Hell try to avoid it so as to not offend you, but asking him directly will force him to tell you the truth. Share your feelings, but keep your cool and remain understanding toward him. What to do when a Pisces man backs off? If youre holding out because of pride, hell know. A Pisces man is afraid of being a emotionally manipulated, so hell want your word that he wont get pulled into drama. Ashley Allen has been using astrology to study people and interpret their personalities for over a decade. He is also attracted to soft, flowing and ethereal styles, rather than outfits that are tight fitting or too formal. If he chooses her and shes not up for it, he will feel awful and probably depressed. The problem might not even be from you. See our. He Shuts Down. If he never makes any effort whatsoever to return your calls and retreats into his own world, he may have lost interest. He can be easily won back by just a few kind gestures. The Pisces man tends towards idealism which means that reality can sometimes disappoint him, causing him to pull away when things dont go as planned or expected. 3. A Pisces man will pay attention at first, but youll also need to show the aspects of your personality that he loves. However, if you are experiencing this in your current relationship, worry no more because there is always a chance for you to fix issues with your Pisces man. Even if its something you didnt mean, you will have to quickly apologize to him so that he knows that you really did not want to harm him in any way. Your Pisces man wants space currently. Dont make a big deal out of not hearing back, just in case the Pisces man meant nothing by it. If a Pisces man sees that you are compassionate, he will be more willing to reconnect. Having tried some of the options listed above and you are still unable to figure out why he is distant, the next best option is to talk to him about everything. If you know how to make a Pisces man feel guilty, you can try to play on his emotions in order to get him back. 1. You can reestablish the bond between you by taking the time to get to know one another again. Assure him of your support and make sure you have a boundary. Period. Tell him that hes been acting weird and ask him whats going on. This will cause him to pause and not know what to do from there. Just dont be harsh, make fun of him or scold him for not having you at the forefront of his mind. You need to assure your man that you genuinely value him after all the difficulties you have been through together. Ask him why he has suddenly changed, and if he provides you with an answer that insinuates that you are at fault, dont fight off the accusations. No contact may be the wake-up call the Pisces guy needs. Then you have a shot at rekindling your romance. However, regardless of how you feel about it, you will have to initiate your emotional intelligence and try to decipher why your Pisces man has suddenly changed. Show him that you are interested in his thoughts and ideas by asking questions and engaging him in conversations on topics hes passionate about. Pisces man can be a serious space cadet, the non-mindful ones at least. Participate in activities that he enjoys, even if its just playing video games. If the Pisces man isnt sure whether youre really into him, its time to make that abundantly clear. Sometimes when he backs off, it can be a blessing in disguise because he can remember what he misses through it. Even if his ex has come around, hes got to put the nail in the coffin of the death of what they had. All Rights Reserved. Youll be frustrated because hell answer important questions with vague answers. If he is wholly withdrawn from activities that used to excite him, you are probably not the problem. If you dont reciprocate his efforts, then you may actually lose him for good. You can comfortably Related Reading: When a Pisces Man Has a Crush. He cant resist a love story and will especially want to feel like hes the hero in his own romance movie. It is good that you go emotional when talking to your man because they cannot stand seeing you in tears. At the end of the day, confront him. This is the last best bet to get a Pisces male to break his silence. For the sake of peace or any other reason, he might have chosen not to complain about it, and consequently, his grievances keep piling up, making him start to back off slowly. Hes drawn toward positivity and optimism and loves being built up. And be sure to tell him when something he does has made you happy. Pisces is famous for going back and forth about how they feel. Besides, this gives both of you a fresh start on your relationship. You need to take the initiative to slow things down. These men are hopeless romantics whove probably given too many chances to the wrong people in the past. Take your time and effort to show him that you care, value, and appreciate him. There are several signs that a Pisces man has lost interest in you. If you really want to save your relationship with a Pisces man, it takes getting to know him on a deeper level. Give him the time he needs without becoming overly concerned or pressuring him. Water signs are easy to persuade, you just have to make sure that you do it with your whole heart. Through the tips mentioned above and a sincere apology, you can confidently win back your Pisces man. So being in a position where they know theyre going to hurt someone goes against what they stand for. Try going to his place when you know hell be home (and not busy). If you can admit when youve done something wrong and apologize, you can win him back. Itll be much harder for him to turn you away when hes looking into your eyes. So theres no single, A-B-C formula you can apply to get the results you want. You must be wondering if he will consider you. This post may contain affiliate links. Hell be surprised and the soup isnt for an illness but it will bring him comfort to know you care that much. Is your Pisces man not communicating with you? Your email address will not be published. Since he freezes up during uncomfortable interactions, a phone call might be too real for him. Hes scared of what may happen if he caves in and gives himself to you. He may also seem to be constantly busy or preoccupied so that he can avoid feeling closer to you. However, it would help if you were careful to make sure that history does not repeat itself. Pinterest. A caring and kind soul, the Pisces would do anything not to tread on your feelings. Make sure he knows that you still care about him and will support him no matter what. If a Pisces man likes you then he will reach out to you frequently with texts. It is indeed a painful sight to watch what used to be an exciting relationship between you and Theres a good chance that hes being passive-aggressive. If hes just feeling overwhelmed, hell eventually get back to you with a friendly reply and show enthusiasm that you messaged him. Hello Astrogirls! If he still seems hesitant, keep the communication lines open by sending friendly and respectful messages. I know that this sounds like a bore, but trust me. By doing this, you can