Every person living in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who owns or keeps a dog or cat over three months of age, must have that dog or cat to be vaccinated against rabies. Fortunately, when a lizard loses its tail, there is usually little to no bleeding.Dec 13, 2016[25], The Paleozoic Era, which ran from 541 million to 251.9 million years ago, was a time of great change on Earth. It is important to remember that tigers require a lot of space, so the purchaser must be prepared to provide a large enclosure. It is possible that an individual could obtain a permit to own a Fennec fox in Pennsylvania, but this would depend on the specific facts and circumstances of the case. PERMIT required to import feral swine.Interstate health certificate required to import animals. 5531 - 5561; 18 Pa.C.S.A. Pennsylvania. [3], It is illegal to bring any exotics into the state of Pennsylvania without the proper permits. Finger monkeys, also known as pygmy marmosets, are the smallest monkey in the world. PA - Veterinary - Chapter 14A. However, the Act provides immunity only where a sign that states, "You assume the risk of equine activities pursuant to Pennsylvania law," is conspicuously posted on the premises in two or more locations. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/evolution-and-development-of-fishes/evolution-of-fishes-through-geological-time/8985CFA1DBBB18240302344AB74C611D%23:~:text%3DSummary,million%2520years%2520ago%2520(Ma). Subchapter N. Exotic Wildlife Posse, PA - Furtaking - Subchapter D. Furtaking Regulations, PA - Humane Slaughter - Slaughter and Processing of Domestic Animals, PA - Hunting - 2302. This statute prohibits computer-assisted remote hunting and the operation of computer assisted hunting facilities in the state of Pennsylvania. (b) Shelter, care and protection.--Prior to the issuance of any permits, the commission shall adopt regulations for the housing, care, treatment, feeding, sanitation, purchase and disposal of wild birds and wild animals kept in menageries and for the protection of the public from such birds or animals. PERMIT (Reptile and Amphibian Rehabilitation Permit) required to rehabilitate native species. In order to keep an exotic animal as a pet in Pennsylvania, the owner must first obtain a permit from the state. It is unlawful to maintain exotic wildlife, in confinement, in unsanitary or unsafe condition, or in a manner which results in maltreatment, mistreatment or neglect. The laws cover such topics as transportation of an animal to the powers of an agent from any anti-Cruelty society. Pupil's right of refusal; animal dissection, PA - Endangered Species - Chapter 104. This Pennsylvania statute outlines the procedures and regulations relative to the state rabies quarantine procedure for dogs. The nutria, a large, herbivorous, semiaquatic rodent, isn't a pet that's allowed in Pennsylvania. This Pennsylvania statute provides that the owners or operators of licensed dog training areas shall not be subject to any action for nuisance, and no court in this Commonwealth shall enjoin the use or operation of training areas on the basis of noise or noise pollution, provided that the owners were and remain in compliance with any applicable noise control laws or ordinances at the time the permit for establishment of the training areas was authorized. Baby skunks for sale. 5533) if he or she intentionally, knowingly or recklessly illtreats, overloads, beats, abandons or abuses an animal. Some of the more common exotic animals kept as pets in Pennsylvania include snakes, lizards, turtles, and spiders. Pretty sure some places ban exotic animals to prevent them from getting released into the wild and messing with the ecosystem if i remember correctly. These are the state's veterinary practice laws. The state also prohibits the cropping of dogs' ears, debarking of dogs, docking of dogs' tails, performance of surgical births of dogs, and declawing of cats by persons other than veterinary doctors while the animals are anesthetized. (a)In addition to definitions in sections 102 and 2961 of the act (relating to definitions), the following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:Exotic wildlifeMembers of the family Felidae except those species commonly called house cats and members of the family Canidae except those licensed by the Department of Agriculture. The Carboniferous Period is preceded by the Devonian Period and followed by the Permian Period.Jan 5, 2018[29], Summary. Wolves can't be kept as pets. The statute also specifies the fines and civil penalties for violation of the statute. So for most of us, coyotes are effectively off the table as pets. When a reptile needs to cool down, they can retreat into the shade. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, residents are allowed to keep the following animals as pets: Residents are not allowed to keep venomous snakes, crocodiles, alligators, or any other type of crocodilian. "Exotic wildlife" includes all bears, coyotes, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, cougars, wolves Here are 10 animals that are illegal to import, possess, sell, offer for sale or release in Pennsylvania:Hedgehogs. However they also have anatomical and physiological adaptations to an aquatic existence. Or, as previously mentioned, coyotes. Early generation African Serval Cat hybrids (Savannah Cats) as well as Cheetohs. The statute is effective as of August 2017. Go to my website for [28], The Carboniferous Period is also known as the Age of Amphibians. (1) A violation of this section relating to permits or regulations adopted thereunder is a summary offense of the second degree. Tethering of unattended dog, PA - Dangerous - 459-507-A. Overall, finger monkeys are a fascinating and rewarding pet, but require a lot of work and commitment. That makes it a no-no as a pet in Pennsylvania. PA - Permits - Chapter 29. The later Paleozoic saw a great diversity of amphibians, ranging from small legless swimming forms (Aistopoda) to bizarre horned forms (Nectridea). A pupil who chooses to refrain from participation or observation shall be offered an alternative education project. REQUIREMENTS: Import requires identification (ear tag, permanent tag, unique mark or other approved method) and written certification from USDA vet at least 30 days prior with required brucellosis and TB testing. 1986, July 8, P.L. The concern about hedgehogs, and sugar gliders for that matter, apparently that they could hurt the local ecosystem if they were somehow released into the wild. 952, 953; 18 Pa.C.S.A. We are located an hour south of Harrisburg. [19], Ruth Hellers how to hide a crocodile & other reptilesBook by Ruth Heller[20], Losing the tail does not seriously harm a lizard, and may save its life, but the loss of a tail might have some negative effects besides a loss of stored energy. The following statutes comprise the state's relevant assistance animal and guide dog laws. Equine Activity. This reflects Pennsylvania's hunter harassment law. 3 P.S. Being an exotic pet, hedgehogs are banned in entirety in this state. And the permits only apply to certain animals. The four major groups are Sauropterygia, Ichthyopterygia, Mosasauridae, and Chelonioidea (sea turtles).May 19, 2009[12], Sea snakes: the most abundant of the marine reptiles, there are over 60 different species of sea snakes. Other animals covered under this ban include: Porcupines. In 2006, Pennsylvania became the 32nd state to adopt a pet trust law. I am a Hobby Breeder & I breed/Raise guinea pigs. Lawrence's bill, if it were to become law, also seeks to make these legal to own as pets. Violation is a misdemeanor of the third degree. Owners will be fined $800 for illegal possession. What Is The Only Continent Without Reptiles Or Snakes? There is no liability on such persons in damages or otherwise for such killing. Reptiles often bask in the sun to get warm. Interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited, PA - Hunting, Internet - 7641. Failure to provide sanitary surroundings for exotic wildlife or failure to adequately protect the public from exotic wildlife possessed under the act and this subchapter is a violation of this subchapter. We are a breeder of teacup,mini potbelly and Juliana pigs. [22], It is quite common to mistake a lizard that has just lost its tail for dead! This list includes A third violation brings the forfeiture to 15 years. These regulations are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of both the animals and the people in Pennsylvania. A second violation during that period may result in forfeiture of the privilege to hunt for 10 years. (e) Discretion of director.--In addition to the penalties provided, the director may, for any violation of this section, revoke or suspend any permit and order the disposal of any exotic wildlife held. Hey Google How Does The Chinese Alligator Differ From The American Alligator. "Exotic wildlife." A permit is required to have one in Pennsylvania, and it must be obtained from the Pennsylvania Game Commission. How Long Can An American Crocodile Stay Underwater? It is legal in most states to own a pet raccoon. Snakes of Pennsylvania, 21 species, 3 of them venomous. Now offering large bodied early generation Serval lookalike Savannah kittens, Bengal cats, and the large breed Legend Leopards resembling a Bobcat/Leopard. To obtain a permit, the applicant must show that they will not allow the animal to escape and that the animal will be kept in a safe and humane manner. Also the Other examples of endangered turtles are the Eastern mud turtle and the red belly turtle. All species of bears are illegal to keep as pets. Cougar. Endangered or threatened species, like the bog turtle, are also not on the list of possible pets. Also banned are the eastern massasauga and Kirtland's snake, also both endangered. 