Of all the Heros of the Iliad, only Diomedes fights the gods, and he and Meneclause were offered the opportunity to live forever. The Achaean leaders were scared that another such blow would kill Ajax and they stopped the fight. Book V begins with Athena, the war-like goddess of wisdom putting valour into the heart of her champion warrior. Strabo, Geography 5.1.9. The god Hephaestus made Diomedes' cuirass for him. Diomedes | Myth, Significance, & Trojan War | Britannica He himself was subsequently worshiped as a divine being, especially in Italy, where statues of him existed at Argyripa, Metapontum, Thurii, and other places.41, There are traces in Greece also of the worship of Diomedes, for it is said that he was placed among the gods together with the Dioscuri, and that Athena conferred upon him the immortality which had been intended for his father Tydeus. Diomedes: Leader in the Trojan War. Some say that both Diomedes and Odysseus drowned Palamedes. Diomedes threw his spear over Dolon's shoulders and ordered him to stop. Diomedes & Odysseus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) - Works | Archive The difficult task of stealing this sacred statue again fell upon the shoulders of Odysseus and Diomedes.[23]. There are various accounts of how Diomedes died. Helenus then sent Hector to the city of Troy to tell their mother about what was happening. He made the Trojans stronger so they could drive away the Achaeans from battle. Agamemnon and Menelaus rounded up their principal commanders to get ready for battle the next day. v. p. 214, &c. Farnell, Lewis Richard. From this action was said to have arisen the Greek proverbial expression Diomedes necessity", applied to those who act contrary to their inclination for the greater good. The latter ignored his cry and ran away. PDF The Role of Diomedes in The Aeneid and Metamorphoses There are also vestiges of this cult in areas like Cyprus and some mainland Greek cities, given the inscriptions on votive offerings found in temples and tombs, but the popularity is most evident along the Eastern coast of Italy. This is in contrast to Patroclus (who does not give way when opposed by Apollo) and Achilles (who resorts to fight the river Scamander on his own). According to some, Diomedes and Odysseus were sent into the city of Troy to negotiate for peace after the death of Paris. Sometime later, Polynices, a banished prince of Thebes, arrived in Argos; he approached Adrastus and pleaded his case to the king, as he requested his aid to restore him to his original homeland. He was also represented in a painting on the acropolis of Athens in the act of carrying away the Palladium from Troy,43 and Polygnotus had painted him in the Lesche at Delphi.44. [24] Diomedes is generally regarded as the person who physically removed the Palladium and carried it away to the ships. Diomedes then makes a prediction (based on Homeric tradition) that eventually becomes true. With their king dead, the Thebans, believing this to be the end for them, sought counsel from the seer Tiresias, who urged them to flee the city. His famous exploits include the wounding of Aphrodite, the slaughter of Rhesus and his Thracians, and seizure of the Trojan Palladium, the sacred image of the goddess Pallas Athena that protected Troy. Translated by Horace Leonard Jones. Updates? Beholding this trick played by the sun god, Athena reacted with great anger. Diomedes wanted to avenge Thersites, but the other leaders persuaded the two mightiest Achaean warriors against fighting each other. She was, however, no match for Achilles, who killed her. He also had a round shield with the mark of a boar. Cret. [27] (The incident was commemorated in 1842 by the French sculptor Pierre-Jules Cavelier in a muscle-bound plaster statue). Frustrated, Diomedes shouted after Hector calling him a dog. Dictys Cretensis, vi, 2; Tzetzes on Lycophron, 609; Servius on Virgil's. I am a bit confused on the whole palladium situation though. This epic narrates a series of events that took place during the final year of the great war. When all the Achaean seemed discouraged, Zeus sent an eagle as a good omen. Agamemnon put Diomedes in charge of the mission and asked him to choose a companion himself. Tydeus was Athena's favorite warrior at the time, and when he was dying she wanted to offer him a magic elixir (which she had obtained from her father) that would make him immortal. Translated by Horace Leonard Jones. Although he can face both of these warriors together, he knows that Aphrodite may try to save her son. They managed to reach home safely but Athena called upon Poseidon to bring a violent storm upon most of the other Achaean ships. Diomedes was one of Helen 's suitors, and he later goes with