He helped me to stop feeling sorry for myself. He caused me to roll up my sleeves and get to work. We learned the hard way that you reach who you are, not who you want. The answer is a resounding YES!. Dont change anything until your core leaders are thoroughly committed to the biblical purposes of the church. Start putting these principles into practice now. But he stands with matches ready to set teens hearts ablaze. The Gospel. Yes they need sound doctrine. Once your 10%ers get 100% on board with this vision theyll inevitably impact the rest of the group. We get the new believers equipped in evangelism right away (along with the other spiritual disciplines!) We must be fighting the good fight of holiness together. He led me to do some very practical things that yielded some very real results. Many churches already have a great hall for their youth group, but if not find some location where everyone will feel comfortable. If you're one of these youth pastors whose youth group is in decline, I feel for you. This works in the real world, not just on paper. We went to a small bed-and-breakfast, and there we simply dreamed, prayed and bound our hearts together. Looking for ways to get young adults involved in church? I was always taught Summer Jump not Summer Slump. The food should speak for itself and make people want to come. In a plant, you get to write the rulebook. This will not only take the pressure off of you to read their minds, but it will also help them feel like theyre an active part of the youth ministry and its future. Remember that the youth pastor and all other staff and volunteers are really just interim workers. And it isnt for the faint of heart. 2. We finally put a stake in the ground and declared that we would focus on reaching middle-income young families with children. Because of Jesus resurrection we are doing this event, Because of what Jesus said we are doing this. Then the city shook with the power of the gospel message. Focus on one issue at a time. In our newfound reason to unite, the instinct to separate falls away, social media is transformed from platforms that are destructive into opportunities for gospel witness, and we begin to love people well enough to tell them the good news of Jesus, even as our own fears are cast out (1 John 4:18). Yes, I understand, you want the youth ministry to be be bigger, but berating your kids to do it will not get it done. Prepare yourself. Intercessory is not just the domain of little old ladies and those " crazy " intercessors we sometimes meet. If kids are only required to show up, play whatever game youve come up with an then sit and listen to you speak for 15-20 minutes, its no wonder your youth ministry is in trouble. The long and short of it is, younger members will be more comfortable if you act like someone your age, rather than trying to pass as a 16-year-old. Allow them to find their voice and worship God in their own musical languages and styles. check out my Ministry Minded coaching program. I have not always been Pentecostal. . When our teenagers have a chance to lead someone to Jesus they should immediately be equipped to share this life-changing message with others. Take these 5 action steps to unleash the force of revival. Identify pressing social issue(s) to redirect attention away from internal focus (i.e. Recalibration. There hadnt been a baptism in the church for at least 10 years and no recorded salvations for longer. Yes we want to get them growing but the best way to do that is to get them going. Part of coming alive is using what God has given us. Having younger mentors helping with classes and activities can open up more high-energy options for the students. Before I came to my current church, they had been on a 15-year plateau followed by a near-death experience due to a leadership conflict. I'll be sharing some ideas on how to revive a dying youth ministry. Is growing the youth group the only thing? Youth bring hope. Reviving a Dying Church - Acts 29 Network: North America Church planting is hard, but so is church revitalization. Or do you sprinkle it as fairy dust but then depend on the latest, greatest curriculum to produce real change? The No. Shift the focus from programs to friendships. When people approach you with a task that youd like you to take on or a problem theyd like you to solve, write it down so you can remember it and figure out how best to manage it. This article has been viewed 261,061 times. Delegate responsibility to key volunteers by building a culture of apprenticeship. There is nothing wrong with fun at youth group. For a dying church to move to a thriving church, they must: 1. 4. Article Images Copyright , 16 Ways to Build a Youth Ministry That Will Last, Mother's Day and the Dilemma the Church Faces. Create a directory of students, another directory of staff and volunteers, and a final directory of people who have visited your youth ministry during the past two to three years. Hire wisely. Pursue non-legalistic, grace-drenched holiness together. A positive attitude alone will not change your group, but it will change your perspective and thats a big step towards changing things around you. Set expectations for problems to be solved gradually over the course of years instead of pursuing futile quick fixes. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. A Guide to Yellow Candles: Benefits, Spells, & More, What Does It Mean to Dream about the Same Person? Are you adequately challenging your students to live out their faith or is every week game night? And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and was raised again. I Corinthians 5:14. Add to Collection book Beyond the Screen: Youth Ministry for the Connected but Alone Generation If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. A key way of inspiring your teens to evangelize is to tell stories of changed lives in every youth group meeting. Articulate the basic tenets of the faith clearly . Encourage emotional health. Develop key documents. It's risk free. But by focusing on creating an involved, inviting culture that communicates the way your young people want you to, you can make leaps and bounds in engaging the students in your church community. Its 6 days of intensive revival training that you need to get your student leaders to. Reason #4 - Young Christians' church experiences related to sexuality are often . This article has been viewed 261,061 times. Ask yourself these key questions: Do I have a life outside ministry?, Do I have an emotionally healthy schedule?, How much do I know about what I dont know?, Do I rule my tongue, or does it rule me?, Whom do I take more seriously God or myself, What am I fighting about?, What do I do after I fail?, Can I say no to people?, and Am I burning out?. Affirm and encourage them regularly by showing your appreciation in creative ways (giving them gift cards, inviting them to the pastors home for dinner, etc.). The previous youth pastor did their best or maybe not. 2023 Acts 29. If this post gets you excited and you want more. Our church was hidden in the woods at the end of a dead-end road completely surrounded by an upper-income housing development. 