Chapter 13: Genesis - The Love Languages Devotional Bible 30 And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest toward Sephar, the mountain of the east. However, that territory did not belong to Arphaxad thus they were actually out of territory and seemed comfortable there until Abraham who finished the migration into Canaan (Israel). We find Mesha in Iran by similar name today as Mashhad or Meshad which is the beginning of the Silk Road to the Orient. The immigration of the Joktanites was probably from west to east, SEE ARABIA; SEE MESHA, and they occupied the southwestern portion of the peninsula. This vets out and we will unravel it completely by the end of this book. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! It is also called Dhafari-Zeyd: and another is on the north thereof, also two days' journey from it, in the country of Hemdan, and is called Dhafari-dh- Dahir" (Tajel-'Arus, MS. supposed by some. They do not know. In the rainy season, which is in the spring, it is a gulf of sweet water at low tide, and of salt water at high tide. Not Mesha. Messq. He hid them from Noah fearing his wrath. Hebrew: Mesha: : [31]. Yakut, in his homonymous dictionary (El-Mushtarak, s.v. Their dwelling was from Mesha all the way to Sephar, in the hill country of the east. It also is not Yemen, Saudi Arabia nor Ethiopia which are all horrible guesses in the wrong direction and fit no narrative of Ophir we have ever tested. Genesis 10:30 KJV And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east. Neil Godfrey - Page 2 - Vridar Mesha] Dillmann conjectures "Massa" (Genesis 25:14), a north Arabian tribe. SEPHAR. We do not have to guess where Ophir nor his brother Sheba originated as at the time of the Tower of Babel, Ophir lived in Mesha and then, he and his brothers migrated to Sephar, the Mount of the East. Better Bible Study (Gen. 10:25-30). The land in which they lived extended from Mesha to Sephar in the eastern hill country. "Sephar" means a numbering. And it Yakut meant, for he said, 'Dhafari .. is a city in the extremity of the Yemen, near to Esh-Shihr.' However, we can also firmly locate Sephar, the Mount of the East to which they migrated as well. However, we have a carving, The Mesha Stele or Moabite Stone on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (2000): Mesha (place) Grollenberg, Atlas of the Bible (1957): Mesha. This is why that land was called the Promised Land. [39]. After this census, and after the penalty, the location of the Temple was designated and . These are the Generations of Shem - Bible Study Ministry Good News Translation The land in which they lived extended from Mesha to Sephar in the eastern hill country. Genesis 10, Good News Translation (GNT) The Descendants of Noah's Sons( Chronicles 1.5-23) These are the descendants of Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Niebuhr, however, mentions the ruins of Dhafari near Yerim, which would be those of the western city (Descr. But the etymological fitness of this site opens out another question, inasmuch as there are no less than four places bearing the same name, besides several others bearing names that are merely variations from the same root. The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country. It is written after the enumeration of the sons of Joktan, "And their dwelling was from Mesha as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east." Ge 10:30 The Joktanites occupied the southwestern portion of the peninsula of Arabia. Etymology of the name Mesha I Neither is the same Hebrew word nor era as Mesha where Joktan lived. Admittedly, it looks close but the dilemma for many scholars is that is the sole logic they use at times and certainly that is all they are showing in these dictionaries on this topic. Let us not pretend Oprah, as a billionaire is not serving Mammon (god of money) herself thus this was a very hypocritical statement from her. Of course not. Etymological possibilities from the same Hebrew root include: sefer (text - ), sfar (boundary - ) sippur (recounting a story - ) sappir (sapphire - , brilliance, luminary) sofer, or safra (scribe - , ). Ophir and family lived initially in the border region of what we would identify today as Iran and Afghanistan. The Tree of Life remains in the midst of the Garden of Eden and always has been located there. 0.111. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1979): Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible (2010). The territory in which they lived extended from Mesha in the direction of Sephar, the hill country of the east. This is not improbable, if this verse delimits the geographical borders of "the sons of Joktan." Sephar] Probably the same as Daphar, a town on the south coast of Arabia. These are not coincidences and when you see how all the evidence piles up, this becomes more than compelling but proven. Genesis 11:1-4 KJV And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. One limit of the territory in which descendants of Joktan resided. See Baumgarten, Theolog. se'-far: Only in Genesis 10:30 cepharah, "toward Sephar"), as the eastern limit of the territory of the sons of Yoktan (Joktan). )A place mentioned in describing the boundaries of that part of Arabia inhabited by the descendants of Joktan (Genesis 10:30), where it is stated that "their dwelling was from Mesha even unto Sephar, (and beyond even unto) a mount of . proper name of unknown meaning). In the present day, during nearly the whole of the year, at least at low tide, the bay is a lake and the peninsula an isthmus; but the lake is of sweet water. The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshek. It is on a small peninsula lying between the ocean and a bay, and the port is on the land side of the town. On this topic, we find the scholarship sorely lacking. 14-19 - The Watchtower1980. There is, however, one serious discrepancy. afr, biblical Sephar, classical Sapphar or Saphar, ancient Arabian site located southwest of Yarm in southern Yemen. El-Belid, otherwise called Harkam, is, in M. Fresnel's opinion, the ancient Zafar. One limit of the territory in which descendants of Joktan resided. Arpachshad was the father of Shelah and the grandfather of Eber, whose first son was named Peleg, because it was during his time that tribes divided up the earth. (Hebrews Mesha', , probably of Arabic origin; Sept. , Vulg. Don't trust your Bible study to a mere web search. They lived in the area between Mesha and the hill country in the East. Ophir never lived near Saudi Arabia, Yemen nor Ethiopia. Then, it renders the first initial distribution of Shem to his sons. Tools. Kitto. Even this word Qedem begins to head in the ZIP code of the Garden of Eden and we keep observing this pattern with the narratives of Ophir, the Temple and Biblical gold and the Garden of Eden which we will not ignore. in the direction of Gerar, Gen 10:19), identification with Mt. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Aria adjoining to it. Aram was the ancestor of Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. Corrections? 1903) And he (Enoch) was taken from amongst the children of men, and we conducted him into the Garden of Eden in majesty and honor, and behold there he writes down the condemnation and judgment of the world, and all the wickedness of the children of men. This article was most recently revised and updated by, Mysteries in History - Himyar, Ancient Site, Yemen. Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice. "in the . A total of seventy nations were credited to Noah by his descendants. Shepher (Num 33:23) is possible though unlikely. In latter chapters, however, you will find there is a very good reason why these references begin to lead down this path of logic. Because of the small dataset, it's best to use this chart for general trends; if one identification is trending much higher than the others, for example, then you can probably have higher confidence in the identification. It is impossible to add to the length of either reign. Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. However, this second inheritance was stolen from Arphaxad and his descendants by Canaan, son of Ham. Imagine, Noah and his sons built such a sophisticated supertanker that man has been unable to match it until recent times but with steel ships still not wood and especially not without nails. Commentar zum A.T. 1, 152; Bochart, Phaleg. He was righteous and walked so closely with Yahuah that Yahuah took Him but where? The descendants of the Canaanites would include many of today's Sephar - Encyclopedia of The Bible - Bible Gateway Messq. The confidence levels add up to less than 100%, indicating that the modern location is uncertain. The assumption is Heaven. Shem's, descendants later spread to other Far East and Middle East Ophir and his brothers, lived with the two sons of Eber (Hebrews), their father Joktan and their uncle Peleg in Meshad, Iran at the time of the Tower of Babel. Even today, sixty percent of the entire world population would still be defined as inhabiting the Orient or Far East region including China and India. )A place mentioned in describing the boundaries of that part of Arabia inhabited by the descendants of Joktan (Ge 10:30), where it is stated that "their dwelling was from Mesha even unto Sephar, (and beyond even unto . We will show you this is language that becomes obvious once we have mapped the Garden of Eden, the land of Adam and Eve which is the Land of Gold and the Land of Creation. border country, but is prob. Today, very few Muslims and Christians alike are aware of that Mecca - along with Medina - is explicitly mentioned by name in an early rabbinic translation of the Pentateuch. Mesha. For YHWH has four places on the earth, the Garden of Eden, and the Mount of the East, and this mountain on which you are this day, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion (which) will be sanctified in the new creation for a sanctification of the earth; through it will the earth be sanctified from all (its) guilt and its uncleanness throughout the generations of the world. Tools. This chart only reflects the sources I consulted (listed above), not an exhaustive review of the literature. it teaches us to live a better life with god so that we can live In understanding Biblical geography, we have sought additional assistance from the very historical and accurate Book of Jubilees, though in our series on YouTube, we proved the Philippines was Ophir without one extra-biblical text. Let us understand though that these dictionaries do not actually have an answer as to where Sephar is as they even use tentative language like. The ark was a masterpiece but to think that after the Flood with the new World Ocean now formed, that Noahs sons would develop amnesia and completely forget how to make wood float and build ships is simply a false paradigm not rooted in reason. There is only one Ophir in Genesis 10 and all of scripture for that matter. The two cities are Dhafari-l-Hakl, near San'a, two days' journey from it on the south; and the Tubbaas used to abide there, and it is said that it is San'a [itself]. Ophir is an authentic descendent of Noah, Shem, Arphaxad all the way to his grandfather Eber. in Mesha, toward Sephar in the eastern mountains and according to the New It is a ludicrous assumption not based on any Biblical aptitude. Palestinians and Sephardic Jews. Sephar Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY - JW.ORG Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was Japheth; Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber. 30). locations and, from there migrated to other areas. Geocoding It is near Esh-Shihr. (2) (mesha'; Codex Vaticanus, Misa; Codex Alexandrinus, Mosa): A Benjamite, son of Shaharaim by his wife Hodesh, born in the land of Moab (1 Chronicles 8:9). Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? He is Mesha, King of Moab. border country has been suggested. It survived the Flood. proper name of unknown meaning). ).If "as you go toward Sephar" merely defines the direction in which Joktan's lands extended (cf. Source: McClintock and Strong Cyclopedia book module from SwordSearcher. The region where they lived stretched from Mesha towards Sephar, in the eastern hill country. It was the capital of the Himyarites, a tribe that ruled much of southern Arabia from about 115 bce to about 525 ce. 3, 4). Wellsted says of it, "Dofar is situated beneath a lofty mountain" (2, 453). Mount Sephar - Bible Truth 4u The territory they occupied extended from Mesha all the way to Sephar in the eastern mountains. Theophilus, who was sent with an embassy by order of the emperor Constantine to effect this purpose, was the first bishop (Caussin, 1, 111 sq.). But the exact location of ancient Sephar remains uncertain. The region where they lived extended from Mesha toward Sephar in the eastern mountains. Only mentioned once in Scripture. In this inscription he calls himself "Mesha, son of Kemosh- [. Therefore, simply put, Joktans family migrated to the East of Meshad, Iran based on this definition. Genesis does not say, it just says he was not. Notice then Josephus connects this with and meaning this is a border region. One challenge appears credible on the surface and actually gains support from Bible dictionaries whom have done little to no actual research on this topic. Meshad, Iran accordingly materializes to be positioned on the Northeastern border of Iran right next to Afghanistan exactly where he placed it. More accurately, it appears to preserve the name mentioned in Ge 10:30, and to be in the district anciently so named. Where the Ark Landed - GENESIS IN GREEK ART Genesis 10:30 KJV And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east. 20) which vets this where we find the Qumran community used it as Torah. After the extinction of the imyar kingdom and the rise of Islam, afr gradually fell into decay. As to the two fortresses, one of them is a fortress on the south of San'a, two days' journey from it, in the country of [the tribe of] Benu-Murad, and it is called Dhafari-l-Wadiyeyn [that is, of the Two Valleys]. See if you agree by the end of this book. the origin of the name of a land from 2200 B.C., 1,400 years prior? Deepen your knowledge of Scripture for less than $5/mo. New Bible Dictionary (1996): Mesha. This immediately discounts any claim from Ethiopia, Yemen, Britain, Spain and even the Americas but we will deal with each head on in this exhibition. . 