Note also that oxygen in a breathing atmosphere greater than 75% pure will kill us dead! Hexane grabs > all of the medicine for sure, but the real point of this article is to show > one posssible use of it. June 29, 2022. There are details to this too tme consummkng but I can tell you this process has been used by me for some time. The MSDS sheets regarding the inhaling of terpenes says do not do it, yet people do it all the time and many believe it benefits them. Clarified neem oil is food stuff - lipids and fats. At that point we stop washing and evaporate off the hexane. Individuals with nausea may want a capsule or tincture that has a ratio of THCA and cannabidiol (CBD), another cannabinoid with potential anti-emetic effects, and some myrcene to help alleviate their discomfort. 3. level 2. As of now we're pretty much cornered. I like iso because it falls in just the right niche polarity wise to target the medicine. Any suggestions? Then make your next solvent gradient at 15%/85%. So, to boil all that down, 1. Hexane is as easily recovered as Ethanol, using the same techniques. Each time you pour off the terpene layer and leave the crystals behind, the potency increases. Thank you again and best wishes! When heat goes above about 350F and held there then some bad odors and flavors develop in all the strains I have tested this way. Could I potentially do this to a fresh extract as well to wash for chlorophyll so I don't have to work with hexane at all? It is a frost free freezer. But how are these diamonds made? It was room temp I didnt get anything cold. Pentane: The pentane we bought and purified, however, was n-pentane and was used for difficult crystallisations that were not easy to reproduce. I then capped the vial, placed it on a digital hotplate, and have been alternating between 95F and room temperature for the past day or so, all while capped. PS: On the valid subject of dust control, a cheese cloth covering will aid in dust control, as will operating in low dust conditions. In Flash Chromatography you NEVER let the column go dry or it fails the column. The reduced yield is not as much as you might think, once you eliminate the non targeted element pickup. There are orders of magnittude less solvents used in this process compared with Flash Chromatography. Could I just skip the first step of extracting from the plant material and evaporating that off just to re-dissolve in a solvent, and just go straight to salt water washing after the original extract from the plant material is in the acetone? An easy way to get rid of them is to simply re-dissolve the non-polar extraction in 190 proof (~95.5% azeotropic) polar ethanol and stick it in the freezer for about 48 hours at -18C/0F, for the waxes to coagulate. Was thinking this may be a good experiment but I think the main impurity is oily so would probably migrate to the hexane layer. We used 20 grams of oil and around 200ml of Pentane & Hexane mix. I rarely use flower because I do not extract, but this reply is in hopes of helping you out. And filtering through AC and DE? However the general process is a great tool if you realize that this is not a simple cookbook recipe. We were able to justify the cost based on the number of samples we ran and the cost to have a lab run them for us. I just did my first ever wash in a buchner funnel with pentane. I am not suggesting this process for reclaiming ashtrays, but simply to make a point. While we use HPLC grade hexane, light naphtha containing only Pentane & Hexane will also work for this process. So from now on, I will only do "mixing" outside of my main mash tin - that way I can still reclaim the little bits of precious. Diamonds and Washi - YouTube Like oil and water, shake it up, and you trap bubbles. Hi, They contain both the undesirables, and the alcohol as well, with the cannabinoids left with the hexane. I get acetone from Amazon labelled as "Pure Acetone Nail Polish Remover" by the quart. Once the fats are extracted an separated, I let the extracted solvent evaporate around 90-95 degrees fahrenheit. I have not included the full details as I have been asked not to discuss this in this site for safety reasons. #7 once you are able to obtain yout purified thca granules (90%+/-) re dissolve into new pentane hotplate in safe area with minimum heat <90f .try to use as little as possible as needed or it will take longer example (77 grams in 300 ml pentane) Redissolve. 