Odysseus to find Achilles on Scyros, where the two trick Achilles out of hiding by feigning an attack. [30] Dolon gave them several valuable pieces of information. "Returns" argument 1. Sthenelus warns his friend of their approach. Article created on Saturday, May 24, 1997. Identifying the god of war, Diomedes protected the Achaeans by ordering them to withdraw towards their ships. vi. Daunus, the king of the country, received him kindly, and solicited his assistance in a war against the Messapians. Diomedes was the first warrior to read this omen, and he immediately attacked the Trojans and killed Agelaus. [25] Because Odysseus was essential for the destruction of Troy, Diomedes refrained from punishing him. Nestor responded, "Son of Tydeus, though Hector say that you are a coward the Trojans and Dardanians will not believe him, nor yet the wives of the mighty warriors whom you have laid low." Wily, much-enduring Odysseus is rightfully respected as one of the greatest of the Greeks at Troy, and in Homer's Iliad he seldom fails to live up to his reputation. Still others say that despite Diomedes's noble treatment of her son Aeneas, Aphrodite never managed to forget about the Argive spear that had once pierced her flesh in the fields of Troy. According to Quintus Smyrnaeus, while slaughtering countless Trojans, Diomedes met an elderly man named Ilioneus who begged for mercy. In the funeral games of Patroclus, Diomedes (though wounded) won all the games he played. The last was made as a peace-offering to the goddess, including temples in her honor. Diomedes then hurls a spear that hits Hector's helmet. Apart from his outstanding fighting abilities and courage, Diomedes is on several crucial occasions shown to possess great wisdom, which is acknowledged and respected by his much older comrades, including Agamemnon and Nestor. Diomedes: The Iliad's Second Achilles - TheCollector In Fellini's movie 8, a cardinal tells this story to actor Marcello Mastroianni. Dictys Cretensis, ii, 15; comp. He is a frequent companion to Odysseus, who later becomes the brains to his brawn.1 His eagerness for violence and frequent collaboration with Odysseus are his two most outstanding characteristics in the Iliad and Epic Cycle. The hero instantly selected Odysseus for he was loved by Athena and was quick witted. When he died, it passed to Diomedes. Taking a new driver, Archeptolemus, Hector advanced forward again. ad Aen viii. Thersites was so quarrelsome and abusive in character that only his cousin, Diomedes, mourned for him. I say, then, let us go to the fight as we needs must, wounded though we be. Once, he was even granted divine vision in order to identify immortals. He is also a close friend of Odysseus, and the two have a rough banter which establishes them as equals. He even wounded Ares, whom he struck with his spear. [28] Others say that he brought it to Italy. They resolved to not fight each other and Diomedes proposed exchanging their armours. Tzetzes on Lycophron, 993; Dictys Cretensis, iv, 3. According to Dolon, Hector and the other councilors were holding conference by the monument of great Ilus, away from the general tumult. Diomedes was king of the Greek city Argos. Diomedes Character Analysis in The Song of Achilles | LitCharts Once in Troy, Odysseus murdered Palamedes (the commander who outwitted Odysseus in Ithaca, proving him to be feigning insanity and thus forcing him to stand by his oath and join the alliance), drowning him while he was fishing. He raised his sword to stab Diomedes in the back. Fate and gods were with Achaeans at the start and therefore Zeus interventions could only be temporary. This was another bonus of the night mission. Strabo, Geography 6.3.9. "Cypria" fragment 27. 25 When he and Odysseus had arrived in the arx of Troy by a subterraneous passage, they slew the guards and carried away the Palladium, 26 as it was believed that Ilium Greek & Roman Mythology - Homer - University of Pennsylvania The king of Argos slew Thymbraeus, two sons of Merops, and Agastrophus. He also declared that he will never leave the city unvanquished for the gods were originally with them. Diomedes ruled Argos for more than five years and brought much wealth and stability to the city during his time. When Athena saw Diomedes resting near his horses, she mocked him, reminding him of Tydeus who frequently disobeyed her advice. [45] The most distinct votive offerings to the hero were actually found within the island of Palagrua on the Adriatic. He was worshipped as a divine being under various names in Italy where statues of him existed at Argyripa, Metapontum, Thurii, and other places. Pandarus throws his spear first and brags that he has killed the son of Tydeus. Diomedes is known primarily