Right after I said that, the virtual reality shut down and we were back in the normal hospital room as it had always appeared. I wanted him to tell me what city we were in and if we were near Washington DC, but he didnt answer me. They had time splicing technology and time healing technology. The truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. I found it interesting that Nicolas called them UFOs to describe them before the disclosure, and he called them flying saucers to describe them after the disclosure. I wasnt exactly sure what he was asking me, but somehow I had the inkling that I knew the answer. I was open to the idea that aliens did in fact exist because I felt it was very arrogant of humans to think we are the only ones, but I was not open to factual information about such topics until September 2015. The orbits of stars near a black hole in the. I knew that when I read the RA and the Law of One, it was very sad to me that Don Elkins committed suicide at the end, and I wanted to know if that happened in Nicolas timeline (or if suicide happened at all.) I figured Nicolas and Peter knew I liked dried seaweed, but maybe they didnt know this was not really a breakfast type of food in my culture. Then he let the device go back into the air. My computer was near my bed and was on sleep mode, but it woke up and the screen came on. I want to know his thoughts, he famously said. A Portal to a Parallel Universe Opens Through a Mirror | Medium Discover our four plan options. I asked Peter to tell me and explain what was going on, but he wouldnt say anything. Sci-Fi or Reality? Travel Tips for an Alternate Universe Lerina Garca, a 41 year old, well educated professional opened her eyes one morning to discover she was in what she later assumed to be an alternate universe existence of her own life. I knew the ice in this drink didnt melt like the normal ice I knew of. The tag was a digital tag, but it was very light weight and felt like fabric. I assured myself that I would know it was not a dream even after I woke up in my own timeline. The bizarre logic of the many-worlds theory - Nature I woke up again, but I was still in the hospital!!! There were no gritty little details like, How many UFOs does our government have? in Nicolas timeline. Even though the existence of parallel worlds has not yet been proven, some people happen to find entryways into alternative universes when they least expect it, and it can actually happen to any of us. I tried one of the O cereal pieces and one of the flakes of seaweed. The year was 1955, and newspaper headlines announced the death of a renowned scientist. I actually did want to go home.. He said that more of a main purpose of Wanderers in my timeline was to raise the vibratory frequency of consciousness {which I already knew}, whereas in Nicolas timeline more of a main purpose was to alleviate ascension for everyone. He meant make ascension easier for everyone, make it easier for everyone to go, move up, and graduate 3D. Just like everything else, things in both of our timelines are the same but a little different. Wanderers are souls who have already graduated in octaves of density, but they incarnate into a lower density for a purpose to serve. A three day stay seemed unusual for me, well it was a time between afternoon/evening to a full day and now this morning. As a child, my father was interested in aliens and UFOs, but its not something I ever took seriously or was interested in, as I got older. They didnt look like airplanes or round disc flying saucers. Set. As far as I can remember, they stopped giving me the tests and my father told me the school said I didnt pass the tests when I asked him why theyd stopped. What do you mean by the ones I leaked? Maybe this was the special operating room with special, dying me, circumstances. This girl looked like me, but only a few inches taller, and she looked to be about 13 to 16 years old. They looked slick but well loved, like the boys had used them often and personalized them. I lay back down and tried to go back to sleep. I tried to put the computer to sleep again, but it came on again later. Nicolas was standing beside me, but he urgently asked me, Do you know what is going to happen next? I looked back at them, wondering why theyd done this, but they were acting like they were trying to pretend nothing had happened. He only responded with, No, thats just a story for your kind of timeline. So I wanted to know why they stopped doing RA and the Law of One in 1985. I was so happy because it seemed that the Sphere Being Alliance had quarantined us in our solar system. She did want him to know though that, in his emotional upset, hed scolded the wrong Allison from the wrong timeline, but it was a happy accident and wanted him to think about how he was going to handle it. The first thing that came in was that we were in America and it was 2016 (for both me and Nicolas). This took place after the war. I laid back down to try to sleep, but I didnt go to sleep. I just couldnt quite wrap my mind around how this was possible because I had never heard of anyone doing this, but somehow I knew and understood that Nicolas was telling the truth. If I could do this, I would unmistakably know I wasnt in the hospital again and it wasnt just another virtual reality session of Peter and Nicolas. Id had the experience a few times already in this visit of going to sleep or losing consciousness in the parallel timeline only to wake back up in the same darn hospital again. Inner Universes Parallel/Variety. That is the only way I know how to describe it. In a sense our timelines are the same but different. I wanted to know what she had said and what was happening. It was as if the