One-third of these target genes encode putative TonB-dependent receptors, suggesting CrfA plays a role in the surface modification of C. crescentus, facilitating the uptake of nutrients during periods of carbon starvation. Cell division in Caulobacter crescentus yields progeny cells that differ with respect to cell structure and developmental program. Ph.D. Student, Biology As a step toward understanding this process, we have defined cis-acting sequences necessary for expression of a Class II flagellar operon, fliLM., x=liangshe, Hao Shen Previous microarray experiments revealed that several Caulobacter genes are significantly upregulated in response to uranium but not in response to other heavy metals. Spatial organization and dynamics of RNase E and ribosomes in Caulobacter crescentus. As a model for how subcellular spatial information can control signaling activity, we have reconstituted the cell pole-specific control of the master regulator kinase/phosphatase CckA from the asymmetrically dividing bacterium Caulobacter crescentus CckA is active as a kinase only when it accumulates within a microdomain at the new cell pole, where it colocalizes with the pseudokinase DivL. Analysis of the cloned C. crescentus dnaA gene has shown that the deduced amino acid sequence can encode a 486-amino-acid protein that is 37% identical to the DnaA protein of Escherichia coli. View details for Web of Science ID A1978FL46900030, View details for Web of Science ID A1977DL60800021. Find a career, partner with us or apply to use our tools and facilities. The deoxyribonucleic acid of the dimorphic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus contains a component that renatures with rapid, unimolecular kinetics. View details for Web of Science ID 000082574100028, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC17939, View details for Web of Science ID 000082318000001, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC94015, View details for Web of Science ID 000081360100001, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC93912. Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology The ssrA deletion phenotype is not due to accumulation of stalled ribosomes, because the deletion is not complemented by a mutated version of SsrA that releases ribosomes but does not target proteins for degradation. But for proteins and small complexes, whether in the periplasm or the membrane, one must invoke a mechanism that prevents the diffusion of these proteins away from the cell pole. View details for Web of Science ID 000177770100004. In eukaryotes, these functions depend on the orchestrated dynamics of actin filament assembly and disassembly. Laboratory Research Manager Through quantification by Ripley's K-test and comparison with Monte Carlo simulations, we find the protein is slightly clustered within a mostly uniform distribution throughout the swarmer and stalked stages of the cell cycle but more highly clustered in predivisional cells. The enzyme is thermally inactivated at 30 degrees C within 20 min; this process is substantially decreased in the presence of saturating concentrations of DNAHM, suggesting that the enzyme preferentially binds DNA before S-adenosylmethionine. View details for DOI 10.1016/j.febslet.2009.09.030, View details for Web of Science ID 000273208000016, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2795017. View details for DOI 10.1073/pnas.0807448105, View details for Web of Science ID 000260360500041, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2563096. In Caulobacter crescentus, CtrA is essential and is a global regulator of multiple cell cycle functions. We have found that it belongs to an unusual promoter family used by several Caulobacter class II flagellar genes. WebShapiroLab Going Deeper We develop technologies to image and control the function of cells deep inside the body. Evidence is presented that suggests that the B and C transcripts initiate at or near the major A promoter but terminate at different termination or pause sites within the early region of the phage genome. The flbN-encoded protein has 30.8% identity with the protein encoded by the Salmonella typhimurium basal body L-ring gene, flgH. All cells must integrate sensory information to coordinate developmental events in space and time. These include the MopD and MopE proteins from Erwinia carotovora, the Spa9 and Spa29 proteins from Shigella flexneri, and the YscS protein from Yersinia pestis. The hook structure was purified from nonflagellated mutants and found to be composed of a 70,000-molecular-weight protein component. Small membrane vesicles from swarmer cells contained [methyl-3H]MCPs both in the flagellated and non-flagellated vesicles, which indicates that the region immediately surrounding the flagellum, as well as the rest of the surface of the swarmer cell, contains [methyl-3H]MCP. Our doctoral program in the field of economic analysis and policy prepares students for research careers in economics. Several fla- mutants were also isolated by Tn5-VB32 mutagenesis and shown to confer kanamycin resistance. The internal promoter and its activator site reside within the C-terminal coding sequence of the