for his participation in the Trojan War. Diomedes was, on his father's side, an Aetolian, and on his mother's an Argive. In Book IV Agamemnon taunts Diomedes by calling him a far inferior fighter compared to his father. That being so, upon returning home to Argos, Diomedes ascended to the throne. I hold him mightiest of them all; we did not fear even their great champion Achilles, son of an immortal though he be, as we do this man: his rage is beyond all bounds, and there is none can vie with him in prowess.". Not bothering with weapons, Diomedes picks up a huge stone and crushes his enemy's hip with it. ThoughtCo, Apr. Some say that, after the sack of Troy, Diomedes came to Libya (due to a storm), where he was put in prison by King Lycus (who planned on sacrificing him to Ares). ""god-like cunning" or "advised by Zeus"") is a hero in Greek mythology, known for his participation in the Trojan War. 3. 'Son of Tydeus,' said he, 'in war your prowess is beyond question, and in council you excel all who are of your own years; no one of the Achaeans can make light of what you say nor gainsay it, but you have not yet come to the end of the whole matter. Diomedes, with the help of Athena, also wounded Ares. "Little Iliad" argument 4. A skilled smith created the sword for Tydeus, which bore designs of a lion and a big boar. Achaean council Book IX. The latter responds by saying "at least, one of you will be slain" and throws his spear. 20; Justin, xii. Diomedes was also involved in some of Odysseus' shenanigans, possibly including the killing of Palamedes, the Greek who had tricked Odysseus into going to war and may have invented the alphabet. Diomedes, the Unsung Hero of Troy | Ancient Origins The chariot race is considered as the most prestigious competition in the funeral games and the most formal occasion for validating the status of the elite. Diomedes faces this situation by displaying both his might and wisdom. Hector then seized the battlefield and slew many Achaeans. Paris answers the Achaeans' act by wounding Diomedes with an arrow, thus sidelining the great warrior for the rest of the epic. He also said that his purpose in Italy is to live in peace. At Argos, his native place, during the festival of Athena, his shield was carried through the streets as a relic, together with the Palladium, and his statue was washed in the river Inachus. Odysseus and Diomedes The Iliad Books 9 & 10 Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes He threatened to leave Troy, never to return believing that this choice will enable him to live a long life. Athena caused a quarrel between Agamemnon and Menelaus about the voyage from Troy. Diomedes and Odysseus were charged with achieving this prophecy also. Hector was vanquished by Diomedes yet again and it was Diomedes that ended up being worshipped as an immortal. 407, iv, 427, v. 81. On further questioning, Diomedes and Odysseus learnt that among the various allies, Thracians were the most vulnerable for they had come last and were sleeping apart from the others at the far end of the camp. Diomedes: Weapons Befitting a Warrior. This article incorporates text from Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) by William Smith, which is in the public domain. Diomedes - World History Encyclopedia He and Odysseus were the only Achaean heroes who participated in covert military operations that demanded discipline, bravery, courage, cunning, and resourcefulness. Pindar mentions the hero's deification in Nemean X, where he says "the golden-haired, gray-eyed goddess made Diomedes an immortal god. Loeb Classical Press, 1923. After the war Diomedes returned home to find that his wife had been unfaithful (Aphrodites punishment) and that his claim to the throne of Argos was disputed. He was planning to kill some more Thracians and stealing the chariot of the king with his armour when Athena advised him to back off for some other god may warn the Trojans. Diomedes was one of the warriors inside. He states that when he found Diomedes, he was laying the foundations of his new city, Argyrippa. The Achaean seer Calchas prophesied that Philoctetes (whom the Achaeans had abandoned on the island of Lemnos due to the vile odour from snakebite) and the bow of Heracles are needed to take Troy. The Odyssey: Mini Essays | SparkNotes She also put on the helmet of Hades, making her invisible to even gods. As far as can be surmised from extant Diomedes attacked and seized the kingdom, slaying all the traitors except Thersites, Onchestus (who escaped to Peloponnesus) and Agrius (who killed himself) restoring his grandfather to the throne. The king of Argos, he was also a great warrior, killing and wounding many of the Trojans and their allies, during the Trojan