Tachquatten, frozen; (frozen together. Ktschillachton, to make known, to make manifest, to speak Pitenummen, to make a mistake. Gischkschasgkan, scythe, sickle. Wiwundhakamik, before now, in former time, very long ago. Wulihilleu, it is good; (more exactly, it functions properly, A.) Pisgeu, dark, night; (lit., it is dark. exclamation of pain. Ahanhokqui, descended from, sprung from. Wundaman, to show to somebody: to declare unto someone. is too bad, it is inferior. Wonacliquiwi, the top of anything. Aschukiso, poor, worth nothing, beggar. an error for w'halowes, bushy tail, which is the present A.) Wulamhittamoewagan, faith, belief; (rather, the proof for the rattles in ceremonies. Amuiwagan, resurrection. Nachawikan, three fathoms. Achgonican, or Achquanican, Z., a fish dam. A. ) Wachtey, stomach, belly. out, something crooked made straight. Kschatey, tobacco; achwan Knattemihi, Z., lend me. Awullakenim, to laud, to praise. Pkindey, light ashes. Pitschi, accidentally, by chance, inadvertently; unforeseen. Ajanhelendam, to be indifferent, to be unconcerned. A.) Melihasu, mattery, putrid. A.) Schachachgiechen, straight road. Moskimus, Z. a hare (the small gray rabbit. Niganigapawin, to stand foremost. Ekih! Alloku, lean; poor. Eluwilissit, the most gracious one. Tschannauchsowagan, misbehavior, fault, trespass. Wikwames, little house. Auchsu, (of beasts) wild, untractable; (of men) Wulitehasu, well hewn, well cut, well squared; (wulih'tehasil, Mui, Z., dung, excrement. A.) Wingelawossi, it burns well. Wikhakamik, end of the world. (lit., beat A.) A.) Nipenachhen, summer hunt. Nuna'gan, Z.. the breasts of a woman (see above). (Compare moekaneu and linchum.) Clamhattenmoagan, Z, steadiness. Skiquall, grass. Achquipelawon, hoe. Who then? (exclamation of pain.) the more, more and more. Ninutachpin, to be from the beginning. Gissai! Ijabtschi, yet, still, nevertheless, however. Sikevhasu, salted, pickled. Describing the physical Wdanis, daughter. A.) The word means It on both sides" and not opposite Schela! A.) Sabbeleu, it shines brightly; (refers to the reflection at this time, about the present time; -petschi, till now, Nihillatschi, self, one's own person. A.) Mboawikcham, hiccough. to be correct. Kihnhammen, to sharpen, to grind. Mandundewagan, blame, imputation. Schajelinquall, eyebrows-, (error; properly, eyelid, A. Wulhaflan, to keep somebody, to take care of some one. Miechinquawon, eyebrow. Schawi, immediately, directly. Wulinamen, he likes it, it pleases him; (arch., A.) -cet, what may it be? Undoochwen, to come or go for something. Lungwamen, Z., to dream. Mahellis. is to cut loose; lokschummen, to cut at the knot. Alluns, arrow, bullet; (especially and originally, arrow. Mejauchsit, one, a certain one. A.) Machtapequonitto, evil spirit. Gawunsch, Z., briars (gawinsch. Wendachguttejek, up hill: (Iit., from below upwards, Palenachtche nachke, fifty. Majauchsin, to be of one mind. A.) Allamuin, Z., the war whoop (arch. Mechen, big, large. Mihillusis, old man; (mih'hillosis, A.) See oteloos. Mattelemuwi, despicable, contemptible. A.) Takachsin, lead. Apalogen, to come from work. A.) Linkteu, it melts. Awullsittamsewagan, obedience. Jukik, these. Kepe, thou also, thou too. referring to sleep. Eenhawachtowagen, payment, reward. Achgigulan, to sleet. Kigischgotum, green grasshopper. Pennauwelendam, to think, to consider, Kutschin, to come out of the house. Japeechen, along shore, along the bank, on the river side. Wunajumawall, he carries him. from pendamen, to hear, and means to continue to hear. Allemakewunk, on the north side of a hill. A.) not long ago. A.) Mamachtaptonagan, wicked language, vile talk; rough speaking. Pawinquehiken, to shell corn. Ktemakiechin, to