undertone of his mental sentence was, these entities you know of as David Wilcock and Corey Goode{have these very important roles to play for humanity}.. In my timeline it was also about these three things though. I know I am what is termed as a Wanderer in RA and the Law of One. I didnt know which one it was, and Nicolas didnt specify all the details, but he did want me to know that he wasnt a robot.. Parallel Universe (Garnet Crow album), the eighth studio album by Japanese group Garnet Crow. This seemed to be a gender and race attempt to see what might appeal to me. I knew there was food in this box. We have unfastened ourselves from these alternate realities. I was losing consciousness. After hearing Wilcock talk about the RA and the Law of One material so much, I also read this literature all the way through. I knew that if I could think hard enough about me, and my body, in my normal bed at home in my native timeline, I could go back there. I was in the hospital bed, but all around me was a landscape of a rocky brown desert, similar to Mars. His unfinished work explored what would be known as the theory of everything, an equation, perhaps no more than an inch long, that would allow us to unify all the laws of physics. I put the computer back to sleep and wanted to know where Anaheim was so I looked on the internet. THIS PAGE CONTAINS THE FULL WRITTEN ACCOUNT For a VIDEO Account about my experience CLICK HERE There was a low double bed up on a platform. It was a breathtaking sight from up on the roof. I experienced three days in this parallel timeline within three of our hours. Dr. Steven Greer is a well-respected ufologist who made the documentary, Sirius. As you got closer to the building I was on, the buildings got taller, and the building right next to us was taller than the place we were at on the roof of this hospital. Nicolas said that, The American government felt it was in the best interest and safety for the American peoples to know the truth about this knowledge, and because they had done the right thing they received benevolent assistance from off world races during this conflict/upheaval/social unrest. Eventually there was some sort of peaceful settling down, resolution, liberation of peoples/their consciousness, and release of advanced technology. Were going to go to the roof. I immediately got excited. Off in the distance of about one block length away, a large train pulled up with long train cars. Nicolas knew this was all beginning to sound like a very peculiar situation for me, that Me in his regular society had applied to this facility and they somehow had the quantum technology to suck me out of my timeline and into this hospital for healing. BridgET (as she is on her website to bridge our world with ET) claimed that there is a benevolent human-alien hybrid children program. As far as I could consciously remember, I did not have alien abduction experiences or issues associated with suppressed subconscious alien abduction experience like nightmares, phobias, etc. The baby looked like me, like the baby pictures of me that I remembered seeing from my real life. The baby started to cry, but there was another Me in the room that came up to the baby and picked it up out of the basket. Which ones? The room looked mostly normal except for a large corner of the room where another virtual reality scene was playing out. I knew the monkey had been bread to have fur extremely soft. I quickly tried very hard to notice the city I was in and the architecture. In our society, we do not widely understand how the physics of such a phenomena works so it is difficult for us to grasp, but Im sure it all makes sense within the laws of quantum physics. I got out of the hospital bed, but when I looked back, the bed looked like a normal bed in a conventional bedroom. The intuitive voice replied with Why do you think it is that you became a preschool teacher? and then it left. This culture had all the technology we would in my native timeline if the Military Industrial Complex didnt exist. As they probe the secrets of the cosmos, scientists question whether our reality is but one in a multiverse. My parents say the school sent them a letter notifying them they were going to give me these logic based tests and then sent them another letter saying I got high marks on the tests but I wasnt what they were looking for. There was no specific mention in the letters of what type of school or special program they would have sent me to had I passed the tests. metatronhermete 5 yr. ago. Nicolas seemed to think that the negativity left behind by the Draco/Archon/Orion group was also important for spiritual growth and awakening, even though it could have also been the reason why we didnt all jump into ascension right in 2012. I had a great, great grandfather who was the mayor of Bangor Wales, but as far as I know, military and government training is not a prominent aspect for anyone in my current immediate family. All this time I had stayed in the same hospital room, but now we were going to go to the roof! Perhaps such dreams are glimpses from what one experienced in a parallel Universe. As I was hugging her, I noticed she was also a few inches taller than I am and her body was a bit more plump or womanly. This is a privatized group of elite that do not answer to the US government and own things like the well-known, top secret facility, Area 51. Explore the latest news & podcasts. It was very strange and I had no explanation for it, but I had been watching Cosmic Disclosure by then and joked with myself about what kind of worm hole portal adventure I must have gotten into that caused the time on my wrist watch to be three hours behind when I woke up. She had large