War, including Aphrodite who intervened to keep him from killing her son Aeneas. Diomedes was the commander of 80 Argive ships and one of the most respected leaders in the Trojan War. [36], Diomedes later married Daunus's daughter Euippe and had two sons named Diomedes and Amphinomus. https://www.thoughtco.com/diomedes-116696 (accessed May 1, 2023). Fleeing for his life, he sailed to Italy and founded Argyripa (later Arpi) in Apulia, eventually making peace with the Trojans. Odysseus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) Diomedes (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) Drunk Sex Spitroasting Dubious Consent Blow Jobs Anal Sex Dom/sub Undertones Odysseus and Diomedes decide to exploit the young prince of Pylos Language: English Words: 1,784 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 14 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 275 Ilios High School by Kaetastrophic Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Serv. For other uses, see. Diomedes agreed to the proposal, drew up his men and routed the Messapians. Odysseus (wearing the pilos hat) and Diomedes stealing the horses of Thracian king Rhesus they have just killed. Omissions? This is the longest aristeia in the epic. Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, III. .stocky, brave, dignified, and austere. Diomedes defeated the Messapians, and distributed their territory among the Dorians who had accompanied him. by Marie-Lan Nguyen (Jastrow) published on 22 September 2022. Diomedes and Nestor held a discussion about the situation and decided to leave immediately. Enraged, Achilles killed Thersites with a single blow to his face. Greek Epic Fragments, 123. At Troezene he had founded a temple of Apollo Epibaterius and instituted the Pythian games there. Diomedes, King of Argos Roman copy of a statue by Kresilas from c. 430 BC. [29] According to another tradition, the Palladium failed to bring Diomedes any luck due to the unrighteous way he obtained it. Athena, of course, did not grant it. ), The Iliad: Books I-XII, p. 309, Nassos Papalexandrou, The Visual Poetics of Power: Warriors, Youths, and Tripods in Early Greece [Lanham: Lexington Books, 2005], 2829. How Did Athena Help Odysseus: The Complete Guide (2022) - MythologySource In another, he dies from treachery. He went to the court of King Daunus, King of the Daunians. There are less known versions of Diomedes' afterlife. This force was made up of seven individual champions, each assigned to lead an assault on one of the seven gates of the city; Tydeus, Polynices and Adrastus were among them. He praised Diomedes intelligence and declared that no person of such young age could equal Diomedes in counsel. Zeus ordered all other deities to not interfere with the battle. A great rival of Ajax and Agamemnon, and a close ally of Odysseus, Diomedes is an intriguing . Left alone in the battleground, Diomedes took his stand before Nestor and ordered him to take Sthenelus place. According to the Homeric account, he was the grandson of Acrisius, and a son of Lartes and Anticleia, the daughter of Autolycus, and brother of Ctimene. He then criticized Diomedes for not making any positive proposal to replace Agamemnon's opinion a failure which Nestor ascribed to his youth. Diomedes pointed out that this behavior was inappropriate for a leader like Agamemnon. [9] According to Hyginus, Diomedes went with Odysseus to fetch Iphigenia, making this the two companions' first mission together. One has Athena turning Diomedes into a god. The Greek hero Diomedes, at one time a suitor of Helen of Troy, was one of the most valued leaders of the Achaeans (Greeks) in the Trojan War, providing perhaps as many as 80 ships. The leader of a large army and a favorite of Athena, Diomedes functions as a second Achilles. Who is Diomedes in The Iliad? - Role & Character Analysis [47], Diomedes was worshipped as a hero not only in Greece, but on the coast of the Adriatic, as at Thurii and Metapontum. 12; Scylax, Peripl. Adrastos promised to do so and set out to gather an expeditionary force with which to march against Thebes. Although Athena has previously told him not to fear any immortal, Diomedes displayed his humility by saying, "I will not fight any more immortals.". Meanwhile, in a similar council held by Hector, not a single prince or king would volunteer to spy on Achaeans. Odysseus, unsuccessfully, tried to persuade the Achaean leaders to put Ajax to death, by stoning the Locrian leader (to divert the goddess's anger). In all these versions, killing Rhesus by Diomedes was instrumental for the victory. Hector's brother Helenus described Diomedes' fighting skills in this manner: "He fights with fury and fills men's souls with panic. Two of