Here are 4 of the best ways to charge your crystal. There are many suggested ways you can clean and energize crystals like the black obsidian, but by the end of it, it all comes down to you. These are: Water. Can I use Black Obsidian with other crystals? Your payment information is processed securely. Worldwide free shipping on order over $60. Spiritually cleanse your stone by running it through the smoke of a . FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $60. Aside from cleansing your obsidian bracelet, ring, or pendant, you should also regularly clean it. But how exactly can we go about this? When you return home, wrap your stone in a clean cloth before putting it away. Let it bathe under the moonlight overnight. Sound can be used to raise the vibrations of your obsidian. Our methods of cleansing Black Obsidian is similar to charging a Rose Quartz and you should find the method which suits you best. I just got a beautiful obsidian stone/Chrystal and I m wondering besides cleaning it how other ways I can care for it. You should only expose your obsidian crystal to direct sunlight for a maximum of 12 hours at a time. Cleansing can recharge the crystal again. To cleanse with sage, just burn some sage and blow the smoke over your Obsidian. Rainbow obsidian cleansing like most gemstones by the methods of ultrasonic cleaners and steamers is not recommended. Copyright2023 Spell Guru, all rights reserved. This stone should not be submerged in water, as it could crack. It can become dull and lifeless if you dont cleanse your black obsidian. Charging Method 3- Amethyst Crystals: Because amethyst crystals have the powerful innate ability to convert negative energy into positive energy, you can charge obsidian crystals by placing them on top of an amethyst cluster. Solar power is one of the most popular methods for cleansing and charging crystals, not only because it is so simple, but also because the suns natural yellow energy instills powerful positivity into our stones. Black obsidian is a powerful stone used for protection, self-reflection, and cleansing of negative energy. This factor may also be used when it comes to healing issues within the ancestral line of your family. Does Obsidian Crystal Need to be Cleansed? Aside from settling past nuisances, this dark stone is also often used to let you communicate with spirits. Put the obsidian in a natural container, such as glass or clay. Do not reveal it to others if it is on the neck. Be part of our empowered community and gain access to our weekly tips, latest product launches, and exclusive sales that will help you attract luck, wealth, healing, and protection. As youll be doing this process at night, its a perfect method to place your crystal and then go to sleep! Then visualize all of that negativity being released into the ground below. The reason why we treasure crystals so much is not just their breathtaking natural beauty, but because of their incredible energy transforming properties. One extra benefit of using moonlight to cleanse your obsidian is that you can charge it at the same time! Since the stone breaks you away from the negative elements, it will give you the power to cut ties and other negative attachments from those people who have been ruining your life. Additionally, it will no longer be able to absorb negative energy, which means it wont be as effective in protecting you from bad vibes. But before we proceed, first, lets find out why do you need to cleanse obsidian. This method is one of my favorites for charing obsidian, and I also believe its one of the most effective. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Can I Charge my Crystals in a Lunar Eclipse? Also, do not place it inside your bedroom, since the stones vibration is strong enough to disrupt your sleeping patterns. Although obsidian is generally an opaque stone, some parts of it can be translucent. Because Black Obsidian is a grounding stone, it can be helpful to sit your stone on the earth. I have a few and absolutely love the ease of just setting them on the plate and walking away. Remember that it is your friend, treat it with respect, and you will never encounter any problem with it in the long run. These will continue to build up and ruin your spiritual clarity with each day that passes. For this reason, you should only expose your obsidian crystals to direct sunlight for a maximum of three hours at a time. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If you browse around the internet or maybe a couple of physical stores in malls and small boutiques, you can see plenty of these stones lined up and promoted by spiritual guides and experts. Black obsidian is a powerful crystal that can be used for protection and healing. Experts believe that water can neutralize negative energy stored in obsidian stones. How to Charge Obsidian Crystal with Other Crystals: Step by Step. Water has the potential to cleanse, or destroy, your crystals. Allow them to burn right down. You should also regularly carry out spiritual housekeeping by smudging your space with sage smoke while saying: I bless this place with sage and love. Sometimes the powerful healing crystals can get clogged up, and you need to cleanse them properly. If you live near a body of salt water, you can use that instead. If you need to clean your black obsidian stone or jewelry, it's best to use clear water and only a mild soap or detergent, if absolutely necessary. This usually takes around one minute per stone. Every time you are going to work, you cannot avoid stressful events and other mind-boggling scenarios. As the rainbow obsidian absorbs negative energy from the environment and from the persons, so place it in sunlight for a few hours and then in a cool place. Are you taking care of your obsidian piece? Black obsidian is the rock formed by lava when it is cooled down or when it gets in contact with water. However, sunlight can be one of the most powerful ways to both cleanse and charge your obsidian crystal. This is known as crystal programming. But, be cautious. This means that by providing obsidian with the most effective type of energy, moonlight, youll ensure that your obsidian is reaching its fullest potential. By infusing your crystals with the positive vibrations of cleaning sound, youll help shake free your crystal of any latent negative energy. It is the stone of truth, so you have to be careful and tough enough to handle the energy it emits. Before beginning to cleanse the crystals, take a few moments to ground your personal energy (some like to meditate beforehand). Your email address will not be published. Step 3- Let It Charge: When charging obsidian with Amethyst, you;ll want to leave them be for at least 24 hours. In addition, youll also receive the effects of the interaction of amethyst and obsidian crystal, which can be more powerful than either crystal on its own. Here's how to cleanse mahogany obsidian: Hold your stone under running water for a solid minute, and then towel dry. This means that by providing obsidian with the most effective type of energy, moonlight, youll ensure that your obsidian is reaching its fullest potential. For you to know more about these traits, let us take a look at the two sets individually. Step 2- Setting Intentions: Arguably the most important aspect of any crystal cleansing, setting the intention of cleansing is the next step in cleansing your obsidian. You can put the stone outside on a sunny day for at least an hour, throw it into a pot of boiling water for five minutes, put it on a rock in the moonlight, or hold it up to a light bulb or sunlight until it glows. Obsidian, a powerfully protective stone, forms a shield from negativity and provides a connection between the earth's core and the base chakra. In this method, a Tibetan singing bowl is typically used to cleanse the stone. If possible, the full moon will be the most effective phase for obsidian crystal cleansing, but any phase of the moon will do- even the new moon! If you want the best results from this stone, then make sure to keep it clean and charged! 7 Effective Ways, 11 Pink Opal Healing Properties and Spiritual Benefits, 9 Garden Quartz Healing Properties and Benefits, How to Cleanse and Charge Amazonite? Because of these qualities, black obsidian is often used as tools and weapons back in the old days (e.g. How To Cleanse, Recharge And Activate Black Obsidian Like every stone and crystal, Obsidian needs to be cleansed, recharged, and activated regularly. . Saltwater Cleanse This method is one of the easiest and most effective ways to cleanse your Black Obsidian, utilizing the natural positive energy and cleansing qualities of salt to restore healing energy to your stones. Well now go over three specific methods of cleansing your obsidian crystal: Cleansing Option 1- Moonlight: My personal absolute favorite method for both cleansing and charging obsidian in particular, moonlight is an extremely effective method for discharging any built-up negative energy. Rice - brown rice is another great, inexpensive way to clear your crystals. The stone is commonly used for protection, truth-telling, healing, and of course, feng shui. Obsidian Sex Toys. Save 20% with code EM20 In this section, well go over the most effective methods for charging your obsidian crystals. 8 Safe Ways. It forms whenever the lava cools down quickly and apparently did not have enough time to turn into a glass (although it is believed to be a form of volcanic glass). However, cleaning your Black Obsidian before using it with other stones is essential. Tap the stick against the bowl to ring it. When Should You Cleanse and Charge Obsidian? The more you use it, the more negative energy it collects. South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (GBP ), The Tree Of Life: Symbolism And Its Meaning, Agate Bracelet: Meaning, Healing Properties, And Benefits. Plus, your crystal will gradually lose its shine and become dull. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For some experts and collectors, the value of unprocessed black obsidian could be price tagged for at least $5-10 per kilogram. The black obsidians power is to bring out everything that you have been ignoring or hiding from. Bringing an ancient coven into a modern era. The longer you leave it out in the moonlight, the more powerful and brighter the color will become. So, dont forget to cleanse your wearables regularly. The best way to cleanse obsidian is the safe way. Additionally, youll reap the benefits of a synergy between amethyst and obsidian crystals. How to Charge Rose Quartz? This is especially so if you are using salt water. Cleansing with Sage Sage is an herb that has been used for centuries for its cleansing and healing properties. We'll now go over three specific methods of cleansing your obsidian crystal: Back in the day, black obsidian was used to create knives, arrows, and other forms of tools and weapons. With this aspect, you dont have to worry about anything negative that might happen to you or the people close to you. Hold the plant with your right hand. In this way, youll allow your obsidian to reach its fullest energetic potential. Without these properties, the black obsidian will lose its meaning, and people will not get to understand nor use it properly in their endeavors. It is commonly used for psychic protection, and it has the capacity to remove all the psychic smog that has been encapsulating its owner for quite some time. Step 1- Let Your Amethyst Charge: Before you can infuse your obsidian with energy from your amethyst, youll of course need to let your amethyst gather energy first! Before you can infuse your obsidian with energy from your amethyst, youll of course need to let your amethyst gather energy first! It can also absorb negative energy from its surroundings, which can, in turn, be released into your home or office. Black obsidian can also be cleansed by placing it in direct sunlight for at least two hours a day for four consecutive days. There are a few different ways to charge your obsidian, but the most effective ways include charging by moonlight, sunlight, and salt water. Fill a glass bowl with water, place your Carnelian into the bowl and allow it to soak overnight; This will help remove any negative energy from your stone; The following day, rinse the stone with cold water three times to purify it; Afterward, dry the rock off and set it on top of a piece of paper towel or cloth. Cleansing a healing stone goes beyond washing its surface. You should cleanse and charge your black obsidian regularly for a few reasons. They are small, they dont absorb that much impact, and they are quite easier to maintain. Obsidian ranks 5-5.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. - Aid in reducing stress levels because it helps one balance your energy. Macuahuitl was a weapon made of wooden and obsidians), and it is said that in some cases, the rock is actually sharper than a metal blade. Throw the stone into a pot of boiling water for five minutes. How To Cleanse Obsidian. Put the stone on a rock in the moonlight. Its important not to think about how much money you want while charging black obsidian because that will only attract material wealth without giving anything back. Visualize the stone, absorbing any negativity from your body and mind. There are many ways to cleanse your black obsidian effectively: Place the crystal in direct sunlight; Spray or wash with sea salt water; Hold the crystal under running water until the water runs clear; Smudge with sage or sweetgrass incense over an open flame until smoke is seen rising from the stone's surface. Put your obsidian stones against the light. It is very hard when you get to touch it, and although it has some smooth areas, you have to be wary of its edges because they tend to be very sharp. No, we dont recommend cleansing obsidian in water. Dispose of the rice immediately after cleansing, along with the negative energy it absorbed. Don't use any kind of hard or scratchy surface, as this will scar or scratch your stone. You may have heard about different ways to charge and cleanse your Black Obsidian through various methods and processes, but how do you know what works best? You can hold the Obsidian crystal under the running water to cleanse it. Ideally, youll want to have your obsidian in direct moonlight for at least 6 hours. Obsidian - Black: Recharge black obsidian under any source of light. It also has powerful properties that can shield its user from negative auras and spirits. One of the most important aspects of charging crystals is setting the right intention.