lie sick in a poor condition. Gischapan, daylight, daybreak. A.) Majawi, right, straight, proper; alone, simple;-wulit, Woakus, the gray fox. Wewoatam, to be of good understanding, to be wise. Wipunquoak, white oak. Mehallamagen, to sell (error; to buy. Z.) one's mind, to be ready. Nguttapachki, one hundred. Wulamallessin, to be well, to be happy. Unk, in, in the, on, out of. Tepelendamoagan, sufficiency. Tsqualligischuch, the month in which the frogs begin to A.) A.) Tukauwussowaaan, favor. Wulelemi, wonderful; (not in use. the more, more and more. Wundeu, it boils. Kschiechihin, to make clean. Wemihan, to destroy somebody, to make an end of some one: Sachachachgach'ne, a straight course in a river. Wischassin, to fear; (wischasnagan, Z., Acheweli, Z., necessary (dub., A.). A.) Wulaptonamik, good tiding. A.) Wapintschachke, garfish, with a bill like a duck. Wenhamma, almost, narrowly. Wulowinquehellan, to overlook, to take no notice of. Tauwinachgechi, open arms. Mechaquiechen, high water, freshet. Allowiwi, more, yet more, much more; rather; -mehek, Hallemiwi, eternal, eternally. Wtelli, thus, so. Angellen, to die; (lit., going to decay, may be applied A.) Achsinhittehikan, steel trap. Nihillachquen, to kill a bear. A.) from wuiztschi, ie., that which comes from. Lachenendowagan, release, loosening. Wunutschi, he began. Nutachgamen, somebody calls from the other side of the Nelema, not yet. A.) kik'mallenito, thou makest (arch., nulitton, I am, kulitton, Kschilandeu, very hot weather; (lit., much sunshine. Tani, where; how; (used in questions) then;-Ieu, Pundhikan, steelyards. A.) Kschihillen, to go fast, to go swiftly. Psindpeu, overflowed with water. Awullsittamuwi, obedient. Kigin'amen, to know, to be acquainted with. Schachachkaptonen, to speak the exact truth, to tell a A.) Ajandamalquot, it is to be wished; it is desirable. Waselenemen, to lighten, to kindle. Schukquan, Z., to chew; schquanda, thou Nauweechinke, afternoon; (present form, lauwauqueu. A.) unless. See gichtammen. Wtenk, after, behind; thereon, thereafter; lastly, at Tachquallonikan, pair of scissors. A.) A.) Awossi, over, over there, beyond, on the other side, behind. Mechinkhakihen, to plant a large piece of ground. Schohakan, glue. Muiminschi, wild cherry. A.) Pallihillan, to miss the time. Z., I hide myself in the earth. Nachgohumewagan, hymn. A.) that recurs again and again. Woakeu, crooked gachtun, to bind, A.) A.) Wsigau, sunset; (w'si'gau, A.) ah! Ochunk, at his or her father's. Asgelendam, to wait with impatience. Mechitquek, great depth. A.) Glikatepiso, hobbled. Winamallsin, to be sick, to feel pain. exclamation of approval! Machelensin, to be high minded, to be proud. Mawewigawan, meeting house. Nipen, summer. A.) A.) finger-ring; (out of use. Quidhikewagan, forbiddance, reproof. Menewagan, drinking. Tschitatinambeso, tied fast. of machti-manitto. Pemetonhen, to preach. Nischeneyit, second. papaw tree. To fell less pain, to feel better. Sakuwit, mouth of a creek, mouth of a river; (more exactly Wingipendam, to hear willingly. Wingandamen, it tastes good. Skattsin, to be loathsome. Pommissin, to go afoot, to walk. displeased; to be discontented, to be dissatisfied. Wiechquepiso, tied round; a bundle. Elemamek, everywhere; (lit., as it lies; the sense "everywhere" Tschipinaxu, he seems strange, uncommonly unpleasing. Wulelemfleu, it is wonderful. Kschiechauchsowagan, holiness, innocence. Wunachqualoje, a sharp point; (the extreme end. Memeechxitin, to be barefooted. Nachenum, raccoon; (usually espan. imitative of bleating, Meschikaan, to come nigh to me, to draw near to somebody. Hakeyiwi, bodily, corporeal. Echgoquijeque, ye serpents. Pokhakenikan, grave; (from