If so, why hasn't it already been done? But I am not that easily programmed. The 3ABN Board is not exempt - even though you have behaved as though you are. (See below from Google search). _Subject: Re: Genetic Profiles follow up question. with his former wife, Linda Sue Shelton. Walker said Shelton abused him on bike rides behind the church where he worked during a two-month time period. What would be his motivation for trying to extort $10,000.00 from me, if it wasnt outright greed? 2008 Form 990 filed with the IRS, and not signed until January 15, 2010, that language So THAT is not a false accusation. PDF posted here which contains Brandy's divorce filing, Danny Shelton reported receiving Lorraine, she never proved that to you. In the interview, Danny explained that he feels it's time for him to slow down, but maintained that he isn't quitting altogether (Get More Info) Linda wanted very much to remain married to Danny at that time and couldnt figure out why he was behaving so strangely. Why would you DO such a thing? I told her that was not a good way to talk about the juice made from the nutritious green leafy vegetables that God has created for us to help nourish a sick body. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feet regarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Linda's attorneys. At any rate, if Danny Shelton had really bought those 48 acres as he claimed in his post-nuptial agreement, by the respondent, Danny Lee Shelton (Danny), and in the supplemental supporting record on appeal provided by the petitioner, Linda Sue Shelton (Linda), and are as follows. That Then you are admitting that Brandy was living in the West Frankfort area in 2000. I have no interest in trying to "prove" anything. Yvonne Shelton was born on June 18, 1900 in New York City. If you do send it, I will do exactly what you ask me to do. website for case information for Franklin County, Illinois. To my knowledge there has never been any Brandy who worked there before the now Brandy Shelton. On Dec 23, 2008, at 7:47 AM, Danny Shelton wrote: Thanks Lorraine, Danny got out of the truck, we said Hello and he began to sign the consent for DNA testing. I had to tell the laboratories that the ones being tested refused to provide the information. Danny Shelton, founder of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), stepped down Friday, September 27, 2019, from his position as president of the international Adventist television ministry. In court papers she wants to know what kind of vehicles I own now and many other things that do not pertain to her. per the terms of a non-compete employment agreement vote by the Board of Trustees. of March 2010, only three months of payments remain. Firing Linda for no reason, humiliating her publicly, falsely accusing her of adultery, destroying her reputation, and throwing her out of her home, job and marriage on false charges - is NOT Okay with God, irrespective of the unjust laws of the State of Illinois. You guys say everything should be up front with nothing to hide! Your IP: That will all come out in due time. the In addition, I was not allowed to videotape or even take a still picture of Trinity Murray, something the DNA testing laboratory requires. Right? Why did Danny and Brandy keep this child hidden under a blanket for almost the entire time we were together? In the interrogatories she even asks if I have been to the Bahamas' or Cayman Island since our divorce! What Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled? _Subject: Re: Genetic Profiles follow up question. Let's face it, this has been nothing but a witch-hunt against Linda Shelton, to get rid of her once and for all, so Danny Shelton could marry his twenty-years-younger "trophy wife"! The petite dancer was just five feet tall and weighed less than 100 pounds. How would you come up with that? Is that a direct answer enough for you? But there is PUBLIC evidence that Brandy not only committed adultery and became pregnant with her second child by another man while she was married to Shawn Brannack, but also that her first child was born out of wedlock, the sin of fornication, according to the Bible. I strongly encouraged her to follow the Health Plan but finally she told me - and eventually she told Danny too - that she didn't want to do it. But Xerox copies of identification documents are NOT acceptable. The only way any Board member could have endorsed Dannys re-marriage was to have proof of Lindas adultery which none of you have nor does Danny Shelton! Who IS the father of Trinity Murray? I have not posted these documents maliciously, I just want to know the truth as everyone should. She may have returned to work there in November of 2004. Danny shelton had no grounds, biblically, to divorce linda and remarry in the sda church. 92 pp. Is Danny sharing his money with Brandy? Box 8 I was not looking for housing for Brandy in Aug. of 2004. Danny asked me to help his mother learn to follow Gods Health Plan in order to get well, as I had, something that Goldie eventually and unfortunately decided not to do. Danny signed in April 2008, determining how they would divide their assets and liabilities if On Wednesday, April 29, 2009 I met Danny and Brandy Shelton in the parking lot of the Benton, Illinois Post Office to collect DNA specimens for Paternity testing of Trinity Murray, the daughter of Brandy Elswick Shelton. It was after this that we hammered out the legal agreement which I signed and sent to Danny Shelton by Federal Express onfor him and Brandy to sign. 2. fingerprinting of each person who is tested Whoa! One of the companies needed another piece of information to complete their data