Believing in the fantasy of having the perfect life, Outcome to a relationship reading: Its just a dream, a fantasy. You dont want to be left. Proudly created with If you feel that you reached a dead end in your life, face your fears and find the courage in your heart to change your direction. It will be in the. Moving forward very slowly even though you have so, so much to do. iFate works with writers who have knowledge and experience about all types of esoterica.We're an equal opportunity publication with a strong commitment to diversity, equity and jnclusion. Making emotional and intuitive business decisions works for you, Reaping the financial benefits of your hard work. Opposites attract and merge peacefully and amicably together. Writing a stern and strong letter backed by the legal system. Everyone at the boardroom loves him. The realization that your marriage is over. It can indicate a soldier, war or someone who rushes towards battle. Easily handling the curve balls like a professional. But thats okay, you can fight this block away and soon youll be on your way. The Birth of a Baby Boy: The Sun and the Ace of Wands . She might need to use that stick with him. She decorates so well. what he thinks of me was the queen of cups. Staying at home all day in a luxurious environment, Family values that will transcend generations, Complete and total balance of work and home. Something really good comes after a shocking situation. They realize its futile. In a relationship reading this could indicate that one partner caters to the other indefinitely. Card 1 - Ace of Cups In the Ace of Cups card, there is a hand emanating from the clouds holding out a cup, as if to offer he querent refreshment. complementary couple who may drink or do drugs too much. All combinations for tarot card Ace of Wands. You meet this person at work or a bank. Being trapped in a gilded cage. The alone one may meet someone and a . Celebrations, friendships& special occasions are what the Three of Cups talks about. Trying to decide where to place your charity, Having a romantic partner where there are big socioeconomic. He might think she is the type who could, potentially, move him into the realm of romance or romantic thinking. Mental stimulation has always been romantic for them. Not stopping until you get it just right. The Lovers is urging you to act like the Fool and embrace who you are, NOT what other people tell you you are. They know they were right anyway. Assess your current situation and decide if it is where you want to be. He thinks she is like a star, shinning on him all the time. The cup of love and creative energy runneth over. Unfaithful lover sneaks around with someone else or who has some other secret life that they are not sharing with their partner. You will heal and find a new love after a breakup. The situation worked out fortunately well. 3 of Pentacles reversed indicates that people did NOT work together and things went a little bumpy because of it. It is time to decide if you are in the right relationship or if you seek something else. Your children are chained to their behavior and you are chained to theirs. Staying up all night with relentless energy. Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim's website or using Tarot Verbatim's trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim's express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. When you get Ace of Cups, you got it: no surprises. An educational group or workshop where people come together in love and friendships. You have the patience and fortitude to see returns. Knight of Cups > The Hanging Man: Whatever is being offered may be held up and doesn't take off, going nowhere at this point. If this resonates with you, it is time to get a good look within. Queen of Cups, 6 of Swords, Page of Pentacles: Two of Pentacles and Knight of Pentacles: 3 of Pentacles reversed and Wheel of Fortune: ex: My daughter was bitten by a dog at camp. He coaches the kids lacrosse (or any sport) with vigor and, You have the energy to get everything on your to do list done, A person with the King of Wands characteristics maybe causing your anxiety and. When it comes to business you have the Midas touch. Although chaos ensues, new beginnings come of it. Adults refusing to mingle at a childrens party. Its something you have to do that you dont really want to do. The end of a horrible situation, brings the realization of a new happy day. Someone has called upon your promise, but you refuse to act. Its very likely that things havent been going your way. . If you are overly emotional or feeling lost in your head- take a step back and do your inner work first. Having to go to the hospital or doctors office to get some shots or another procedure. (Think Confessions of a. Tying yourself mentally to a painful situation. Youve been spending too much time looking at those empty cups. Take the time to think through all your options. These projects are very likely not to get finished due to the daydreamy nature of the Seven of Cups. Falling in love rapidly. Its the end. Lovers upright AND Ace of Pentacles upright AND Ten of Cups upright Details. She smothers her children and ignores her husband. Single parent without any help, but the