1986, July 8, P.L. In addition, the purchaser must have a permit to possess a tiger. General Provisions. Current List of Wild Birds in Pennsylvania (PDF) Most lizards store fat in their tails and so the loss of a tail means the loss of stored energy, energy that is usually difficult to replace in a desert environment where food resources may be scarce for much of the year.Jul 15, 2016[24], Once the tail has been detached from the body, many blood vessels and nerves are damaged and there is no way to reattach it, said Wissman. Humane Society Police Officers. Nuisances and injunction, PA - Ordinances - 23144. Why ShouldnT You Buy Reptiles From Petsmart? It is unlawful to release any exotic wildlife into the wild, fail to exercise due care in safeguarding the public, or recklessly engage in conduct that places another person in danger of attack from exotic wildlife. Ok-Annual9252 1 min. Only minutes from Maryland and 2 hours from nj and va. Magnificant High percents Savannah Kittens born & raised in my home F2,F3,F4 B generations. Yes, it is legal to purchase a tiger in the state of Pennsylvania. Many states allow them, but not Pennsylvania, California or Alaska. (3) Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense, but, under no circumstances, shall the accumulated penalty for purposes of a field receipt exceed $500. They also require a lot of water. parrots, parakeets, finches, canaries, mynahs or wild fowl) for domestication, confinement or sale as pets or for zoological or menagerie collections - out-of-state consignor to mail copy of shipping invoice or single report to department within 14 days after export, Birds must be free of laryngotracheitis, duck virus enteritis, Newcastle disease, plague-like avian influenza, fowl cholera, fowl or bird pox, chlamydiosis, tuberculosis, mycoplasmosis, pullorum disease and fowl typhoid for import AND be free of laryngotracheitis, duck virus enteritis, velogenic Newcastle disease, plague-like avian influenza, avian tuberculosis, chlamydiosis, pullorum disease and fowl typhoid. 55, 1, effective in 60 days. Any commerce in endangered species is also prohibited. Exotic Pet Laws While most people prefer to keep dogs or cats as pets, others prefer more exotic animals such as ferrets, hedgehogs, or even cougars. This subchapter relates to the housing and care of exotic wildlife, and public protection from exotic wildlife held or transported by a person under the act or this part. Exotic pets can be a lot of fun, but its important to remember that they require special care. Can Reptiles Control Their Body Temperature On Their Own? Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images. Some reptiles do appear to enjoy human contact, adds Dr.[8], The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration warn against keeping pet reptiles, because of the high risk of contracting potentially deadly salmonella. Did you know they are also the third most commonly kept pet in the United States? Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. Possession of a wild animal is generally defined as having physical custody or control of the animal. We imagine human primates also don't fall into the "pets" category. Further, a local ordinance otherwise dealing with dogs may not prohibit or otherwise limit a specific breed of dog. 2924; 34 Pa.C.S.A. You will need to provide your sloth with a diet that is high in fiber and low in sugar. Pennsylvania is one of just six states where its illegal to own hedgehogs and other small exotic animals, including sugar gliders, an animal similar to a flying squirrel, according to the Humane Society of the United States. In other states, they are legal but require licenses. Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Guineapigsforsale/. PA - Equine - Chapter 13. The permit application process can be found on the Departments website. This Pennsylvania law states that public or nonpublic school pupils from kindergarten through grade twelve may refuse to dissect, vivisect, incubate, capture or otherwise harm or destroy animals or any parts thereof as part of their course of instruction. 5534 and is defined as torture, or neglect or cruelty that causes serious bodily injury or death of an animal. Although you can legally own a tiger or cheetah in Pennsylvania, the state will not issue an exotic pet permit unless the applicant meets specific criteria. [1], In Pennsylvania, you must acquire a permit for exotic animals that are listed as exotic wildlife by the state. 