6) The seperatory will reveal at least two layers and in the first stage sometimes a third. After winterizing and seprating the wax, would it be wise to keep oil solution cold like very cold? Experience has proven to me that this is the moment to stop heating it and put turn it up for the drip to form. For some reason, my alcohol, Hexane and water mixture does not bringing chlorophyll down. Hi Thanks for the valuable knowledge. Remember, FINISH YOUR EXTRACT!!!! It's a syringe that wont hurt a mouse lolz! My starting material is BHO which has been CRCd and dewaxed inline. ISO wash done at room temperature, overnight. Diamond Hazard Value Description; 4 1 0 Health 1: Can cause significant irritation. When I clean up 80%-90% lab tested extract (mostly wax removal) with IPA I am left with extremely pure and pristine THC, which leaves nearly zero residue in my vaperizor. . Based on this, my "go to" method of removing the irritant azadirachtin would be to attempt to disolve it in water. And everytime we washed with only saline water, the water remained rather clear. Even used as a purely filtration method using 70/30 iso to water ratio the filter will catch most of what you do not want as medicine. I wanted to know the best way to clean the 8 oz of green wax. In DCVC if you start with running a column through (say about 100ml at a time) with 10%iso/90% water and (unlike flash chromatography) pull the entire solvent phase through the column (hence the dry column name), then you will only get the part of your extraction soluable is 10/90% iso/water. The bottom drip is scraped off and vaped - nearly zero irritation and yum yum yummy. Here is what I would do with a glob of black tar as you describe. Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 25000 mg/kg [Rat]. Kleen xtract has been the wash to get it back into a "purgable" consistency. If you even leave a small amount uncovered in a closed room for a night it will collect dust. Polishing extracts | Skunk Pharm Research steps 1-6 are to purify thca to levels needed for clean ,big , easy to make crystals skip these steps and move onto step 7 if you feel your thc-a is already pure enough 90%+/- I siphon off the amber precipitate with a medicine dropper. Part two. Dale talks about fighting to free cannabis prisoners, staying active in cannabis advocacy, and reducing the stigma around the plant. After filtering, the alcohol is evaporated or vacuumed off, to leave a pristine Absolute. In minutes it hardens into tiny air pocket ridden pieces. Easiest to avoid extracting them in the first place by using subzero extraction techniques, but iffn you are stuck with a bunch, you arent dead in the water. Just asking as I have not much access to hexane or usable light naphtha, all I have access to are generally acetone, isopropyl alcohol, ethanol alcohol, and water/salt water. Orders of magnitude more potent than ground up herb in the unit which the unit is really meant for. Once youve achieved your desired crystal growth, purge the residual solvents from the terpene layer and crystals using a large glass (e.g., Pyrex) dish that allows you to create a thin layer of terpenes, maximizing the surface area. Heck, I even get little gnats that land in it. Very interesting. How dry is it? There are about a hundred variables that might present themselves with your extraction, but the general prodedure above has been employed by myself for a long time. It will remove nearly all the odor and "terpene" rush you get too, but the medicine that I am after is THC and that is joyfully intact and as decarboxylated as it can get without further time and heat. When performing your extraction, its important to chill your jacketed extraction system to -50, C or colder. Have already washed diamonds and worked out well. This new vid I made this morning boils the extract and also makes the water a bit murky. THCA is white when pure (or close to pure). What would your recommendation for maximizing the yield be, without doing a warm extraction? The water and alcohol separate and with care there will be no salt in the iso. Once dissolved, I place the mixture in a 0 degree freezer for 48 - 72 hours. When you are cleaning up really gunky stuff it might be more practical to use 10% increments. the first trip through the flame it is quite a light show. When I class chlorophyll with the water solubles, it is not in the same vein as the term is used in inorganic chemistry and is more involved. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Very interested in being able to remove as much amber color as possible. Ingestion. If it is not chalk white, evaporate and oil will be recoverable. #6 filtering: pour slurry into buchner funnel after filter is ready and set. Two Dawgs We tried a third time, it seems that no matter how we approach it, it looks like, the water only washes off the chlorophyll, but other dark colored stuff that methanol pulls initially stay in the hexane along with the goodies. In my humble opinion, you are doing it absolutely right. He is surprisingly open to conversation. The process you see in the bid was copied from an old patent on removing alpha pinene from citrus oil meant for human consumption. 