black almond shaped eyes, and it made sense that it was a little more dimly lit in this operating room than it had been in my regular hospital room. The two pair nicely together. I remembered going to sleep at 3:30am from my bed in Seattle Washington on 10/18/2016. This wooden box looked like it had been painted or stained to be very dark reddish brown. As best as I can sum it up, David Wilcocks work has to do with the physics of spirituality and Corey Goode is very instrumental at relaying how the issue of extra terrestrials fits into our human global history, what is still going on today in our society, and how this effects our every day lives. They looked oblong like a shuttle bus, but I knew they could fly. I couldnt quite remember exactly what was going on in the next room, but somehow I knew I wanted to go in there to see how things were progressing. I have a strange scar on my right inner thigh that always looks like a bug bite and always hurts inside if I prod at it, unlike most scars. The virtual bedroom shut down and I lost consciousness with it. In my native timeline, Corey Goode says they started working together and everything was Top Secret. I wanted to get out and explore the city, find a library and learn about their culture and history, maybe take one of these public transportation shuttles. Ive had some resistance to sharing this information openly, perhaps knowing that many may discount such an experience as false, but I assure you that I come to you today with honesty to share what I experienced to the best of my perspective. He looked like he believed me, but something was still amiss or abnormal about this whole situation. The domain of relativity is nothing less than the entire cosmos. You cant just walk down the street and talk to someone about Corey Goode like you can about Donald Trump. They had very white pale skin, just like the robot AI androids from the Hollywood movies I knew about. Afterall, who wants Back to the Future in 2015 messing up the beautiful blue sky? He said they were all expecting the ascension event in 2012 but it didnt happen for them either. At the time I thought she was totally bonkers crazy and discounted her as nuts, except for one thing. ? I think he knew very well that I never watched the news, regularly or at all, in my native timeline. But its difficult to interact with them, because you dont vibrate coherently with them. To paraphrase the great British geneticist J.B.S. Peter always seemed very fond of me, not in a sexual attraction sort of way, but in a caretaker sort of way. There are an unlimited number of parallel universes. I just opened my eyes, and I was back. WHAT?! I asked myself, What is going on? Nicolas consciousness seemed content with this understanding. I also had my normal cosmic clothing on. They were assimilated into the United States government to develop technology for the Americans. I had no idea who David Wilcock and Corey Goode were, but the intent of the two men on the show seemed genuine and honest. Wondrous devices in our lives, such as transistors, computers and lasers, are all possible because the electron, in some sense, can be in several places at the same time. He also talks about what is going on in Coreys present life in his contacts with terrestrials and non-terrestrials. The salary for a preschool teacher is so unbearably low, and I could very well have talents for another job. According To Scientists We Can Sneak Into The Parallel Universe Through The kind of people that like ecstatic dance, yoga, eating organic food, sometimes live in shared housing, and are a little more friendly or touchy-feely huggy than the wider culture. Thank you again for sharing this, as it definitely helps understanding more on my path.I hope to read more (nice) experiences in the future from you . I just as easily assumed it might have been the president, but I also knew that the President of the United States is not always privy to the truth about these sorts of things. I noticed she looked like me, but elderly, maybe in her 60s. I was a bit surprised, but it wasnt strange to me because, in my real life ever since high school I had been doodling people with two irises in their eyes. The times were the same. He kind of rolled his eyes at me and said, Oh goodness under his breath. We both must have looked a little startled. Im astounded by the way you dont seem to be scared at all in this situation, cause even if we read and learn about what is going on behind the deep states secrets and we can imagine it, it is not necessarily the same when experienced. I dont know why, but it is humorous to me, now that I write this document, that Nicolas used this analogy. It was similar to some kind of experience of being drugged that I knew of from my timeline. I knew somehow that this hospital had virtual reality technology similar to the holodeck on the Star Trek show so it was exciting for me to see what Peter and Nicolas were up to next. That is why they were abducting humans. In 2015 I stumbled upon a YouTube video by a woman named Bridget Nielsen who was describing her hypnotherapy experience with Barbara Lamb in which she sought Lambs help to recall alien abduction experiences. The movie, The Island, is very similar to what the Military Industrial Complex would do in our timeline, but they have no MIC in Nicolas timeline. I dont remember anything specific this sign said, but it appeared to be some sort of directional sign. I was happy to see it because I hadnt remembered seeing it yet on my hospital visit this time, but it was like I had spent time with this same particular monkey before on previous visits to this hospital. My consciousness jumped to RA and the Law of One. Maybe I could