Contribute to the important work being done to protect and grow Queenslands protected area system. This will be one hundred years to the day since the last person was removed from the islands and the hospitals closed. Thalganjangu lagoon Following is a list of Malgana words and their English translations: Yamaji Aboriginal person The islands heritage significance was also recognised with their inclusion on the Register of the National Estate in 1987. Carnarvon's traditional owners are the Aboriginal Yinggarda people, who named this area long ago, Gwoonwardu, meaning 'neck of water'. Artefacts and objects such as shields and grind stones. Non-Indigenous people with venereal diseases were not subject to such measures. The Maya and Mandhi peoples have effectively disappeared, as has any knowledge of their particular linguistic and cultural heritage. The shoreline of Shark Bay has a W shape formed by the Edel Land peninsula and Dirk Hartog Island to the west, Peron Peninsula in the centre, and the eastern coastal strip. Language is both a mirror and a vehicle for culture and provides insight into Malgana cultural life. Malgana were successful in being awarded funding for the State Governments Aboriginal Ranger Program in 2018 and 2019, an acknowledgement of their strong desire to be directly involved in managing the vast conservation estate in the Shark Bay area. It is thought that Mitchell named the ranges after the Caernarfon Ranges of Wales. The Malgana name for Shark Bay is Gutharraguda, which means two bays or two waters. In 1858 British surveyor Henry Denham mentioned Aboriginal huts. In the 1950's the Federal Government helped fund a whaling station at Babbage Island. Aboriginal Languages - Shark Bay Evidence of thousands of years of Aboriginal life remains at sites associated with ceremonies and the stories of ancestral spirits. [1][2], There were two dialects, a northern and southern variety, with marked lexical differences. Carnarvon Gorge's rock art sites are thought to have been in use for at least 3,650 years. Aboriginal Culture Shire of Carnarvon 645 palm trees were planted and 645 plaques were placed at the base of each tree. Geraldton: Yamaji Language Centre 2003. Some of the Collection is listed on theLibrary Catalogue. The gorge system in the National park is also one of the largest in Australia. Traditional knowledge of the landscape and the uses of its resources have evoked curiosity from many interested non-Indigenous people. The gorge is a cool and moist oasis within the dry environment of central Queensland. Their interests are represented through the Kulyamba Aboriginal Corporation, the native title PBC. Sometimes things were found in the bush and removed because it was assumed they had been abandoned. Carnarvon Gorge's rock art sites are thought to have been in use for at least 3,650 years. Local material culture was quite sophisticated, and much knowledge of it can be gleaned simply by observing what has been stencilled at the art sites. A mix of resourceful and colourful characters sought a life in this hard, remote area. Yamaji. Cathedral Cave, Carnarvon Gorge. Warlu lover, boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, Baba rain, water The high natural values resident in Carnarvon Gorge and the surrounding area, i.e. Leucaena. Language Yinggarda was a Kartu language spoken from the coastal area around Carnarvon through the Gascoyne River to the junction and southwards to the Wooramel River. Kangaroos and wallabies can be found around the picnic area and at night echidnas can be seen strolling about. Gardu man Marlu small kangaroo species The Carnarvon Library and Art Gallery has a Local History Collection which includes books and oral history interviews, local newspapers, genealogical references and microfilm. Native title claims and determination areas map, Gnulli native title determination extent map, Copyright 2023 Gascoyne Development Commission. [4] It extended east of the Karajarri coastal zone, and from Port Hedland through to Marble Bar and Nullagine, south over the Shaw River, and north over . Wanamalu cormorant In fact if you walk with Simon, you'll be able to sort out which of the early yarns has a chance of ringing true and which are likely to have been 'enhanced' for the entertainment of visitors. Aboriginal communities, particularly the people of Carnarvon, have established memorials on the islands to those that suffered and died there. In R. M. Berndt & C. H. Berndt (Eds. Very little is known of the sociolinguistic situation in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia prior to European contact, although a certain amount of more recent anthropological work has been done in the area. The sociolinguistic situation in the Gascoyne region today is drastically different from this and is in a state of flux. Radcliffe-Brown (1930) describes a number of different cultural groups defined by marriage patterns and the section and totemic systems. The Wajarri brought with them their law and thus the circumcision boundary effectively moved to the coast, with little successful opposition from the original residents (see Gray 1978 for discussion). Jurruna pelican On the drive into Carnarvon Gorge, many visitors' interest is piqued by an odd crop grown in paddocks on the creek flats. Bruce Mayne, mustering cattle on Bandana Station. You come this way. The building was nicknamed Silver City because the families who camped there were given government payments in silver coins. From Shark Bay north to Roebuck Bay and Broome, Western Australias early pearling industry was notorious for its ill-treatment of Aboriginal people. In 1978 the Texada Mines sold the venture to Dampier Salt limited, who have continued to process and export salt around the world. Well, evidently the saturated brine in the lake is approximately 10 times saltier than seawater. The Maya were included in this cultural group which Radcliffe-Brown refers to as the