I wouldn't give your chinchillas any corn products. Something to consider. Do you think this is a bad idea? Chinchillas don't do well with fresh fruit ect a bit of dried fruit once in a while is ok. My chinchillas love things like dried hibiscus flowers which are good for digestion, red beet pellets that are good for their hearts. One of the best treats for a chinchilla and can be offered daily. I'm giving them a sand bath every other day and I am keeping my lounge to the recommended temperatures. These are great for them to chew on and to keep those darn teeth filed down. I checked him over, seperated him from his cage mate (who was not happy) and watch over him like a hawk for the next two days. Those are the nasties. Make sure the incisors do not overgrow and feel around the lower back of their chin and around their nose. Made 3 crossbars out of apple branches on 45 angles about 2" in diameter. Fresh Grapes: unsafe, too much sugar and will cause bloat. I had my chinchillas out in the bathroom(which I thought I had done a good job of chinchilla-proofing) little did I know Camille could jump high enough, and bounce off the wall to get up onto the counter-where I had a cactus plant. I am on my second chinchilla for my classroom. So like a grain of sand. While this is partly true, you can fill their bowl up,because chinchillas should not over eat. Too much sugar. That was over 2 years ago, and nothing ever happened, and she's in perfect health. They seem to be settling in very well, respond well to me and even now come running to me at breakfast time! Give your chinchilla as many raisins as they want , a chinchillas stomach is not meant to process sugar , you are essentially killing it if you allow it to eat 10 a day , it will act normal until its liver shuts completely down ( it builds fat around the liver until the liver can no longer process its normal high fiber diet ) essentially malnourishing it , PLEASE read more about the diet , they will be completely happy with pellets and timothy hay , rose hips are also a great treat for them . Is that OK to feed to them? these listed above should be a treat not to replace they daily food. He also loves the carrot, corn, & alfalfa slims. I feed my chinchilla Timothy pellets and Timothy hay once a day. :) Please give me any advice and tell me if I'm doing things wrong. Actually it's not dumb to tell people to avoide pellets made for other species. I'm not saying go ahead and feed your chinchilla cactus, but it's definately not DEADLY. Is there enything diferent about them that a normal apple doesnt have? They need to use dust bath to clean their fur as their fur gets oily at times. Treats should not be more than 1 tablespoon per day. However, there are a few potential risks to consider before feeding, pistachios to your chinchilla. Your concerns are well warranted. Bad advice, and your laughter on the topic is kinda sad, but this is just my opinion. Including my own drivel. Sorry for continuing my rant, but I have dedicated myself to spreading this info as much as possible. If you are looking for healthy treats, go with raisins, apple slices, dry cranberries, or other fruit. Also, to the safe list: I feed Ling dried out apples leaves and twigs I get from my two trees. They sometimes refer to this as end stage dental disease. I'm sure a small amount won't cause serious issues, as I did do the almond thing until I found out about the problems with some seed oils, I'm not sure about the jasmine. Just trying not to spam here. they tend to urinate often in one spot daily. heat and humidity will kill a chinchilla faster than pellets. I leave a bowl of food avalible for my chinchilla at all times, Should I be doing this? I would avoid it. Very sad. I have a hamster water bottle hung up in her cage. I do and they love them. #2 Euphorbia Milii. I didn't give him a lot. Also, may I suggest that when you are bribing them with something, talk baby talk to them. This can cause liver damage in the long run! Healthy fats are necessary for the absorption of vitamins and minerals. I haven't determined the time frame but I try to get them as dry as possible, seeing as the wood is fresh. This is a good question, and one that any owner who insists on only feeding their chinchilla hay and pellets should be . I really love my chinchilla Ginger and I want to make her happy but also don't want to get her sick. The girls like to climb on us, play "king of the hill" on our head, and occasionally run up a blue-jean pants leg. Here are the few vegetables chinchillas can eat and the benefits they get from . How to Prepare Them Chinchillas are small, rodents that are native to the Andes Mountains. I did some quick research, because I've been wondering the same thing. Cranberry is good to also keep urinary tracts healthy. if you listen to all these so called experts. The calories, fat, and protein content are all within the range that is recommended