Claims that these forces alone can explain the phenomenon are patently ridiculous, and easily disproved by merely trying to use such methods to duplicate what the Hutchison Effect has achieved, which has been well documented both on film and videotape, and has been witnessed many times by numerous credentialed scientists and engineers. We share the latest discoveries in science, explore new., ballaerina said: As an observer, that looks pretty BS to me. July 29, 2002. Ill get back to you when I better understand this phenomenon better. Wilbert Smith died of cancer December 27, 1962. [9][10][11], In 1948 businessman Roger Babson (founder of Babson College) formed the Gravity Research Foundation to study ways to reduce the effects of gravity. His devices consist of rapidly spinning disks of brass, a material made up largely of elements with a total half-integer nuclear spin. CanadianNate said: I thought no scientist has ever been able to create zero degrees kelvin, although I know theyve gotten pretty damn close(within a few thousandths of a degrree), in a controlled environment using lasers to slow down molecules, so Im wondering how he was able to(or claims to) tap the zero point energy that comes with it?. Design & logo 2005-2023 Alan Bellows Ask the Astronomer. Introducing Anti-gravity & Quantum Energy technologies with a new understanding of old science. In the late 1940s, he found another interest, after reading a magazine article on flying saucers; Smith became convinced that flying saucers did exist, and that they are were propelled by magnetic forces. Generally these attempts tried to "quantize gravity" by positing a particle, the graviton, that carried gravity in the same way that photons (light) carry electromagnetism. Even inside NASA. Public access to the report was authorized on 1 October 1952. 09362439, 11/21/97, by Miyanaga Kunihiro) 87 The pendulum-like oscillations of the levitating object become clearer than the fishing-line. Given the considerable ambient ionisation . Many scientists strongly believe that antigravity isn't possible, given what we know about the universe and the laws that govern it. The cause of this bizarre physics discovery? The alignment may be possible by trapping superconductor ions in a lattice structure in a high-temperature superconducting disc. For example, in 1992, Russian physicist Evgeny Podkletnov claimed to have successfully tested a device that shields an object from gravity. They are probably Canadians. Numerous scientists consider anti-gravity technology to be the Holy Grail of the 21st century - a single technology that will radically transform human civilization and begin a new age on Earth and beyond. Or why NASA has chosen previously to research antigravity through projects with names like Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project (1996-2002). That it [this community] is low-key, grown naturally. Note that this does not count conceptual discoveries such as relativity or math theories. This begs the question: Is antigravity achievable on our planet or is it an out-of-reach dream? Do not distribute or repurpose this work without written permission from the copyright holder(s). This is the work of John Hutchison, a Canadian inventor and experimenter who has perplexed many scientists. Meet 7 groundbreaking Black scientists from the past - CBC Gravity: It's Only a Theory | National Center for Science Education Antigravity Technology Cabal Suppressed: Technology to Overcome Gravity I have recently heard reports of a researcher claiming to have produced When asked later if he returned the piece to the Air Force, he replied, Not the Air Force. Jerk., watch out white_matter, I feel a scalar wave coming! This might not seem impressive at first, but it is if you consider that the concept, for now, remains completely hypothetical. Whos to say that this is fiction or not? the inquisition and churches etc .Anti gravity is as simple as the beam balance with two capacitors,one charged,gets lighter.The real fear is the military advantage to who gets to work this science.Also 10000Volt large capacitors tend to discharge through human flesh so fast that it goes off like a hand grenade.Engineers discharge big capacitors with a Brinkley hook to work on things.Only the privileged few can fly anti gravity and avoid the risks of flying.Thats it ,good bye! [46] Jack London describes it as "the hypothetical existence of a force, the converse of gravitation, which Astor has named 'apergy,'" in his short story entitled "A Thousand Deaths," first published in The Black Cat in 1899. Neither is the levitation effect achieved in 2007 by countering Casimir force, a quantum force that essentially causes objects to stick to one another -- a type of nanofriction [source: ScienceDaily]. Yes, but this is hardly groundbreaking. [clarification needed] It appeared that anti-gravity was outlawed under general relativity. The fusion of dissimilar materials, which is exceedingly remarkable, indicates clearly that the Hutchison Effect has a powerful influence on Van der Waals forces. Forward pointed out that the self-acceleration effect is due to the negative inertial mass, and could be seen induced without the gravitational forces between the particles.