'Yet I to this ruler No sooner did day dawn than Athelstan waked up his army. Thorstein Egil's son took a numerous company to the spring-tide Thing: he came there one night before other men, and they roofed their booths, he and the Thingmen who had booths there. The saga makes note of the death of Skallagrim, Egill's father.[18]. 'Sire, mark the tale I tell, A draught drawn not lightly Unn marries a man named Valgard the Grey and they have children, one of whomMordis foreshadowed to be antagonistic toward Gunnar. 'This I think of you, Thrand,' said Steinar, 'that you would not regard the priesthood of Thorstein if ye two were face to face.' After Alfred, Edward his son was king in England. 'It will soon be clear,' said Egil, 'whether you speak this as truth or vain words; though I think this latter can hardly be. And thou, Eric, mayst make him as close to thee as thou wilt, him or more of his kin. Streams the battle-tide. Thorolf Kveldulf's son and Eyvind Lambi came home from sea-roving in the autumn. Bodvar Egil's son was just now growing up; he was a youth of great promise, handsome, tall and strong as had been Egil or Thorolf at his age. It was told him. One summer a ship came out and put into Loam Bay, steered by a man named Thormod. Undaunted in courage There was then deep snow, and all the roads were effaced. My advice is that you call the king's messengers to conference with you, and I will be present at your talk, and we will see what come of it.'. Egil and his comrades crossed the ridge that evening. Aid good from Arinbjorn, Neither of the two had shirt of mail. And when he had been there a little while, he declared his errand before the king, and said that Egil Skallagrimsson was come there in the land, and thought he had a claim to all that property that had belonged to Ljot the Pale. This they accepted. Then Steinar rode home. Bjorn heard these tidings, and withal that he was outlawed in Norway. . He gave into his hands a halberd that he had been carrying. He promised them also further honour, naming some to be steersmen, others forecastle men, others bow-sitters. Shoulder to shoulder, But when they came up to the rock, then seven men leapt out of the wood and up to the cliff after them, and shot at them. Steinar rode to the Thing also with a numerous company, as did Tongue-Odd, and Einar from Stafar-holt; they roofed their booths. His third house he had on the sea in Western Myrar. Then they went on ship-board, and loosed from land. is dead: Further, it was told that all the property owned by Bjorn had been taken up by Bergonund, his son-in-law, who had moved to his own home all loose chattels, letting out the lands, and securing to himself all the rents. The saddening thought within. Go now back,' said he, 'and tell him this.'. ', Egil answered: 'You cannot think you need to ask any leave from me in this; for you will choose to have it your own way, whatever I may say.'. Him trusty and true The cord of my kin, He took up a peaceful livelihood as a farmer and blacksmith, and raised his sons, Thorolf (named rlfr after his slain brother), and Egill (the titular hero). These are only a few examples of the many poems in the saga which portray people in a positive or negative light. But Aulvir thought one good comrade would not overload them, as there was enough ship-room. The man who bore this message was named Kol; he was a man of all lands; he had been long in Denmark and in Sweden, and knew all about ways and men there. 'Breast-plates ringing crashed, On the next day Egil still did not open the bed-closet: he had no meat or drink: there he lay for that day and the following night, no man daring to speak with him. Here on board on none but those whom thou knowest; and Egil will not be found down under the benches, though thou shouldst seek him there.'. He then drew his sword, but with the other hand grasped the beard of Armod, and forced him forward to the edge of the bed. However, as ye bear sure tokens that the king has sent you, I will pay all the tribute to which he has a right, and deliver it into your hands: but I will not be answerable afterwards for how you fare with it.' Welcome to the Icelandic Saga Database. It is said that Egil first entered the town, the others following. He said that he thought the cause which Steinar came, about the slaying of his thralls, was little worth; Steinar's thralls, he argued, had done enough to deserve death. On hawk-trod wrist of mine. One of the first negative poems in Egill's saga is a threatening poem in chapter 27 that displays Skallagrim's power after he had just plundered a ship and killed many men. Wolves were battle-fain: george jenkins high school campus map; isimeme edeko nigerian. 