Kalannah (or whoever) will mark the Technic League Hideout on your map. Through the gate to the east you'll find the leader of this little operation, but again, there's a better strategy . You will emerge from the fog south of the pond. Otherwise, you'll take a mauling if it lands some hits. Continue until you find a container with some minor loot on your left and buff up. There's still a bit of clearing up to be done in the city. At the same time another eight Primal Giant Spiders will appear in the south of the cave. Continue south and force march your party all the way to Talon Peak. Loot Masterwork weapons from the cultists' remains and search the rocks near to where you fought them for a Melted Shard of a Ring (9/13). If you let her live, Tsanna tells you that she will be at the Shrine of Lamashtu if you want to speak to her. When the scene has finished, go through either of the northern fog patches. You can strongarm him to have him reveal the location of a cache of gold in the Bridge Over the Gudrin River area. Finally, he tells you that there is a goblin village somewhere in the Kamelands and hands you Kesten's Letter which adds the Shrine of Lamashtu to your world map. Refresh any buffs and continue south where you will find the Poisonous Hydra. Besides Dumra, everyone's story is inconsistent. Click on the campfire to rest and when you awaken, click on the dais again to obtain the Bird Bones. Head to Bridge Over the Gudrin River and start making your way east. Search its remains for a Melted Shard of a Ring (6/13). Exhaust her conversation options (apart from the one where you murder her for no reason at all) and she will tell you approximately where to look. Afterwards, you can loot the area. The Shaman drops some great stuff: the unique Longshank Bane spear, a Breastplate +2, a Belt of Physical Form +4, the Paragon of Winter ring and the Taldan Spur (5/5). You will witness a ritual taking place at a Shrine of Lamashtu. When you see Edna and Julia Aldori, cast Haste on your party. Continue left. If you go through these fog patches, you will be whisked elsewhere and at this point, you are unable to control it and may end up lost and frustrated. It has a breath attack and a powerful bite but should fall readily to your combined assault. Morhalan makes clothing from the skins of Lizardfolk. If one of your advisors didn't make it, the surviving advisor will want you to do the other thing (i.e. Search the barrel outside the hut for the unique falchion, Beastrender. Buff up, equip cold iron weapons and head east. If you were to use magic, it requires Heal. You will unlock the Bird of Prey trophy for completing the hunt. You'll have a couple of traps to clear and you will meet a pair of escaped prisoners. Don't go through yet, but there's no reason why you can't deal with the group of goblins guarding it who become hostile as you approach. If you have a lawful alignment, you can order this bonehead back to the capital where he belongs. The enemies are all 5th to 7th level. A short distance ahead is a Quickhydra. After killing it, search among the rocks to the east for a Torag's Pendant. He will tell you of a beautiful flower that grows in the swamps. Barbarians, eh? Your conversation will be rudely interrupted by Chieftain Akaia. One contains minor loot while the other is trapped (DC22) and contains the unique studded leather armour Vest of Hundred Pockets together with some Masterwork weapons. Make a hard save here. When you're ready to proceed, speak to the Gnome and ask what you have to do. Head north and you should unmask two more Doomspiders. Their room is the large one at the top of the stairs. Backtrack to the gate you ignored earlier. Near to the bridge, you will find a group of unhappy peasants and a merchant, Tigni Jusmert. When you get back to your capital, give the Roc Egg to Elina for a decent reward. You will have a good / evil choice to make but it seems to me that the evil choice is simply dumb. Spread your party out before attacking them, moving your squishier characters to the north of the area. She tells you that they have been spotted on your lands, revealing the Six Bears Camp on your world map. You will also lock yourself out of a trophy. When all the enemies are taken care of, grab some minor loot from the chest and go through the portal marked "The Twisted Passage". There's a chest near where he skulks which contains a probably useless scroll of Hold Person. To the north is a gate to an inner compound. When the enemies are dead, Maestro Janush makes an entrance accompanied by two Fighters and two Archers. Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a nasty monster from the core Pathfinder RPG monster reference. Search a chest on the northern wall for a Shock Greatsword +1. When you get to the bears' location, search a rock for a Token of the Dryad. Once inside grab some minor loot from the containers. Some guards will helpfully absorb a few blows from it. A Redcap will run further into the cave but don't follow it. Back out of the conversation. If you spared her, the Priest will grant you Lamashtu's boon: +2 to Perception and Intimidation, +1 AC vs. animals and magical beasts. This is a pain. Dryad - PathfinderWiki There's nothing much to see in the lodge at this time. She will deny having anything to do with the problems blighting your lands. Make your way to Lake Silverstep Village. Continue north where you will find some guards and citizens fighting Owlbears, Hydras and Wyverns. When you've killed the bird, loot its remains for some meat and an Amulet of Natural Armor +1. Pathfinders! He wants you to bring him some Black Berries that grow nearby. Your choice has consequences. Head north into the camp proper where you will come upon a group of non-hostile goblins who have been drinking jagwart. After dealing with them, pick the Black Berries that are growing there. Moray drops a Ring of Protection +3 which will be an upgrade for one of your characters. If you don't kill them now, you will have to deal with them a little later, so you might as well. Buff up (Haste is good) and head through, the eastern portal. However, she gives you little further information as to his whereabouts - "a cleft near the barony's southern border". Further west, you will start to see traps. Allow him to do so. Afterwards, Dog will approach Ekun affectionately. If you have more time than that, reload the save you made earlier and do the Mother of Monsters quest instead. Clear a trap nearby and search among the rocks to the south for a Token of the Dryad. If you are playing a console, you have no way of determining the current time and day (a significant developer oversight). Examine her bed to notice that the undergarments left there are bloodstained. Even if you do have the right alignment to simply get the crowd to disperse, it is worthwhile to let the citizens air their grievances if you have good Persuasion. When they're dead, the Old Gnome will appear asking why you "crave the crown". 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. The Dweomerowlbear has Mirror Image which makes it a royal pain to deal with. Golden Toad is an item in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Continue along the path to the end. I got a bunch of items with Golden symbols, what are they for? Do not simply have the agent thrown out because that will lock you out of their companion quest. Return to Mim. Ask him what he wants and he will tell you that he wants to woo her with a gift, an emerald necklace to be precise. Head to the Technic League Encampment in North Narlmarches where you'll find a group of bandits - four level 8 Rogues and a level 7 Transmuter - gathered among the tents. Use bombs, cantrips, AoE spells (e.g. Head west initially. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition , Prologue - The First Step on the Road to Glory, Of Cows and Other Matters of Political Importance, Mobility, Stealth, Trickery, Lore (Nature), Lore (Religion), Perception, Sneak Stab; Weapon Finesse; Martial Weapons Proficiency, Blade Sense +1; Finesse Training - Kukri; Two-Weapon Fighting, Debilitating Injury; Uncanny Dodge; Combat Trick - Dodge; +1 Dexterity, You talked Remus down during the throne room event, After the hunt, you warned the citizens about the disease, You withheld information about the disease, In the scripted encounter, you didn't persuade Urkhed to stay, At the Bridge Over the Gudrin River, you told the old man to go to the capital, At the Bridge, you persuaded the refugee girl to return home, At the Bridge, you dealt with the Fake Stag Lord, You massacred goblins in the Goblin Village, Community to rank 3/60 (unlocks Grand Diplomat), Treasurer to 3 (60 stat will probably come naturally), Divine to 3/60 (unlocks Magister to share the load of Curse research), Magister to 2/40 (unlocks Teleportation Circles). If you bring up kingdom management, you will have an event card that demands your presence in the throne room, "Unrest in the Streets". When the spiders are taken care of, you can deal with the two traps and the Redcap Trickster. Your envoy will tell you of an urgent message from Jamandi Aldori, expressing concern that Varnhold has cut off all contact and demanding that you investigate. Head south to your original starting point. By "green jewels", she means an emerald. You have a 120 day deadline to complete this quest, including the time taken to complete the project. There are four switches in the wall. The Alchemist drops a Light Crossbow +1, a Chainshirt +1 and some dodgy Lizardfolk Skins. We've fixed the issue with some spells failing instead of being cast, such as cure wounds, and many other issues as well. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews . If you press them you will see either "CLICK" or "THUD". When Irlene delivers her first item, she will have a proposal for you. These do a lot of elemental damage if triggered and when you go to disarm them, you will often trigger a Quickspider Swarm. But that's one less Primal Hydra in the world and 112 more XP on your character sheet. You can get the wine by sending the Sweet Teeth to repair Oleg's fence, but those errands take weeks. When it's dead, your main team will rejoin them and you will be attacked by a Primal Manticore and a Primal Hydra. There's a locked chest (DC34) in the camp containing a diamond and some diamond dust. Needless to say the Primal Hydra in the pen will attack. Backtrack to the bridge and cross over the road. He is accompanied by a Winter Wolf which is fairly tough as well. When your other party members catch up, crowd control is essential - Cloudkill will take out the trash and Stinking Cloud should disable everything else nicely if the Shaman isn't already dead. Basically, you have three choices as to what to do with Tsanna: It seems to me that merely being evil is no crime and that no crime has been carried out. When the week is up, seek Irlene out again. Agree to help to initiate her artisan quest. You can murder them or leave them alone for an XP bonus. There's a crate outside the northernmost hut with a couple of potions. Go back down through the area with the traps and head west through a gate. There is a solitary Owlbear wandering around. Note that they are quite tough and not worth fighting. Next to the river is a Token of the Dryad. They have concealment but so long as you are protected from poison, they aren't terribly dangerous. Miscellaneous Locations - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition Suggest he have a drink with you and you can make a Diplomacy check (DC22) to get him to relax. He will tell you that he is no thief, having been falsely accused by a merchant in the capital. After some more back and forth, you will leave the camp. You will see some goblins forcing prisoners into the river. Make your way there and head upstairs. Grab a bit of loot from a nearby body. Visiting the Dryad, alone! - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - YouTube Go there and you will see the aftermath of a noisy fey gathering. Hug the left side so that you go up the path on the left. Biography []. There's a crate filled with minor loot near the entrance to the southern tunnel. Speak to Ntavi if you like. You will find Lidika in the bottom left corner of the village down by the water. Quick save before examining the chest. Jubilost will have a response to that. Equip cold iron weapons and go south to find a Primal Giant Flytrap. When they're all cleared, start heading north for an interesting vision about something called an "Everblooming Flower". When everyone is dead or arrested, loot the bodies and the cave. Travel around the Narlmarches for a little while and you will have a scripted encounter with some poachers. They're fairly weak but take out the two Arch-chemists first before they inconvenience you. Drop a Stinking Cloud on their heads and slaughter them. There is a chest filled with minor loot in the northwest corner. If you continue down the stairs, you will find a body on the ground with some minor loot. Continue making your way west. The Shrine of Lamashtu is a short distance to the east of the Secluded Lodge. Go southeast and east to find the place. Update 2.1.3j is here! The purple owlbear is protected by Mirror Image. Leave the cave and head to Tatzlford. Head to Silvershire and give her the emerald. They have concealment and DR 10/cold iron. Instruct Kesten as to what is to be done with her. A cache in the southwest of the area contains a Token of the Dryad. If you ask about where you are, you can make a Knowledge (Aracana) check to deduce that you are in the First World. Before continuing, pick a Kameberry (a rare cooking ingredient) and grab some minor loot from a stump. Either way, you will learn that Maestro Janush is in the vicinity. The other contains a Belt of Physical Form +4. At