pokhaweu, a hole or hollow A.) Lekhammewagan, debt; (lekhammawachtoagan, an account. Wonanno, cheek. Ma, each other, to abuse each other by words. Kikey, old aged; (kikes, adults, older people. Nitis, friend, companion. Ahoaltin, to love one another. Asgaskachgook, green snake. Ju, well! Newowikan, four fathoms. Wschacheu, slippery; smooth, glossy. Achschiechey, Z., a nest. Kschiechton, to wash. to cleanse. Waclielachkey, fish scale; (walachkey, A.) Pemauchsoheen, to make live, to cause to live. Nachxummawan, to enlighten somebody; to kindle a flame Woapipen, wild white potato. Woapaneu, morning. Pemapanik, the heavens, sky. Machxitachpoan, bread mixed with beans. Haschi, ever, at any time. There were likely 10,000 to 12,000 Lenape people in the Delaware Valley in 30 to 40 communities during William Penns time. Memoukek, plain; (not in use; schingek, level. Tschikhammen, to sweep; (tschikikkammen, A.) Guntam, to swallow. Niskpeu, wet. Mehittgus, twig. Schipihilleu, stretched. A.) A.) A.) Sukachqualles, negro. Achochwen, to have bad travelling. Nostawachtin, to understand each other. Gischiechen, to be ready, to be done, to be finished. A.) Aschtehhellen, to go or cross over one another. k', w,' etc. Wundsowagan, misfortune; (not now used. Miwelendamoagan, forgiveness. Luchund, he is said to have said. A.) Menen, to drink. A.) talk. Whittawak, ears. Espenni, lift it up. Winamallsachtin, to be a common sickness. Lowunsuagan, Z., a name. Tawwunasin, Z., to bury; tauwundin, burial Netaniiechen, first, the first. Z., the sole of the foot (pochsitawi, the flat Schaxowagan, covetousness. through. Ganschapuchken, rocky, full of rocks. A.) Ndoochtawachtin, to inquire of each other. a fire. Mechinkhakihakan, large field. Elke! A.) Chesimus, younger brother or sister. Mechinqui, great, large, big. Wdallowelemuwi, excellent, precious. Psindhammen, to cover with earth. Amimi, Z., a dove. Wsamiechen, too much. sakima, A.) Nutamemensemin, to have children. begin to run), January. A.) Nowahan, to know somebody; (dub., n'nennawa. Aninsihhillen, the young of a bird or fowl. Pooxit, the month of falling leaves; October. Saschchuppawen, to gape, to yawn. Piteet, perhaps. Achowat, hard, difficult, dangerous, painful, trouble-some; A.) Men'achk, fence, fort; (menaclikhasu, Z., Apendamen, to enjoy, to make use of. Chasquem, Indian corn. Allanque, star. Elgilen, as tall as, as big as. A.) A.). A.) Z., a boundary (a line, a mark. Wulowachtauwoapin, to look over, to look beyond. Maschapi, bead. A.) A.) Awehhelleu, bird, fowl; (applied to large fowls, etc. Before colonization, they were especially concentrated in the Delaware River valley, for which the confederation was Nekama, he, she, it. Pegui, dressed, clothed; (equit, the clothing. Winhattak, bad accident; (not in use. Yapeechen, H., along the bank (rather, along the edge Machtitso, bad, ill. Mamguckcu, Z., a plain without trees, a prairie Nallowauchsowagan, heathenish life. Schiwachpin, to be weary of staying. Tacliquipoagan, feast. Lunk, or, Lunkus, Z., a cousin (error, a nephew. Sikey, salt (sikheunk, H., at the salt spring), Tschisgokus, robin. to a pulp, alludes to the pulpy afterbirth. exclamation of grief. Taneek, perhaps, I don't know; (takeet. A.) Skattelendam, to loathe, to hate. Achpoaliman, to mock somebody, to laugh at someone. Komelendam, to be free from trouble or care; (not in use. Pommisgen, to begin to walk. Mesukhoakan, glue. Clamachpin, Z, to sit still; clamachphil! A.) A.) Gintschtschingussit, messenger. a moral sense. Machtauchsin, to sin; (lit., bad life. Mitsuagan, Z. food, aliment Natoochton, to inquire. Chaasch, eight. Gettemagelin, to be merciful. Wikat, leg; wi'ckaat, Z. Lappilennin, to come together again, to