Disney Cruise Line Worker Who Disappeared Years Ago Is Still Missing A few months after Rebeccas disappearance, investigative journalist Jon Ronson of The Guardian sailed aboard the Wonder in an attempt to make sense of the Coriam incident. Melissa thinks she might have been on the phone with her partner and that was why she was so distraught around the time she went missing. The 24-year-old woman had simply vanished without a trace. On cruse ships, human trafficking is a huge problem and its not that far-fetched for her to have been captured and taken elsewhere. [1], However, "Melissa" was dismissive of the suggestion that the slippers allegedly found near the pool, which were included among the belongings returned to Coriam's parents, had been hers. She appears distraught. They say she was most likely washed away into the ocean and drowned. After touring the areas of the ship open to passengers, he decided that Coriam had probably slipped and fallen while jogging on the Deck 4 jogging track. [1], The Coriams have been joined in their criticism of the investigation by British government officials, Rebecca's friends among the crew, and advocates for victims of other incidents on cruise ships and their families. Circus life can be perilous; whether malfunctioning high wires, animal tragedies, or fires, when something goes wrong, it can be life-threatening. She was hired over hundreds of other applicants, and received four months of training at Disney facilities in Florida. She was described as a happy-go-lucky person with plenty to live for. Before joining the Disney Wonder, Rebecca had studied childhood studies, psychology and philosophy at Liverpool Hope University. Disappearance of Rebecca Coriam - Simple English Wikipedia, the free She worked at the Chester Zoo, as had her relatives in the past, and participated in outdoor events. At the time of her disappearance, Rebecca Coriam was a 24-year-old Chester, England native who worked with children aboard the Disney Wonder cruise ship. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. He had interviewed only a handful of crew members and none of the passengers on the ship. Private investigators said Rebecca had an intense relationship with Tracie but during the threesome it was the first time she had sex with Deven Hyde. [4], In June 2010, she went to London to interview for the Disney Cruise positions; after being hired she went to the company's theme parks in Florida for training. She was captured by CCTV in the crew lounge in the morning of 22 March, having a phone conversation that appeared to be causing her some emotional difficulty. Throughout her entire life, she had a knack to be self motivated and successful. Disney Cruise youth counselor Rebecca Coriam disappeared from the Disney Wonder in the early morning hours of March 22, 2011. In her adolescence she worked at Chester Zoo, an occupation that family . "I was on the ship that day." Just one police officer was assigned to the disappearance. She came back and all 3 went to (male crew members) room. Weve never believed she simply disappeared overboard and drowned. Rebecca Coriam: lost at sea | World news | The Guardian In 2016, investigator Ramm uncovered a ripped pair of shorts within Rebeccas remaining personal effects from her cabin. Her body was never found and although suicide has been suggested as a theory, her parents Mike and Ann Coriam say they do not believe she killed herself as she had bought them tickets to go to Disneyland Paris, which they say is evidence she was 'looking forward to the future'. She was on the ship for six weeks until the day of her disappearance. After it became evident that Rebecca was missing from the cruise ship, the Mexican coastguard was contacted to search the surrounding waters. She went back to her hometown for two weeks to spend time with her family, then spend the rest of the time on her own having fun until she had to go back to work. "It didn't happen," a bartender told Ronson. According to The Sun, Miss Coriam had a sexual encounter with American Tracie Medley and Honduran national Deven Hyde. He continues to investigate; however, to this day, Disney Cruises still claim Rebecca was swept overboard. He discreetly asked questions to crew members who were on the cruise at the time Rebecca went missing. In the video of her on the telephone, she is evidently upset about something and is wearing mens clothing. Rebecca Coriam was a 24-year-old woman from Chester, England, who began working for Disney Cruise Lines in June 2010. Her credit card had been used, and there was hope for her parents that their daughter might still be alive. The 24-year-old from Chester was working on the cruise ship the Disney Wonder when she just disappeared somewhere off the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Furthermore, they claimed she went overboard at Deck 5 which has a large 6-foot wall preventing people from falling overboard. Another theory was that Rebecca had committed suicide. [4], She joined the British Army cadets in her teens and attended Plymouth University at Plymouth, where she studied sports science. Rebecca Coriam was working on the Disney Wonder for Disney Cruise Lines when she disappeared from the ship on the morning of March 22, 2011 off the coast of Mexico. "The more you look into this the more it smells rotten; the more it smells like a crime has taken place", he told the Echo the year of his election. 10 unanswered questions over the mystery disappearance of Disney cruise Rebecca was born on March 11, 1987, in Chester, England. In 2010, 24-year-old Rebecca Coriams dream came true when she was successful in getting a job on Disneys cruise ship, Disney Wonder. It is a much sought after job and Rebecca from Guilden Sutton beat hundreds of other applicants. Ramm noted that the deck was surrounded by six-foot walls. The papers state: (American woman in relationship with Rebecca) left to get more beer. There has been no record of her presence anywhere since then. I cant find any information if anything has been posted on her profile after the password had been changed. Missing Disney cruise ship girl's threesome with love rat dad and On March 22, 2011, while working aboard the Disney Wonder cruise ship off the coast of Mexico, 24-year-old Rebecca Coriam suddenly disappeared. Rebecca hadnt turned up for her shift that morning. Although Disney has expressed confidence in their theory, Coriam's family is not convinced their daughter was killed by a rogue wave. Very few people know that when they board a cruise ship