They declared that they wished to raise their king of corruption to a new level in power, and Ciel were lambs, pure and innocent souls, brought to fulfill that purpose by being defiled, as the devil supposedly desired unclean and tainted souls. Afterward, Ciel and Sebastian decide to head to Phantomhive Manor, as Ciel wants to be "certain" about a matter. The reason why the Faustian contract is on his right eye is that the more visible the seal, the stronger the bond is between the contractor and contractee. Elizabeth then officially starts the competition. Ciel adds that it would be a good way to kill time. Sebastian, then, explains that word of mouth, particularly by means of a song, is the most effective method to spread a message. Secondly, Why is this unanswerable? Sebastian tells Ciel that he would not be attending using the name Phantomhive so he must use his chance properly. He points it at the headmaster and asks him to tell the truth. Sebastian informs that on the 19th hour of today, the Viscount of Druitt will be hosting a party; therefore, tonight would be the most convenient time to go and investigate. Luckily, Sebastian arrives just in time to save him. He tells Sebastian and Ciel that this is the only way to defeat it, and they should pay attention to the important stuff. They'll split into two groups and escape. Jolted, Ciel concludes that Undertaker is the actual mastermind behind the Aurora Society. When Ronald and Grelle attack Undertaker, Sebastian intervenes. He comments that, compared to Ciel, he knows nothing of the world, is spoiled with given luxuries, and never tried to understand people. An excited Blavat informs him that he is favored by the divine protection of Sirius. He then threatens to sell Ciel and removes his eyepatch. Angered, Karl tries to punch him, but he is single-handedly suppressed by Tanaka. [441] Although she hesitates, she accepts when Ciel calls her "his friend"[442] Furthermore, Sebastian adds that she will have to enter society as a debutante. Maaya SakamotoMiyuki Sawashiro (First Drama CD) He adds that he tends to use all the pawns he has at his disposal, and that if Agni does not like that, he is free to leave and return to India. Nevertheless, Ciel reassures him that everything will be all right. On the way, Sieglinde, speaking in German, asks how old Ciel is. [26] Nevertheless, he is genuinely concerned for the well-being of his loved ones. Ciel retorts evenly that there are some things that cannot return despite one's utmost efforts. [495], Ciel and Edward observe the men in robes who have lined up onstage. Sebastian and Ciel watch, horrified, as the Bizarre Dolls attack her.[270]. [104], Later Angelina comes in while Ciel is working and offers to play a game of chess with him. Ciel orders Sebastian to ask the man about the curse. Arthur explains that Ran-Mao, who has Ciel's clothes and thus his scent, attracted the snake. While Ciel is furiously waiting for Sebastian's return, people suddenly rush to buy Funtom's ladies' products. After he narrates the entire story, Ciel cannot believe that his predecessor was in Blue House. As Ciel is being carried away by Sebastian, Edward calls out to him not to come back alive because he does not want to give his sister to him. Alarmed, Elizabeth is about to insist that she will accompany him when Sebastian quickly knocks her out. Ciel instructs Sebastian that they want to speak to the Lord of the village[395] who the villagers have mentioned. As Ciel steps in the blood, he tells Sebastian he behaved just like a beast. [165] She declares Sebastian as the winner since he also has taken children into account in the preparation of his curry. Age [301] Sebastian answers affirmatively and viciously destroys all the dolls. Agni and Soma Asman Kadar [478] greet them. Before Ciel could give an order dealing with William, Dagger pulls him away to practice. Afterward, Ciel gives Sebastian two weeks to invest in the abandoned theatre across the street from Sphere Music Hall, remodel it into Funtom Music Hall, and make preparations for the grand opening; they also establish the Phantom Five, a group that will rival Sphere Music Hall's Starlight Four, consisting of Soma, Edward, Cheslock, Clayton, and Joanne Harcourt. Portrayal Baldroy remarks that he had forgotten he hid some specially made eggs there, to which Sebastian is puzzled as to why he would do such a thing. Ciel has Sebastian assemble the group, which is divided into pairs to tackle each location: Ciel and Sebastian will investigate the new resort hotel in Brighton. Volume 1, Chapter 1 His love for dogs runs so deep he even