1 Find a good meeting location. The kids you involve in leadership and servanthood, will be the greatest benefactors of the changes they make. After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Then give people annual reviews and be willing to revise their job descriptions if necessary. Attendance didnt explode. Their desire to die to self . Its tedious. Develop a pool of potential recruits including a name of a potential volunteer beside each open position and diligently make phone calls until you find the people you need. Are they 10%ers? Make intercessory prayer the engine of the train that drives your youth ministry efforts not the caboose. If not, it might be time for a shake up. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Work to overcome challenges when you encounter them. But if you come to the time where you feel you a restart is needed, trust your gut and seek God's wisdom on next steps. Kids hear enough about what they cant do, They also must contend with their own noise their head about not being good enough. Keep reading. Or maybe the youth ministry you have just went south for a variety of reasons,none of which are your fault. Go back to the basics. Enjoy! Just follow these tips and strategies. The result was that 11 out of 12 changed the world. Are you interceding on behalf of your teenagers? Develop an organizational chart for the ministry. Ministry Minded is three months of being equipped, trained and inspired, in community, to build a sustainable youth ministry that makes disciples. Look who Jesus spent most of his time with: Peter, James, and John. 1615 Platte Street, Floor 2 Denver, CO 80202, The Five Best Ways to Engage Your Youth Group, Communicate the Way Young Members Want You to Communicate, Update Your Programming to Reflect Teens Attention Span, study by the Springtide Research Institute, Over 7,000 contacts have subscribed to Milestones texts, Coastal Cathedral was able to increase its volunteer turnout by 100%, Group Texting for Religious Organizations, Learn How Milestone Church Engages Its Youth Ministry Using SMS, How to Use a Church Social Media Strategy to Grow Your Congregation. All rights reserved. We must equip our 10%ers how to lead other teenagers to Jesus and then equip the ones who do to grow and go as well. Ministry is God-given responsibility. A large room, a park in good weather, or the beach in the summer are great places for teenagers to connect. Set aside time regularly for strategic thinking. No, their probably not as trust worthy as you, but trust them anyway. Wasnt this Jesus strategy? Can we do anything about it? Social time is excellent, and necessary, but don't overdo it to the point where the meetings may as well have taken place at the mall down the street. March 7, 2023 by. Was it the fast? While this may seem like a overly simplified answer, the greatest mistakes that youth pastors tend to make is to try and make every message conform to what they think the youth want to hear. Before I accepted the position, I thought the church just needed new leadership. Help volunteers build friendships with each other, and encourage them to remain committed to volunteering with the youth ministry for at least several years so they can see growth occur in students lives. Do all you can to help them feel wanted, accepted, and connected in your youth group. Get acquainted with the music kids spend their time listening to. Start recruiting adults at least six months before a new year of youth group ministry. There are no easy answers or quick fixes that will lead to a strong youth ministry. Don't be afraid to talk about God and religion, even if that's not what a lot of the teenagers really want to talk about. % of people told us that this article helped them. Make intercessory prayer the engine, not the caboose, of the train driving your efforts. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 261,061 times. If you want a way to inspire and equip your 10%ers to go all in for Jesus and start living this revival out take a look at bringing them to Lead THE Cause University this summer. Manage your time well. If so, don't despair. Outreach Magazine. The second thing I did: I loaded up a van with my core leaders (there were about 12 of us) and took them to a one-day seminar on The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren. "If you focus on growth before depth, you'll be tempted to adopt gimmicks, quick fixes and copycat tactics." Ask the young people themselves, that is. First work to give stakeholders visible evidence that something good is actually happening in the ministry. 1. Start a text marketing campaign or have a 1-on-1 conversation today. Your young people will see these closer-in-age mentors as older brothers or sisters, leading to closer relationships. Teenagers want to interact with adults who are genuine and honest. Take a look at your student leadership team and adult youth staff. To create this article, 28 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. What happened? If the culture of your youth ministry isnt healthy, change it before it changes the people working within it. Put the right system in place before looking for the right person to hire. The Five Best Ways to Engage Your Youth Group Be Sincere Ask Them What They Want Bring in Slightly Older Mentors Communicate the Way Young Members Want You to Communicate Update Your Programming to Reflect Teens Attention Span The 5 Best Ways to Engage Your Youth Group First thing, take a breath. The worst thing you can do is nothing at all. Learn the unspoken rules of church politics. Anyone who does not like change is going to have trouble with Jesus. But dont wait for LTCU. He has trained youth workers on five continents and has taught courses or been a guest lecturer at a number of colleges and seminaries. PASSION WILL TURN YOUR YOUTH MINISTRY AROUND, Youth Group Message On Serving Others: 3 Kinds Of People To Serve, Helping Your Students Develop Spiritual Habits, The Exciting Summer Outreach Program That Will Grow Your Youth Ministry, Your teaching style might have to change in order to help kids level up, Focus on growing students not growing the group, Find your kick starter. The sign of a healthy youth group, big or small, is students who know their need for Jesus. At some point, most youth leaders wonder how to revive a dying youth ministry. Over 7,000 contacts have subscribed to Milestones texts in the past two years ago. Theyre looking to God, not a strategy or program, to light that fire. For all press inquiries, emailpress@acts29.com. ", "The things that I have gotten here will help me in my new department in my church. Take a poll or post a survey for your youth group to ask for suggestions on future events or activities and gather their reactions to things youve done in the past. All Rights Reserved. Ministry Minded is three months of you being equipped, trained and inspired to build a sustainable youth ministry that makes disciples. Keep in mind that systemic changes must be built deliberately over a course of years for even the best content to reach students well.