the end, you will find the so-called Goblin Prince who is wearing the pearls on his head. The Womb of Lamashtu will be found upriver, east of Lake Silverstep so start heading in that direction. The Purple Owlbear has Mirror Image, which is a pain. At some point, you will have a scripted encounter with a Priest of Lamashtu. Join. So what's new? The Greater Primal Owlbear drops Bracers of Armor +5. Leave the settlement, go to Kingdom Management / Settlements / Tatzlford and build workshops for your new artisans. The locked (DC27) chest contains the Hunter's Roast recipe. The Redcap drops a Token of the Dryad. If you don't mind a whiff of cheese, don't speak to Kesten, respec at the inn so that you have lawful alignment and come back here. Unfortunately, for the optimum outcome to Amiri's questline, you have to pull them apart. If your alignment is chaotic, you can respond rudely Jamandi's haughtiness. Head up the slope behind the hut and search among the trees for a Melted Shard of a Ring (10/13). Location: south of the Swamp Witch's Hut. Grab the Hydra's Head from its remains. Credit for the information on this page goes to Unikatze / Christopher Gerlach and the Pathfinder: Kingmaker community. There is also a Stinking Cloud trap between the two groups of enemies which you may or may not care about. The easy path is the "Ahem O fey!" Loot the camp before speaking to Nilak. Go directly east from your starting point. A chest behind the desk contains a Wand of Echolocation. If you spared Kalannah way back, she will be here. Do not, however, give her the gemstones because that fails the quest or agree to "support" her since that costs you 1BP per week. Assign your General to this. You will have a problem event which takes seven days to solve. However you come by a Unicorn Horn, give it to Irlene to complete her quest. Focus will switch to your other party members. Continue to the end of the path and search among the rocks for a Taldan Snaffle (3/5). You can investigate further, but the most profitable option is simply to announce that you are the baron and he an impostor (Intimidation DC22). This gives you time get your barony onto a solid footing - rank up your advisors, establish a second town, maybe conduct a little more Curse research. Near the entrance you will find some escaped prisoners and a short distance after that, Kesten and his militiamen ineffectually fighting a large group of goblins. When Mim delivers an item, she will ask you to visit her in Silvershire. How things progress depend on how previous events played out: I don't like this: persuading the refugee girl to go home is good, but persuading the peasants on the road to go home is bad. There's a rock you can search for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Use the shortcut to return to the area entrance. War of the River Kings - The Menagerie - Chapter 5 - Gamer Guides Wizards and Alchemists can learn new spells from scrolls by right-clicking on them and selecting the "Copy to Spellbook" option. You can reassure her or extort money from her. He offers Octavia and Regongar a place in the Technic League but they decide against it. The Chemist drops a Ring of Protection +1. They tell you that they are working for the Stag Lord. Tsanna can be employed and is more valuable alive than dead. When they're dead, clear the trap and have a tough party member head further into the cave to trigger another spider assault accompanied by a pair of Redcaps. The Roc Egg is unique and can be used in a later recipe; save it for your last meal before the point of no-return and you will enjoy massive boosts in the final dungeon. Otherwise, give him the berries to close off the errand. Instead, go into the kitchen. The next time Sharel delivers a gift, he will tell you that Morhalan has escaped. Before heading back to your throne room, give the Professor's Hat to your main character since he may need to make some skill checks on his own. It simply tells you that new levels in the Tenebrous Depths have opened up. Campaign Coins. Speak to the refugee on the other side of the road who is visibly distraught. Head to your throne room and Linzi will tell you that Mim has gone missing, last seen walking towards Talon Peak. Afterwards, you will see another brief vision with the Guardian of the Bloom. Question the Tedrims again and Kabron will claim to have broken his bow. This leads to a chamber with a Primal Spider Matriarch, four Giant Primal Spiders, a Doomspider and three Spider Swarms. You will have to fight another goblin group: Commando Commander, Sneak, Arch-Chemist, Horsereaper and two Ferocious Worgs. If