named Sebastian after his late dog. Arthur sums up the situation: Charles had tried to make Ciel out as the killer; Ciel and Sebastian made thorough preparations to clear any suspicion surrounding themselves, and even though they know that Grey is the killer, they made the innocent Karl into the culprit. Ciel confidently replies that he has a trick to do everything. At Violet Wolf dormitory, Ciel starts a fire by hurling a lighted torch through a window. Because Weston is a school for the nobility, Ciel decides it would be best to infiltrate it himself. She brandishes a knife, calls herself "the hunted," and states that there is only one path. Ciel realizes that Sebastian who suggesting this plan earlier really knows all about human desires. Noticing that his compass is spinning wildly, Ciel comments that there must be mineral resources nearby. Agni asks if he is upset, but Ciel denies it and thanks them instead, to Agni's surprise and Soma's delight.[518]. However, this time, he realizes hes outside the cage. Afterward, while they are warming up, Sebastian tells Ciel that the children are not present and suggests they inspect the first-string members' tents, which are protected bySnake's poisonous snakes. This piece of trivia becomes vital during the Phantomhive Manor Murders Arc. Heinrich, his butler, states it is an honor to meet Ciel; he reminds him of his father. They go to eat lunch, and Francis states that she will not be appeased until a victor is declared. Simultaneously, they both think of Soma Asman Kadar. Sebastian has Ciel light everyone's lanterns, which the latter does via a candle. He storms over and Ciel thinks he is going to hit him. To his amusement, Sebastian complains about the limited span of time Ciel gave him to make preparations. [491], Bemused, Ciel wonders to himself if Blavat truly means what he said, and if he is a supernatural being disguised as a human. Ciel cautions him to watch his stepthey are all done here as well. Ciel says they should win for Red House as well. [517], The doorbell sounds, and Agni leaves to get the door. However, she quickly recovers and announces she thought of a great idea; whoever is able to find the egg that she specially made will become the winner of the competition. Ciel answers that he wants to go home and eat sweets. Elizabeth wakes up as the Bizarre Dolls close in on her. Ciel's right eye gleams with the contract's seal, and he orders Sebastian to save him. Elizabeth throws the ring on the floor forcefully, and it shatters into pieces. [543], Ciel tells Sebastian to inform Fred, Grey, and Phipps about the Bath music hall and Gregory's whereabouts. [281] Everyone watches amazed as Undertaker reveals that he is also a Grim Reaper. When the group arrives in London, Sebastian asks Wolfram to refrain from speaking in German because it will draw unwanted attention. [315] McMillan then pats Ciel on the back for stepping on the grass and not being punished. Emerging from the smoke are Lau and Ran-Mao, who has broken the ceiling. [45] Like his mother, he has asthma. [499], Sebastian shows the bracelet he stole, and narrates his conversation with a prostitute who recognized the bracelet. He tells her to go back since it is dangerous, and he cannot worry about her right now. One morning as Sebastian is assisting Ciel, Soma bursts into his bedroom, demanding to know why he has left school. When Ciel orders Sebastian to collect the bodies and get someone to look at them, Sebastian asks Ciel who he wants to perform the autopsies, thereby reminding Ciel of Undertaker. After the P4's tell their complete story, Lawrence turns to a speechless Ciel, asserting that he knows Ciel can understand what they did was right. [177][178], Back at the London townhouse, Ciel is irritated that Sebastian has signed him up for an entrance test to qualify for the circus. [529] When Blavat recognizes Ciel as the Earl of Phantomhive, Ciel points out that Blavat must have known who he was since they first met. Othello reveals that the men there were all suffering from renal failure; the machines were used to replaced the men's thickened blood with fresh blood, and, as a result, their lifespans were considerably extended. He instructs Sebastian to leave as soon as dawn breaks.