147.2. LIST: See 58 Pa. Code 133.21 & 133.41 for official lists, (34 PA Statutes 2167, 2924; 58 Pa. Code 133.21, 133.41, 147.81). Endangered or threatened species, like the bog turtle, are also not on the list of possible pets. Also the Other examples of endangered turtles are the Eastern mud turtle and the red belly turtle. The blue-spotted salamander is listed as endangered. That makes it a no-no as a pet in Pennsylvania. For example, you must have a license to own a wolf hybrid, and the animal must be spayed or neutered. A person is guilty of ecoterrorism if the person commits a specified offense against property by: intimidating or coercing a person participating in an activity involving animals, plants, or natural resources; or preventing or obstructing a person involved in such an activity. Generally, the Pennsylvania Game Commission prohibits the possession of wild animals. BANS sacking contests including importing timber rattlesnakes for one.BANS take, capture of kill of species within natural areas. As of the date of writing, alligators could be owned in a few states, such as Utah. Just over half of these exotic pets are reptiles, like Big Mack. 23, SubCh. The section begins with the enabling statute that grants authority to the relevant state agency. This is why most reptiles are found in hot or warm climates. Special Licenses and Permits. In addition to a suitable environment, you will also need to provide your sloth with plenty of food and water. The definition is applicable whether or not the birds or animals were bred or reared in captivity or imported from another state or nation. Which Period Of Geological Time Origin Of Fish Took Place? LIST: See 58 Pa. Code 75.1 to 75.3 for official listEndangered: BANS sale, purchase, barter, possession, introduction into waters of state or transport into or through state of live injurious species.LIST: PERMIT required for Cervidae livestock operation (privately owned cervids for breeding, using, harvesting, transporting, exporting, importing or marketing except slaughter facilities). Another section creates legal presumptions with regard to tethering of a dog that relate to the length of time tethered, the type of collar/tether, and even the outside temperature (both low and high temperatures). Violation is a summary offense unless the violation causes bodily injury or puts the animal in imminent danger of bodily injury (then, it is a misdemeanor of third degree). (a)In addition to definitions in sections 102 and 2961 of the act (relating to definitions), the following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: Must release after banding or send injured to rehabilitator or dispose of it, Scientific Collecting Permits (collect birds and mammals for public museum exhibition or scientific study or school instruction) BANS sale or barter, Propagation Permit (propagate captive bred game and wild birds and animals for sale), INCLUDES: pheasants ordinarily for stocking or shooting including Chinese, Japanese, Formosan and Mongolian Ringneck, English Blackneck, Melanistic Mutant and Versi color, Raptor Propagation Permit (propagate raptors), New applicants after 1/1/2009 BANNED from exotic wildlife dealer, exotic wildlife possession, menagerie, or propagation permit, Educational Use of Rehabilitation Wildlife Permit (nonreleaseable animals used for education), Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator Permit (take, transport or release nuisance animals for another or for hire), Protected Mammals wild mammals not furbearers (includes coyote and porcupine) or game, Game Birds includes Eurasian collared-dove, EXEMPT: take and possession for falconry (BANS purchase, sale, barter), capture and sale of game or wildlife under permit, sale of the tanned, cured or mounted heads or skins of game or wildlife not killed in wild, sale or purchase of inedible part within 90 days after season close, Permit to collect wild fox urine (must be euthanized after), Must meet sanitation and housing for foxes, PERMIT (Threatened or Endangered Species Permits) issued for certain purposes, ALSO NEED: certificate of veterinary inspection, EXEMPT: mallard ducks, ringneck pheasant, bobwhite quail, chukar partridge and Hungarian partridge for dog hunting or training, Reptile Propagator (reptiles, amphibians, other), EXEMPT: hobby breeders (gross annual sales <$1000), LIMITED TO: approved species under the Bureau of Fisheries, Sales require receipt - lasts 15 days except stocking in regulated fishing area along with ornamental, aquarium and baitfish which can be held by dealers until disposed of, Reptile Dealer (reptiles, amphibians, other), EXEMPT: those registered for artificial propagation, Game fish - Brook, brown, and rainbow trout; salmon family (Salmoidae); walleye; chain pickerel; northern pike; muskellunge; fallfish; smallmouth, largemouth, rock and striped bass; crappies (Pomoxis); yellow perch; suckers (Catostomidae); eels; chubs (Semotilus and Nocomis) at least 8; sturgeon; white perch; and others except bait fish, Fish bait - crayfish or crabs, mussels, clams and nymphs, larvae and pupae of all insects with all or part life cycle in the water, Bait fish minnows (Cyprinidae) except carp and