get him to reconsider. It also helps to look out for any clues as to why he might be withdrawing from the relationship, such as changes in communication, not attending social events as usual or being very distant. Its weird. But he does. and tell him that youre sorry things are going wonky for him and. Seeing that can make him feel a sense of panic and loss, in which case he will impulsively get in touch with you. Hes intuitive and can easily pick up on vibes, so focus on giving him your friendliest and most attentive energy. Lastly, assure him you will not do it againas long as you can stick to that promise. To win back your Pisces man, you must be willing to change and begin a new relationship. With this post, you must have realized that you can hurt a Pisces man terribly, but he can still be open to you and grant you forgiveness. When youre dressing to impress a Pisces man, keep in mind that certain styles appeal to him. Click the link above now, or dive into our guide on Pisces man avoiding you below. Dont just write him off because hes taking his sweet time talking to you. If a Pisces man is giving you the silent treatment, you have to look at the cause so you know how to react. It would help if you also considered the activities you used to do together that made both of you truly happy. This is not unusual for a Pisces with their head in the clouds and a loose grasp of things like time and schedules. He also may not be as attentive or complimentary towards you, as he was before. I know youre not in a relationship with him right now and you dont have to stay loyal. WebHeres how to handle the Pisces man silent treatment: Identify the reason hes ignoring you Give him space if hes emotional so he feels calm and in control Be understanding, Dont let your ego get in the way. I mean, if youre a Virgo or Taurus, youd be perfect for a Pisces. In this case, theyll attempt to ignore it altogether. He goes off, he finds a quiet space so he can think about his next move. Since a Pisces is tight-lipped about their private world, there are bound to be times when theyre going through something you dont know the extent of. lock themselves away in their apartment and not contact anybody. Through these memories, he will feel the urge to take you back. Read Also: Pisces Man Scorpio Woman Love at First Sight. Yet if he still has any attraction to or feelings for you, you can try to put your Pisces love interest on a guilt trip. This secret text message will make a Pisces man addicted to you. Even if someone does try to flirt with you or something, just brush their advances aside. Hes probably taking his sweet time trying to figure out what hell do next. If hes backing off from you, you could reach out to him, show up at his house with a little gift. Taking the time to listen to his concerns and empathizing with him will also help maintain trust and create a strong bond. What to Do When Your Pisces Man is Angry? A Pisces man falls in love easily. Or would he appreciate it if you were there for him while he was going through a tough time? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 10 Best Colors For a Beautiful Winter Wedding, How to React to a Pisces Man Silent Treatment. He doesnt want to burden you and feels the need for alone time for his own self being. A Pisces man wants to understand how you operate, so youll need to dig deep and lay bare your soul to him. Instead, hell prefer to keep things on a surface level. Pisces men have trouble establishing boundaries, so showing that you respect his can make him realize how special you are. If you had a disagreement or you said something that youre pretty sure offended your Pisces man, you need to: A Pisces man is easily overwhelmed by all the emotions swirling aroundboth yours and his. One thing that youll see with all men is them simply forgetting to tell us when theyre busy. It should not be considered professional legal, medical or relationship advice. For this, you must know what to do when your Pisces man is backing off. Its preferable to discern the cause of the problem without asking him, as that would make him appreciate your efforts if you are able to crack the problem. By showing him that youre understanding and supportive, it reassures him that you are creating a safe environment for him to express his needs. Whenever you Pisces woman backs off, ensure you make him miss you because this is likely to make him change his mind. I talked 2 him 3 times and when i heard this i told him that i dont want to talk 2 him. Sometimes, the past should remain the past do not give it a lot of concertation. If you have a relationship with a Pisces man, you need to ensure openness, diplomacy, kindness, and honesty from your keywords. Instead, hell genuinely realize what his absence does to you. This is the one thing you cannot change or reverse. 8. Remind him how compassionate and caring you are. This way, he will know that you are still interested and will take a chance on getting back together with you. Therefore, you need to take your quality time to go through your texts and find out what he highlighted as your bad habits. Work could be adding on more hours to his daily time clock clicks. So if they have some news for you that they think will hurt you, theyd rather avoid you than lie. Its a natural reaction to want to shield himself from others as well as shield those he loves from his problems. A good way to tell hes lost interest is by how much he disconnects from you. Have you forgotten to return phone WebHeres how to make a Pisces man miss you: Create a fantasy world for just you and your Pisces man Be emotionally supportive Be vulnerable with him and show you trust him Do romantic dates and sentimental gifts Know when to back off and give him some space Afraid of losing your Pisces mans attention? WebHow to Deal with a Pisces Man When He Becomes Distant. He believes he can teach you a lesson by acting like this. Some of these actions might include you being emotionally unavailable to him or being overly possessive. Be aware that if he pulls back after you two were moving at lightning speed, its probably his fears and doubts causing him to back off. Then, reach out to himwhether you text or calland admit your wrongdoing. The more you push, the further away a Pisces will get. Tell him that his absence hurts you, that he needs to be honest with you and make the heartbreak easier. They We're in this together! Take some time and think too. Thats why your possessiveness and jealousy arent needed. How do you know when a Pisces man is no longer interested? Hell back off until the moment you realize that. Thus, he will cling to his relationship and want things to work even when you have issues. This will help you both on your quest to become perfect partners for each other. A Pisces man may test your loyalty, commitment, and level of interest. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The truth will speak to him, and seeing your emotions will tug at his heart strings. While he may not talk to you about his issues. When youre honest with him, hell understand whats going on.