before they sent out the results. Honestly you guys must think I am an idiot. As I said, I worked with Brandy when I was there and I have not been there since 2000. As to the other charges about this woman, I later learned from Linda in 2008 that, according to her, she had not given her heart to any other man while she was married to Danny and she did love Danny, and very much wanted to remain married to him at that time. I was not allowed to take her picture, or take her fingerprints, or to examine her identification documents directly. So, to summarize: I do not know the identity of the child who was tested. It was interesting that even after I had sent him this agreement, I heard that information was appearing on chat sites on the internet that I was supposedly the one holding things up. I was only allowed to hear select portions of the tape. While Brandy was still married to Shawn Brannack, she became pregnant by a man other than her husband Kevin Murray (according to Brandy) - in May or June of 1999, and gave birth to Trinity on February 26, 2000. According to Lina, the car in question was solely in her name, but even that fact has nothing to do with Dannys illegal act. I am. This is the tape that Danny claims as proof that Linda was having an adulterous affair with the doctor. In addition, according to Illinois law, it is against the law to tape a phone conversation between two people unless BOTH people know it and approve it. And this circumstantial evidence is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Why do you think that Dannys goal has been to force a Silence Agreement on everyone who has information about this sordid episode! have been used to purchase new real estate, on which Herman said they would report the allegations in Illinois to federal authorities. If she had really been having an affair, she certainly wouldnt have put the pregnancy test in a bag of other things she had just purchased and placed them where Danny could easily go through them. Walsh, eventually known as "Miss Brenda" to viewing fans, had become an international Adventist celebrity. Lorraine, you have falsely accused Brandy and me. It the child presented for testing really IS Trinity Murray, and Danny Shelton is NOT her father, then why all the secrecy? Now, why would I say that? (Just to set the record straight about the events surrounding her death, Goldie called me a couple of weeks after she began the Health Plan, telling me she hated the ugly juice. When I inquired what she meant by ugly juice she said she was talking about the green leafy vegetable/apple juice required on the Health Plan. The marriage between Brandy and Kevin Murray lasted a little over four years. Please note that Linda fought the Protective Order because Protective Orders are often used to protect the guilty. Where's the proof. Yet, Lindas right to speak has been quashed suppressed - repeatedly by forced Silence Agreements purposely obtained by Danny Shelton and his attorneys. Send it to me at the address on this letterhead. As I said, the whole thing seems so multi-faceted that it makes my head swim. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Contributing Writer As we grieve his loss, we take comfort in the words of 1 Thessalonians 4:14, which reminds . Linda does not have a deep-pockets donor to give her a minimum of $15,000.00 per month for legal fees as Danny does. I love to run away, on the spur of the moment. A few minutes later, Danny arrived driving his truck with Brandy in the passenger seat. Why? In 1920 she had a supporting role in the film The Greatest Lover. website of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Hillsborough County. But assuming the child tested was in fact Trinity Murray, then a number of extremely troubling questions remain, questions that raise huge red flags regarding the integrity of Danny Shelton: It is none of her business and does not affect us dividing our marital assets, which are not worth very much. From: Lorraine Day She asks how much money have I made even on books written since our divorce. The tape only recorded Lindas voice. states in part: However, that real estate was apparently given to Danny Shelton by 3ABN instead. Brandi was baptised at the same time . You say you will do something - - - - then you add conditions that make it certain that you will NOT have to do what you SAY you WILL do. 2. Yet, according to public records, Brandy Shelton IS an adulteress and has also had a child out of wedlock. The filing seemingly couldn't have come at a worse time for Danny Shelton, since (Her other daughters name is Jody, who is probably named after Brandys twin sister - now deceased). That would mean that the child was conceived in May or June of 1999. Danny was clearly grasping at straws to try to fabricate any type of incriminating evidence against Linda no matter how far-fetched it was. Instead Danny handed me Xeroxed copies of the documents (a picture of one page of the passports for Danny and Brandy and Trinity, and Drivers licenses for Danny and Brandy). Danny held her in his arms the whole time she was out of the truck. When the problems between Danny and Linda became known, I was just as much in the dark as anyone else who was not directly at 3ABN or close by. It should be noted that we were first scheduled to meet in the parking lot of the public school in Thompsonville, Ill. Danny Shelton subsequently asked if we could move the meeting place to the county Courthouse in Benton, Illinois a few miles up the freeway north of West Frankfort, Ill (West Frankfort/Thompsonville, Ill is the location of the headquarters of 3ABN). Tommy SheltonArrested! All of you Board Members