'Bid thou the king allow us to go out, and then leave we things to go their own course. They were to look for Egil, and had also to bring from thence some cattle for slaughter. ', 'I will then,' said the king, 'if thou cravest atonement for Thorolf, that thou become my liege-man, and enter my guard here and serve me. King Harold lay with his fleet in the Firths, whence he sent messengers round the land to such as had not come to him, but with whom he thought he had business. egils saga sparknotesmeredith lynn daviesmeredith lynn davies He was called Geir the wealthy; his sons were Blund-Kettle and Thorgeir-blund. Earth's islet-studded belt, Whence it might be gathered that this skull could not easily be harmed by the blows of weak men while skin and flesh were on it. Which when Bergonund saw, he quickened his pace and cast his shield before him, and ere they met each hurled his halberd at the other. Ulf and he had one common purse, and were the dearest friends. It chanced one day in the autumn at Borg that Skallagrim had several oxen driven home which he meant to slaughter. Egil did as Arinbjorn said; they went aboard the cutter, about thirty men, and rowed with all their might. Gunnar aids Unn, a kinswoman of his, to regain a dowry from Hrut, and ends up challenging him to a duel. Then said Egil: 'Now I think that maybe Alf has told the truth. Skapti the priest, Thorarin's son, a wise man, was there at the time. But as he grew up it was soon seen that he would be ill-favoured, like his father, with black hair. 'Hater of money But in the spring Odd and Einar went with Steinar on the journey of summons, taking a large company. In brother's stead. And better deemed I Egil heard these tidings that same day, and at once rode to seek the bodies: he found Bodvar's, took it up and set it on his knees, and rode with it out to Digra-ness, to Skallagrim's mound. He values honor, loyalty, respect, and friendship above all other things. 'I have never,' he said, 'been an ailing man; but if it so be (as now seems likely) that I die, then make me a coffin, and put me overboard: and it will go far otherwise than I think if I do not come to Iceland and take land there. With hood of daring Bjorn then stayed at home at Aurland with Brynjolf, Thorolf also being there in much favour both with father and son. Bard bade him drink and stop that jeering. Bera was his only child and heiress. Arinbjorn went to seek Eric's sons, and joined the company of Harold Gray-fell his foster-son, and was with him henceforth so long as they both lived. He composed a poem about earl Hacon, which is called 'Dearth of Gold'; and for a long time the earl would not hear the poem because he was wroth with Einar. Thorolf's watchmen sate within drinking, and were not gone to their posts; not a man was without; all sate within drinking. He came to Borgar-firth and brought in his ship just below his own house. But when they played together Egil got the worst of it. But, if you make the other choice, you must do as the Naumdalesmen have done, and go of your own will into slavery, and become Harold's thralls. Many lent help to Thorstein in this matter: a meeting was held about it: Thorstein had there many kinsmen of renown. These two men were with the king when those things happened that have just been told. Guerdon none I seek me, Format: And a little while after Steinar rode up to Stafar-holt, where Einar then dwelt. Far-comers worse would fare. Low now this scion royal At that time there was in Norway much war, the battles between earl Hacon and Eric's sons; and now one, now the other, was driven from the land. He also sought diligently after those men who had been in the counsels or confidence or in any way helpers of Skallagrim and his folk in the deeds which they wrought before Skallagrim went abroad out of the land. Twayne: The American Scandinavian Foundation . 'Early waked I, They so regulated their pace that they came to Fenhring at eventide, and put into a hidden creek there. Sank my brows close-knitted; In my son was waxing He dwelt by Eida-wood. The saga spans the years c. 8501000 and traces the family's history from Egill's grandfather to his offspring. He spoke on the whole matter with obstinacy, and he and Thorstein had words about it. Egil was hotly pursuing, and a few with him, after a numerous company that fled. Of praise long-lasting worthless weapon, Then Egil stood for Norway, and when he came to land sailed with all speed into the Firths. 'Take you Bjorn,' said he, 'and deal with him as may best prove your manhood.'