the Lords prayer say Gods will be done "ON" earth as it is in heaven Or "in" earth as it is in heaven..?? NO matter what mechanism, however, it is satanic, black magic. All, very much based on providing considerable empirical evidence, and backed by faith, tday=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"); if(nyear<1000) nyear+=1900; "I really need to KNOW" or "I really MEAN to LEARN"?? 180. Can you see? Just wait, if either of those two were surprising, this next one may well cause heart palpitations. Amos said: 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: 12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, (it was south) they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it. 84. var d=new Date(); (/s). Jiffy peanut butter or "Jiff " peanut butter?? Its setting up the animal beast dna in fast cellular expression. There were rivers, waters, flowing streams of colored fish and beautiful animals. In fact, that whole section of this verse is new to the mass majority who, like myself, recall this as only For you shall not worship any other God, for the Lord is a jealous God. Do your own research. The KJVB are all changing supernaturally both paper and online. Did Coca~Cola have a dash OR just a square dot on top..?? Continue reading Angels with Breasts and Girdles? Volkswagen symbol VW connected Or VW with a line through it?? 142. Do NOT read of this supernatural consummation of the Locust from the pit if you dont have emotional coping skills. English is still English in spite of the illiterate, cried 117. The Bernstein Bears or The Bernstain?? I tell you, in that night there shall be "two men" in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. JawsWe're going to need a bigger boat or YOUE'R going to need a bigger?? This one is different because its rampant on almost all of humanity. C. Did google have a lower-case g or an upper-case G?? When a new word pops up in KJV we know the scriptures associated with it will be TWISTED and corrupt. Isaiah 11:6 "The Lion shall lay with the Lamb"or "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb"..?? WebThis list of mandela effect Bible change examples that will blow your mind. The Word of God is forever settled in heaven, and His words will come to pass whether or not the Bible is changing. G. Somebody's Watching Me (by Rockwell) "It" always feels like somebody's watching me and I GOT no privacy" OR I always feels like somebody's watching me and I HAVE no privacy" ?? twitter or instagram. function GetClock(){ 54. He's a certified Geek that has absorbed a little bit of all sorts of things, especially the odd and just plain WTH kind of stuff. It was the sound of our very breathe. I meet people all the time who cant quote a single passage in the Bible (We elected one such person to be POTUS! Did Dracula ever say "I want to suck your blood?? It goes on to say that the anti-christ wont be revealed until after satan does his work of lying signs and wonders. The word vesture is new. Prior to the agreement with Hell that men made these creatures had to be invited into a man. set it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may judge betwixt us bothOR Whereas thou hast searched all my "STUFF", what hast thou found of all thy household "STUFF"? Bee geese----How deep is your love? It takes seeking God with ones whole heart mind and soul to break free of the Beast system self deception. Heres the problem: the quotes were never spoken.Though people are adamant, all of those quotes aremisremembered. In addition to being an author, Bill Prickett is a blogger, cultural observer, speaker and Bible teacher. I get it we have been deceived by the Legion/religion who is the Great Harlot. if(nhour==0){ap=" AM";nhour=12;} "Moderation in all things"Spare the rod, spoil the child"The lion will lay down with the lambPride goeth before the fallTo thine ownself be true"Hate the sin, love the sinner. 70. Im not exaggerating here, if you head down this part of the rabbit hole just be warned, its rather deep. var nday=d.getDay(),nmonth=d.getMonth(),ndate=d.getDate(),nyear=d.getYear(); WebHarmony verse: Mark 5:2 And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, Harmony verse: Luke 8:27 And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs. Evil Knievel or Evel Knievel?? God Made Man God will abandon the desecrated temples of mans bodies. Did Tom Cruise wear Ray-Ban sunglasses while dancing in Risky Business?? 94. var d=new Date(); The Beast Systems Demoralization of Gods Children, EPHESIANS 2 DEBAUCHERY Mandela Effect Bible Changes Commentary. But rather we are baptized to signify dying to the flesh. Cartoons: 145. Two creatures. Romans 1:20 is a direct insult toward God. I think its easy to believe something because weve been taught we should believe it.Its comfortable to believe something because everybody believes this.. 189. (not 100% sure on this one). Again, in other words, the Lord God allows him to do it. Of course we are angered when we read the desecrated bible. 193: Luke 19:13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten "talents", and said unto them, Occupy till I comeOR 13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten "pounds", and said unto them, Occupy till I come?? How is this happening? 153. Surely, it is black magic. The convenient alliteration lion and lamb is easy to remember. Are any of the above new to you? For we darenotmakeourselves of the number,orcompareourselveswithsomethat commendthemselves:buttheymeasuringthemselvesbythemselves, and comparing themselvesamongthemselves,arenotwise. WebChg List Bible Changes Chg List Matthew11:28 removed 3-23-2023 Proverbs 1:7 added with evidence link 2-18-2023 Proverbs 1:6 added 2-18-2023 Malachi 1:2 updated and added evidence link 12-7-2022 James 3:5 added 11-4-2022 Genesis 7:15 evidence link added to verse 11-3-2022 2023 / The Supernatural Bible Changes. HANDS OR HAND?? Was it Thomas the train or Thomas the Tank Engine?? Now that the Bibles are All Corrupt as HELL, Why God Took His Inspired Written Words From Earth, The Biblical Deceptions Will Try to Take Your Soul to Hell If You Believe It, The God of the New Mandela Affected KJV Bible is Clearly a Hater, The Beast System is Down Loading Fake History Into the Minds of Men, Mandela Effect Amelia Airehart Now Earhart Fails in Her Journey Apparently, Abomination Desolation Beastiality Endorsed in KJVB, Wedding Supper of The Lamb & Bride of Christ VANISHED From Most Bibles, Once In a Life-Time, Talking Heads Decoded, The Consummation of The Mark of The Beast, Vital Scriptures Disappearing from all Bibles that Exist, We Cant Help Those Deceived They Must Choose Truth for Themselves, Evils Vest of Lies New Words in the Bibles, HANG IN THERE BROTHERS AND SISTERS- SEERS. And it was. But it is not out of the Bible, at least not as a direct quote. The beast has done its job very well. No, most Christians can neither remember what the books used to read nor can they recognize the new blasphemy & lies in all bibles. Make no mistake, if the shot doesnt kill them it will desecrate the temple that once held the Divine Presence of God. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. WHATTTT? Curiosity may have killed the cat, but in many cases, the lack of curiosity is akin to mass murder! The Doors (Roadhouse) "Keep Your Eyes On The Road Your ____ Upon The Wheel" ?? Yet these watchmen are not privy to the miraculous signs and wonders of prophecy that the chosen few can see happening in real time. To me there is no greater sign and wonder than the KJVB Supernatural changes. 4. It sends out notifications when someone sends a message to Discord so you will always know what is going on. Oreo double stuff cookies spelled with one F or two?? Continue reading Angry Janes Emotional Breakthrough!. How long will we be able to find the true word of the Lord if it really is changing right before our very eyes? JESUS DIED THAT WE MAY HAVE LIFE (life period) AND HAVE LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY.. Where I post the stuff bubbling up" in my brain.I invite you to Subscribe, and be notified when there's a new posting. Your email address will not be published. The days cometh sayeth the Lord, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. How many people in the JFK assassination car4 or 6..?? John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall "set" you free. He is eternal, unchanging and all powerful and His Words never fail, they are settled in heaven. I may watch the Red Dragon movie again to see more truth drops in movies. Goes along with the other new words in scripture like operations, theatre, doctors, nurses, vex / vexed / vexations, sharp pointed things, veins, stroke, conspiracy, congealed blood do you see what I am painting with the new words? Amos 8:11 &12. United States Postal Service logo with the letter A or lambda?? I have even seen people I know personally who never were interested in the book reading it now. You would have to learn the translation to understand the ingredients which they made new words for to confound people. We see the book does not exhibit the same voice, eloquence, respect, purity, maturity, tact, principles, precepts, grammar, spelling, punctuation or personality, it once exuded just a few years ago. D. Alice In Wonderland, Did Tweedle Dee & Dumb have propeller hat OR yellow flags?? Kindly read my Comment Policy and abide by it. What accompanies the mark of the beast once a man has chosen his allegiance is the Locust from the pit. Did Inspector Gadget have a mustache?? Three-The mark of the beast on the forehead. D. Parmesean, Parmigian, Parmesan OR Parmagiana ?? 101 Dalmatians,,, Cruella Deville, OR Cruella de Vil?? tday=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"); Was Italy shaped like a boot kicking Sicily..?? See Jazweeh A-Z Prophecy article for more on that. Life is eternal. There is a famine coming to the land as prophesied in Amos 8:11 & 12. Everything is going to work out. Audio bibles are calling the god of the bible Seth the lord. Those who see the KJVB changes believe the prophecy is fulfilled by the desecration of the KJV of the Holy Bible. KJV Study Guide, The Abomination of Desolation and Supernatural Bible Changes is now available on Amazon! How to Kill a Mockingbird OR To Kill a Mockingbird??. My Lord God is allowing this. Daylight savings time or daylight saving time?? 100. It's resulted in countless deaths, and has contributed to the high suicide rate among traumatized LGBTQ kids. Winged abomination (already removed from bibles) & Locust from pit. Actual changes that have left many slack-jawed in disbelief as they grab their family Bible for confirmation, which theyve read from for years or even generations, only to find that their copy has somehow inexplicably changed. This is the Name that, over time, came to be forbidden to speak by the Jews. Word SCIENCE Is Now twice In the KJVB, Proof That the God of This World Has Control of All Bibles, Words Demon, Demons Are No Longer In Any KJVB, Mark of the Beast. Verses that you think you know, ones you spent countless minutes or even hours reciting over and over in your head, may be completely different than what you recall. 59. 73. } Dose The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo DaVinci have 4 arms or 6?? The King James Bible, once a literary masterpiece, is now a mess due to this phenomena, and is now rife with nonsense verses, new words, grammar errors, new doctrine, spelling errors, new maps, new titles to several books of the Bible, and so forth. I grew up in the heart of the Bible Belt, where Churches are spaced about 3 blocks apart and supper almost always began with saying Grace. She said at that time it was impossible to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Supernatural Changes to the Bible: The Bible is being supernaturally altered by dark forces and it appears, for now, the King James version is mostly affected by such changes, but other Bibles are being altered as well. Why, the author of confusion of course. I also came across these images of the Lion and the Lamb. It is also blasphemy to call the sanctified action of water baptism that represents eternal life and to die to the flesh and rise unto life eternal as a baptism of death. D. Lucky's grocery store or Lucky grocery store?? A tumor with a purpose of shape. To get in contact with us, you can either use discord (the link for this you can see scrolling down the homepage) or the TSBC Forums that is being developed currently. I could give numerous more examples of words being duplicated and misused and have done so in my videos. I clearly have never seen such a supernatural occurrence in my life! I write sins not tragedies"Haven't you people ever heard of closing THE goddamn door?" For example- He dwelled on the loss of His money. 163. While Ive heard several different names for our resident supreme being, including Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children, I have to say that when I recently read the upcoming verse, I was a bit floored. On a last little note, sort of a what if if you will. The keys. They are vailed with a living vail that rose up from the pit.