you don't pass the initial DC18 Persuasion check, reload. When the project is complete. Buff up before you speak to him. Continue east and a new location called Lonely Mill will appear. Cross over to the other side of the bridge and you will see that the road is blocked by bandits who are extorting passers-by. The Hamadryad has 210HP and fast healing, together with the usual fey DR 10/cold iron and is more or less immune to most elemental damage. And you've seen how poorly he handles Owlbears. If your main character's Persuasion isn't up to scratch, you'll want something like Good Hope and the Professor's Hat to boost your skills. Kill the goblins (two Sneaks and two Roc-Eyes). You have five choices. This thread is archived . You will find Olika standing to the right of the fireplace. Head back down and start making your way back towards the bridge. You may want wait things out with a 14-day project - rank up an advisor or claim a territory. Continue forward and you will see your rivals in the hunt, the Embeth Travelers, slaughter an Ancient Wyvern after which you have some options. If you want to clear the map, you can go northwest towards where you fought the Owlbear and kill the three Greater Dire Bears in your way. Backtrack a little and head up the slope to the north to emerge on the other side of the gorge. Start making your way back to the area entrance along the upper path. Start making your way west where you will encounter a Black Dweomerowlbear and a Greater Enraged Owlbear. When you go to leave, Nok-Nok will ask to join your party. Outside the tent is an Old Gnome whom you can speak to. If one survives, both will. You'll want to take certain gear off companions to boost skills - the Professor's Hat for sure and Boots of Elvenkind if you have reasonable Mobility. Nok-Nok will run ahead and taunt the king ("shatshanks drench breeches" - an insult to cherish). After you've killed it you can find a Token of the Dryad in the undergrowth. Further west are more Technic League goons: a Rogue, Archer, Fighter and Cleric. Question him about his family - but don't have him executed as a spy - and agree to help him. You're better off simply buying the absinthe from Hassuf for 400G. Tristian and Jhod will arrive with the report for the events at Bald Hill, earning you 6500G. This leads to a good / evil choice that is harder than most. Buy A Pouch of Feather Tokens from The Old Beldame in the Swamp Witch's Hut area. There's another hydra in a pen that you can kill if you want to. When you get to the bears' location, search a rock for a Token of the Dryad. Frogs will remain neutral if you place a 10 lbs item or a Token of the Dryad in the box before taking the golden toad out. Mim will be doubtful whether she can make it. Inside Jamel Visser will tell you that you will be hunting owlbears, hydras and wyverns. Go back to kingdom management. Cross Lake Silverstep and the Womb of Lamashtu will appear on your world map. Once done, turn your attention to the west, where another cavern full of centipedes awaits. Ask for their key and you may (in fact probably will) notice that they are nervous. If you kept the Trailblazer's Helm, it will come in useful as well. Equip the first world lantern in a belt slot. The guards will probably hinder your efforts by surrounding the enemies. There's a pen in the northeast corner with a Primal Manticore which will become hostile if you open the gate. Search the locked chest (DC27) in the north of the cavern to find the unique Decapitator falcata. Backtrack to where you fought the wyverns and start making your way north up the path. Back on the world map, bring up kingdom management and build Mim's Jewelry Shop. The Tedrims aren't here for hunting, but there's also nothing that marks either of them out as a priest or priestess of a forbidden cult. When it's dead, you'll discuss what you've learned: that the illness is caused by a parasite which incubates in the stomachs of the afflicted. There is a trap just inside the gate and beyond that a group of around ten goblins. There's a crate containing gold and gems by the hut next to Tigni's cage and if you search among the rocks a short distance to the north, you will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. If you continue north, you will trigger an assault from a large group of Primal Giant Spiders and Doomspiders. Head south from this location and you will come across a group of "Marauders" taking advantage of the chaos. Weapons with elemental damage are also effective. This leads to an illustrated book episode. She will suggest holding the party in the inn but someone