2. My question here is can I use this method above to further remove the chlorophyl with white gas.. specifically Coleman camp fuel? The second time we washed, the water was lighter. Drained again. Generally the whole process is about 15 minutes or less. I decided to cook it into a decarbed QWET oil (I follow your HOA recipe, sublingual) after straining, freezing, and straining again, but when it came time for the final 1/8" of mash that was left, it just wouldn't (visibly) go to decarb at 250F (I noticed a rainbow sheen to the bubbles), so I stopped and decided to try and air dry the remaining ethanol off. Invalid username/email. What would I do in this case? look in the CBD threads instead. Good luck. From your post I assume you are also after THC. There wasn't really enough that precipitated out to smear onto paper to see. Ever try winterizing at -80C (or anything lower than 0?). other than the diamond you are focusing on. Leave the vacuum on to dry the crystals at the end. There are solvent polarity charts online. This separates the iso from the water and immediately concentrates the iso above the water. I reasoned that the RSO had been ethanol extracted soxhlet style, so guess that ethanol was present. TWA: 500 (ppm) from OSHA (PEL) [United States] Inhalation. I have gone to using activated carbon pellets only in the vapor stream of my Vapir One vaporizer which is packed with carbon pellets in the chamber that the vapor passes into prior to the breathing tube. One article cannot cover the multitude of variability encountered in our pursuit. com The water layer will be milk to chalk white. You've picked yourself a challenge brother! Sep 16, 2021 | Blog, Cannabis Extraction, News. Diamonds, otherwise known as crystalline tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), have started to become more popular in the cannabis industry. My hunch is that environmental factors like ambient temp, the times of reaction involved, and maybe even a dirty seperatory funnel may have been factors I could not duplicate, and the fraction that I described was only a small percentage of the THC I recovered from the hexane layer so I did not try more than a few times to repeat the idea. Growing cannabis is a fun and exciting hobby unless your plants produce less flower than you had hoped. For further discussion of that subject, please see: /chlorophyll-pickup-in-extractions/. I think together we can make it right . Can I put it in a jar of Eveclear in the sun for 2-3 hours, then rubberband 2-3 coffee filters on the jar and filter out the green Everclear? I do not recall any experiments with salt water and acetone. When in the seperatory funnel in conjunction with hexane and iso I have seen odd seperations happen. The third time it was even lighter, but the hexane/oil was still dark. I come back later and the iso mix has turned white from the waxes and the oils with the magic precipitate out. One thing I notice is it takes quite a long time for bubbling to become visible. Really icky goop in bottom of centrifuge tubes actually makes a good skin lotion that immediately softens my skin. Leave in freezer the whole time? Turn on stirring and turn on the heating bath and set to 45 C. under the title These Diamonds Likely Wont Last Forever. Reprinted with permission. Then the person begins to adjust the solvent (called the mobile phase) as he adds it to the column in progressive increments which slowly makes the mobile phase more and more non polar. My results came by googling "salting down alcohol". ( depending on your material and type of alcohol you use). N-PENTANE | CAMEO Chemicals | NOAA Seperation with a definate emulsion layer between. Should I use non ionized salt? Safety glasses. So waiting for the rubbing alcohol to evaporate or not having any rubbing alcohol present, I will tell you another sure fire way to "clean up" small amounts of wax and shatter; These techniques are for you to further explore and expand your understanding of forming THCA diamonds. On April 29, 2023, Melissa Reidof Cannabis Now talked extensively about the film in a review called Higher Ed.. I generally see the best results going from the most non polar solvent (hexane) and proceeding towards the least polar solvent one step at a time in the seperatory funnel. Please try again. This means