[406]. The butler shows them a list of names that fits their descriptions,[98] and they discover that the only person who suits their criteria is the Viscount of Druitt, Aleister Chamber. [471] Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin comment on how big the house is. While gazing at the scene, Ciel remembers all of the critical events that transpired in his life. When Herman mentions Gregory's disappearance, which occurred on the day the Sphere Music Hall scoop was published, Sebastian says that Gregory has Sirius blood, and that it is likely Blavat took him along to continue taking blood from him. [380], Ciel and Sebastian then take the four servants to London. Ciel finally allows them to stay, but on the condition that Soma will work by managing his townhouse in London. Ciel notes the quick tempo of the song, the perfectly coordinated dance, and the atmosphere which excites even those unfamiliar with the music, and thinks that this might be what Elizabeth called "the radiance that only exists here. He is dangerously close to letting go of the chandelier and Grey nearly breaks their raw egg when, out of the blue, Grey and Phipps' egg hatches, revealing a baby chick. Anime [183], At their tent, Ciel gets the bottom bunk. When Finnian states that it is impossible for there to be two Ciels, "Ciel" asserts that he is real. Ciel concedes that he lost, since she killed the sixteenth animal, and she commends him for his bravery. Sebastian has already returned home before them. Edward and Fred are unable to defend Ciel. Grelle dives in between Sebastian and Ciel with her Death Scythe, and she and Sebastian battle. [393] Baldroy and Finnian both call out to see if anyone's there. All four of them are astounded as Undertaker speakshe says that losing such an amusing man would be like losing the entire world. The boat tips over and all the Blue House boys topple into the river. Some of them, they affirm, must be lending financial support to the music hall. Ciel tells him that Karl was not the criminal in this case. "Ciel bashes those he despises using all sorts of foul language that even gets censored sometimes. Lawrence suddenly comes in, and Professor Michaelis kindly asks him if he can help him with something. [29], Moreover, Ciel is accustomed to luxury. ", In 2014, Toboso said that Ciel and Sebastian only interact with each other when it is necessary, e.g. [93], They arrive at a dilapidated shop where Undertaker is. Ciel's birthday (December 14) is also the date of Prince Albert's death. Furthermore, each year one exceptional player in the cricket tournament can get invited to the "Midnight Tea Party." At this juncture, Edward enters the room, questioning why Sebastian came back when he saw proof of the music hall's "evil deeds." As the tank comes toward them, Sebastian holds Ciel in one arm since he forgot to bring an extra pair of shoes. At the same time, Sieglinde's horror continues to grow. [120] Sebastian then asks why he was stopped from killing Angelina, and Ciel explains that she hesitated in killing him and lost sight of her next move. ", After a few minutes of the servants' light banter, Ciel also makes another requesthe wants them to forget how he was until now. Snake and Baldroy are unable to come to his aid. Ciel says that the solution to Sphere Music Hall was, simply, to give the attendees an alternative, and Sebastian says that establishing an imitation across the street from the original is "terribly cheeky and wicked" of Ciel. Sebastian scares the shopkeeper with the cane, and then he pays him before departing from the shop with Ciel. Ciel asserts that he will fight "Ciel" and reclaim his estate, his manor, and the title of "Earl Ciel Phantomhive." [316], In class, Ciel and McMillan are discussing how he got in when Clayton arrives and makes everyone line up. Ciel politely declines, and Elizabeth leaves disheartened. [557], Grelle crashes through the window, to their collective surprise, while Othello walks through the door. The night before Sieglinde Sullivan's expected audience with Queen Victoria, Sieglinde and Wolfram Gelzer talk with Ciel and Sebastian Michaelis in the Phantomhive Manor. [428] Breaking free, he rushes past all of them, screaming Sebastian's name. Grelle kills Angelina with her Death Scythe. Ciel, then, notices other people raving about the performance, and reflects on the Sphere Music Hall, which, at a glance, contains no signs of evil afoot for Queen Victoria to be worried. Ciel, screaming wildly, commands for him to get up to no avail. Wolfram and Sieglinde are disguised on their journey to England. Nevertheless, Ciel requests for another "game," saying that kids have a greed for games. The Sterling Silver rose was bred from the Peace rose and another unknown rose by Esther Gladys Fisher in 1957. [408] Finnian is holding his hand, and Snake is by his bedside. [488], Afterward, Blavat laughs, stating that, now, Sebastian and Ciel must be assuming that he is not human, either. They