Pray for at least one hour asking for His will to come to pass. If you bath in a flowing river, you will have problems relating with marine and household witchcraft. Green When dreaming of the color green the bible describes this color as growth and maturity. It might also indicate appreciating some people, and the good things about them. Dreaming About FATHER/MOTHER, In Eph 6:1-3, The Bible says, Children obey your parents in the Lord, Honour them and that it may be well with you and live long. You can know the spiritual meaning to your dreams. Many have seen various men of God performing miracles on them in the dream. While dating is a romantic relationship between a man and woman established for the purpose of intimacy or marriage. If in the dream your cloth is torn, that may symbolize that the attack of shame and disgrace coming soon. When dreaming of the color green the bible describes this color as growth and maturity. For example, to dream of Muhammad as a Christian will bring up deep differing feelings, the same as dreaming of Jesus. Embark upon 7 days prayers and fasting from 6am to 6pm with Acts 1, Acts 2, Psalm 118, Phil 4:6. If you sweep dirty out of your house, consider yourself a happy person, because it means you are chasing out bad people, bad things associated with your life. Negative: Dreaming of the color yellow could represent a deceitful gift or some sort of illness if your hair is yellow (as in a yellow thin hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it [is] a dry scall, [even] a leprosy upon the head or beard). Eating food in the dreammay also represent spiritual weakness, chronic disappointments and financial loss. It could also symbolize being cleansed from sin (though your sin be red like crimson, they shall be white as wool). So this dream tells you that good fortunes will locate you. But it is always important to pay attention to your emotion after the dream. 11. You are feeling tied down to your circumstances and are no longer sure whether you can become somebody in life. This could be causing your relationship with the Lord to wither. However, if you see a broom tied together, it foretell unity, harmony, togetherness in your family. This color may also denote being ominous or evil towards God or an individual in ones life or ministry. Powers that want to steal my glory because I am in the wrong church, die, in the name of Jesus. (For our God is a consuming fire. This dream may also be indicating that the dreamer or someone in the dream is receiving a visitation from the Lord. Evangelist Joshua is a global brand name for Christian dream interpretations and MFM prayer points. Judges 8: 26; John 19: 2, 5; Acts 16: 14; Negative: Dreaming of the color purple could represent the corruption of riches and royalty but in mockery (as in, and they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head). Dream about masquerade with cutlass, it shows that your household witchcraft has concluded death and curses upon your life and destiny. Red When dreaming of the color red the bible describes this color as being natural objects such as Jacobs stew and Judahs eyes. It could also symbolize being cleansed from sin (though your sin be red like crimson, they shall be white as wool). If you dream of sitting alone under a tree, it means that you are thinking about your life, thinking about the next thing to do, thinking how to have personal relationship with God. Biblical Meaning Of Tree In The Dream, In Matthew 7:17, Psalms 1:3, Gen 2:16-17,gives us a deeper meaning of what tree signify. Maybe in your dream, there is a sign where the police released you, it means you are set free from unnecessary delay. We are looking forward to connecting and advancing the kingdom of God together! If anyone sees Prophet Saleh in a dream, doors of blessings will be opened up for him. #BiblicslMeaningDreamDoctor #DreamingAboutDoctor #EvangelistJoshuatv2 Kings 20:5Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the Lord, . #PregnantDreams #BeingPregnantDream #EvangelistJoshuatvIf you are a single woman, and you see a pregnant woman in dream, may signify a blessing in disguise. You must contact a minister of God for serious deliverance. In this case, do 7 days midnight prayers and sow a seed towards that revelation. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. It can also means sickness, financial problems. Pray and fast for 3 days from 6am to 3pm using Zechariah 3:3, Deut 22:5, Gen 35:2. Rev. If your camera, photograph breaks down in the process of using it to work it is a bad omen. Because you feel like the power of success is no longer with you. In most cases it is about something you are neglecting or situations you are avoiding! Every time you see a chained animal in your dream, it is telling you that your stars have been tied down through problems, sickness, and poverty. People of religious value need to find their own meanings to the dream based on their own spiritual guidance and personal beliefs. If you see yourself wearing new clothes in the dream, it signifies blessings, divine favour and change of status. Our content is under copyright law. There is a relationship where you need to be more approving or to use more positive influences on those around you. To dream of the color blue may also mean to be corrupted or dishonest through vanity and having idols before God. Going through legal battles. If the cow was chasing you in the dream, it means foundation battles and stubborn pursuer of your progress. All rights reserved. If you fail to show care towards the baby, it might indicate a prolong delay in the expectation of baby. In a dream where ant bite you, it indicates a person would experience painful situation. Dreaming of the color red could symbolize a struggle or battle in ones spiritual or natural life. (Ps. On the other end, rain drops may be connected to the plans of God towards you has come to fulfillment. It also shows this color as being comely as in lovely or beautiful. A prophet is gifted with the gift of Prophecy'. The dream is a signal for hostility, aggression, or sneakiness. