Still, Middle School should be written off as neutral. Even if I was pretty, how much does a pretty face matter when its covered by a sheet? Alive. This beautiful pattern like a willow branch. We used to know everything about each other. Okay, I will not cry. I see how it is. We could have a fresh start. I hope so. I have to go now. The only thing that understands me is the virtual world, and my family tries to take that from me. Saying hi on the way to class. I started to wonder if I would ever get out? Third Place Winner! Youve got to be kidding me. Oh, and sorry about the hot dog guy, he made me mad when he got my order wrong. She was my best friend and I loved her so much, but how can I watch the entire school honour her memory and think shes a saint when she was the reason most of the students were depressed? I looked at her and told her in the nicest way ever Leave now, your fired. Then she looked at me like nothing and threw that coffee right at my face. Lucky my granny knitted me a warm jumper! That was a pretty good dance routine, but its nowhere as good as the one I did when I auditioned for the squad. And accept that shes gone, and that shes not coming back. I cant even take care of myself, how am I supposed to take care of a thing without a sense of self-preservation, judging from its missing leg? Genre: Dramatic, (Harold could be talking to a photo of his wife, or kneeling and placing flowers on her grave.). Why didnt he? You are calling the flight attendant to call the police? But I was seven! Unless ya whip it outta em. Smile, walk, walk, walk and cupcake hands and left foot two steps andright foot two steps and turn and back (rolls her ankle and collapses in pain.) (Pause.) The feeling of loneliness hits you. My work bag, my pajamas, my shoes, were soaked! He could barely look me in the eye. It seemed like forever until I reached the surface and swam towards the shore. By: Louis McCartney, Age 17, Northern Ireland Description: Marilyn Monroe talks at her own funeral about three important moments in her life. Its garbage night. Shes getting water Or Its her turn never sat right with me. Ohis that the new neighbor from next door? The result, more time. Im starvingbut I am not going to eat that pizza. 180 times four, which is 720 calories, plus breakfast (does calculation) so 1730 calories. Everyone has to face the consequences of their actions and I guess I have to face mine too, no matter what it may be. No late-night work, drunken moods, or angry fits could change you. She was speaking to me the whole way back to this Podunk town. Now, Im 95 and I can hardly walk. I never got any letter. (Attempts to turn camera off. On this warm summer evening. You get up every day before the sun rises. Oh no, I thought, what if shes evil? Okay, okay, Ill stay calm. Someone special Well, its not actually a- (beat) Whats his name? Humiliating! Whatever that means. But now there are days where I feel that there is no light, and the darkness just fills up my thoughts. By: Niesha M., Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Age 12 Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: A wife tells her husband about a stray cat shes taken in. And thats a lot of work on my part. After I woke up and got the kids fed, I went to get ready for todays brunch. We are being held as if we were lab rats. Its been six months since you left me, but it feels like an eternity. Ultimate Grand Supreme is still yours. Free collection of great original monologues for teens written by teens. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic, Excuse meexcuse me can I please use your phone? I dont have to be the best, I just need to do the best I can. I cant eat yet! Why cant people talk to me and get to know me instead of talk about me and make up stories. Got arrested and ended up in a juvenile detention center. Of course, I didnt do it because its a computer. Send someone over. [10][11] The track peaked at number 12 in the UK Singles Chart in 1993. With a shrinking population and more than 10 million abandoned properties, the country is straining to match houses with curious buyers. Its more significant for Aladdin because of their class difference. So, what do you say, my loving, supportive, most amazing mother in the whole, wide world? You know. (Picks up a heart shaped box of chocolates.) The heroes will save you? I guess that is why my mom thinks I need therapy; to help me get over the pain. But if Im expected to be devoted and faithful to this country that believes in justice for all, doesnt that mean me too? Actually, in grade six I was voted most likely to end up working at Walmart, so who cares about skills when the people have spoken! The shirt is too tight, or too loose, or not the right colour, and the pants are too rigid, or too short, or too everything. When we finally get to hear the character speak at length, it should come as no surprise to hear the voice the character uses and the way that they speak. Oh, the cello is nice. Well, the next day, my room was a complete mess and something smelled like it died in here. That gets me thinking what is thinking? "Don't stand . (pause) I dont know, maybe because we are MORTAL ENEMIES? You know that we need to do this, not only for us but for them too. I pretend Im flying for hours when Im up there. Nothing. By: Lauren H., Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Age 16 Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: A teen expresses the frustrations of