Do you not also know, you servants, what is likely to happen to you as servants? There shall be no more fear of war, no Gog and Magog to gather together to battle, no Armageddon to be dreaded by the glorified Church of Christ, which shall be in perfect peace for ever. Toward a You know that the stones of which this holy city is built are living stones. Renewal must begin with the heart. When he says, "Let there be holiness, let there be love, let there be truth," the principalities and powers of evil withstand him, and say, "There shall not be holiness, there shall be sin; there shall not be love, there shall be hate; there shall not be truth, there shall be error; there shall not be the worship of God, there shall be the worship of stocks and stones; men shall bow down before idols which their own hands have made." You know that they are Sabbath-breakers, and utterly godless, and you tremble for their eternal fate. 22). Do you not agree with our prayers? Hallelujah, glory be to our Redeemer's name. And cast their crowns before the throne. Revelation. He makes all things new." Some of you have heart-breakers at home: the Lord break their hearts. Sorrow shalt cease, and tears shall be wiped away. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Why not leave that off, and in humble prayer take the matter to the Lord, and say, "Lord, appear for me, for thou hast said, 'I make all things new.' He that sitteth on the throne can do for you what you cannot do for yourself; and, as he made you once, and you became marred by sin, he can new make you; for he saith. C.H. The enemies of the Lamb have been conquered. Anything new has at least one attraction. In addition to the new covenant, Christ has been pleased to make us new men. Behold him! We will never let you go, neither will we cease from our importunate prayers until we get an answer from the throne, and see you saved. the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. Oh! "Behold, I make all things." Our path to eternal glory is the road of faith, "The just shall live by faith." Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. prophesies, to the consummation of all things. We are both wrong. What a range of creating power is here! And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. his Throne. "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new." And now the eternal state comes into view. It sang with its sister-spheres the song of joy and reverence. WE shall take these words as referring to heaven. old condition of things has passed away: cp. He can make your harsh and ungodly husband to become gentle and gracious. - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death; but for the fearful, etc.The construction is changed in the middle of the verse. Revelation 21:2. "I make all things new." Astronomers tell us that, within living memory, several starry worlds have burnt out, and vanished out of sight. Genesis 1:1; _Revelation 21:1_ "Behold," says Christ I do like that word "Behold it! I. _The wretched state of the ungodly_, 8. What a change in our joys! By making new men he makes a new society, which society he calls his "Church". I have known the Lord on a sudden to turn darkness into light, and take away the sackcloth and the ashes from his dear children, for "he doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men." first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. He can make that next sermon of yours, my dear brother minister, quite new and interesting. And I saw a new Heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and "But why, my dear brother?" 3. From the moment that we trusted in Jesus, a new life darted into our spirit. He is a man dressed in the common garments of the poor! (1) Now follows the second part of the history prophetic of the future _New, by their form and qualities, but not by their substance. What a transformation grace makes in all things within our little world! John had already caught a glimpse of the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven; and now this angelic messenger bids him come nearer, and look more closely into this mysterious and glorious city prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. "Lord, make thy poor, spiritually sick child to be strong in spiritual health." temper of the EXPOSITION But, even if you do not, we shall pray for you; and we were sure that you opposed our intercessions, and were even angry with them, we should pray all the more, for we mean to have you won for Jesus, by the grace of God, and you may as well come soon as late. Revelation 21:14. This vision relates to a act. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. It is fit that things so outworn and defiled should be laid aside, and better things fill their places. In his wondrous love our Lord Jesus put us under a new covenant, a covenant of which he became the second Adam, a covenant which ran on this wise, "If thou shalt render perfect obedience and vindicate my justice, then those who are in thee shall not perish, but they shall live because thou livest." WHATEVER the saints are , "The Marriage of the Lamb" There shall be no injustice towards the poor; there shall be no envying of the rich; there shall be no law to make men slaves; there shall be no power to oppress, because there shall be no will to do it. Now the veil lifts for the last time, and we behold the new universe. We are bound to have you in the church confessing your faith in Jesus. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. No mother's pangs, when she brought forth a man-child, were such as those of Christ when he brought forth the new creation. First, if the Lord Jesus makes all things new, then a new birth is possible to you, dear friend, though you have come here to-night in a wrong state of heart, with your sins upon you, binding you fast. Temple Section-The Former Resurrection lead to the renewal of the entire created order. He has come to make the world new. THE NEW JERUSALEM Looking at the text in this light, I think it speaks to everyone here present Would you begin anew, lo, there is one who can help you to do so! That is a divine word. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. Revelation xiv. 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. My business is a thorny maze. See Matthew 9:17. And sorcerers, Persons who profess to have communications with the dead necromancers, spiritualists, and all people of that sort, Revelation 21:8. And this new nature is conscious of new emotions. You young people, as soon as ever you know the Lord, I exhort you to study well that word "covenant." Spurgeon left this earth for his heavenly hope in 1892. But equal if not greater glory must be ascribed to the great Regenerator, the New Creator, shall we not all sing together to his praise? You have grievous trouble because you hear the dearest that you have blaspheming the God you love. Men of intellect sit down, and put their fingers to their foreheads, racking their brains to find out new ways of using gunpowder, and shot, and shell, so as to be able to blow twenty thousand souls into eternity as easily as twenty might be massacred by present appliances. It is a key-word opening the treasures of revelation. Now John sees a new heaven And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. , 5001 North Oak Trafficway I trust you will accept this most gracious and suitable way of salvation. And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; and had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: on the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. Revelation 21:1 (AV). Ay, and angels, hovering over this fair world, would oft have heard the strain of joy breaking the silence of midnight, as glad and pure hearts beheld the eyes of the Creator beaming down upon them from the stars which stud the vault of heaven. The ancient prophecy shall be fulfilled to the letter. "God never wearies of the precious blood," Spurgeon says, "nor will His people who know where their salvation lies." The gospel is far greater than most of us imagine. first heaven and first earth was passed away: being changed, not as to The Lord, in answer to believing prayer, and especially in answer to a full resignation to his will is able to make all providential surroundings new for you. Why should some of you be living at a penny a day and starving yourselves, when your Father would give you to live like princes of the blood royal if you would but trust him? The process which we have roughly described as taking place in ourselves is in other forms going on in the world. If a man walks about in it with his eyes open, he will see it to be a horrible sphere. I hear how these people of God cry 'Hallelujah!' Meanwhile, there is no love lost, for the world thinks much the same of us, and therein we can sympathize with Paul when he said, "I am crucified unto the world." glorious state of the church, not in the times of the apostles, or Peculiarities The expressions for Christ in the Revelation are as follows: The Lamb (28 x) 5:; 6:1.16; 7:; 12:11; 13:8; 14:1.4 (2 x).10; 15:3; 17:14 (2 x); 19:7.9; 21:; 22:1.3. In praise we will vie with angels and archangels, for they are not so indebted to grace as we are. "Behold, I make all things new." Why do we sing, "Dear Lord, and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate?". Turning to our second point, I want you to: He says, "Behold I make all things new." They that walk in the light of his countenance can say of the Lord Jesus, "Thou hast the dew of thy youth"; and that dew falls upon those who dwell with him. God's Church glorified lieth open to all quarters of the infinitude of space, it is no prison-house of souls that dare not go beyond its borders, but a many-gated city, so that the blessed spirits there can fly whithersoever they will. But when Jesus Christ comes to make a new world, there is everything opposed to him. Hope springs up at the first sound of such words as these from the lips of our risen and reigning Lord: "Behold, I make all things new." Jerusalem, temple, light, Paradise (Chap. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. See on Matthew 26:29. What is wanted is that you should be made a new creature in Christ Jesus. Devils could not be worse than men when their passions are let loose. Revelation 21:1. The book of Revelation closes with solemn appeals of the Lord Jesus to men in general and to the believers especially. I wish we had more time to enter fully into this part of the subject. God has breathed into them a new life. Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Spurgeon Collection" by: Tony Capoccia Bible Bulletin Board Box 119 Columbus, New Jersey, USA, 08022 Our websites: and Email: Online since 1986, To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. A strong emphasis in Spurgeon's preaching was God's grace and sovereignty over man's helpless state. If our calendar suggests some dismal memories in the past, our calculation forestalls some happier prospects in the future. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. There is now a contending force within them the old carnal nature inclining to evil, and the new God-given nature panting after perfection. We are "accepted in the Beloved" when we believe in him whom God has set forth to be our righteousness. A new and higher motive sways us now; for we seek not self but God. A person shook hands with me one day this week who does not often hear me preach, and he expressed to me his unbounded delight in listening to the doctrine of the grace of God, and he added, "Surely your people must be made of stone." But you want to make it all new yourself; and you fret and you worry, and you tease, and you trouble, and you make a burden of yourself. In this respect, we are all children, for we eagerly demand the news of the day, and are all too apt to rush after the "many inventions" of the hour. persecutions of the end time are especially included in the former Revelation 21:8King James Version. It is written, "By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities"; and this scripture is fulfilled in all those who believe in the Lord Jesus unto eternal life. Amen." Revelation xxii. Why, himself. It is A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH that the Seer The sea that had prevented intimate Lord, let us enter into this new universe of thine. INTRODUCTORY WORDS The wilderness of destruction lies before you. I labored to win heaven by self-righteousness, and this is as real a rebellion as open sin. The Lord can so change us that we shall scarcely know ourselves: I mean he can thus change you who now despair of yourselves. Amen. Revelation i. You may have some very bad children, or you have some relatives who are going on in sin from bad to worse. It is coming. Oh! You shall be: blessed be God. This is the first day of a new year, and therefore a solemnly joyous day. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; , The Throne of God and of the Lamb Revelation 21:24. Probably John did not expect to hear that sweet gospel message just then. Can I not do the same again? The old way of life was, "If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." Oh! He filled their hearts, and therefore they must needs speak of him. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. The substance of the old covenant was on this wise, "If thou wilt keep my command thou shalt live, and thy posterity shall live; but if thou shalt eat of the tree which I have forbidden thee, dying, thou shalt die, and all thy posterity in thee." Read full chapter. This new nature is moved by new principles. The foundation being made new, the Lord Jesus Christ has set before us a new way of life, which grows out of that covenant. Now St. The apostle Peter has told us that this w. chronological course of the prophecy. kingdom __ We are conscious of having been quickened, for we were dead once, and we know it; but now we have passed from death into life, and we know it quite as certainly. act. In Now breathe a silent prayer, dear brother, dear sister, to him who makes all things new. Why, now we love the very things we once despised, and our heart flies as with wings after that which once it detested. To do this you must be new yourself; for as the man is, so his life will be. fellowship in the presence of God is no more. 65:17, and is derived from the belief that the present world w (_a)_ THE DISTANT VIEW OF THE CITY. But now, in the text there is AN EARNEST CALL for us to consider this work of our Lord. Revelation 21:8 in all English translations. It is filled with a divine enthusiasm which it once rejected as fanatical. Thus far I have said that the object of Christ was to make a new world, and he began by making a new covenant. THERE are a great many things we should like to know about heaven. THE NEW *CREATION - REVELATION 21:1-8 XXI. THE ALPHA AND OMEGA OF CREATION This is the world of weeping, but it passes away. If you go through the valleys of Switzerland, you will find yourself get feverish and heavy in spirit, and you will see many idiots, persons with the goitre, and people greatly afflicted. What a splendor of almighty goodness shines out upon our souls! and face of the church; but some apply it to the state of the church INTRODUCTORY WORDS Revelation 21:22. I am not going to say which is first, the new birth, or faith, or repentance. Once, the Lord might have said, Behold, I make all things; but now he says, Behold, I make all things new. Glory be unto the great Creator! And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. It needed the Lord himself to make such as we are new. The day shall come when this world shall be as fair as it was at the primeval Sabbath; when there shall be a new heaven and a new earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness. ", I should not wonder, therefore, if the mere words of my text should sound like a pleasant song in your ears; but I am thankful that their deeper meaning is even more joyful. first dispensation of the Gospel; when the old Jewish church sta And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first The whole creation is travailing, all time is groaning, providence is working, grace is striving, and all for one end, the bringing forth of the new and better age. Ay!"] There is nothing so old that he cannot make it new nothing so fixed and habitual that he cannot change it. There has also been wrought in us by the work of the Holy Spirit a new life, with all the new feelings, and new desires, and new works which go therewith. We love to be found within its walls, and we feel delighted to join in the praises of the Lord. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful." Our children's eyes sparkle when we talk of giving them a toy or a book which is called new; for our short-lived human nature loves that which has lately come, and is therefore like our own fleeting selves. "Immortal joys come streaming down, Joys, like his griefs, immense, unknown;". Compare Isaiah 65:17. I would that there might be some new creations tonight, that that divine heavenly Spirit would come into some of your souls, and drop there that vital spark of heavenly flame which shall never be quenched, but shall burn brightly in heaven for ever. _The new heaven and the new earth_, 1.