[19]. New Scientist. It is surmised by some researchers that what Hutchison has done is tap into the Zero Point Energy. Watch "The Scientist That "Discovered Antigravity" Then Disappeared Completely - An Unsolved Mystery" on YouTube 22min. The researchers demonstrate the bizarre effects of these levitating liquids using two small toy boats. While a normal pendulum swings down from left to right with gravity, Kapitiza's vibrating pendulum could do the same, but pointed upwards, seemingly against the force of gravity. As the. Anti-Gravity Tech? NASA, DARPA, and MIT Debate Propulsion's Future The anti-gravity research conducted at Wright Patterson concluded in the early 1970s with the passage of the Mansfield Amendments. Well then, there you have it. (June 21, 2010), "Russia's 'gravity-beating' scientist." There's very little that screams "THE FUTURE" like a. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there are also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. When Thomas Townsend Brown discovered that electrostatic and gravitational fields are closely intertwined, the world changed. Just because this man doesnt have a PHD in science or anything, doesnt make him a crock there are many extremely intelligent people out there that have created many things in this world We are being misled by our Government, because of course they dont want us to know the truth. Those sorts of waves in a scalar field will have a direction of propagation; its the field that has no direction. Given that Hutchisons claims are outlandish and his credibility damaged by admitted fakery, it is likely that the effect named for him is complete claptrap. Although he doesnt seem to have explored Mr. The Foundation nearly disappeared after Babson's death in 1967. It is many. This John Hutchison footage is to anti gravity, as the Billy Miers footage is to UFO's and Aliens!!! Zero-point energy is the energy present at zero degrees Kelvin zero Kelvins, the temperature at which all activity in an atom supposedly ceases. The Hutchison Effect has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. The picture in the article seems to show a hidden spoon soaked with ice cream being elevated probably by a magnet. Marius said: If this really is anti-gravity why would the objects go up? I would imagine that an object, suddenly released from the bonds of gravity, would start moving in a straight line relative to the spin of the Earth, yes? A Passion for Science that Couldn't be Held Down. If you didnt see the video yet maybe you should this guy is such a joke. [27] A recommendation was made to conduct further tests at a 1999 AIP conference.[28]. IMHO, Keep it clean, keep it interesting. In 1953 Project Magnet moved into borrowed Department of Transport facilities at Shirleys Bay, on the Ottawa River. Of course, being a "conspiracy theorist", I have an idea what may have happened, as it often does happen. In my opinion DamnInteresting is at its best when it covers phenomena that are a) little-known and b) indubitably true. Still, some UFO conspiracy theorists believe U.S. forces captured Nazi scientistsand even Kammler himselfand put them to work on developing Die Glocke's anti-gravity technology. In the end, I think both of these could be explained by modifications to existing theory or from new observations rather than creating a new theory. Carl Sagan famously said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and Hutchison offers no such evidence aside from easily faked videos and unsubstantiated claims. Lastly, Canadians and midgets cannot be trusted. The middle section contains the abdominal bladder, and the sections on the sides contain five bladders for each leg. About 3 years ago I stumbled on a mystery. "Will rising water droplets change science?" Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. Canadian Engineers, Scientists, and Inventors continue to influence and shape our world. The existence of anti-gravity is a common theme in fantasy and science fiction. In Newton's law of universal gravitation, gravity was an external force transmitted by unknown means. But since November 2020, it has begun to be taken a lot more seriously as scientists from NASA, DARPA, MIT, and the Air Force have been meeting regularly on Zoom to explore propulsion technologies of the future, including antigravity. "Is anti-gravity possible?" Lets see: African-American, Caucasian, Latino andCanadian? . SparkyTWP said: The general population has this romatic idea of some lone genius in a basement who turns science on its head. [13] Winners include California astrophysicist George F. Smoot (1993), who later won the 2006 Nobel Prize in physics, and Gerard 't Hooft (2015) who previously won the 1999 Nobel Prize in physics.