my ability to be patient and wait only exist when I am stoned.lolz. I can think of a lot of things I would like to have extract from. Cthis will preserve your terpene profile. I think it was moonshine derived but not finished. slowly evaporate pentane untill desired saturation level is obtained you can check this by throwing a few test seeds in the pentane if they dissolve too fast you need to evaporate more if they dissolve slowly or remain their same size you are close. Extract can take a VERY long time to decarboxylate. You can continue to grow larger diamonds utilizing super-saturated hexane and to improve the clarity of your diamonds using chilled pentane washes. hehe. Thank you for sharing such wonderful information. I ensured the solution was supersaturated by adding small amounts of BHO into solution, until no more would dissolve at room temp. No chemicals involved ! #4 feed hc into jar slow agitation swoosh liquid around in jar you will see it start to pull the unwanted parts of the thc-a out. The manufacturer also provides classes on how to use it accurately for about $400. No matter how hard I dry the the ethanol, the pastiness exists. I accept the danger in my own kitchen and simplyhave not found a way to finalize the polish without it. Filter is "slow" rated for fine crystals. Once extracted, the only way I know to remove them is carbon and Bensonite clay filtration, with attendant losses of targeted elements, column chromatography, or fractional distillation yielding somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% center cannabinoid fraction and discarding the balance. To wash with ethanol, redissolve the hexane honey oil in ethanol at a ration of about 10 to one and boil off the alcohol. Thanks for your time, Reverse Osmosis is sort of like pumping a solution through a blotter paper straw. I can even take the extract so cleaned up and when placed on a cool glass surface can seperate the components easily with a flame above the goop and a tilt to the surface. Be careful, though, as too much solvent or solvent that is too warm will dissolve . One last thought. The light yellow fluid evaporated down, and then I purged. Use a fan to evaporate off the alcohol (about 15 minutes) then place the almost dry extract on some cooking paper. Vaping the "splat" is an experience in hacking and choking. Inhalation. dissolve it in rubbing alcohol completely. 70% iso and 30% water is what the label says. Much longer than is normally attributed to it. When you prepared this, was the Onion "Dried"? From the sounds of it, you say you can't get it to dry out. Now remove from freezer, work it cold, and filter the fluid. Micro filtration is the same thing, but uses a larger pore size, so might not clog as fast and I've installed industrial plate and frame micro-filtration plants down to 0.2 microns. They list n-Hexane as a class two solvent with 290 ppm concentration limits, and a total PDE of 290 mg/day. Adding salt is not productive at all because it iterferes with the water in a way that prevents the water from pulling pinene out of the goop. We would be happy enough If we found a way to test the potency of our extract. > redturtle984 commented: "It is not correct to say that using hexane is not > highly effective at recovering thc from any form of extract. We did a quick wash and it still came out dark. So am I missing it or did you not publish something using pictures of his samples? May do it with an ounce or a pound, advice on both quanties would be great. Since purity is already so high and it is in crystalline form this should be relatively easy given the correct procedure. So first you run 10%/90% solvent system. Method #1, pour your fluid into a glass, Pyrex pie plate, place a small fan in front to blow over the top. I have really messed up extracts through a variety of experiments and this method cleans them up to pristine. Perform your extraction as normal but maintain a ratio of solvent to biomass between 6:1 and 10:1. I put the small jar with iso washed extract in a small jar and put that jar in front of a small fan so the surface just ripples. The end product can be incredibly flavorful and potent, and many dabbers who prefer live resin also prefer the crystallization of "terp sauce." . This low and slow method will encourage more nucleation due to increased temperature and pressure and larger crystal growth. For our in house information, we picked up our own gas chromatograph used for $12K. I scraped it up and vaped it and honestly couldn't tell the difference at all. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Then, reduce the pressure in your system to -30 mmHg, or as low as you can go based on elevation, using your vacuum pump. I've been waiting for Pharmer Joe to return from over the hill and far away consulting, because he's our brain trust on salvaging babies out of their bath waters, but will pass on a couple thoughts in the interim. Joe came up with this process, which has produced our most pristine creations. Let the mix settle for a few minutes then stir in non-iodized salt so it is a layer about a 1/4 thick or so on the bottom of the vessel (small tube or jar). Ended up a little dark so I ordered a gallon of hexane, warmed some up, and dissolved oil in it. Hey Skunkpharm, this post, while interesting, is contradictory and confusing: first you say: "After it has separated, bleed off the water and emulsion layer), and then: "After carefully bleeding off the bottom layer of water, we continue to replace it and repeat the wash process of both the emulsion layer and the hexane solution, until the emulsion layer disappears" Which is it, and why? Isopropyl alcohol always has water in it so that was involved. It works for cleaning extract up. Plus, putting your jewelry away safely while you bake, apply cosmetics, or garden helps keep debris from building up in and around the setting. Boiling point 97F. Remove when brisk bubbling is over. Once, a mix of hexane and acetone and water in my experiment formed a layer underneath the hexane. Here is a very short version of what I do to make my Pristine Oregon Pharmers World Class extract into a product that is vaguely fruity, makes DENSE foggy vapor, has zero, nil, no, and absolutely zed respiratory irritation even when held in a long time. I wish to retain the antibacterial properties of the extract as well as wish to obtain a powdery product. 5) Spin the tubes at 4000 rpm for 20-30 minutes. The resulting RSO concentrate is a dark harsh wax/tar (50% THC). Hopefully, improving processing techniques and purifying cannabinoids will help lead to future cannabinoid-based research so we can begin manufacturing cannabinoid-based drugs for treating specific ailments, thereby moving away from the anecdotes that we have today. Question regarding Ethanol purging: This time, a lot of stuff percipitated. What am I doing wrong, can someone please help! What it takes to repeat success is a commitment to observing carefully and closely. You will have to come down to Nor Call for a little while #11 if small unwanted seeds start to appear over time isolate wanted seeds repeat step #7 and up Then, reduce the pressure in your system to -30 mmHg, or as low as you can go based on elevation, using your vacuum pump. I started with a bunch of old green oil that was made with older auto trim material so it picked up a ton of chlorophyll. I have used salt in my trials but only to get pure isopropyl from rubbing alcohol. You can continue to grow larger diamonds utilizing super-saturated hexane and to improve the clarity of your diamonds using chilled pentane washes. Acute toxicity of the gas (LC50 rat): was 48000 ppm using 4 hours exposure data and the Threshold Limit Value for an 8 hour weighted average in breathing air is 500 ppm with a Permitted Exposure Limit of 1800 mg/M3 (~ppm). There is a SURE fire way to remove the polar substances from your extract, and furthermore purify your compound to either a pure cannabinoid product or nearly pure. The Pam was used to lubricate the blades on an automatic trimmer and contaminated the trim used for this particular extraction. It also takes longer to work the emulsion layer with subsequent washes, and each wash leaves with some, so at some point need to make the call. Hopefully, improving processing techniques and purifying cannabinoids will help lead to future cannabinoid-based research so we can begin manufacturing cannabinoid-based drugs for treating specific ailments, thereby moving away from the anecdotes that we have today. Preliminary research into THCA has shown this cannabinoid possesses anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-emetic, and anti-proliferative properties. I would love to see photos! I had some weedahol (Green Dragon) that was clearly not decarbed before hand. I have tested a multitude of solvent/lab techniques to accomplish what you are attempting. How long should i wait before the ethanol is gone, always seems to have a slight smell to it. C2H6O(Ethanol) wil atract and retain H2O. Studies of shoe repair folks suggest that long term chronic exposure at lower limits can have long term effects, because the liver converts n-hexane to Hexane 2.5 dione. It has all dropped down to the glass. Reddit - Dive into anything Since you are already involving Hexane in the formula, why not extract with it in the first place? GW. It will reach that pointI nearly soiled myself once learning about oven doors exploding to the open position If you have a dewaxing column, you can utilize this to assist in further removing undesirables. When you say acetone/water experience, is this including salt water? The video demonstrates my modification in that I force a separation at a 50% mix of water to iso. Sweet amber dreams. Pleasant tasting frankly. The reason we are trying to yield pristine oil is so we could advise accurate dosage to our patients as the medicine is illegal here and no lab testing is available. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are highly nanostructured coordination polymers that contain metal cations and organic linkers and feature very large pore volumes and surface areas. I better gothe Vapir is getting cold. Dissolving Acidic Cannabinoids for a THCA Tincture by Cat Scientific, FDA Rating and limits on various solvents, Washington State Emergency Rule on Flammable and CO2 Extraction,, (/flacktek-speedmixer-grinding--milling/) Comments. Here is what a winterizing filter cake looks like, while still wet. Hey skunkpharm! Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the work-station location. When you add salt to the mix it is very tough to know how that impacts things. After a day or 2 in the oven (around 95 degrees F) I consider it evaporated. Save the fraction seperately. Set aside and come back in 1/2 hour. Heptane vs Pentane in THCA Production : r/CannabisExtracts - Reddit The question assumes a lot. Are people also idiots who do that too? I have also tried using salt water, also isopropyl instead of water and a blend of isopropyl and water as the aqueous phase. As far as the other components the answer is that I have found it to be unrepeatable as to the results. I might have to drain the bottom layer off a frw times as I do this. On average, HTFSE is about 70 percent THCA and 15 percent terpenes. 1) It is IMPERATIVE that all traces of hexane or any other solvent be removed. To try and make that layer easier to see and remove I have tried heating up the salt water, and cooling it down. Also, we need to process our entire batch before proceeding further You will receive a link to create a new password. Once the solvent is recovered, transfer your solution (cannabinoids/solvent/terpenes) to a pressure-rated crystallization vessel, which can be any vessel that handles pressure and has a pressure gauge, pressure release valve, and a vent valve. Anthrocyanin plant pigments are one of the prime culprits, and are about a ~C-30 molecule, in the same range as chlorophyll and plant waxes. Alas, UV radiation also destroys cannabinoids, but fortunately at a much slower rate, and three or four hours in the sun is usually enough. might be a little off but it will at least give you some starting points . Do you have data that shows ordinary dust found in every single food product, tobacco, and marijuanna leaf to be more hazardous to human health than the MSDS shows for either pinene or limonene? This article was written by Michael Sassano and Anthony DeMeo of Somai Pharmaceuticals. Google has tons of stuff on it. I am sure about others, but for me Hexane is very expensive. Clarified neem oil is said to be hydrophobic. Then run that through the column until dry and save it seperately. This process assumes from personal experience two things: 95% thca cristals are white. Anyone I can email with or speak to? It will pop under vacuum when those water pocket burst under the oil so a cover is necessary on the dish. So, can I evaporate hexane out, after polishing, for reuse purposes? - How much should we reduce the volume of the methanol? If the sample crosses state lines, it ostensibly falls under the aegis of the Feds. It would be a huge help to my career, thanks! Once that's done, seal the concentrate in a container and leave it for two to three weeks. Welcome to a space where I share about all things diamond painting: tutorials, reviews, unboxings, weekly WIP and Chats, and more. ********* Do you honestly believe the extracts you obtain do not have dust, eyelashes, bug parts, and every other thing that floats around in our atmosphere? Clean and nice smelling, but dark. Isolating cannabinoids to their purest form, such as THCA diamonds, and recombining them with terpenes is the first step in creating treatments that target specific symptoms. The flame gets intense. Finally, after 5 hours of washing and waiting for the layers to separate well, we gave up.
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