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. Use Psalm 23:5-6, Psalm 37:4, Prov 16:3. Police arrest symbolizes restriction, blockage and satanic bondage. When praying in the dream, it means you are going to have support of the Holy Spirit through your present issues. To see broom in the spirit realm, symbolizes the need to wage against witchcraft powers. If you dream that you attended funeral service, it foretells sorrow, weeping and regrets. May God give this present day Christian with divine wisdom and discerning spirit. Sometimes dream of seeing late parents can bring debt, joblessness and introduces a slavery spirit. Eating in the dream is a gateway to demonic institute. This is to letting you know that you will soon be helped by certain people you dont know fully well. Positive: This color could represent being born again in the spirit realm. Send your testimonies to:, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. If praying in the dream is recurring then it is telling you temptation are about to come but your spirit have prayed it out. What does it mean to see nails in a dream? If a crocodile chases you, it symbolizes major stumbling block from your ancestral or household line. If you can locate such a pastor, part of your challenges would be solved. (Genesis 9:4-5; Deuteronomy 12:23; Hebrews 9:22; I John 1:7; Revelation 1:5; Matthew 26:28; Romans 5:9). Maybe you are not marriage, and you keep seeing yourself being in a wedding, this is a marital challenge. 1: 15; Joel 2: 2; When dreaming of the color blue the bible describes this color as being one of the royal and heavenly colors. To wake up and still be crying in the real life, it means what you are passing through is serious and its serving as a sign that a person is lying down in the hospital or a person is in critical state. This is seen in Eph 6:4. It could in one context mean water, to cleanse or to drink freely by the spirit. If the devil cometh not to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), then knows that the enemy is trying to stop you. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: is for Entertainment Purposes ONLY and is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. One of the great responsibilities of pastor is to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus, conduct deliverance and perform all kinds of miracles as clearly written in Luke 4:18 and Matthew 28:19-20. And it will be a pity to realise that you just wasted your time to see someone whom protocols disallow you to see him. On the other hand, if you see yourself as a beggar moving from one place to the other, then it shows wretchedness. To see sackcloth in a dream could represent a spiritual or natural mourning. ISBN-10. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. It is a big warning and not an advise. 38. For example, a person who sees himself eating in the dream would find it very difficult to have financial savings and prosper with it. This color could also represent in a dream being sensual or sensuous. When you see angel with white garment, the spiritual meaning often foretells peace and joy of the Lord. Once you discover you are picking interest for alcoholic drinks, then you may need to see your pastor to conduct deliverance on you. or email to: However, it indicates serious oppression, embargo and rejection. If the aircraft in the dream is a jet this could represent a powerful ministry or a fast progressing ministry. And failure to pray for inquiry, the person might quickly destroy or scatter your plans. If you dream that rain fell upon you in the spirit or you were drenched by the rain, it signifies the opening of your heaven to a certain situation of your life. When you get a dream about a pastor speaking to you in your dreams, it is imperative to pay attention about details in your dream! Spiritual Meaning Of Rain In The Dream, In James 5:18, Lev 26:4, I Kings 18:41-45, describe rain as an increase, fruitfulness, reaping time etc. It can also stand as a symbol of rising up to pray fervently as the enemy is trying to send arrows into your life. This dream reflects your faithfulness and obedient spirit to the promises of God. Isaiah 36:12, NIV, But the commander replied, Was it only to your master and you that my master sent Read On. It doesn't matter whether. What Does Eating In The Dream Mean? If you had tears of joy, it is an indication that good news is coming. (For our God is a consuming fire. On the other hand, if you are sad or unhappy at the wedding, it means that you will likely marry the wrong person, which you were never in favor of. Kindly cancel this dream through 7 days prayers and fasting from 6am to 6pm. 8: 21, 14:21; Ex. White could also represent truth and victory in ones natural or spiritual life. When such dream is appeared, please know that evil occurrences would start taking place. You can go for deliverance and prayers. Tearsof sadness connect to loss and regret over something important. So as a Christian, you know the type of prayers that are working for you. Yellow could also symbolize in a dream a marriage covenant, family or to be honored or having honor in ones natural or spiritual life. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. Apostle David E. Taylor is a master dream interpreter and dream officer. Adream in which crocodile torn a person to pieces can sometimes represent your feelings about a person who is about to die. To go more in-depth into this dream, you must also know the doctrines of the pastor, what he preaches regularly and what he believes. Blue When dreaming of the color blue the bible describes this color as being one of the royal and heavenly colors. Curious. If yes, then dreaming about driving a car might be an open revelation to you. To see yourself in a picture, it means you are trying to analyze yourself in a better way. This may not be an ordinary revelation. For example, to dream of Muhammad as a Christian will bring up deep differing feelings, the same as dreaming of Jesus. If the case is serious, you can see a pastor to conduct deliverance and prayers for you. 3. When you see a person using broom to beat you or your child in your dream , that signifies a chronic bewitchment and destiny pollution. Clean. Kindly use Psalm 70 and Isaiah 35, and Gods divine plans will come your way. For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not, In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of me, and dealeth their instruction. ~ Job 33:14-16. This is often a dream reflecting a mentor. . Embark on one day prayers and fasting between 6am to 6pm. This may also indicate that you have established yourself into spiritual marriage. prayinginmydream #biblicalprayingdream #evangelistjoshuaorekhieFrequent praying in the dream does not make a believer a prayer warrior, but a way of praying .
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