upstream flaD gene. Holtzendorff, J., Hung, D., Brende, P., Reisenauer, A., Viollier, P. H., McAdams, H. H., Shapiro, L. Recruitment of a cytoplasmic response regulator to the cell pole is linked to its cell cycle-regulated proteolysis, Codon usage between genomes is constrained by genome-wide mutational processes. The CtrA protein, a member of the response regulator family of the two-component signal transduction system, controls multiple cell cycle processes in Caulobacter and is present in swarmer cells but absent from stalked cells. Total phospholipid, DNA, RNA, and protein syntheses were unaffected. Single-molecule imaging demonstrated physical anticorrelation between sequestered CcrM and chromosomal DNA, thus preventing DNA remethylation. View details for Web of Science ID 000073041000027, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC107146. Safety First | Halpern-Felsher REACH Lab | Stanford Medicine Ph.D. Medical Engineering, Caltech View details for Web of Science ID A1987J718100012. Analysis of coliphage T7 in vitro transcripts showed that, like the E. coli enzyme, the C. crescentus RNA polymerase initiated transcription from the three major T7 early promoters and recognized the terminator at the end of the early region. 169:1493-1498, 1987). Despite their similar promoter architecture, these genes are transcribed at different times in the cell cycle. We propose that flagellated stalks arise as a consequence of a failure to eject the flagellum at the correct time in the cell cycle and that the extra stalk lobe is due to a second site for the initiation of stalk biogenesis. Degradation of the CtrA response regulator normally coincides with initiation of DNA replication, but in strains lacking SsrA activity there is a 40-min delay between the degradation of CtrA and replication initiation. Dahlberg, P. D., Saurabh, S., Wang, J., Sartor, A. M., Chiu, W., Shapiro, L., Moerner, W. E. Continuous, Topologically Guided Protein Crystallization Drives Self-Assembly of a Bacterial Surface Layer. Thus, it is the signal transduction pathway mediated by CckA that culminates in CtrA activation, which is temporally regulated and essential for cell cycle progression. WebGraduate student, Sarah Cohen laboratory, Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, 3152 Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA 94920, (415) 338-3754 daniellendesmet These genes are organized in several classes which form a transcriptional regulatory hierarchy. We demonstrate here that the time of initiation of flgJ expression is independent of chromosomal location but is dependent upon cis-acting sequences present upstream of the flgJ structural gene. Shapiro, L., FRANZE DE FERNANDEZ, M. T., August, J. T. August, J. T., Banerjee, A. K., EOYANG, L., DEFERNAN, M. T., Hori, K., Kuo, C. H., RENSING, U., Shapiro, L. PHYSICAL STUDIES ON STRUCTURE OF YEAST MITOCHONDRIAL DNA. In this study, we report a new mechanism by which a toxin-antitoxin system responds to harsh environmental conditions or nutrient deprivation by orchestrating a dormant state while preserving viability. Little is known about the structure and function of most nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) in bacteria. Hodgson, D., Shaw, P., Letts, V., Henry, S., Shapiro, L. ISOLATION AND GENETIC-ANALYSIS OF CAULOBACTER MUTANTS DEFECTIVE IN CELL-SHAPE AND MEMBRANE LIPID-SYNTHESIS, GENERATION OF A TN5 PROMOTER PROBE AND ITS USE IN THE STUDY OF GENE-EXPRESSION IN CAULOBACTER-CRESCENTUS. DNA methylation is now recognized as a regulator of multiple bacterial cellular processes. Recent work has uncovered mechanisms that ensure the execution of many events at different times during the cell cycle and at specific places in the cell. Here we show that the MS-ring monomer FliF, a central motor component that anchors the flagellum in the cell membrane, is synthesized only in the predivisional cell and is integrated into the membrane at the incipient swarmer cell pole, where it initiates flagellar assembly. Following cell division, only the chromosome in the progeny stalked cell is able to initiate DNA replication, while the chromosome in the progeny swarmer cell does not replicate until later in the cell cycle. The flbN gene was cloned and sequenced, and the time of transcription activation was determined. University of California, San Francisco, Jordan Dykes Reading Minds with Ultrasound: A Less-Invasive Technique to Ph.D. Acoustic Physics, Physics for Medicine Lab and Sorbonne University B.S. Both had a profound effect on the kinds of questions I posed and the means I used to arrive at answers. To understand how polar organizing centres are established by PopZ, we investigated a set of mutated PopZ proteins for defects in sub-cellular localization and recruitment activity. Such rotations did not lead to large-scale changes in gene expression, indicating that genome folding does not strongly affect gene regulation. However, the lesions were mapped to loci that are separated by a substantial distance. Caulobacter crescentus performs chemotaxis by short intermittent reversals of rotation of its single polar flagellum.
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