leave the servants (who head for the mansion) and proceed to Nina Hopkins's establishment to procure a wardrobe for Sieglinde's meeting with the Queen. Kuroshitsuji: Phantom & Ghost Vincent Phantomhive (father)Rachel Phantomhive (mother)"Ciel Phantomhive" (twin brother)Francis Midford (aunt)Alexis Leon Midford (uncle, legal guardian)[5]Edward Midford (cousin)Elizabeth Midford (cousin, fiance)Angelina Dalles (aunt)Burnett (uncle)Unborn cousin Cloudia Phantomhive (grandmother)[6]Cedric K. Ros- (grandfather)[7] Ciel takes off his eyepatch and orders Sebastian to capture the culprits. Sebastian smiles and replies that it was an emergency. [155] Ciel decides to participate and obtain the Royal Warrant for the Funtom Corporation, even if they only have a week to prepare. He orders Sebastian to steady a stepladder for him, whilst he endeavors to retrieve the egg. [176], Ciel and Sebastian then attend a circus show hosted by Noah's Ark Circus. Lawrence Bluewer informs him about the rule (which is to stay off the lawn), and Edgar cheerfully tells him to be more careful from then on. Arthur Conan Doyle is chosen to watch Ciel, and they are handcuffed together. Joker then names Ciel "Smile," much to his frustration. Height [577], Ciel determines that striking all the facilities for collecting blood at once while "Ciel" has not yet caught on to what he is planning to do would be the best option. He tells Ciel he made it because Ciel said that he would win. He explains that the so-called curse of the Werewolves' Forest was, in fact, toxic mustard gas, which they halted the development of in England because of its dangerous nature. Diedrich, Baldroy, and Snake look on in horror as they are unable to rescue Ciel. Ciel interrupts Wolfram before he could argue, saying that because he is Sieglinde's friend, he will not stop her if she chooses to move to some place obscure and live as a doctor with Wolfram. Grelle comes up with a feeble excuse for why she is there, despite unequivocally being covered in the prostitute's blood. [313], Queen Victoria informs Ciel that students at Weston College have been refusing to return home and asks him to investigate. Undertaker remarks that he dislikes the Queen because she forces harsh tasks for the Earl to complete. Rmaji [159], Ciel, his servants, Lau and Ran-Mao all arrive at the curry competition. Although she did not realize at first that she was making this distinction, Toboso also draws Ciel looking at his servants' faces when he talks to them; however, when he addresses Sebastian, he rarely does so as he likely "takes it for granted that Sebastian always listens to him.". Ciel immediately summons Sebastian[366] and orders him to capture Derrick. Ciel apologizes to his servants for losing his composure. At night, Sebastian and Ciel meet with Soma. Although the other players are worried, Ciel tells them to leave it to him. The servants bid their farewells, and Ciel leaves the manor in their hands. [76] Sebastian reminds him that he cannot afford to turn Elizabeth down coldly since she is the daughter of the Midford family and his future wife. Ciel is happy when she agrees to go with him. Sebastian suddenly falls to the floor in pain. Disgusted, Ciel insults Kelvin and pulls a gun on him; this causes Joker to lay a sword on Ciel, and Sebastian to put a knife against Joker. Comforting Sieglinde, Ciel declares that children are not "tools"; he can't believe a mother would ruin her child's feet just for a chemical formula. He is unable to stop it; his skin also starts changing color. Snake will be working as a footman, and Sebastian asks them all to get along. They decide to move Georg's corpse to the cellar. After Ciel does so, he tells him to enter the Canis Major door, saying that a meal is ready inside. [25], As the Earl of the Phantomhive house, Ciel is an exceptional leader who inspires unswerving loyalty in his servants. They then set out to nurse him in bed. [80], Later, Ciel is playing pool with the other Aristocrats of Evil. Plunging his knife into her throat, Sebastian states some food escaped from the oven. Bracelet owners can attend the meeting according to their sign on their specific daysPolaris on Mondays and Wednesdays, Vega on Tuesdays, Canopus on Thursdays, and Sirius on Fridays. [216], The guests begin to discuss the grisly details of Sebastian's wounds. [460] Wolfram then mercilessly hits Ciel. Because he is last, Ciel has to polish the prefects' shoes. Sebastian had already known of your involvement in This case. Finnian tries to lunge on to Ciel, but Sebastian stops him. Once the performance ends, the four receive an