be together again. Ulaque, yesterday. Eschochwen, to go through, to drive through. Guthattachgat, single thread, untwisted. Wulakenindewagan, good report of somebody. A.) Woaptioihilleu, pale. Majewelendam, to be fixed in purpose, to be settled in Schammenummen, to anoint, to grease. Sakitnawagan, kingdom. war. Nutschi, at the first, at the beginning. (not in use. to a fatal accident. A.) Machiechsin, to speak loud. I outrun him. Tachquahamoakan, parched meal. Achginchen, to be quick of hearing. Welapassigan, good physic. a corruption of the English;pachgan- dikan is now confined Togenan, to waken somebody. Wiechquelinschepi, gloves; (lit., hands tied up; arch., Tonktschechen, the door is open. A.) Skaphakejeu, wet ground. Auwih! A.) Mehokquiman, red bird. Cub'bachcan, thick; cubbachcan packchack, a thick board; Schakhokquiwan, coat. Wiquimemguke, on the end of the plain. A.) TangeIendam, to think little of one's self. Nalambeso, to gird. shelter, a store room. Gelelendamen, to be of opinion. Undaaktschehellan, to jump hither. Gulaqueen, good evening; (anixit gulaqueen, I am glad Anixigischuch, (the month in which the ground squirrels A.) Gutgu, knee. Chawachto, dear, high priced. Keechitti, a little. Nihillatammoewagan, right, privilege. Awossakihakan, that side of the plantation. Schauwihillieu, it withers, it is weak, it faints. Aspoquen, to raise the eye. Woaphattaquall, white yarn, white thread. Achtuchwiecheken, deer's hair. Gachpattejeu, southeast; (there are now no expressions Kittan, great river; (arch., kitseepu would be Giskhaquen, to cut with an axe, to chop. Matschalan, to bring somebody home. Wulihan, to do somebody good. Nesquo, not yet. A.) Achwowangeu, steep, high bank of a river. this summer; -siquin, this spring; -lowank, this Tachquahoakan, mortar, mill. Tpisgauwi, just alike, even. Quajaqui, all living creatures, not man only. Nolemutees, silk worm. Papeek, Z. a pond. -ulewi, not at all true; -kocku, nothing;-tani, Anoschi, shoe-string. Sakima, chief, king. Gicligehhelleu. Happa, yet a little while; a little longer. Maschilamek, trout; (lit., "like a fish," not ot even, allowi matta, let alone; -wsami, quite too. Eenhen, to pay. A.) Pintschixin, to creep in. not a door, A.) Machoachk, Z., a pumpkin. Tscholens, bird; (not in use. another. Ktakan, another; otherwise, in another manner. A.) Welsit, best: -mtschitschank, Holy Ghost. Notamaeishican, H., a fishing spear. Gischipenauwelendam, to have considered to have made up Linachken, to reach forth the hand. Sogahen, to spill. Nahimen, to sail down the stream. WebJohn Butler was taken captive by the Lenni-Lenape Indians at age 4 and was assimilated and accepted as a full-blooded Lenape by that community. Hopikan, rib; (opichquai. Sehe, H., hush, be quiet. WebWhat language do the Lenni Lenapes speak? pron. Tumb, brain; (always with the possessives, n', k', w',etc. Wentschindewagan, call, invitation. Gettemagelensit, one that is humble. Mehittachpoagan, birth. Pachgammakan, cutlass. Gandhikan, setting pole; (a pole with which to push a Witawematpanni, who was with him; witawemat, Z., Wihoman, to make an offering to somebody. A.) Gahowes, mother; (g'ichk, ny mother. Simaquon, com stalk; (arch., A.) Nattawoapandamen, to look for, to seek. Ganschilallogen, to perform a miracle. Matta, no, not;-ta, nowhere;-tani, in no Kaak, Tangitehen, to think little of one's self. A.) sense in this and most of the following words. A). Pakantschiechton, to fulfill, to complete. Z., I make Witschewot, he who goes, with him Kiginolewagan, sign, token. Nachxummen, to kindle, to light. Wulonquan, wing. hither; -endalauchsit, man; -shaki, WebLenni-Lenape American English pronunciation. Nocha, my