[14]. He noted that two identical masses, one positive and one negative, placed near each other will therefore self-accelerate in the direction of the line between them, with the negative mass chasing after the positive mass. He graduated from the University of British Columbia, with degrees in electrical engineering. CanadianNate said: I thought no scientist has ever been able to create zero degrees kelvin, although I know theyve gotten pretty damn close(within a few thousandths of a degrree) "'The Hunt for Zero Point' by Nick Cook." US Navy patents anti-gravity aircraft which looks like an alien UFO The anomalous heating exhibited by the Hutchison Effect shows plainly that we have much to learn, especially where thermodynamics and electromagnetism meet. So for now, all those amazing antigravity gizmos are going to have to remain within the realm of science fiction. Li claimed that experimental results confirmed her theories. Oh yeahhe also has solved the mystery of the Ark of the Covenant & actually made one that worked, along with a few other things we dont quite have the answer forshades of Ron Wyatt. .Good point, it wouldnt do anything unless acted on by some force., another viewpoint said: As for zero degrees kelvinevery guy knows how cold this is and how easily this temperature can be reproduced in real lifein particular while dating!. After Dave was approached by Canadian officials inquiring about his experiment, he began corresponding with leading edge scientists in the US working in the classified world. 16 of the 71 participants in the November event of Alt Propulsion were current or former NASA staff and 14 others were from noteworthy institutions such as MIT and Harvard University, making it all the more possible that a plausible solution to antigravity might be discovered. This is not necessarily true. Messages from the Other Side: Proof of an Afterlife? [12] Their efforts were initially somewhat "crankish", but they held occasional conferences that drew such people as Clarence Birdseye, known for his frozen-food products, and helicopter pioneer Igor Sikorsky. Gyroscopes produce a force when twisted that operates "out of plane" and can appear to lift themselves against gravity. Present-day physics cannot describe what happened in the Big Bang. (Public domain) Charles Henry Turner (1867 - 1923) was a biologist, neurologist, and psychologist who was . LiveScience is where the curious come to find answers. Still a mystery. How these high-voltage devices work in concert to create the H-Effect is uncertain, but supporters believe that a hypothetical electromagnetic wave called a scalar wave allowed Hutchisons apparatus to tap an exotic energy called zero-point energy. Although the report/press release indicated that initial data had been supported by additional research, the Department of Transport terminated Project Magnet. 1916 - 1945 - National Research Council Canada . In 2002, noted aviation journalist Nick Cook's research into supposed Nazi antigravity research failed to win over critics. Up side down. Anti-gravity-like concepts were investigated under the name "diametric drive". Now his findings are being investigated in laboratories worldwide. Much of the criticism of Hutchisons work stems from the shortage of impartial third-party observations, and by the fact that the H-Effect has not yet been reproduced elsewhere. "This counter-intuitive upside-down buoyancy phenomenon suggests that the stabilization of RayleighTaylor instability through vibrations can be considered not only in itself but also as offering opportunities for new experiments in unexplored conditions," write the authors, referencing a phenomenon that occurs between liquid surfaces of different densities, as their experiment used. Military support for anti-gravity projects was terminated by the Mansfield Amendment of 1973, which restricted Department of Defense spending to only the areas of scientific research with explicit military applications. BTW, how do i get my hands on old navy & military hardware? What the H-Effect is purported to do is nothing short of extraordinary. referred to as AFFA by way of automatic writing. A bit like hearing a great urban legend and then finding out its false. [19], Bondi pointed out that a negative mass will fall toward (and not away from) "normal" matter, since although the gravitational force is repulsive, the negative mass (according to Newton's law, F=ma) responds by accelerating in the opposite of the direction of the force. In particular, Sir Hermann Bondi proposed in 1957 that negative gravitational mass, combined with negative inertial mass, would comply with the strong equivalence principle of general relativity theory and the Newtonian laws of conservation of linear momentum and energy. [3] Albert Einstein in 1915 considered the physical interaction between matter and space, where gravity occurs as a consequence of matter causing a geometric deformation of space which is otherwise flat. Theoretical quantum physicists have postulated the existence of a quantum gravity particle, the graviton. [4][5][6] Einstein, both independently and with Walther Mayer, attempted to unify his theory of gravity with electromagnetism using the work of Theodor Kaluza[7] and James Clerk Maxwell to link gravity and quantum field theory.