being vertically challenged. I just wanted to say, I love you and we miss I hate seeing you so pale. I was his daughter; he was supposed to care. Everyone else was left hobbling around like idiots while my brown shoes trudged through the grass. He didnt give me a ticket. Its like art. Im honestly sick of monologues. Oh, Felicia, can you please adjust your screen so we can see you and not your forehead? She can be scary sometimes. But I think they are rather nice against my fangs and surely, she would understand that. By: Isabelle P., Age 14, Wisconsin, USA Description: A teen explains why they are suicidal. Ill scoop out my own sorta life. Oh- dear, thats too much. Oh, here. Huh? Once upon a time, when there was only Spring and Summer, my father, Zeus, King of the Living, thought I should have a husband. So much and I would do almost anything to get back to it all. Naturally, I went to investigate and saw a sight so horrific I might never recover. THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE SHRIMP PREPARING FOOD! Best friend? (pause) Anyway, what are you doing tonight? STOP SNICKERING! My chemistry teacher just walked out of class. (pause) Although I guess she can be useful for some things like bringing down the jar of the magic tasty food and cleaning out the old poop box. (looks at phone nervously) Uh oh! I dont know. It reminds me of Odessa. It's 4:30 in the morning, were fried. Yes, I will. Because I gave into peer pressure. So, every day, the class would figure out what language it was, type it into google translate, and read the instructions. First Place Winner By: Amber Leanne Rothberg, Age 12, Massachusetts, USA Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A friend consoles another friend after a death. Why dont you go ahead and take a seat hon. They were never accurate anyway. You have one job, ankle, one job: Stay. Sorry about the whole blindfolding and kidnapping thing. Great Its just that I have not spoken to anyone in ages. Over time I have just stopped paying attention to the other kids and focused on my family, but maybe this time, maybe this timeit will be different. Its selfish really, I know, but I deserved one. Rule #3 You eat what I make, or you dont eat at all. No! They are telling their friend who wants to help what they feel and why they still; continue to use drugs. Sorry man, but the truth hurts. You want to scream, What is wrong with you? Like picking out this wedding dress. Third Place Winner! So many grim faces, so many doctors, so many treatments. He has red hair, and brown eyes just like his father. (Pause) I refuse because I would rather the reflection in my mirror remain a blur. Lights off, no more talking! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, WITH A CHERRY ON TOP, AND SPRINKLES, AND WHIPPED CREAM: CAN I PLEASE GO TO KATHYS SLEEPOVER TONIGHT? I walked six miles home in my new heels because I knew that if I ever stepped foot in a car it would probably explode. You say it all the time. First Place Winner! Kimoto is back at the wall it is caught he robs the home run! Everyone goes crazy. The driving questions of the show are: Am I a bad person? Im throwing it back. Maybe move your screen back a little? As you may have noticed, Comma is not here. Scholars are unsure when the play was performed for the first time but it was likely sometime around 1603. There are plenty who are, though. In Episode Four, a twisty, batshit 30 minutes of television that sends nearly every character into freefall, Sally chooses to run away with Barry. Like Godzilla couldnt evenokay not the time. I think she's really resigned to getting as far away from L.A. as possible after that. I had no money and no phone. Since then I have been able to cheat my way through school like the best of them. At first, its like heaven opened up and sent you this thing, this incredible, furry, loveable thing. I didnt understand what I was feeling, I loved dancing, but I was always told that I would never make it. As soon as I finished my Valedictorian speech I was done and out of high school. Hey, Mom! A dozen, maybe? Ive never been the victim of bullying. It was because I was me. I had no choice but to walk to work. The sun had already risen, its heat overbearing. If I wanted my grass to be used for a whistle, I would have made it a whistle. (Is furious again) But that doesnt matter, and frankly, I dont care! (pause) OK! Thats why Im here. I grabbed the handlebars of my bike, and then came the roar. Of course you do. Gum covered in lint. Yes, sorry George, yesterday my boss Samantha ran at me with a shrimp cocktail the size of a Clydesdale. Ooh! I want to know why she did it, and why I was stupid enough to never suspect her. The only reason Im asking politely is because you have a taser I mean I could have taken that along with your badge, keys, wallet, and rolex watch. Coronavirus? Im just in this circle of unhappiness because I dont look like I want to. It was like he couldnt even see me anymore, couldnt hear me screaming for help. The point is that I am no longer the book nerd who dreams of being in every book they read, cries about fictional characters, only wants to do something because the strong female character did. When I look at her picture, I can feel her telling me that its going to be okay, and I want to believe her. Its a girlfriends job to watch out for girls who want to steal him away. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, neither myself and nor my company, nor pasta had nothing to do with the untimely death of my wife. Barely. Yes, yes, I know. What is it, girl? So, he sent his brother Hades to marry me. The feeling of excitement came up inside of me and I ran to her, to comfort her from feeling alone. Oh my god! Ill never get married, or have children, or finish my snake skin collection or fulfill my life-long dream of being a fortune-cookie writer. It is more of a spoken word piece than a monologue, so feel free to use creative movement, music, or multi-media in your performance. Become a member. Sure, Ill never actually get married for love. So, you go. Rule #2 Never tell your mom anything that I do. Im up for the challenge. I would be too if I had to go in there. It went gold and sold 600,000 copies domestically. Im failing all of my classes and I drop out of school to become a sign spinner outside of KFC. I stayed up all night reading classified documents. Im where? Im gonna say I had to pee. I have to go. Where we leave, when Sally says, "Let's go." I dream of carrots, carrots, and more carrots. I opened my eyes, only for the saltwater to flood them. Here are the rules: Rule #1 You dont question, you just do it. I got somethings off my chest at least. Oh, thats the end of our session? Okay God, take me know. Genre: Dramatic Its not a bad thing Mom! Id watch all those beautiful brides walk down the aisle, looking so beautiful in their elegant gowns, hair done so perfectly, holding the loveliest flowers just below their glowing faces, bursting with joy, faces decorated with the biggest smiles, bright as jewelry, every one of them feeling like theyre the only girl in the whole world. But now its decided. Jessie? Most people dont take teenagers seriously. So, you go ahead and do what you gotta do. And theres no way Im going to get rid of it today (under breath) or maybe ever. And if they dont feel pretty, why should anyone else feel pretty? Didnt think so. By: Hanna Collins, Cupertino, California, USA, Age 15 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A Chinese mother lectures her child about how easy her life is. Stars everywhere. So now, with no shame and in full confidence, I can announce to the world: I am one of a kind. August 5, 2022, 10:45 am. She had everything rung out and everything was going great, until I reached into my purse to grab my credit card and it wasnt there! (She reaches to put the bear on the shelf, but is interrupted by a phone call. (beat) If you dont want to get eaten, why did you climb into my cave in the first place? What Makes a Great Monologue? 10 Great Monologues Screenwriters Can Im livin the good life. I thought only bad kids had those. By: Chloe Cramutola, Age 16, New Jersey, USA Description: In a world where everyone has gone missing, one teen remains, imagining that he/she is a radio show host. 3. In your Season Three interviews, you said that you don't believe anyone in Barry is a particularly bad person. Sometimes I wonder why he ever had a kid. Whats that? First Place Winner! See, the humans, they respect me. This he does throughout the song, both of them talking about how the world is so different or new now. Second Place Winner! Even the G train. How did I go from being a happy rabbit living a life of freedom, to being chained up and tortured? Do you have something to share with the rest of us? Youre all worried about me! From the moment we met dancing together at that festival a year ago, until the moment he surprised me on the beach, written in the sand, a proposal pulled straight from the movies. First Place Winner! Sweetie, dont waste your life as I did. I promise that its not really a big deal. There he is. Oh crap I have a file?! Our test subjects are the ones who first turned into zombies. is a whole new world a monologue - I remember waking up surrounded by paramedics and police. Youre going to major in accounting. I was petrified; I mean my lifelong dreams could be ruined, but In the weirdest way I felt some type of relief. After that I went to Georges house to tell her about it. Maybe she could possibly be a playwright, Ive seen her in English class, that girl can write two pages of a five-page essay in under an hour. The most deafening moment was JFKs birthday in 1962. 11 am, lunch. We learn that Amy has gone missing and see her husband, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) in distress. Sorry, I keep forgetting Im on Earth, where gravity exists. Who else could it happen to? I no longer have the right to feel sad, the sadness has been stripped from me leaving me open, Im empty, I have no emotions, no love, no feeling, and no reason. Its been hours and Im still lost. Copyright 19982023, McSweeneys Literary Arts Fund. Third Place Winner! Thats when I learned to be social; To appreciate my friends and family. I panicked and left all those sweet clothes on the counter. My sister is a god too. 5 the kind what turns a lady's head. Lea Salonga & Brad Kane - A Whole New World Lyrics - Genius Id finally get a break from him pulling my poor tail and plucking my precious apricot colored-fur. I love you, just keep your distance and we wont have any altercations. You might want to get a snack. Every time the doorbell rings, Im scared to answer for fear of bad news. One time, we even planned out how we would make a business together. Thanks for remembering. I know this sounds crazy, but. My parents know. It was everywhere. Or a skating rink! How dare you disrespect me like that. A student sits at a desk, agonizing over