for chinchillas. These mycotoxins are know carcinogens for rodents. I am always open to new information, except where it comes to pellets. FYI, he went in for a severe sinus infection which eventually took his life. Sorry if you already knew Chinchillas pretty much have to poop constantly, if they stop for extended periods of time, of the turds get small and hard, you need to have them looked at pronto. We buy ours from Walmart and our sure to check the ingredients. Do not feed your chinchilla meat. Apple, Banana, Raisns, Grapes (can be frozen), prunes, Elbow Noodles, And More and more. Chinchillas are herbivores, so they eat plants. I've been using those as his once or twice a day snack. i am SURE a chinchilla can have these treats. A dehumidifier is also used when necessary. if u r still interested in this reply please feel free to email me and i will reply back if u still have him??? So when it comes to why corn is bad for chinchillas. All this mumbo jumbo of not giving fresh fruit and veggies or dried herbs is garbage and I would really like to know who made up that garbage. Ideally the wood should be left to cute but the pressure cooker step seems to remove any little bit of terpenes. There is far better options out there as far as treats go. My uncle use to ranch them for their fur and I hated him for that, now I spend my life trying to save them. They will play "King Of The Mountain" on our back and head while cage maintenance is happening! Pistachios are a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Avoid pellets and save a life. they may seem hard but once broken up with the incisors. that being said, hay cubes do have some pretty sturdy strands in them so they can work the molars. The hay is essential for their digestive system and it also helps to keep those teeth filed down. Either a Cherio or rosehips. But why are we as humans being told corn puffs and of all things, caramel corn is healthy. While there are certainly worse things to feed your chinchilla than pistachios, they should only be given as a treat on occasion. Alfalfa hay has high calcium. Also, shredded wheat without sugar coating is fine. Their teeth are constantly growing and they have to keep those teeth filed down to eat. The only reason cedar seems to be popular is because of the counteraction with smell it has. Kim. I built 8" x 8" Pine house with 2 entrances holes 4", 2 ledges 4"x 8". I collect pruned sticks from peoples apple trees. Of course he gets his pellets and fresh Timothy hay. You can give them cheerios as a safe treat. Look up formaldehyde and it's roll in human embalming as well as what happens to blood when it mixes with it. right? # Frozen Grapes I have almost lost two of my chins when they accidentally ingested cinnamon in tiny amounts. (Benefits/Risks), Can Cockatiels Eat Pistachios? Too many pistachios can cause gastrointestinal upset in chinchillas. Main thing is lots of fresh hay daily and pellets can be used as a supplement depending on preference. I have done my research and bought them a nice roomy cage, purchased lots of wooden shelves to jump on(and chew it seems!! When feeding pistachios to chinchillas, it is important to remove the shells first. Chins have to have hay to have proper digestion. apparently it will kill it. Chinchillas can eat a number of human foods, most notably vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and grains. Always provide chin pellets and timothy hay to keep your chin healthy and happy! . Can Chinchillas Eat Guinea Pig Food. I don't have the resources to make my own food or treats. If you choose to feed your chinchilla pistachios, make sure to do so in moderation and monitor their health closely. I'm not saying this is why corn is bad, I just kinda found it interesting. Here's a list of food items that, based on extensive use by fellow pet owners, are thought to be safe and unsafe. The one exception is goji berries, but those are much better served died, too.. However, fruits and vegetables are not a good choice for chinchillas . This can give him bloat which is a dangerous condition. So long as you keep portions strictly controlled, they won't even make your pet gain weight. They can help boost your parakeets immune, Read More Can Parakeets Eat Mango? I had an apple tree that I would give to my chins before I had to have it cut down as it was beginning to die. Giving them improper treats can cause bloating which can be very dangerous for a chin. Good luck and stand strong. So, try not to grab them up to quickly! They're a great source of Vitamin C and have been proven to support a healthy immune system. But the electrical cord is not safe. I have read online that it isnt good to give them Kaytee chinchilla foods, because it has an ingredient in it that can cause cancer. . They can have dried apple, but it contains a lot of the bad sugar (the natural occuring sugar in apples changes into chrystalised sugar when