father. Guhn, snow. Popetelan. Eluwitakauwussit, the best, the supremely good. Happis, a band for carrying burdens. Salumbuniken, to ring the bell. Kikeyihen, to lend; kigaihil, Z. Tindey, fire. Wuskijeyju, it is new. Woaktschiechton, to make crooked. A.) Melichgawan, pillow, cushion. Wulaha, better. Z (an archaic plural; to decoy animals, lit., to draw them hither. Z., a conspiracy. A.) Tatchen, little. Elemiechink, by the way. Logihilleu, it falls in. of the water. to make it even, to make it right. Achwamallsin, to feel great pain; (to suffer in sickness. to go a gadding. Tachpachaxu, little, mean, low, humble; (tachpeachxu, Wonnissowacan, forgetfulness. Wochpiechquey, bladder. Quappalawan, to take somebody out of the water. sight. Tschikhikan, broom. Wemhundammen, to carry all. Schabuwihiheu, Z., diarrhea (lit., running through, Pawalin, the corn blossom falls off. Wonatamowi, weak, impotent, fanciful, out of one senses. Wilachkey, Z., male genitals. Petasummawan, to give light to somebody, to shine unto Sachsapan, Z., soup. (doubtful. Z., a knot. A.) Ohoh! Sisinghos, iron pot; (out of use. Lennikbi, linden tree (bark of the basswood tree. Mesittschewi, quite, whole, entirely. Ngagepchoa, etc., I am deaf, etc. A.) Eschauwessit, side. A.) Taktani, I don't know, I don't know where; somewhere perhaps; off. Gachtelawossin, to be dry for thirst; (gachtoseu. Tatchuppekat, shallow water. Wawulauchsin, to live orderly, to live blameless. Metschitschi, at last, the last time. Samuttonen, to shut the mouth. Ekoqualis, raspberry. Kschikan, knife; (pachschikan. A.) from the side,root, pach. Pili. dove. something, a single thing. Klamhattenamoagan, calmness of mind. Gintschglennin, to push. Sesegauwihugewaaan, scourging. Wtakaneu, mild weather. Pendaquot, it is heard. Thinaquot, Z., cool (anything that looks cold. exclamation of indignation. Allowelendam, to esteem highly; to prize above everything. Schiku, widow; (error; it means an orphan. present. Machquissu, swelled. Misseachpitschik, those who live scattered. Wuskchum, young creature, young beast. Achwilek, hard, troublesome time; achwileu, A, Ahoaltowagan, love. Sipachgihhilleu, it buds, sprouts out. must be used. A.) Amintschiuchsowagan, disobedience. Pilkisch, peach. Gischihan, to create with the hands, to make something. Ehelilamank, well, spring, fountain; (a running or flowing Wilinen, to have head ache. Ngattummen, to leave behind, to bequeath; nga'ttammen, Ahoalgussit, the beloved. Michalappotis, spider. Nacheleney, three-fold. Niskachgelunen, to lie abominably. Memachtakeniman, to speak evil of somebody. Metschitehenemoalan, to design evil against somebody. Gochpelolakan, canoe rope, boat line. Wimachtendienk, Z., brotherhood. Gendsitaja, ball of the foot; (hollow of the foot. Gomuus, Z., the neck (arch., now use ochquecanggan. Quatsch, why; -atta, why not; -eet, why, perhaps. Walaxiall, Z., entrails, cuts. Ehes, mussel; clam. Wdallowilissowagan, glory. Miechaninaquot, shameful. Eluwitschitanessit, the strongest. Allamijey, in there, therein, within. form. to fatten Gischigachink, grounded. Petasemowik, giving light, shining hither, Es, yet. Uchtschevunque, within. Gluppiechton, to turn about. Ponxu, full of sand flies. Hittandelitewagan, instruction. A.) Ju, exclamation of joy. as. Hittuk, tree; (the prefex M' is necessary. Penundhikewoagan. here, petschi, till now; (yuch. Eluet, as he saith, his saying. Wundanunxin, to be angry at, to be angry for something. Quekulukquihilleu, lame. Ganschelendam, to wonder, to be surprised. Pawallessin, to be rich. Wottallauwin, to hunt by the way. Pachgelendan, Z. Woh! Nadan, a float; nadano amochol, the canoe floats (pithin, Mawachpoagan, tribute, tax. Hoh, exclamation of surprise.