that they are so poorly protected. The family also claimed they waited four hours to notify the U.S. Coast Guard and almost seven hours to notify the authority with jurisdiction of the investigation, the Bahamian Police. Came back and Rebecca and (male crew member who was in a relationship with the American woman) chatting. Ramm also discovered the footage of Coriam on the telephone was missing the timestamp and location. According to MP Matheson, I believe theres sufficient evidence to indicate a crime may well have taken place.. Staff on the ship said relationships between crew members were common because people could be who they wanted to be but that many of them were kept secret over fear they could lose their jobs. Or murder? To this day, her case remains unsolved and its far from the only one. '"[1], While the Coriams later claimed the flip flops were too small, they were unable to find anyone on the ship who had seen her wearing them and learned that no forensics had been done on them. In the matter of their missing daughter, the family was treated Disney-style. No stormy seas were recorded to support Disneys theory of a freak wave accident, and politicians have voiced their fears murder suspects remain at large. Her family settled a lawsuit against Disney out of court in 2016.[2]. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Rebecca Coriam, a British national from Liverpool who was employed as a Youth Activity worker on Disney's cruise ship Wonder, was 24 when she vanished from the ship while it motored off the. In 2017, the officer-in-charge released his interview notes from both Coriam's girlfriend and a male Disney Cruise Line crew member. On the 22nd of March, 2011, Rebeccas parents, Mike and Ann, received an alarming phone call from one of Rebeccas colleagues. According to Mike Coriam, Rebeccas father, Disney disregarded standard operating procedures and didnt turn the ship around to look for his daughter. Mr Anderson said: 'What her best friends said to the Coriams sent a shiver down their spines. Her story is a little different as Rebecca was a crew member aboard the ship. Possible robbery or gang activity could be involved, but nothing solid has ever been announced. The Government would also work through the International Maritime Organization to increase international cooperation on such investigations. Rebecca Coriam, a crew member aboard the cruise ship, the Disney Wonder, vanished in 2011 and has never been found. She said theyd asked her to do a threesome. Rebecca went back to work on a cruise ship called the Disney Wonder that was based in the port of Los Angeles. Disney Cruises has always maintained the student was swept overboard. Liverpool EchoThe last moments of Rebecca Coriam captured on CCTV camera. In this article, I explain the events leading up to his disappearance and why it took so long for police to realize he was gone. They were pink and flowery and Hawaiian. I think it was her first time sleeping with a man. [1], He shared this theory with a deck worker, who told him he was mistaken. To this day, Rebecca is still listed as being missing at sea. because she was in a relationship and they had sex with someone else. [15] Walker later represented the Coriams in a suit against Disney in American courts; they settled with the company in 2015 for an undisclosed sum and an agreement not to discuss the case publicly. On March 21, 2011, cruise ship employee Rebecca Coriam sent her parents a text message, letting them know that she would call them the following day. By When Coriam failed to report for her 9 a.m. shift, Disney staff were alerted to search the ship for her, but to no avail. Rebecca had made a close friend on the cruise ship and she confided in her about her personal life. One crew member claimed that Disney knows exactly what happened and that they have the tape of the incident, because Disney records everything. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. When Ronson brought this up to a deck worker, he said everybody knows she went overboard on Deck 5. The Coriams claimed Disney kept them in a car with blacked-out windows and brought them on board via a little-used side entrance after all the passengers had disembarked. Missing Disney Cruise Employee Goes Missing Only Hours After She 'Was And also, unlike the previous two cases we discussed, it is highly unlikely her body will EVER be recovered. Rebecca wasn't in her room and crew couldn't locate her anywhere else on the ship. In October 2011, Jon Ronson, a journalist for the Guardian, got the Coriams blessing to do an undercover type investigation. Another theory that has been floating around is that Rebecca committed suicide. Later information came in that her friends said she had a threesome with fellow colleagues on the ship that had traumatized her just hours before she was seen on the phone in the surveillance video. [5], Since the Wonder is registered in the Bahamas, a detective from the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) flew to the ship to investigate once it had returned to Los Angeles, three days after the disappearance. She confided in her that they asked her to do a threesome but she didn't want to, so OBrien told her to not go back to them and just go to bed. i think she was so distraught after that 3 way she either killed her self by jumping overboard or someone didnt want her talking and threw her overboard, either way disney truly knows what happened. Her father shared it with the family and Rebecca's uncle said it was just an email but it felt like a legitimate lead. Six weeks later, on 21 March 2011, the day the ship left Los Angeles, she sent what would be her last message to her parents via Facebook, saying she would call the next day. They took us to a room where they played the CCTV footage of Rebecca where, largely, she appears to be fine.. After nearly a year of successful trips with Disney, Coriam disappeared from the Disney Wonder on Tuesday, March 22, 2011. Rebecca Coriam disappeared from Disney Cruise Lines in 2011. The Coriam family and their supporters strongly suspect their daughter was killed because she wouldnt agree to an open bisexual relationship with the male and female crew members. Cruise ship killer fears after TWO HUNDRED passengers have vanished Additionally, he states that the Navy and Coast Guard teams were given incorrect coordinates and likely searched the wrong area of the sea. He was reported to have undertaken "several days of onboard investigations".
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