dried). Right now I am trying to find a food supplement or anything to help her gain weight while she is healing. who is a chinchilla expert and she said all that was fine moderation. if not unsafe, too much sugar. Dehydrated alfalfa meal, wheat middlings, ground soybean hulls, wheat flour, dehulled soybean meal, soybean oil, lignin sulfonate, cane molasses, salt, methionine supplement, choline chloride, calcium carbonate, iron oxide, nicotinic acid, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, vitamine a acetate, saccharomyces, cerevisiae, yeast, riboflavin, calcium pantothenate, vitamin B-12 supplement, dried aspergillus niger fermentation extract, dried lactobacillus acidophilus ferment product, cholecalciferol, dried enterococcus faecium fermentation product, cobalt carbonate,manganese sulfate, ethylenediamine dihydriodide zinc sulfate, dried yucca shidigera extract, papaya, copper, chloride, sodium selenite. no corn. Chickens are known to be omnivores, which means that they will eat just about anything. So fat and round And I can't eat a peanut butter sandwich in the room with him without him throwing a fit. The honey nut cheerios have too high of sugar and fat content. Produced by fungi that contaminates the corn. For some reason salt helps the body retain water, or something. He bit into in 2007 and as soon as he did it and I heard a flop (it was from the object the cord was connected too) I was moving that cage to get him away from it. Had to be super patient with a horse once too. A very ripe banana has a lot of sugar. They really do not like the cleaning process when their privates get caked in poop (High risk of UTC if not kept clean). I avoid anything and everything from China. Try to always keep your chin's treats low in sugar and fat content. And, of course, moderation is key. After that I toss them in the oven at just under 300, which it sounds like you did your research on the flashpoint of wood :). He eats them every day and he is a very happy and healthy chinchilla. If you think I'm overprotective I would be glad to put you in touch with some people who are. And any pet chinchilla with good care lives up to 20 or more. However, many people feel that dried corn is not healthy. Chinchillas will eat a lot of things but only a few items are ok for them to eat. We have two boys who get the poops the moment they eat one pea. half a grape, Avocados are unsafe for chinchilla's, well at least their pits are. Are they good or not ? - The chinchilla that I took care of, absolutely loves plain cheerios! ahah My chinchilla ate them. I was just wondering how much fruit would be too much to feed your chinchilla daily because she loves fruit but you are I heard you are only supposed to give them 2 raisins a day so I was wondering if there was a limit for fruit too. I just got my first chinchilla almost two weeks ago, and she has made a habit out of going under my bedside table as a hiding spot when she has free time to run around my room. A chinchilla's liver cant filter out high sugar or fat content. My chin is 17 and eats oxbow, timothy hay, and gets a variety of safe items to chew! This person is incorrect. On the topic of seed stocks, Millet sprays seem to be quite popular, although I believe there is an oil content, so moderation and variety is key. I don't give my chins anything except Timothy hay and their chin food. With chinchilla's, there is a very finite amount of time they can be out. I just cut a bunch of branches off the apple and hazelnut tree in our yard and have been cutting the bigger ones into disks. Do you also stand in water while drying your hair and live off McDonalds? Chinchillas need a diet that is high in fiber and low in sugar in order to stay healthy. Banana,peanuts, and raisin are definitely NO, as are fresh grapes. The key point is the amount given, I tear them up so what I give her is smaller than a raisin, and she only gets one piece a day, as a treat when she goes back into her cage. I have given mine dried rose-hips from local outdoor known pesticide free plants. I've seen one on pintrest but I know nothing about chins and cement structures like thatHelp and thanks for your time! #3 Shirley Poppy. this is crap. Don'the know why. You should feed your chinchillas: I love these little guys & just trying to do the right thing so they can live safe, happy & to the fullest. Oats: safe, can be steel cut or old fashioned. Avoid giving them diarrhea. Not only do they eat grass, leaves, seeds, nuts, berries and flowers, they also feed on small insects and bird eggs when they have a chance to. He's been around for about 15 years now. My 13 year old has never been to the vet and is as youthful as ever. I currently have some chinchillas that are very healthy and happy and are over 12 years old. Several vegetables are as harmful as fresh nuts for . Chin's livers cant filter out high sugar and fat contents. Overall, pistachios can