[8]. Edwards, Deputy Minister of Transport for Air Services, accepted the proposal. One may think of this as a repulsive gravity or anti-gravity, but do not read too much into it. In a "normal" environment (that is, one without extra vibrations) we would expect a highly viscous fluid like glycerol to slowly ooze down the sides of an inverted, air-filled chamber, and settle at the bottom, displacing air that had originally occupied the bottom of the chamber. Thinking outside the box, expansive research, and capitalizing on the vast opportunities to advance our . Kleiner, Ken. Autograph manuscript, comprising calculations and arguments from the Einheitliche theorie von Gravitation un Elektrizitt, Jason Palmer, Antigravity gets first test at Cern's Alpha experiment,, 30 April 2013, "Null result for the weight change of a spinning gyroscope", "Patent and Copyright Committee List of Disclosures Reviewed Between July 1996 and June 1997 - USC ID", "The Gde award - One Million Euro to overcome gravity",, "The Project Gutenberg eBook of Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930", "Newtons principle of gravitation apple falls", As an observer, that looks pretty BS to me. [31] They have found that no thrust could be observed in a vacuum and that Brown's and other ion lifter devices produce thrust along their axis regardless of the direction of gravity consistent with electrohydrodynamic effects. Crackpots like this are a dime a dozen. :), I was worried for a little bit but glad that you had some nice skepticism going on :) Yes, itd be very cool, but without replicability, I cant personally spend too much time on this. . Various theoretical explanations of quantum gravity have been created, these include superstring theory, loop quantum gravity, E8 theory and asymptotic safety theory amongst many others. The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils. 22. In her theory, if a large number of ions could be aligned, (in a BoseEinstein condensate) the resulting effect would be a very strong gravitomagnetic field producing a strong repulsive force. While working for Bell Labs, he developed Hamming codes the parent of a class of codes that. The new site is since 2007. This article is marked as 'retired'. But since November 2020, it has begun to be taken a . Solandt agreed to provide laboratory space, equipment, and personnel for research into geo-magnetism. Covering items like the Hutchison Effect that are probably false detracts from the rest of the site. Just film some neat footage, talk about rewriting science, add a few big words that few people know the meaning of, then add a conspiracy theory or two, and people will just eat it up. Matter and antimatter respond to gravity in the same way, study finds This is really an amazing thought, but what about some basic building block, that is existent everywhere? In his project proposal of November 21, 1950, Smith outlined seven areas of geo-magnetic research; UFO research was not mentioned. ANTI-GRAVITY has been engineered for the first time, enabling objects to float upside down on an air-fluid interface, researchers have revealed. Weird When I first heard of the H-effect I interpreted it as using energy to match the frequency of the object, and slowly increasing it until the mass turns into energy therefore coming closer to light, or higher frequency giving it the ability to float. :). 1997. from: [18] In July 1988, Robert L. Forward presented a paper at the AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 24th Joint Propulsion Conference that proposed a Bondi negative gravitational mass propulsion system. On August 10, 1954, the Department of Transport issued a report/press release admitting that they had been performing UFO research for three-and-a-half years, and that considerable data had been collected, though no definite conclusions had been reached. Its very scarecrow., [Due to excessive links or the presence of certain words that smell of spam, your comment has been placed in a temporary holding cell. The focus for the future, then, is first to increase the frequency of occurence of the effects, then to achieve some degree of precision in their control. heads. I think the video below with the fishing line needs to be posted here because I dont see it on the hutchison website as a fav. [7], Li is reported to have left the