know by some kind of telepathy that he was back at the hospital and I could teleport back here. I didnt read the new message because I was disappointed that the old message I had clearly read was no longer there. Whatever timelines you give more energy to, theyre more likely to happen/come true because they are stronger. I immediately wanted to give more energy to an ascension timeline rather than a transhumanist timeline- one where there is full disclosure, disclosure about transhumanism, peace on Earth, free energy, etc. Also, as a juxtaposition, in other timelines that are worse off then mine, perhaps Corey Goodes information is not available to the public at all or maybe Corey Goode, himself, is in some type of hiding. I immediately ran over to some young girls from the public who were ascending some stairs to another part of the hospital on the roof. I looked at my watch again and it was 3:30am. As I started down the front steps of the hospital, I somehow remembered that my body and consciousness was still very much plugged into my native timeline and I couldnt unplug it. By now it was about 3am and I was getting fed up with devil computer, but I put it back to sleep one last time. They were living in a post disclosure society and I was living in a pre disclosure society with candidates for president like Hilary and Trump. All I knew is that I had experienced three days in this parallel timeline within three of our hours. I figured the closer we were to Washington DC, the sooner his government or supervisors would find out that something was going amiss with my visit here. Nothing looked out of the ordinary to me just outside that window from my vantage point. It didnt look like it was a city landmark, but I wondered if it was a giant ferris wheel. I wondered what the technology used to suck me out of my timeline had to do with electronics and my computer. I try to get enough rest when I can because, as you can imagine, working 60 hours per week can be tiring. He did not get into any of the details surrounding this event, how it happened, whether or not that person was killed for doing this, or who they even were. We live on the skin of this bubble, and it exploded 13.8 billion years ago, giving us the Big Bang. I just stumbled upon the YouTube video and listened with great interest. What are you trying to do, drug me? I was trying to make a joke because I knew Peter and Nicolas had the technology to make me lose consciousness when they most properly saw fit and then wake up again in the same hospital later. Several researchers believe that the concept of the multiverse is impossible to prove. Were not near Washington DC, are we Nicolas? I said it very calmly and casually so the phrase, that would be bad, didnt mean eminently negative or dangerous. I figured it wasnt surprising that they had teleportation technology too. Sometimes people dream about events that have not yet happen but will take place in the future. Nicolas said, Just play with Muffin and be happy. By that he seemed to mean, Just play with the monkey and be comforted because I know this must be a longer stay than you are used to and we cant let you go back just yet.. Again, it was as if they had mixed up these drinks because they thought thats what people from my timeline liked, but I thought they were a bit repulsive. I was a bit tired and went to bed as I normally do. I was very interested in this article about food because Id had self-imposed, drastic dietary changes to alleviate common serious medical issues like cavities in the teeth and cervical dysplasia. Corey Goode describes that ETs have a treaty called the Muhammad Accord that they will not interfere with our free will, they will not have open contact with us, and they will let us develop on our own until, perhaps, we have matured enough to join galactic society. For the first time, I got a good look at this nurse while she was fixing the Me on the table. Still, it wasnt very nice of them to put me through these scenarios where I got aroused sometimes but never got to actually have sex with the virtual people. I didnt actually feel like eating this food so I put it into the trash receptacle on the floor. I was going to eat it anyway. The title of the show was Deeper Into Our Fractionalized Universe and was all about the fractal shape of our entire universe, the shape of the largest galaxy down to the smallest atom. Upon entering the operating room. I saw a girl on a large metal rectangle table. Sleep was more important to me because I worked so much and I knew that people who had alien abduction experiences didnt usually remember it in the morning anyway. I figured machine peoples meant that the people were biological, organic people with souls but with more qualities of a machine than I was used to, like they didnt have to eat or sleep but they could if they wanted to. Parallel Universe, the eighth studio album by American band Plain White T's. "Parallel Universe" (song), a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers on the 1999 album Californication. The children were in the room to my left, and now I looked over to the right. Dimension Jumping: How To Travel Between Parallel Universes Read. Maybe hed actually been there all night instead of come in earlier than I woke up and didnt turn the lights on because he didnt want to wake me. Image credit: Wikimedia commons . In my native timeline, The Military Industrial Complex grew into the monster we have today, but our public is barely aware of how this effects all of us down to our every day lives. You don't have to study a map of the world for very long before realizing that no place called Taured actually exists. I held the monkey with my left arm, as you