her warriors, named Alcibie and Derimacheia, were slain by Diomedes. At Troezen he had founded a temple of Apollo Epibaterius, and instituted the Pythian games there. [50], On San Nicola Island of the Tremiti Archipelago there is a Hellenic period tomb called Diomedes's Tomb. Ajax owned the biggest armour and the tallest shield which covered most of his body leaving only two places vulnerable; his neck and armpits. Diomedes, the legendary king of Argos and founder of many southern Italian cities, was the hero of two of the most famous wars of Greek lore. Diomedes received the most direct divine help and protection. Diomedes received the prize for the victor. Some of the other Trojan warriors slain by Diomedes during that night were Coroebus who came to Troy to win the hand of Cassandra,[31] Eurydamas and Eurycoon. Bury, Pindar: Nemean Odes (Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 1965), 199. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Diomedes&oldid=1149479137, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles having different image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. In Aulis, where the Achaean leaders gathered, Diomedes met his brother in arms Odysseus, with whom he shared several adventures. So we all know Odysseus and Diomedes as the murderous dynamic duo from the Illiad. Apulian red-figure situla, from Ruvo. He thus wounded Aphrodite and drove her from the field of battle,7 and Ares himself was likewise wounded by him.8, Diomedes was wounded by Pandareus, whom, however, he afterwards slew with many other Trojans.9 In the attack of the Trojans on the Greek camp, he and Odysseus offered a brave resistance, but Diomedes was wounded and returned to the ships.10 He wore a cuirass made by Hephaestus, but sometimes also a lion's skin.11 At the funeral games of Patroclus he conquered in the chariot-race, and received a woman and a tripod as his prize.12 He also conquered the Telamonian Ajax in single combat, and won the sword which Achilles had offered as the prize.13 He is described in the Iliad in general as brave in war and wise in council,14 in battle furious like a mountain torrent, and the terror of the Trojans, whom he chases before him, as a lion chases goats.15 He is strong like a god,16 and the Trojan women during their sacrifice to Athena pray to her to break his spear and to make him fall.17 He himself knows no fear, and refuses his consent when Agamemnon proposes to take to flight, and he declares that, if all flee, he and his friend Sthenelus will stay and fight till Troy shall fall.18, The story of Diomedes, like those of other heroes of the Trojan time, has received various additions and embellishments from the hands of later writers, of which we shall notice the principal ones. This speech signifies the nature of Homeric tradition where fate and divine interventions have superiority over human choices. Although the original purpose of this night mission was spying on the Trojans, the information given by Dolon persuaded the two friends to plan an attack upon the Thracians. He was overwhelming Telamonian Ajax in an armed sparring contest when the watching Achaeans bade the men to stop and take equal prizes because they feared for Ajax's life. Diomedes immediately threw his spear at Hector, aiming for his head. For example, although both Odysseus and Diomedes were favorites of the goddess Athena, Odysseus prayed for help even before the start of the above footrace, whereas Diomedes received Athena's help without having to ask. Later, Oeneus passed the kingdom to his son-in-law, Andraemon, and headed to Argos to meet Diomedes. Greek Epic Fragments, 137. Dict. They had to return empty handed; Achilles had told them that he will leave Troy and never return. Antoninus Liberalis, 37; comp. Greek mythology tells us that the men each reflected important aspects of Athena's character. [10] However, Pseudo-Apollodorus has Agamemnon send Odysseus and Talthybius instead. Ares saw only Diomedes in the chariot and threw his spear which was caught by Athena. In still another, Diomedes dies of old age. There were several important relationships that Odysseus has with others in the poem. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/diomedes-116696. Diomedes was also involved in some of Odysseus' shenanigans, possibly including the killing of Palamedes, the Greek who had tricked Odysseus into going to war and may have invented the alphabet.He was among the Achaean men tucked inside the belly of the great wooden horse the Greeks presented to the Trojans, ostensibly as a gift to the goddess. Diomedes then threw his spear (which was guided by Athena) at Ares, wounding his stomach. After the death of Paris, Diomedes and Odysseus were sent into the city of Troy to negotiate for peace, 24 but he was afterwards one of the Greeks concealed in the wooden horse. Diomedes said, "Let Achilles stay or leave if he wishes to, but he will fight when the time comes. Firmly resolved in his purpose, Diomedes answered. The king's daughter Callirrhoe released him. The phrase Diomedian swap originated from this incident. Meanwhile, Diomedes ran towards Hector to get his spear. He promised in return to give him a tract of land and the hand of his daughter Euippe. His father, Tydeus, had participated in the seven against Thebes expedition. They woke up Odysseus, Nestor, Ajax, Diomedes and Idomeneus. The two nations 'Monadi' and the 'Dardi' were vanquished by Diomedes along with the two cities of 'Apina' and 'Trica'. Strab. Penthesileia killed many Achaeans in battle. Under Odysseus' cover, Diomedes withdrew the arrow but unable to fight with a limp, he retired from battle. Both Sthenelus and Euryalus (former Epigoni) fought under his command with their armies. Diomedes was married to Aegialia when he left for Troy. Red-figure pottery, c. 360 BCE. Diomedes was alerted to the danger by glimpsing the gleam of the sword in the moonlight. Finally, Aeneas (son of Aphrodite) asks Pandarus to mount his chariot so that they may fight Diomedes together. During the Achaean council held, Agamemnon asked for a volunteer to spy on the Trojans. Glyptothek, Munich. In Canto XXVI of the Inferno, Dante encounters Odysseus and Diomedes. Although the episodes in Books 9 and 10 take place during the same night, providing a break from the fighting, little continuity exists between them. Some refer to Diomedes as "Son of Tydeus", "Great Spearman," "Master of the war cry, Diomedes", and "Powerful Diomedes." He was a renowned leader, even though he was the youngest king of Argos. During the sacking and looting of the great city, the seeress Cassandra, daughter of Priam and Hecuba, clung to the statue of Athena, but the Lesser Ajax raped her. Together, these champions were known as the Seven against Thebes. Therefore turn from me your hands against young men, if you hope ever to come to grey hairs such as mine." Diomedes then reminds him of the previous insult and tells him that his behavior is not proper for a leader. However, she withdrew the intended privilege in apparent disgust when Tydeus gobbled down the brains of the hated enemy who had wounded him.[3]. She also promised the sacrifice of twelve heifers if Athena could take pity on them and break the spear of Diomedes. In addition, he told about a major weakness in Trojan army. According to Quintus Smyrnaeus, Odysseus and Diomedes came to Scyros to bring him to the war at Troy. Yet, the spear was sent with such great force that Hector swooned away. The son of Tydeus, frequently referred to as the lord of war cry, was not seen speaking disrespectful words to his enemies before. Nestor could not escape because one of his horses was wounded by Paris arrow. Dropping her son, the goddess flees towards Olympus. He might have perished if not for Diomedes. All the troops from Argos, Tiryns, Troezen and some other cities were headed by Diomedes. He is throw into peril and there often seems to be no hope for his return home. Diomedes won the first prize "a woman skilled in all useful arts, and a three-legged cauldron". 993; Dict. When, during the night, the two heroes were returning to the camp with their precious booty, and Odysseus was walking behind him, Diomedes saw by the shadow of his companion that he was drawing his sword in order to kill him, and thus to secure to himself alone the honor of having taken the Palladium. This article was most recently revised and updated by, From Athena to Zeus: Basics of Greek Mythology, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Diomedes-Greek-mythology, Theoi Greek Mythology - Biography of Diomedes. Sthenelus was the driver of Diomedes chariot and probably his closest friend. This stratagem invented by Odysseus made it possible to take the city. [47], One Legend says that on his death, the albatrosses got together and sang a song (their normal call). [20], Nestor's son was killed by Memnon, and Achilles held funeral games for Antilochus. His going to Aetolia and the subsequent recovery of Argos are placed in some traditions immediately after the war of the Epigoni, and Diomedes is said to have gone with Alcmaeon to assist his grandfather Oeneus in Aetolia against his enemies. 31. Diomedes won the sprint.[21]. Since the other Achaeans suffered during their respective 'nostoi' (Returns) because they committed an atrocity of some kind, Diomedes' safe nostos implies that he had the favour of the gods during his journey.
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