30 They lived in the area between Mesha and Sephar in the hill country in the East. 18). They lived in the area between Mesha and Sephar in the hill country in the East. It was in the eastern hill country. As you read through Scripture together, you will enjoy . Each dot (connected by a dotted line) reflects the confidence of an identification over the preceding ten years (e.g., the 2009 dot reflects scholarship from 2000 to 2009), and the corresponding solid line reflects a best-fit line for the identification. And Mesha king of Moab was a sheepmaster, and rendered unto the king of Israel an hundred thousand lambs, and an hundred thousand rams, with . Gen 10 : 30 and their dwelling was from mesha, as thou goest unto sephar a mount of the east 10 : 30 Now their settlement extended from mesha as you go toward sephar , the hill country of the east 10 : 30 [409] This entire narrative is based in historical fact. ii Kings 1:1). Gen.1 [1] Are the beginning Dear created the heaven and the earth. ez-Zofar), without the inflexional termination, represents the Biblical site or district: thus the etymology is sufficiently near, and the situation exactly agrees with the requirements of the case. [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was illuminate. The ark first landed on the mountain south of Ararat in a welcoming and accessible spot at an elevation of 7,400 feet (see arrow in illustration, opposite). (Ibn-Es-Sikkit says that the onyx of Dhafari is so called in relation to Dhafari-Asad, a city in the Yemen.) Genesis 10:23-31 ESV - The sons of Aram: Uz, | Biblia 6, 23-26). Sephar', , a numbering; Sept. v.r. Josephus is only dealing with Mesha in this rendering not Sephar and he is narrowing down the area very specifically based on references that we can connect even today in modern history. Their settlements extended from Mesha to Sephar, the eastern hill country. me'-sha:(1) (mesha`; Codex Vaticanus, Marisa; Codex Alexandrinus, Marisas): Caleb's firstborn son, the father of Ziph, probably the ancestor of the Ziphites (1 Chronicles 2:42). Mesha - Wikipedia What land is from antiquity, that which is before, aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time, beginning? The time Moab was under the supremacy of Israel, during the reign of Omri and half the reign of Ahab, he puts at 40 years. Joktan . (-2246 - d.) - Genealogy He was subjugated by *Ahab and paid him tribute. Arphaxad was the father of Shelah. (Hebrews Mesha', , probably of Arabic origin; Sept. , Vulg. 26 Joktan was the father of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, 28 Obal, Abimael, Sheba, 29 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. Then "there came great wrath upon Israel" (by which, probably, panic is meant), and the besiegers retired, leaving their conquest incomplete.In his inscription (see MOABITE STONE) Mesha gives an account of his rebellion, naming the places captured and fortified by him. We will drill into this word further when we find Sephar is one of the names of the Biblical land of Gold known as Parvaim or Sephar-vaim which is the same as Ophir in application and etymologically. The following extracts will put in a clear light what the best Arabian writers themselves say on the subject. And their moshav (dwelling) was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar har hakedem. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. Sephar: It is written after the enumeration of the sons of Joktan, "And their dwelling was from Mesha as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east." (Genesis 10:30) The Joktanites occupied the southwestern portion of the peninsula of Arabia.The undoubted identifications of Arabian places and tribes with their Joktanite originals are included within these limits . It is the place of departure by Hebrew definition and Joktans sons migrated from there in Iran. If this be the case, and Mesha be (as usually supposed) the Mesene of the ancients, the line between them would intersect Arabia from northeast to southwest. He renders the names in the passage in Latin but this will bring full clarity to the location of Mesha which is not in Moab, nor in Yemen/Saudi Arabia nor Ethiopia. Arphaxad, the ancestor of Joktan and Ophir was only given 2 territories in the days before the Tower of Babel meaning Ophir and his brothers could have only lived in one of these 2 regions. Genesis 10:30-32 meaning. Join today!. Their settlements extended from Mesha by way of Sephar, the eastern mountains. Sephar. While Dhafari is often mentioned as the capital in the history of the Himyeritic kingdom (Caussin, Essai, 1, passim), it was also in the later times of the kingdom the seat of a Christian Church (Philostorgius, Hist. This is the same Hebrew word used to describe the region of the Garden of Eden in fact. 2, 20. So great a difference cannot be explained by the use of round numbers. Genesis10:25-29 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan. Sometimes we will field challenges and this is a healthy process because over the years, we have been able to prove out virtually every aspect of this topic. It was not promised to Abraham initially, it was promised to his ancestor Arphaxad, son of Shem and restored to Abrahams lineage, the Israelites. The Book of Jubilees defines Noahs division of the earth between his three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. Therefore, Sephar is not an abstract concept. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Shem was the ancestor of Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud, and Aram. Now the sons of Caleb the brother of Jerahmeel were, Mesha his firstborn, which was the father of Ziph; and the sons of Mareshah the father of Hebron. determine exactly who they are. Joktan had Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah, and Jobaball sons of Joktan. 30 The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country. The bible says in Genesis 10:30 that Shem's descendants settled in Mesha toward Sephar in the eastern mountains and according to the New Unger's Bible Dictionary this is the Arabian area . Hartley, Genesis (2000): 10:21-31. Shem had twenty-six descendants listed in the table of nations. Blog. This refers to all the sons of Joktan in the previous verses. They lived in the territory that extended from Mesha in the direction of Sephar to the eastern hill country. But, leaving this curious point, it remains to give what is known respecting Dhafari the seaport, or, as it will be more convenient to call it, after the usual pronunciation, Zafar. 31 These are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations. And their dwelling was from Mesha as thou goest unto Sephar, a mount of the east. Verse reference tagging and popups powered by VerseClick. As I have already described, in my article on Cuthites in Arabia, the division during the days of Peleg was not the general dispersion of the nations from Babylon. And their dwelling was from Mesha as thou goest unto Sephar, mount of the east. There is nothing wrong with taking this direction in research but one must test it in approaching that reasoning. And their dwelling was from Messa as we go on as far as Sephar, a mountain in the east. Jan 1, 2020. 31 These are the people from the family of Shem, arranged by families, languages, countries, and nations. Therefore, Josephus is locating Mesha on the border of Iran and Afghanistan. w80 2/15 pp. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at S. Fulton. When Enoch was escorted into the Garden, he replaced Adam as High Priest essentially. Substitute "Yahweh" for "Chemosh," and his phraseology might be that of a pious Hebrew king. 18). (4) (mesha'; Masse): This appears to mark the western boundary of the land occupied by the descendants of Joktan (Genesis 10:30). Mount Sephar. 32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their . Once again, we have a reference identifying the Garden. long. Finally, Elath(Eziongeber) on the Red Sea was a real port. What are the qualities of an accurate map? ), "a mountain of the east," a line drawn from which to Mesha formed the boundary of the Joktanitic tribes ( Ge 10:30 ). NASB Now their settlement extended from Mesha going toward Sephar, the hill country of the east. 6, 23-26). p. 274), in long. They lived in the area between Mesha and the hill country in the East. Genesis 10 | GNT Bibel | YouVersion What Does Sephar Mean? Bible Definition and References - Bible Study Tools Outkick founder Clay Travis on U.S. Olympian Tamyra Mensah-Stock expressing her love for the country after her gold medal performance in wrestling. It should be in the near vicinity of the land of Shinar where the Tower of Babel was built as the whole earth population lived within that area at that time but would disperse after Babel was destroyed. Sephar. Zafar | Yemen, Town, & History | Britannica This is why even in the days that Israel entered the land after the Exodus from Egypt it was still named for Canaan, son of Ham. From the similarity between the names of most of Yoktan's sons and the names of South Arabian towns or districts, it can hardly be doubted that Sephar is represented by the Arabic Qafar. Jubilees 9:4b (R.H. Charles, 1903) bordering on the Red Sea, and all the waters of the desert close to the tongue of the sea which looks towards Egypt, all the land of Lebanon and Sanir and Amana to the border of the Euphrates. A vigorous siege was begun. see HEBREW for 05610. And their dwelling was from Mesha as thou goest unto Sephar, a mount of the east. This word Sephar certainly commences in this progression as for one, it is a Hebrew reference to the Tree of Life especially among Kabbalists whom we do not embrace but the Hebrew is applicable none-the-less. Genesis 10:30 Their territory extended from Mesha to Sephar, in the Recently, an ignorant gnostic chose to put up 2 extremely poor videos attacking us even personally and we wouldn't normally even pay attention especially sin. The account then reinforces they went to the Mount of the East also located in the Garden of Eden.
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