would an upright baby, while I opened the lid to a wooden box at the side of my bed with my right hand. My guess is that they wanted to show you the "matrix" illusion, and stimulate in you to "question" reality. I certainly didnt know what kind of circumstances surrounded her death, but I wondered if she had tried to commit suicide, was in an accident, or was a sorry mishap of a government syndicate riddled world. They must still follow the Logos of Now but consciously are willing to show evil in the world in order to make the world a better place. Take the electron, a subatomic particle that carries a negative charge. I remembered I had heard of or read something that electronics often behaved unusually when people had alien abductions, and this wasnt an alien abduction, but maybe the technology used was similar. Perhaps somehow there was something more I could do to fix other timelines where I was damaged. Kind of like crossing a portal and then looking back and there's no portal anymore, no way back. The mysterious man's passport backed up his story. Write a science story set in this utopic and blissful world. Perhaps such dreams are glimpses from what one experienced in a parallel Universe. I looked at the tag and read, in green blocky font, all capital letters, Trumps defeat before you return. In that moment I thought, Oh no, are they going to keep me here for over a month, past the presidential election?. Top 5 REAL People That Visited A Parallel Universe - YouTube As an adult, after watching Cosmic Disclosure, I asked my father and step mother if they remember these tests. But to do this, scientists must first determine a crucial truth: where the universe came from. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. I saw three boys leaning up against the red railing that went down the front steps to the hospital. I tried to lighten things up for them and their jobs, perhaps joke around a bit. I said I thought it symbolized purity and peace and was often used to connect spiritually. But I woke up again, back in the hospital, the very same darn hospital!!! I woke up in a bed in a hospital room!!! Could I even watch the news from my timeline?, Nicolas looked quite puzzled. I figured hed been sitting in the dark with that dim light on his chair, but the lights were somehow connected to my consciousness and automatically came on when I woke up this morning. It almost reminded me of the reflective material that traffic workers have on their bright colored jackets so cars watch out for them. The morning light was just coming up and it reflected off of the buildings down below. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world Peter was an older gentleman with grey hair. By that logic, the solitary bubble introduced by Einstein now becomes a bubble bath of parallel universes, constantly splitting in two or bumping into other bubbles. Their pants were similar to cargo pants, but there was something very odd and different about them than the pants I knew of in my timeline. Just like all the sand in an hourglass eventually falls into the bottleneck, so too does all of time and everyone in it. There is a portal from our universe to at least one other parallel . It seemed like whatever Peter was worried about didnt actually matter. Then somehow I knew that the child Me in the room didnt actually speak English, either not at all or not very well, that she was from some country in Europe where English was not her primary language, if she was even familiar with it at all. They looked yellowish, but also glassy like they were reflecting light and yellow wasnt their actual color. My lifes holistic and spiritual training and my education from BridgET, Barbara Lamb, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, and Gaia TV may have been my free will ticket into consciously remembering my three day parallel timeline experience when others may have just as easily forgotten. Did I Visit a Parallel Universe? : r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix - Reddit Its just two guys sitting in chairs chatting and they had 52 episodes of this thing planned. By this time also, Nicolas was finding the mental interaction quite tedious, since he didnt really think all the gritty details about who is who in each others timelines mattered much anyway. I knew these kids were just going to wake up from this experience like it was a dream, even though it wasnt, so it didnt matter that they were scared. However, I had just gotten this food out of a sealed package, it tasted processed or manufactured somehow, and by this time my consciousness was so turned off by processed food. I immediately looked at my iPod beside my bed because I knew that I had the experience before of waking up one morning with a different time on the watch on my wrist than the actual time. This birthed the singular cosmos as we know it. Instead Id call it a parallel timeline, and will refer to it as timelines instead of parallel universes in my experience from now on. Here I was, I had just been to a parallel timeline, and I had to get back to my normal life, working like a slave for 60 hours per week, just to make some money that didnt even exist for my friend Nicolas. It appeared to be legitimate. It was 6:30am! That is, most likely youll wake up in your bed tomorrow, not on Mars. Somehow I felt more connected to Nicolas after having that weird mental conversation, but I didnt know how. The boy furthest in the back said, North and the boy closest to me said Anaheim and then the state name. Garcia's experience was related in 2008 when she made an effort to search for help on the Internet. Top Secret knowledge was that they had better technology like anti-gravitic flying crafts.