drive, determination and fire to finish it on her/his own. Their cup is overflowing with deep and open emotions, and they want to offer it to you. Having a mental, possibly legal, battle with someone that is over. Select one of combination to see what it means . Stable emotional tramua mainly in the evening. The sea of subconscious starts with the High Priestess and ends with Judgement. Walking away from a relationship creates emotional stability in your life. Appearing in other positions it can indicate what is being wished for, with the following or surrounding cards showing to what extent this is realised. Travelling overseas to new and exotic locations. If you are in a relationship, you need to be honest with yourself when it comes to your wants and needs. Ace of Cups signifies a new beginning for you, especially in romantic relationships. The Lovers > Three of Wands > The Chariot: Successful ventures indicated; relationship progressing and making plans for the future, may be arranging a journey with your partner. Can indicate a warrior or the blowing up of a building. The Eight of Cups shows a man turning his back on all his cups and walking away. An immediate change of thinking due to a wise sage or insight and self-awarness on a higher level of thinking. Suit of Cups and the Moon Tarot Combinations. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Perhaps it's saying he thinks you're sweet on him then, or you give off a "looking for love' vibe, if he is acting uninterested. A healer. Tread carefully. To put it differently, it means that this is the time for Love, with capital letter: if you already found the person that makes your heart race, youre going to fulfill your dream of relationship, if the partner of your dreams is yet incognito, worry not, it is just a matter of time: the universal forces of attraction are working for you! She comes from the Stars to help here on Earth. A simple 3-card tarot spread for near-term relationship insight. Five of Cups and Moon combination tells you that one way to release this negative mindset is to face your problems with honesty and courage. When selecting appropriate relationships, look to these four things: heart, mind, body, money. Whether it is fear, anxiety or insecurity- No matter what happened in the past, you cannot let these feelings weigh you down anymore. A goodbye without hard feelings. Withholding his love makes him feel like a powerful victor. Make sure you select correct rotation - upright / reversed or even general type . Mentally work through a creative project. Can indicate anytype of spiritual workshop, religious gathering or work related function. Art museum exhibits from around the world. Probably in a church or an outside wedding. Seems to be reinforced by ace of cups which is an outpouring of love that is blesses by the heavens.. On my deck there is an eye in the sky that seems to bless the cup.. As celeste said, he feels like you're his other half. The Fool > Seven of Cups: Look for the next following card on the end to complete this as it could go one of two ways - it may show being foolish and unrealistic - or - it may show something new that leads to many options, the final card would decide. The Lovers > Four of Cups: Stale relationship, lack of interest or becoming fed-up with circumstances. Leaving project unfinished because of the lack of focus. But as the Wheel of life dictates, it worked out okay. While the King of Wands is all about ACTION. The weird ones no one wants to associate with, Unable to recover from an operation due to emotional stress, Unpaid or unable to pay doctors bills due to a lengthy operation and continuous illness, Somethings not right about this picture of a happy home, Unable to commit to the happy home scenario. User our contact form to introduce yourself.And please read our ESG statement too. News from a person you connect with. Wishing someone else would do it for you. The Ace of Cups Tarot Card. Being bound to an unpleasant situation with your children. He always seems to come in and help, but you must be aware of ulterior motives because why else would you feel out in the cold? If you asked about someones feelings for you and you drew the Ace of Cups- good news! In relationships this card scores a +2. This lady gets things done for the party. Select one of combination to see what it means . The realization that your loved one is now in a, Absolute change. Working so hard that it becomes overwhelming, Never giving up, no matter how hard the job becomes. Ace of Cups and 10 of Cups. A marriage. Learn to read Tarot combinations in my Arrows tarot course here. An invitation to a baby shower, wedding or ladies night out. This card suggests overwhelming self . It is generally a positive a card on its own, but when it is paired with the Moon - things feel less clear and certain. A lawyer. Use our tarot combination calculator ( tool ), to find combinations automatically, Lovers upright AND Wheel of Fortune upright, Lovers upright AND Hierophant upright AND Three of Cups upright, Lovers upright AND Three of Swords upright, Lovers upright AND Four of Swords upright, Lovers upright AND Ten of Pentacles upright, Lovers reversed AND Ten of Pentacles upright, Lovers upright AND Two of Pentacles