University of Alabama in 1999 to found the company AC Gravity LLC. BTW, the Kelvin temperature scale is not measured in degrees. I could get Calgary radio stations in the daytime and a San Francisco one in the night-time. For dedicated service in the advancement of Technical Standards in Canadian Broadcasting. There are several demonstration videos supposedly showing the phenomena, including a few short videos online and some more involved footage which he sells by mail-order for up to $150. This man has come up with a proven and repeatable way of saving energy by utilizing a type of energy that is not really understood by the general public. Alan Bellows is the founder/designer/head writer/managing editor of Damn Interesting. Some of his worshippers are scientists that have invented levitation devices, which work on the concept of the Joules-Lenz Law.only they dont realize that what they ave invented, was known about 175 years ago. A scalar wave seems to imply its a wave with no direction but couldnt that just be a badly observed standing wave? Challengers should note that their apparatus must be limited to the use of 75 Watts of power from a 120 Volt AC outlet, as that is all that is used by Hutchisons apparatus to levitate a 60-pound cannon ball. Since you enjoyed our work enough to print it out, and read it clear to the end, would you consider donating a few dollars at ? But much valuable science has been done by eccentrics who are mocked by the rest of the scientific community in their time so it is possible that his claims are indeed valid. If such energy exists, it could be an enormous amount it is theorized that there is enough energy in the volume the size of a coffee cup to completely boil away Earths oceans. Mark A. Solis. During the summer of 1666, Isaac Newton observed an apple (variety Flower of Kent) falling from the tree in his garden, thus realizing the principle of universal gravitation. The antigravity measurement was just an "interesting sideshow" and was inconclusive. Note that this does not count conceptual discoveries such as relativity or math theories. In the 1990s, Li worked as a research scientist at the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, University of Alabama in Huntsville.In 1999, she left the university to form a company, AC Gravity, LLC, to continue anti-gravity research. Smith was convinced that energy could be extracted from the magnetic fields that surround Earth. As always, your article on Hutchison is DI!! In astronomical terms, gravity dominates nuclear and . Only he doesnt realize that his inventions are things that other more reputable scientists have known about for decades.mostly electro-magnetism. If youre going to use words like us big boys use, make sure you use them right. Pet Experts Answer This Important Question. The scalar field itself has no directional element: a pressure field is a scalar field, because pressure has a magnitude component but no directional component. The Scientist That "Discovered Antigravity" Then Disappeared - Reddit Gravity and the Dark Side of Science Your Site Name Welcome to the world's most exclusive anti-gravity club. This has far-reaching implications for thermodynamics, which hinges entirely on the presumption of such knowledge. Any idea when you intend to follow it yourself? With the box turned upside down? Energy!. It is claimed the US Air Force also ran a study effort throughout the 1950s and into the 1960s. In 1999, she left the university to form a company, AC Gravity, LLC, to continue anti-gravity research. Using an experimental protocol involving dense liquids, vibrating plates, and toy sailboats, these scientists demonstrated a kind of " anti-gravity " allowing boats to sail upside down with ease . Area 51 Scientist Before Death Made Shocking Confessions About Aliens The John Hutchison Effect - Home Page Didnt anyone notice the experiment was set up in a box? The anti gravity suit was a collaboration between Franks and his Banting and Best Medical Research Institute colleagues at the University of Toronto. Anti-gravity: The Secret Space Race.Best of Earth Lab: Best of BBC Earth: Gravity, we'v. I thought no scientist has ever been able to create zero degrees kelvin, although I know theyve gotten pretty damn close(within a few thousandths of a degrree), in a controlled environment using lasers to slow down molecules, so Im wondering how he was able to(or claims to) tap the zero point energy that comes with it? There have been a number of attempts to build anti-gravity devices, and a small number of reports of anti-gravity-like effects in the scientific literature. This may have been true in the dawn of science where a lot of discoveries did not need advanced equipment or manpower, but its not true now. I would imagine that an object, suddenly released from the bonds of gravity, would start moving in a straight line relative to the spin of the Earth, yes?.