be a healthy and nutritious treat for your chinchilla. I will let them have unsweetened cheerios and unsweetened shredded wheat. as a treat coconut husk But varied mixes wont help them. ), a fleece hammock and a nesting box. When there are logical explanations and research that show some of these things are detrimental to the chinchillas health and there are healthier option, I don't understand why that still leaves it a choice in some people's minds. It is also important to make sure the wood is pesticide and Herbicide free and steaming is a good idea to kill any natural bacteria or fungus, as this could kill your chinchilla. One of them had chewed through a lamp cord. Pistachios are a good source of protein and fat for. Fruits and veggies are NOT NEEDED, and only end up complicating issues. I keep their cage dry & moisture free.How often do I need to replace the wood? Big cage for chucky I have a grey chin but with the females I would keep them apart I have had my for two years she still wont let you hold her but she was never loved just feed but she is getting better I have my in a big cage she has so much fun running and jumping around. but if anybody has tried it please reply. I bought the nibble rings which contain alfalfa. Don't listen to what that uptight ninny had to say. Chinchillas can eat strawberries, apples, and pears among a few others that made the list.However, this must be very seldom and only offered as dried fruits. =(. Hope this information helped! :). But, I would just say "NO" to prunes. Buttery popcorn??? Shredded wheat without the sugar coating is a good treat also. Fresh fruits are 100% off-limits. Then there is the high oil content, corn oil comes from it, after all. yes, i think she will be okay. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Pineapple? They do chew these in the wild so I'm assuming they are perfectly fine. I didn't know where on here to out this but I figured it was important enough the get out there. this should give you some idea how much to feed a chinchilla., Timothy and orchard hay should be fed daily, alfalfa less as it is already in the pellet, You can give banana chips as a treat 3 chips a day and you can get those from Kroger or Walmart and you need to be feeding Timothy hay from like Petsmart, petco or a pet store caring Timothy hay on a daily basis also the chinchilla food from pet smart or pet store and you need to do some more research on them if you are thinking about it because they are a lot of work but Worth it And they are mess so please do some research thank you. seriously! Sorry for the graphic image, but this leads into the reasoning behind my much publicized hatred of pellets for any and all rodents. i think they teach me more than i learn myself and they give alot of love and i do have one that does not like to be handled but still love my affection and responds every time!!! Overall, pistachios can be a healthy snack for chinchillas. As with anything it shouldn't be given in too great ammounts. while I was gone my lovely mother was eating eggs and felt my chinchilla was hungry and gave her some. So now I have two water bottles and a small bowl. What about cherrys ? Not sure but I don't plan to give mine wet corn. Just my opinion. Just try to provide him with organic treats with low sugar and fat content. Pellets may seem hard to you, but they are simply powdered grains and hay glued together with molasses and starch. High fibre which requires mastication to break down. cherries, peaches, and plums. Nasturtium flowers: honestly never heard of it. We give them fresh apple sticks and willow sticks daily. I'm just looking for different ideas I dont get how lettuce is okay because that has water in it too, Depends on what kind of wood it is. Nuts are generally bad because of the oil content. This includes cockroaches. Really? I think you're safe ;). If your chinchilla does consume meat . Treats are not to replace proper food. I feed my chinchillas the green pumpkin seeds, not the white seeds. Corn, and products that contain corn, is not okay for your chinchilla. I love mine lke crazy! Raisins for example, a nice treat but if Aquarius had her way she would eat them even beyond the Onset of severe barnyard bum. In a recent conversation, he said Monsanto has given the industry a bad name. This is most likely the reason that you are not supposed to give them pistachios. These are all BAD! I want to get a chinchilla and I may be getting one soon. Whats most important is to provide them with fresh pellets and timothy hay. Also, everyone on this site should also know that they have to keep their chinchillas cool in the summer months. Also, you can give them original cheerios(no sugar type cheerios.) My chi chi i think hissed @ me when I tried to give her lettuce. If you can find anything by him, I recommend looking it up. I've done a ton of research (literally hours on hours on hours) but there's