. Thorgeir Blund left Anabrekka, and went south to Floka-dale; for Thorstein saw he could not get on with him, and yet wished to be forbearing. Then the king laid this offer before his forces. Wouldst thou find nought to say against him, though he should claim at thy hand thy very kingdom? She was a very beautiful woman. said she. This many lack: This Egil accepted. To the happier bees' home Then those men were healed whose wounds left hope of life. Of my power and rule 'Of men many a rank 'We are told, O king, that Egil pleads but law in this; but your stewards have taken up the property, and claimed ownership for you. Thorfinn said that the six men whom he had met had passed after the house-carle came back with the load of wood. I have so acted (as was right) that neither in word nor deed have I spared aught whereby thy honour should be made greater than before. On the morrow they traveled slowly, because there were snowdrifts directly one left the track. It was when Harold had been king for seventy years that he gave over the kingdom into the hands of his son Eric. And when Egil got past the rock out on the top, there were in front eight men, who all at once set upon him. About Egil's Saga. Then Thorolf and his men went into the hall, and were there entertained. For vulture flapping near. Arinbjorn said: 'I lead hither one who has come a long way to seek thee in thy place, and to be reconciled to thee. This ship he bade sail westwards for England to buy him clothes and other supplies that he needed; and they, first steering southwards along the coast, then stretching across the main, came to England. Hack we shield with falchion, Beheld I woman's face. So they departed, and stayed not their journey till they came to Thorolf and told him all that had happened. rnlfur Thorsson . They betook them to their journey when they were ready, and sledged up the land; and when they came eastwards near Eida, it happened one night that so much fresh snow fell that they could not see the way. But in the evening after sunset it began to go worse with Egil and his partner. Glory and fame It was then publicly known that he purposed to seek the king. Eric had a great battle by the river Dvina in Bjarmaland, wherein he won the victory, as is told in the lays about him. Reykjavk . ', Egil said: 'Thou mayest not, O king, be silent about causes so great, for all men here in the land, natives or foreigners, must hearken to thy bidding or banning. Let him of us twain have this property, both lands and chattels, who wins the victory. She seemed as if she waked out of sleep, and said she now felt well, but she was weak. He was young in years, and had but lately inherited his father's property. Bjorn was a great traveller, sometimes on free-booting, sometimes on trading voyages. [30] His multifaceted nature reflects the extreme qualities of his family, a family of men who are either ugly or astoundingly handsome; a family which includes 'shape-shifters', who become suddenly mad, violent and cruel, though they may at other times be deliberate and wise; a family which neither submits to the will of kings, nor stands in open rebellion. Book: Fell, Christine . After this the king bade his men go down to the ships. Egil took the horn, and recited a stave: 'Wizard-worshipper of cairns! It was in Athelstan's dominions; he had set over it two earls, the one named Alfgeir, the other Gudrek. A king is man who 's whims run a realm, or at least that is what comes to mind most readily. Egill's son Thorsteinn has many feuds with Steinar, son of Onund Sjoni (nundr sjni Anason), over land and cattle grazing. But he sent men of his own up to the heath where the battlefield was appointed; these were to take camping-ground, and make all ready before the army came. For you, Egil, methinks, the best counsel is that, as soon as we part, you return to Norway, and then on with all speed to Iceland.'. Hrafn was Hing's fifth son. King Athelstan sat in the upper high-seat. Side by side? One was Ani, a wealthy landowner, another Grani, a third Grimolf and his brother Grim, house-carles these of Skallagrim, and the two brothers Thorbjorn Krum and Thord Beigaldi. But when spring came Egil signified to the king this, that he purposed to go away in the summer to Norway, and to learn 'how matters stand with Asgerdr, my late brother Thorolf's wife. I know that there will be here with thee men who can in no wise be thought of more martial appearance than I am. Bees wound-bearing flew: Thorstein explained his cause, and produced witnesses that he was rightful owner of all that inheritance which he claimed. Poetry was used to establish a person's reputation for good or evil, and a great poem could make its characters immortal. Then sang Egil: 'Forest-foe, fiercely blowing, But Thorolf went all round Finmark with his armed warriors; he had all the trade, the Finns paid him tribute, and he hindered thy stewards from entering Finmark. summary egils saga english egils saga sparknotes saga of egil skallagrimsson egil s saga penguin Related Books : Paw Prints in the Stars A Farewell and Journal for a Beloved Pet The New Oxford Book of Christian Verse The Call of the Forest Confessions Of A Narcoleptic Narcolepsy Confessions Thorolf went to his father, and father and son had some talk together. They came there at the time when the king was gone to table. ', The king said: 'Set fire to the room; I will not waste my men by doing battle with him outside; I know that Thorolf will work us great man-scathe if he come out, though he has fewer men than we.'