goldfish; Suckers, chubs, fallfish, lampreys and eels less than 8; darters, killifishes and madtoms, Amphibians - frogs, toads and salamanders and others, Aquatic organism - plant or animal that grows or lives in or upon the water, SALE FISH, REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS (FISH & BOAT), approved fish species from propagator or dealer of live aquatic animals if captive born, non-flesh fish parts or roe from cleaning station, retail sale by pet shops or dealers if captive bred, import, sale and purchase of weakfish less than 13 and tautog less than 15, import and transport of horseshoe crab for wholesale or retail sale, possess, propagate, transport and introduce grass carp into state waters except triploid, import of tropical fish not considered dangerous to native or people, stocking farm ponds or licensed fee fishing ponds from commercial fishery stock except goldfish, golden orfe or nonnative, dealers of American eels must report numbers bought and sold, sale of VHS-susceptible species of fish from portion of Lake Erie watershed to another one AND from VHS-affected or VHS-at risk state must meet sale requirements in section above and must be from group with negative test or artificial propagation facility with negative test, sale of VHS-susceptible species from VHS-affected or VHS-at risk region must meet 73.3(d), purchase of fish taken from Lake Erie waters must come from commercial license, GRANDFATHERED: ones owned 1/1/07 in excess of new limits if permit obtained, EXEMPT: those with other permission or permit, sponsors of organized reptile/amphibian hunt with permit if total number held in possession during each hunt does not exceed the daily limit x registered participants (possess only take limits still apply), zoos and other accredited institutions for scientific, educational or research purposes, taxidermists, recognized rehabilitators, licensed pest control agents with written permission (possession), Need inventory and annual change report in numbers, Artificially propagated by propagators and dealers registered with Department of Agriculture (possession), Killing venomous reptiles to protect people from immediate harm or death (BANS possession), must report to Natural Diversity Section Chief in 5 business days, Snapping Turtle Permit (take snapping turtles for sale, trade or barter), Venomous Snake Permit (hunt, take, catch, kill or possess timber rattlesnakes or Eastern copperheads), Report required within 10 days of capture or kill or 10 days after season if none, Must complete tag attached to permit and fill out and keep with snake after take or kill, Organized Reptile and Amphibian Hunt Permit (sponsors of hunt events), Need report filled out for each reptile and amphibian presented for entry and submitted within 10 days after event, Provisional Timber Rattlesnake Permit (take or possess 1 timber rattlesnake without tagging it during hunt), LIMITED TO: venomous snake permits registered in hunt, Must return by sunset of final day of hunt, hand, hook and line, snake hook or tongs, turtle hook, trap/net < 4 square or 4 diameter, Frogs also allows long bows and arrow, including compound bows, crossbows, spears or gigs, American Bullfrog and green frog (10 combined/day and possess 20 combined), Common snapping turtle (take 15/day and possess 30), Timber rattlesnake (1 rattlesnake or copperhead/year except hunts), must be 42+ long excluding rattle and 21+ subcaudal scales, BANNED: west of Route 15 and south of Interstate 81 to MD line, Eastern Copperhead (1 rattlesnake or copperhead/year except hunts), Unlisted species other than threatened and endangered (take 1/day and possess 1), Must be on approved list (1 for open systems and 1 for closed systems), constructed and operated to prevent escape (usually indoors), written plan for containing or recovering escapees in case of failure, notify both departments immediately of escape, EXEMPT: zoos or other accredited institutions for scientific, educational or research purposes and recognized rehabilitators with written permission, released within 30 days at point of capture from May 1 to Sep 1 and in good health and no contact with others, release of approved species artificially propagated by registered propagator with open system, NEED initial inventory for numbers of 12/31/06 by 1/31/07 and current inventory sent by annual report, SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL FISH COLLECTING (FISH & BOAT), PERMIT issued for special purposes if no adverse impacts on wild species populations, is in best interest to protect, conserve and manage the species, AND necessary and appropriate for public health or safety OR promotes essential research or public education and information, Crayfish except for use as bait on waters taken or testing, scientific purposes, or restaurant consumption with escape preventions and documentation of point of origin