threw her out like a piece of trash and allowed every memory of her to be erased as though she never even existed. However, Danny Shelton still hasn't finished dividing his marital assets Because I have said that I worked with Brandy at 3ABN when I was there in June of 1999. Yet there is NO evidence whatsoever that Linda ever committed adultery with ANYONE while she was married to Danny Shelton, irrespective of Dannys false accusations. If this child belongs to a sister of Brandy and (obviously) another man, naturally Danny would test negative as the father of this child presented for testing. If not, he should keep his mouth shut. One board member who has been repeatedly touted by Danny Shelton as having counseled Linda about her marriage problems actually gave her NO counsel at all. But that in itself their secrecy about this child speaks volumes! Danny Shelton 3ABN Founder & Corporate Consultant. The evidence to support this last statement will be revealed in due time. If she had indeed been having an affair, she would already have known at three months - if she was pregnant and would not have had to buy a pregnancy test kit. All siblings of the same two parents obviously get their DNA from the same two parents. So WHY would they all go through a dry run of DNA testing before the real DNA testing? (Please see a copy of that letter below.). But it is publicly known that YOU - PERSONALLY - were calling around looking for housing for Brandy and her two children in August of 2004 - just 2 months after you had divorced your wife and had her fired from 3ABN in June of 2004. the courthouse noted Obviously 3ABN and Danny Shelton do not want to produce the evidence - evidence that will undoubtedly be damaging to Danny. View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. It doesn't make any difference who the realfather isunless it is me! But where is the significance of this name for Brandy prior to her association with Danny? In fact, Walter Thompson has admitted that he has never had any evidence of adultery against Linda Shelton. She never spoke a word, and she was kept lying down on the back seat of the truck under a blanket, according to Brandy for the whole time we were all together (close to an hour) except for the 20 seconds or so that it took to swab the inside of her cheek. I will swear that before God. In 2006, Danny and Brandy were married on the set at 3ABN, and their picture was on the 3ABN website. Obviously 3ABN and Danny Shelton do not want to produce the evidence - evidence that will undoubtedly be damaging to Danny. No one at 3ABN or who has ever worked for 3ABN. Or is everyone so terrified of Danny Shelton's vengeance with his demonstrated propensity either to fire - or sue - anyone who doesn't agree with his version of events or who even whispers a kind word about Linda and her innocence. And she certainly is not an adulteress. You are mistaken. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feet regarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Lindas attorneys. states: That Form 990 was filed with the states of Oregon and Illinois. I don't have that much money but I could probably borrow it. Yvonne lewis shelton is married to shelton jackson. You took her word for it. If Linda called the other person by name at any time, I was not allowed to hear that. You're the Dr. so let me ask you if I take a paternity test it will determine whether or not her daughteris mine? Its just something we have to fill out on our order form and I completely missed it. If she has a tape or video where I saidsomething to that effect,then why all the secrecy? At least that is what you intimated that people are questioning. When Danny's mother (Goldie) was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, Danny immediately called me and asked if I would come to Southern Illinois to help her mother. Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, and the Rev. Finally, Brandy did get out of the truck, but as the videotape will show, she was furious. Ladies, I ask you, if after being married to your husband for 18 years - when you are now approaching the age when you will no longer be able to become pregnant - your husband, 1) gets a vasectomy, 2) buys a body-building gym and begins working out regularly trying to become buff, and, 3) moves his toiletries out of the bathroom he has shared with you for years, into another bathroom, with no explanation what would YOU think was going on? Nothing on the tape that I was allowed to hear proves in any way or even suggests an adulterous affair. But it certainly seems important to you - if you are willing to offer me $1,000,000. Indeed, John Lomacang did show up later with the apparent tape in question that had been transferred to a laptop computer. How can anyone know if Danny Shelton is right or wrong without hearing Lindas side? & Irma Murray, Celestine Barry, Greg & Jill Morikone, John & Angie Lomacang, Kenny & Chris Shelton, Reggie & Ladye Love Smith, Tim Parton 3CS170010A Video Transcript: 1:57:45 Christmas Special 2017 That was YOUR idea! Brandy divorced Kevin Murray, the man she claims is the father of Trinity, just a little over 3 weeks before she supposedly left metropolitan Tampa in sun-drenched Florida to arrive in Danny Sheltons tiny, rural, rainy, home town of Thompsonville, IL (population 588) - - - - - supposedly knowing no one. But after only a few weeks of trying to follow the Health Plan, she said she wanted to go back to her old ways of eating, and she did not want to drink the fresh home-made vegetable juice. After Walker's brother married Shelton's daughter, he said, he visited the couple and Shelton in Virginia in 1997.