upright, Lovers upright AND Ace of Pentacles upright AND Ten of Cups upright, High Priestess upright AND Lovers upright, Fool upright AND Lovers upright AND Queen of Cups upright, Six of Cups upright AND Ace of Cups upright, Ace of Cups upright AND Ten of Wands upright, Ace of Cups upright AND Four of Cups upright, Ace of Cups upright AND Two of Cups upright, Ace of Cups upright AND Ten of Swords upright, Five of Swords upright AND Lovers upright AND Devil upright, Five of Swords upright AND Ace of Cups upright AND Devil upright, Four of Pentacles upright AND Lovers upright, Three of Pentacles upright AND Lovers upright. Another unique thing about Ace of Cups is that it has no downside, no bad meanings: All blessing and no harm; all ease and no difficulty. All parties are withdrawing from the fighting. This can be a new opportunity for you to find your passion again- so dont miss this opportunity. It was meant to be. Being unbridled, passionate and fun helps motivate the efforts, Dealing with the bratty kid causes stress and anxiety. He doesnt want to be tied down in a relationship, so he runs the other way, while in his wake leaving her heartbroken. I calming told them that they had the wrong apartment number on my bill, which was why I never received the first three bills. Feeling good and bad is part of the healing process. Feeling frustrated and anxious for putting in so much effort for no or very little profit. Making something right again with patience and fortitude. He feels you are abundant emotionally and that you can provide him with the loving tenderness and the positivity/unbounded potential of the Ace of Cups. The beginning stages of love. Getting emotional over doing your chores. Trying to regain balance while going at it alone. . The Emperor tarot card from the captivating Light Seer's tarot deck In Conclusion. Fear of people taking what youve worked for. A situation between a man and a woman. His heart is yours. Moving something heavy only to have it broken. Two of Wands > Wheel of Fortune: A fortuitous business or work partnership, worth pursuing. It could signal travel to countries where you get lost and dont know the language. The Ace of Cups . (For a more detailed description of the Ace of Cups visit the Ace of Cups card interpretation page.). Delivering something small, but important like mail or a package. The Sun(XIX) + Six of cups: Feeling at home. Sorry i am replying so late but im very happy that its positive. A break up where the person would rather be alone than with their partner. Containing your emotions even though they feel like they are over flowing inside. The Moon is a card of secrets and deception. Initiation (hierophant) into a sacred and spiritual ritual or group. Love: Learning lessons in love, working towards a brighter future, intense healing. For some of you, the Six of Cups can represent second chances as well. Laying everything that you know out on the table, even though it maybe a hasty decision and not necessarily the right decision. It can last with careful attention to detail, A long distance telephone conversation with someone who, Being very, very satisfied with your lover/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. Getting to a new level on the project youve been working on together. Still sad over your break up and perhaps not seeing a new connection because of it. You gotta take care of you first and foremost. could indicate new business partnerships. But do keep in mind the presence of the Lovers as a force . Details. Feeling the sun on your face is why you are here on Earth. Censorship. If the harvest would come, she would feel better, but it doesnt come. Success in business and the signing of contracts. This is perhaps the most classic Tarot combination of all and indicates that the love relationship of your lifetime began melting your heart as these cards were dealt. This woman is connected to the spirit world. Looking for a new place to live after or during a breakup. The end of one journey creates the beginning of another one, A painless death. Playing a game in order to get ahead and win. Could be parents or a sibling. THE LOVERS. A criminal being caught and going to jail. Overall, Ten of Cups and the Moon can be a confusing time for relationships. Writing a long letter to someone with thought and attention to detail. No, its not over! Refusing to acknowledge that its over. The Lovers is a card of unions between opposing forces. Yesterday's Moon Phase Joining a group such as the Builders of the Adytum, Golden Dawn, Free Masons or even one of my favorite tarot chats at the Acelectic Tarot Forum where you meet insightful people who can help you on your path into mysticism. You may have a big family. Shes got a great idea: Shes going to seduce him with words. Four of Cups denies all, and Five of Cups is so sorry. He thinks your the one. She is stern, but not overbearing at home or work. All rights reserved. Two of cups is a whole 'nother story, though, and then Three of Cups has much to celebrate, and is also girly. The ten of cups is an outcome regardless of the center card, the Lovers. In any case, open communication is very important here. Connecting and chatting with a person who has the Queen of Cups personality.