and destination, Domestic animal - equine animal, bovine animal, sheep, goat, pig, dog or cat, Wild animal any animal other than domestic animal, INCLUDES: bats, foxes, skunks, raccoons and rodents and any animal other than domestic animals (equine, bovine, sheep, goat, pig, dog or cat), IMPORT AND INTRASTATE MOVEMENT (AGRICULTURE), Animal = equine or bovine animal, sheep, goat, pig, dog or cat and any wild animal under domestication, Wild animal = mammal or bird other than domestic animal, Wild animals under domestication or in custody - report of number and species within 10 days and available for inspection, Game preserve sheep need dipping slip 10 days prior unless from scabies-free areas, Birds (i.e. Violation of the act commits a misdemeanor of the third degree. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. [23], A lizard losing its tail is not without cost. Make sure you are familiar with the needs of the animal you are considering before you make the commitment to keep it as a pet. Other places that ban hedgehog pets are Georgia, Hawaii, Washington, D.C. and New York City. Like all states in the Northeast, Pennsylvania regulates exotic pets. Unfortunately, nearly all exotic animals except certain reptiles and birds are illegal without a permit and officials have suggested that permits are only given for animals that are native to the state. Associated laws and (1) Keep any wild bird or wild animal in captivity for public exhibition, or to have any wild bird or wild animal in custody or control for such purpose, without first securing a permit issued by the commission. The law does add one last note: "The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission does not recommend keeping venomous reptiles as pets.". If you are considering owning a Fennec fox in Pennsylvania, it is important to consult with an attorney to determine whether doing so is legal in your specific situation. https://www.thoughtco.com/carboniferous-period-129666%23:~:text%3DThe%2520Carboniferous%2520Period%2520is%2520also,followed%2520by%2520the%2520Permian%2520Period. (2) Release exotic wildlife into the wild. Special Permits. Pennsylvania, like most states in the Northeast, regulates exotic pets. A separate exotic wildlife possession permit is required for each animal. (30 PA Statutes 2905; 58 Pa. Code 51.71). Bans import of game or wildlife prohibited from import.PERMIT (Import Permit) required to import mammals and birds. Variety of Dumbo's and standard earred with a variety of colors and patterns. Generally, a young tiger will cost more than an adult. However, they're legal in most other places and don't require a license to own. Some honorable mentions for the furry exotic pet trade include prairie dogs, skunks, pot-bellied pigs, red foxes, sugar gliders, slow loris, gerbils, ferrets, and large cats like lions, tigers. Wolves can also be owned with special exotic animal permits. Are Alligators Predators To Burmese Pythons? Special Permits. (34 PA Statutes 2361; 58 Pa. Code 137.31). (1) A violation of this section relating to permits is a summary offense of the third degree. Question: Are rusty spotted cats legal pets in California? (f) Experience required. It certainly shouldnt be encouraged and, where possible, you should try to prevent your Geckos tail from being dropped. Currently in Pennsylvania, hedgehogs and gliders are not listed as exempt exotic animals in statute and may therefore be banned by the Game Commission under their legal authority. However, many municipalities, including Allentown, prohibit exotic pets. PERMIT required for artificial propagation of fish (game fish, fish bait, baitfish, amphibians, reptiles and aquatic organisms). 147, Subch A, M O), (34 PA Statutes 2102, 2921-2922, 2925, 2930; 58 PA Code 147, Subch C-D, F, I, K & P). It is important to consult with an attorney if you are considering keeping an exotic pet in Pennsylvania to make sure you are in compliance with all of the states regulations. Exotic wildlife shall be housed in a safe and sanitary manner. Subsequent offenses committed within five years of a prior conviction for the same offense constitutes a misdemeanor of the first degree. Keeping Stoats (Short-tailed Weasel)/Ermines as Pets. (2) Any other violation of this section is a summary offense of the seventh degree. Reptiles Have Cold-Blooded Metabolisms. Before owning a pet raccoon, you must obtain a permit accompanied by two years of wildlife care experience. These mills often do not even provide the animals with proper husbandry, and so the animals are kept in cramped, dirty conditions, competing for food and water. Animal owners in Pennsylvania are prohibited from keeping exotic pets under state law. This site is not a law firm and cannot offer legal advice. (3 PA Statutes Ch. Some of the more common exotic animals kept as pets in Pennsylvania include snakes, lizards, turtles, and spiders.