ovation. Sebastian is about to ask him about his cough, but Ciel silences him with one meaningful statement. Grey deduces that the killer must be one of them. But he then steps on the lawn, a disrespectful action, which instantly catches everyone's attention. After rendering Soma unconscious, Sebastian comments that Soma is understandably confused. they tortured him because they where bad people and he was so young . Undertaker asks if he feels regret, and Ciel says he does not because the killer is gone and Queen Victoria can be at ease. [567] Afterward, Sebastian carries Ciel out of the woods, where they meet with the Phantomhive servants, who have arrived on a wagon to "pick up their wages. Nevertheless, Elizabeth is overjoyed that he decided to "surprise" them and come on the trip. [354] Suddenly, Sebastian sees the headmaster sitting in the stands. [554], When Sebastian questions Undertaker, "Ciel" tells him that he should not speak without permission from his master. He asks Sebastian why he saved him, and Sebastian responds because his Master asked him to. [217], Later, Ciel and the other guests dine together. Ciel Phantomhive | Wiki | Anime Amino He adds that, because he is her friend, he knows that Sieglinde will never be able to stop studying and searching for ways to gain new knowledge. [34], As the executive chairman and owner of the prosperous Funtom Corporation, Ciel possesses business acumen; he accurately assesses market trajectories and conditions, such as when he anticipated that demand for products tailored to women and children would only continue to grow, and applies his ingenuity and foresight to expand his enterprise. Undertaker's motives : r/blackbutler - Reddit Sebastian shows him the dessert he has already preparedunfortunately, he smiles, Ciel will have to eat it later. Ciel manages to catch the falling egg in the commotion and hangs on tightly to the chandelier. Relieved, Elizabeth asks him if this means that he does not hate her. Ciel explains that this is the home of Harold West Jeb, and he is involved in importing various goods. Ciel tells them they will be leaving the mansion in their capable hands. He then allows Arthur to be in charge of their actions from there on out. First appearance Generally, he is undemonstrative; he seldom expresses his emotions, much less affection. Ciel announces that this proves that the boys are already dead and whips out his gun. [528], After a Phantom Five performance, Ciel, along with Sebastian, comes down the stairs in Funtom Music Hall, spots Blavat among the crowd, and greets him. [437] Finally, Ciel tells the entire household to make preparations to leavefurther instructions will come later. Sebastian offers Ciel his tailcoat, but Ciel refuses to wear it because it is too long. While at home, he wears a black eye-patch made from gauze while when he is outside or undercover, he wears a white patch. Later, Ciel informs a shocked Edward that they are establishing their own music hall, as well as their own group, and explains that when given two options which cost the same, customers would choose the one of higher quality. While screaming at her to get up, he fires his gun at the Bizarre Dolls. He can also understand Latin, but he is fluent in French. [262] Rian escapes from Ciel and Snake. What does Ciel Phantomhive think of you? - Quiz | Quotev He claims that he knows a place for them, hinting toward prison, and comments that it is pitiful for the once popular S4 to be hiding in a pub. After a whole day of fun, lightheartedness, and more misunderstandings (mainly between Ciel and Elizabeth Midford because of Sieglinde), Ciel finally retires for the day with Sebastian in tow. [482], In the middle of the night, Ciel is woken up when he is forced to ingest a liquid. He warns William to stop making them seem suspicious to the rest of the circus. He enjoys reading books by various authors, which are composed of mystery authors. Ciel then points out the things that make Lau suspicious, but soon assures him that he knows fully well that Lau could not have killed all of the three victims even if he had teamed up with Sebastian. Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) - Ciel agrees and says that reporting to Scotland Yard would be problematic. [576], Later, Lau and Sebastian report their abundant findings to Ciel, but not a single one provides conclusive evidence. Queen's WatchdogSmile (Noah's Ark Circus) They then insult Georg in French. Snake states that Webster says their poison isnt affecting them at allplus, they are exuding a horrible smell.
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