. There he had a large fire made for them, at which their clothes were dried. It was called Sheppey; it was an island of no great size covered with brushwood. And when Atli's shield was of no use, then he cast it from him, and, grasping his sword with both hands, dealt blows as quickly as possible. He came to Bjorn's house, and was well received there. Skallagrim forbade him, saying: ''Tis good to drive home with your wain whole. Egil proved a sore loser and struck with his bat the boy who was named Grim (Grmr). Njal's Saga Study Guide. I want you to tell me what plan you have in this?' And when spring came, and men made ready to go their several ways, then did Hallvard and his brother again urge their request that they might go and take Thorolf's life. But as for you, Steinar, seeing that you devised to rob my son Thorstein of his property which he took with my authority, and I took by inheritance after my father, you shall therefore lose your land at Anabrekka, and have no payment for the same. . From ox-horn I let pour Thormod brought Egil the shield, and he received it with thanks. They went to him, and brought him home. And open doth stand He had gone westwards to England with Arinbjorn. He was father of Athelstan the Victorious, who was foster-father of Hacon the Good. But when Thorolf was twenty years old, then he made him ready to go a harrying. King Harold Fairhair had subdued Vermaland eastwards as far as Lake Wener. Father and son offered Egil their company through the wood. The end was that Thorir promised to go to the king, and bade them try whether the king's son would go with him. ', Then said Arinbjorn: 'The king will not let himself be egged on to all thy dastardly work. And at once on dismounting he went in, and to the passage that was round the hall, with doors leading from the passage to the seats inside. Then quickly did Egil grasp his sword-hilt. Einar in turn asked Egil about the events that had happened in his travels, and about his exploits. And to all that they said about Thorolf their comrades bore witness, wherefore the king was exceeding angry. He had his cargo conveyed home, and his ship set up on wooden props. The earl bade Thorolf to a banquet with him, and as many of his men as he would. We all know this, Steinar, what are the landmarks between Borg and Anabrekka, that the chief one is Hafs-brook. At their parting Egil said to the earl: 'Now we will bear to the king this tribute which we have received. And when the wind began to abate, and the surf to calm down, there before them was a wide river-mouth. Egil leapt aboard, grasping his halberd, and cried to his men to let no one in the pinnace escape with life. Thorgeir Blund dwelt at Anabrekka. Of Draupnir born. Then Ljot begged for a rest. Kveldulf had in his hand a battle-axe; but when he got on board, he bade his men go along the outer way by the gunwale and cut the tent from its forks, while he himself rushed aft to the stern-castle. He never after returned to England. It was now autumn, and king Harold was advised not to go south in autumn-tide. When King Harald Tangle-Hair rolls over Norway to subject all its petty kings to his rule, his handsome forecastleman Thorolf, son of Kveldulf, serves with distinction, and is made a great chief. Archers' strings loud sang, So they were thrust into a room and strongly bound. Now, methinks it is most unreasonable neither to be his friend nor his enemy. This news they carried to Bergonund. And he said, 'I am glad, Egil, that you are come. Skallagrim also sent his men up on the salmon-rivers to fish. In the meanwhile, Bjorn had to flee, and was indebted to the hospitality of Thorolf's family in Iceland. Kings, Wars, and Duck Eggs: Interpretations of Poetry in Egil's Saga. Arinbjorn went home to king Eric at York; but Egil's comrades and shipmates had good peace there, and disposed of their cargo under Arinbjorn's protection. Skallagrim hurled after her a great stone, which struck her between the shoulders, and neither ever came up again. Though all opposing But when they came to the play-meeting, then the men made up sides for the play. To guard I better knew: Egil was now furious, so that there was no speaking with him. And when they rode into the Thing, there rode foremost a man in a blue mantle. Thorolf betook him to this voyage with Eric, and was in the forecastle of his ship, and bare his standard. Skallagrim asked if he had spoken at all on that matter with Thorolf. He took with him plenty of wares for trading. Arinbjorn sate there by the window all night till dawn. Thou findest not six men I must ride after him and slay him.'