a blank piece of paper. I will not hesitate to take it! So, turns out my mum wasnt so happy about all of this, and she went looking the whole world over for me. I always wanted to walk into a room and be the eye catcher because of how thin I could be. He used to be in the grade above us, but I guess he needed to learn more, so hes in our class now. She rubbed my back and made me feel better. You could have informed me before Im in the middle of the ocean, Mr. President! Third Place Winner! He waves at me but with only three fingers. Youd sew and I would do the finance. Well, I guess theres one thing that I really do need to talk about. Right now! Terrible. First Place Winner By:Sarah K., Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, Age 14 Gender:Any Genre:Dramatic Description:A teenager visits her (or his) fathers grave with a friend. You hope and hope no one criticizes your hair or your clothes or your makeup. Im going to go home to a two-bedroom house and pray to God we have enough to pay for the electric bill. After I finish my adventures, I will head home. All you have to do is turn princess Andromeda and Poseidons Sea serpent into stone. Martin, Ive never seen a cat so friendly. Thats unfortunate because my cat really wants to come with me on the blimp. Every time I look at it, it feels like a punch straight to my gut. And I guess they are kind of coolfor ancient, mummified rock stars. I gotta get my kiss now. My sweet May. Im not embarrassed; its just not what youre going to expect.Well, if you really want me to say it. Apparently my emo little sister left her hair color stuff in the shower, cause my hair was bright green when I took the towel off. I have dignity and poise. Oh, sweetie, no, HES the dramatic one. Dont blink. So I said, Sure, why not. You see, whenever a new species is created, all of its traits are put in a big pot and left to mix. Dont blink. You dont waste time, do you? Yay! The only thing worse than yelling is silence. Anyway, we always got caught, and we always got in trouble, but that didnt stop us. By: Annika G., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Age 14 Gender:Male Genre:Dramatic Description: A character talks to a younger version of herself (or himself). So go ahead. Climbing the big birch tree was her favorite past time. Almost my entire family has been in jail before and I want to be the one to set an example for my familys next generation. Would you do it all over again and have a chance to reverse doing everything youve regretted? Theyre just statues, now. Maybe if I tell you about all the things we did, and who we used to be together, youd remember. I bet I could beat you in a race. Like if you wear makeup, you know you look good. I remember having sleepovers and playdates with my cousin. (pause) Im sorry I went away to University. Its being drowned in a bathtub because Pedro was asked to give me a bath instead of playing soccer with his buddies down the street. I was 7. Oh right, I cant. Well, here you go. Sounds like a great guy. It taught me how to grieve. Im sorry I never texted you enough, Im sorry that you left, Im sorry, and I still miss you. Eventually, I repaired all my friendships, so nothing was lost on my reflections havoc. You always want more and more and theres like this hole in my heart that I thought I could fill if I made you proud of me. Third Place Winner! Now, he only came to visit when he meant serious business. (Go into the correct on guard position.) Thats why my footprints were in there. Only someone with the blessings of Athena could have enough foresight to think of using something shiny to deflect my gazeYou wont need it. And it wasnt the time I stole a hotdog cart in Times Square. Am I a good person? (Laughs.) (Takes a deep breath and rolls the window down.) (Grabs a new piece of paper) Hey Jason, the house is quiet and boring without you here. I never got an apology for that. In fact, I think we should see other people. I read that on Facebook. It bodes well to be a coward at a time like this. No presidents no emperors, us kids. and now I sound totally pretentious. But thats okay. A Whole New Wordle - "A Whole New World" Parody - YouTube Julie Paretsky, she was and still is the delinquent of the group. Thats where I took my first hit of heroin. Of course, he wasnt talking clothing, he meant skin tone. Can you imagine walking into the kitchen to see an army of little crustaceans manning the grill? Oh, did I mentionhe is fine, he is fine. Forever trying to reach the ground, and not quite making it. You were old. is a whole new world a monologueguinness irish stew slow cooker. Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic. I hate my body. Get it? ! (beat) Its WAY worse. Another time, I crashed at Buckingham palace while the Queen was out doing some Queenly stuff. Hello little human! About me going to the rooftop of the school and being ready to jump? You wrote me a note on pink paper saying that you HAD to tell me something, but then we had to go back to being mad at each other. You know, you never once told me youre proud of me. Not black. I think Im going to turn to stone. Im keeping it! My dad, hes just stressed out is all. Teachers like to read stuff like that, right? And remember, if you have something cool inside your house, remember to lock up when you leave! Maybe I just need glasses. Oh yes, my nose would finally be able to smell the sweet scent of roses. But thats not even the worst of it! His impression of Daniel Day Lewis doing Abraham Lincoln sounded more like Al Pacino. Then, I will go and explore space. So I have an idea, instead of giving me a novel, how about you just sum it up in a few words and let me enjoy the rest of my Sunday? Youll see, one day, youll be nothing more than another grain of sand in the ocean of nobodies. Sometimes she would know when I had a bad day and would always make me feel better. This monologue focuses on body image and self esteem. Oh, I dont think Im strong. What if you never feel happy or excited about anything? Then, I guess it all came to a head on March 2nd. My mother couldnt understand what was wrong. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. What happened next felt instant and slow motion all at once. Wait. When I first started this job, the grass was pristine. Im legit doing more work in the Spanish class that Im just taking for extra credit than the class I want to focus my whole life on. (nods) Yeah, I sure hope so. Discuss these conflicts wi When I realized what had happened, I was bleeding from my arms, knees, knucklespretty much any exposed skin that you can imagine. Thats Julian Wynn, and he has really bad allergies. At 8:30 she is supposed to be there. Not until I met Milton Greene. I met someone. Dancing brought me so much joy! I used to come here a lot. Im just interested in someone else. Everything after that felt so surreal. (Waits for a minute for camera to turn off.) I remember waking up and crawling in her bed to warm up. Matter fact nah, I dont wanna hear it. I just want to say to them, Look you little two-timing molded fruit cakes, I am NOT obsessed with celebrities! The truth is, I only in love with ONE! But it also holds so dark ones. And on top of that, the world is full of negativity, like poverty, famine, kidnapping, disease. Ive been in there for days! I must have looked pretty crazy. Please, I need you. (pause) Okay. I think Mr Rupert will see you now. Can I be that for him, forever? We want wallets n watches. The family can do without eggs for a few more hours. Not feeling comfortable in my own skin. Theyre wolves, theyre sharks, and make no mistake, theres blood in the water. You heard sniffles, under a poorly masked smile. By: Karly Anderson, Age 14, Texas, USA Description: A young person is nervous about a big audition. A chance Dad might finally come back? By: Emma Lugo, Age 13, USA Description: A spoken word piece reflecting on the speakers mother who lived in foster care. And no throwing them this time! MY EARS. I am here. I may be smaller than you, but Ive got powerful weapons in these here paws. Youre hard to please. Ive had them for as long as I can remember, and I have no clue why God chose me to have them. But look, you really shouldnt make fun of the homeless. The only thing I worried about was missing an assignment at school or dropping my ice cream on the floor. I know! (turns to the friend) Youre dead to me! With these arms, Ill scoop some of Venus clouds into a jar, screw the lid on, and bring the jar back to Earth. I really want to go outside. But I mean come on people! It was that kinda, doe-eyed, sloppy lie you tell when youve got cherry marmalade in your heart about a guy. She keeps a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and everything. Its kind of a long story. (Turns across) Look, Im gonna be honest. I truly do. I heard you from the waiting room. Ive always found that a nice cup of hot tea can settle my nerves. [Laughs] There are bad people on the show. (Pause.) Especially when the characters are so interesting that want to be them. He almost made it to the top. It makes no sense. PLEASE. Eventually, I got up and ran back home. I looked up pictures of Aerosmith online and the main guy doesnt look like a guy at all. And maybe I am, but Im not going to pretend Im normal anymore. Why me?! Her name is Eve. Break the school record in track and field? I think I had decompressionno, whats it calleddepression. Im ready. When you moved in next door, I was so happy. She probably still holds a grudge from THE MISHAP. I love you. I was even born in here, I know its safe. First Place Winner! "A Whole New World" from Aladdin - McSweeney's Internet Tendency I am calling the principal! Kind of ironic that they etched a mountain on his headstone. I grabbed my lunch, and my dad yelled goodbye and just like always, he says, Dont do anything stupid. Its like my old mans motto, and normally, I dont listen. With a loud crack, the ball pops off the bat and the announcer says, High fly ball deep to center field. But by the time ye return, who knows where me and me rainbow have buggered off ta. . NO! Hel-. Thats what you gotta get through your thick skull. Gone Girl - "Cool Girl". Or when the lights are out and someone yells for your name, and youre black, and everyone is like where did you go, it so dark I cant see you. I thought it was kind of like a drill, you know, like it would only last 1 or 2 days, and it would be over. (Picks herself up.) It looks like you could eat me and my grandma up. Hi, um I know, I know. I would love to direct eventually. I call it decorating the truth. There was a moment to reflect back on the wild ride that it's been. Hesitates.) I will truly miss the mornings waking up beside her. Third Place Winner! (looks around then talks into the phone while running offstage) Oh my God, Im in the library! After that I dont mind what you do. My mum and stepdad had left me. But how do I know for sure? It will bankrupt us.