named Ntavi will interrupt and suggest that the party be held in the Hunting Grounds. Head back up to where you fought the bandits and continue east where you will see the shadow of a large bird flying overhead. The next check is Strength 18 or Dexterity 18 - choose the one you're least likely to fail. You should be able to turn in a bunch of artifacts to Storyteller: Cypress relics, Taldan relics, Forest Knight's Bracers and Ring of Reckless Courage. Assign an advisor to it right away because it will seriously degrade your kingdom stats if left unattended. If you had the Sweet Teeth weed the Narlmarches, you should have an emerald necklace. You see the clue about the limp if you succeeded in the second series of checks in the illustrated book episode (the Stealth check is trivial for Nok-Nok or Ekun). (dryad tokens, coins, dogtags) you can also sell them to oleg. Ask about the three wishes and she will name her second wish: berry wine from Kyonin or Elven Absinth. When Sharel delivers an item, he asks that you visit him in Tatzlford. Continue to the tower and the Ancient Roc will fly down to defend her nest. The Ancient Wyvern is fairly powerful but the other two are quite weak. The volunteer will survive if you pass the skill check. If you killed or exiled her, the Priest will "curse" you": +2 to Persuasion, -1 AC vs animals and magical beasts. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - Dryad grove solo - very difficult(spoilers!) Continue further south for another horde battle: Commando Commander, Sneak x 2, Roc Eye x 4, Dogcutter x 3, Soldier x2, Alchemist Master, Alchemist Expert. The person being condemned to destroy a thousand kingdoms to atone for her transgression is the Guardian of the Bloom. Your advisors will have something to ask of you. You can urge her to return to the capital (Diplomacy DC28). In the throne room, you will find your companions and advisors gathered. Go further into the cave to find four more Primal Giant Spiders and a Giant Slug. Afterwards, you can simply burn it. If you agreed to hunt for a unicorn horn, the Swamp Witch's Hut has a quest marker for this, but this is erroneous. If you have a couple of days (i.e. They've got little to say right now, but you can search a pile of rocks to find a Token of the Dryad. 20 days-or-so before the deadline, Octavia and Regongar will seek you out in your throne room and tell you that an agent from the Technic League is in the tavern. If you side with Jhod, the skill checks that will need to make (Athletics, Mobility, Lore: Nature or Diplomacy) are much harder but more rewarding if you pass. If you explore the tunnel, you will find more minor loot in a crate and a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag under a rock at the end. Token of the Dryad, the default sell price is 75g if I sell it to Boken, a simple merchant. Return to the refugee and return her pearls. If you did not choose Shandra Mervey as an envoy, she is essential. Select the Teleport button and you will see a list of possible destinations. You will see more goblins, trying to entice a Primal Hydra into their village. Otherwise, you will be speaking to someone named Kerreg. If you examine the barrels in the corner, you will find a Sling Staff +2 and some gold. Afterwards, Ntavi will ask you to speak to her when you have a moment. The Storyteller has a supernatural ability to . Head east through the gap to the south of Verdel's Smithy and you will find a bunch of guards fighting against a Purple Dweomerowlbear, a pair of Red Dweomerwyverns and other miscellaneous creatures. STR: 8, DEX: 22, CON: 12, INT: 12, WIS: 9, CHA: 9. He'll die shortly after you kill it. Either way, you will have a message to convey to Kimo. If you're nice, you can win them over. Not the ones that can be turned in individually (lie Token of the Dryad, Torag's Pendant, etc), but the ones there are multiple of, whether they be pieces of an artifact, or items in a set; are these items in set locations, or are they randomly located? The wolves are irrelevant, the Owlbear is very tough and its attacks can stun. If you browse his wares, you can buy the Fearsomeful Mace of Chwurk for 400G. After you've taken care of them, pay attention to the blue fog. 1 Some dryads are bound to rare trees, such as a clonal colony of titan aspens, that are a single tree spanning larger distances than many people expect and which grant the dryad unique methods of traversing . Monster Den. When you find Amiri, she will want to talk to you about her tribe, the Six Bears. You should have 200 or more days remaining.
Gary Muehlberger Funeral, Articles P