so much conflicting info that im scared im still going to give them something thats going to hurt them. Also, provide your pet with safe wood from a pet store for chewing. The mountains of Chile - if it doesn't grow there - chances are it isn't safe. Other healthy treats include raisins, apple slices, cranberries, or other small pieces of fruit. I discovered this lack of knowledge when an apparent er vet in Surrey was poking and prodding in his mouth trying to find and remove something which the student vet discovered (in a book) this was a normal part of his anatomy. Ps any treat can be given as long as it's only the size of 1 or 2 raisins once per week,Lettuce and kale is bad for chins as well as wood from pitted fruit trees eg-Plum,apricot etc. The Nutritional Facts 3. I rescued a chin who wasn't being treated right, he was in a hamster cage. Chinchillas are omnivores, so they can eat both meat and plants. Chins can not process sugars, consider them diabetic for all food purposes. No, pistachios are not healthy for chinchillas. They can also eat a variety of fruits and nuts, including pistachios. . I immediately took her to the vet, the vet said to monitor her for the next few days, and if there were any changes in her health to bring her back in. There are also many other poisonous woods, so I simply stick with the basics. Don't give your chinchillas nuts, sweetened treats, fruits or vegetables. Pistachios are a type of nut that is commonly consumed by humans. Some people give their chins sunflower seeds. Try oxbow, nutriphase, mazuri brand pellets. You can give your chinchilla dehydrated strawberries and bananas. This discussion will focus on whether nuts are appropriate treats for your furry friends or not. Chinchillas are small, delicate animals that require a very specific diet in order to stay healthy. she loves her plain cheerios with abit of peanut butter on them i say peanut butter cant be good for her,not sure any input would be great. I think the best would be to get some water directly from a clean outdoor natural source and boil it to kill any buggies. As for treats my chinchilla loves cheerios! Contents show. Chinchillas cannot consume food meant for guinea pigs, as the two animals have different dietary requirements. The fiber content is also good for chinchillas, as it helps to keep their digestive system healthy. And do you mean domesticated chins? Main concerns to be aware of with chinchilla health is closely observing their teeth, coat, and stool. I hope your fur baby does better soon. They should only be given as a treat every now and then, and even thats not recommended. Most chins don't like to be handled very much. Though only in small amounts due to the sugar content. I have a white chin namad Rosalee. I watch their mouth movement, bowel movement, energy level, hair, and look for ANYTHING out of the norm when adding foods. I have just came from the supermarket pet section. I would only offer unsweetened shredded wheat or occasionally unsweetened cheerios. :) Tortoises are found in warm climates all around the world. Why waste your time bothering her. 3 whole banana chips for one chin in one day is way too much sugar! Phytonutrients are plant compounds that have health-promoting properties. As for seeds, the boys love fenugreek and you can smell it on their breath. Be it pellets and hay/pellets, forage and hay or forage and hay only. They cannot handle being under for any length of time, which is why it is important to get a vet / dentist VERY familiar with Chinchilla's (Make sure they know you are not talking about a chinchilla rabbit). Do you recommend a water bottle appose to a water bowl? No, don't give your chins vegetables or fruits. Some people don't recommend it because, you must keep the fat and sugar content low for chin treats. Just wanted to share that little story with you, Oh yes, my chinchilla also loves chips, and sourdough bites. the one thing I read is not to give your chinchilla too many raisins cuz it will give it runny stools. Since you are into zoology, what are your thoughts on the lotus flower as an addition? He loves his raisins more but that's likely as they are given to him in limited doeses. No oatmeal cookies or anything sweet! I give mine the apple horse biscuit they love them - the breeder states they r safe and the love apples. # Prunes Healthy treats can be given. Pistachios are not bad for chinchillas; however, they shouldnt be given as a treat on a regular basis because of their high-fat content. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium. I used to just feed pellets with occasional hay and apple sticks, but now an some of the things I have in her cage. I have been scanning through this site to read all your posts. The thing is I have a friend in that industry and he has a few GMO patents under his name. It is banned for regular consumer sale. It was tough in the beginning but I gave him the attention he needed. . Be careful what types of wood you let your chins chew. While most turtles will not turn their nose up at a cockroach, not all roaches, Read More Can Turtles Eat Roaches? I am pretty sure she was mistreated before I got her, because since day 1(and I've had her about a year) she has been really unfriendly and bites. Do you think grapenuts cereal would be ok? I hope this information helped! When I got them they were fed to many carrots so I gradually cut them down. All of this is taken from facts/research done on chinchillas, for the safer, less risky lifestyle for chins. New game. Also, peanut butter is known to cause constipation. Soo I'm creeping out from the shadows and asking you for help now, I'm in the process of building a chin room and custom chinchilla safe cage. Hence my hatred of pellets. Sugary foods can cause so many problems. Is this ok? I got my first Chinchilla when I was 13yrs old and that was 20yrs ago. Im so sorry for your loss! ALWAYS look at sugar, carb and oil content. You don't want too much noise, normal chatter from the classroom is okay. Freeze dried or air dried banana chips (I dry my own in the oven when bananas get too ripe for my own taste) are ok, but since they are very high in sugar they should not be a treat more than once a week (the same with raisins and other dried or freeze dried fruit). They are closely, related to guinea pigs and rabbits. Pistachios are a high-fat food and should only be given to chinchillas in moderation. Thanks much! As for leaves and twigs, blackberry and raspberry leaves are great as are their stalks. So, its important to limit the amount of pistachios your chinchilla eats. I believe Birch is ok, but I would check that out first. They're older and they haven't been in a home for awhile. My city water supply has too much chlorine. We've never fed our chinchillas corn so we have no direct experience with it. The lava blocks are safe and helps to keep the teeth filed down normally. She started eating it and if I tried to take it away she barked at me. I avoid most fruits & vegetables (chinchillas are not made to digest much sugar) as well as processed food, Mazuri chinchilla pellets excepted. Chinchillas are rodents, and they feed on different plant types and a variety of grasses. what can i feed it as a treat that i can get from my kitchen or outside? Although they would love to get their little paws on them, they do not get them. When you are going to a pet store to find treats I would suggest making sure it doesn't have any sugar in the treat. Also she seems to like dried carrots. Hey all I just recently had to take my chin to get her teeth clipped, and she is underweight. This is probably because most owners aren't too educated (the number who expressed surprise that an acorn is a nut were especially concerning) You say.. he shouldn't have done that. It can over the long term damage their liver. They don't care about all the little broken ankles.. (Yes & How Much)Continue, Your email address will not be published. I know broccoli is a no no, so one would assume kale is the same. A lot of chinchilla pellets are over priced and mainly filler. Yes chinchillas love fruit, kids also love candy and soda, but that doesn't mean it's good for them. I hope this helps you with your chinchilla! My chinchillas loved them, but I read that they often carry a fungus/mold/toxin. Honestly, there are better treats for your chinchillas than fruit such as rosehips, dandelion leaves, apple sticks, rose petals, sunflower seeds, goji berries (only once a month), basil and peppermint leaves. I have sooo many around my house and it seams that my chinchilla resembles a squirrel. #5 Strawflower. My 2 seventeen year old chinchillas eat similar and go for checkups twice a year. However, we do only use ones specifically listed as being for chinchillas. if chinchillas can eat mandarins. They need to chew to keep those teeth filed down. My chinchilla, Chi chi doesn't get very many treats because it can make her have a better chance of having diabetes. Chin's produce two kinds of droppings: a soft kind loaded with protien which your chinchilla will often eat , and then the hard droppings wich are strictly waste. Do I know everything? For my chinchillas dust bath , I use Oxbow ( the same product that my chinchillas hay and food comes from.). Many foods are unsafe for chinchillas because of certain chemicals they contain. I absolutely would not continue to do so as its said that not to give your chinchillas acidic foods, even raisins they say to only give a few at most twice a week as a treat due to the acidity of them, and the same with items that contain high amounts of sugar! So why risk it? Kevin, Im impressed it sounds like you did you research. While King Corn of ye ol syrup world is scary I think corn might be found growing there, certainly it's from South america, but I am not sure that's a great idea.