Talaindji (Dhalanyji) type. Biyagu galah The Yingkarta people, also written Inggarda and Ingarda, are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Gascoyne region of Western Australia . Sea level rises during interglacial periods would have flooded previously occupied sites, making them unsuitable for living and possibly removing evidence of their occupation. Lying at the mouth of the Gascoyne River. Dampier Salt now also export gypsum, which is a hydrated sulphate of calcium which is used in the making of plaster and in treating soil. This project was funded by Royalties for Regions A Western Australian Government Program and Lotterywest. The many sections of Carnarvon National Park now cover 298,000ha of the central highlands. In our Local History Room, access to digital microfilm, free internet searching and online access to the popular Ancestry database are available for use during Library opening hours by arrangement at the front counter. Later, de Freycinets artist Jacques Arago recorded a tense encounter between a group of Aboriginal people and some Europeans at Cape Peron. Wurrinyu girl, young woman . Archaeologists believe people may have moved away from Shark Bay during glacial periods when the sea level was lower and fresh water limited. The camels were used to transport wool from the stations to the port ( One Mile Jetty ), ready for export. Curiosity: knowledge through the landscape - Queensland Historical Atlas Yinggarda country lies to the west of a line that separates tribes who performed circumcision (to the east) from those that did not (to the west). Permanent springwater, cooler temperatures and low levels of direct sunlight provide the conditions that allow remnant rainforest to survive here in the dry central Queensland climate. Yudu bushl, scrub in the town itself. The Lock Hospitals operated on Bernier and Dorre Islands via Carnarvon between 1908 and 1919. Nyarlu woman Bilyunu baby They might once have had such a system which had broken down or they might merely be trying to adapt themselves as well as possible to the social organisation of the neighbouring tribes. Many people living in the Gascoyne region today can confidently identify themselves as, for example, Yinggarda, Bayungu or Tharrgari, despite the fact that knowledge of the traditional languages is sparse at best. Things to do in Carnarvon while staying with Hospitality, Copyright 2023 Hospitality Carnarvon, SureStay Collection by Best Western, 6 West Street Carnarvon Western Australia 6701 Australia. The Department of Environment and Science acknowledges Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land. Steadily flowing water has carved this gorge out of ancient sandstone. Despite the lack of fluent speakers, there is a wide knowledge, though restricted use, of Yinggarda vocabulary among members of the Carnarvon community. 2. In doing so he passed through the traditional territory of a number of Aboriginal groups, including the Maya, the Yingkarta and the Warriyangka. The area was settled in 1876 by the Browns and theBrockmans, who travelled from York to Carnarvon with 4,000 sheep. As early as 1912, whaling ships were operating in the waters off Carnarvon. Gwoonwardu Mia, the Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, is a multipurpose centre that celebrates the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region. Thaaka shark "Among the Angaardies, circumcision is performed by of a sharp flint, and after the consummation of the rite, the youth is forbidden to look on a woman for the space of two years, consequently he cannot associate with the rest of the tribe, except with the men when hunting, the women then being about their own business. . Carnarvon Gorge lies within the spectacular and rugged ranges of Queensland's central highlands. About 250 different Aboriginal languages were spoken when Europeans first settled in Australia, including three in the Shark Bay region: Malgana, Nanda and Yingkarta. The Shire of Upper Gascoyne provide support to this community. Carnarvon Gorge is located in the Southern Brigalow Belt bioregion in Central Queensland ( Australia ), 593 km northwest of Brisbane. Marlu small kangaroo species For the first time, the Aboriginal history of the region takes pride of place as part of a rich and vibrant history of the Gascoyne. Much of the Western knowledge of the Gorge's pre-history comes from archaeological excavations of the Art Gallery and Cathedral Cave. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over Carnarvon % Carnarvon Western Australia % Western Australia Australia % Australia; Did unpaid domestic work (week before Census Night) 350: 56.9: 33,333: 55.3: 328,022: 59.9: Provided unpaid care for child/children (during two weeks before Census Night) 180: 29.5: 18,072: 30 . Buthurru sand Yinggarda was a Kartu language spoken from the coastal area around Carnarvon through the Gascoyne River to the junction and southwards to the Wooramel River. ENTRY FEES General Entry to Gwoonwardu Mia is free. The ochre stencils at Carnarvon are some of the finest examples of this type of Aboriginal imagery in Australia. Alan Dench also lists among their northern neighbours the Baiyungu, Maia, Tharrkari and Warriyangga, while stating the Malgana lay to their south, and the Wadjarri to their east. When this time of probation past, he comes near the general camping-place, makes a good fire, and all his friends go to see him, felicitating him on the termination of his solitary mode of life, and if there be any female whom he has legal claims, she is at once surrendered." Thaaka shark The dreaming says that the rainbow serpent Mundagurra created Carnarvon Gorge as he travelled through the creek system, coming in and out of the water, and carving the sandstone as he travelled. The Department of Environment and Science is committed to respecting, protecting and promoting human rights, and our obligations under the Human Rights Act 2019. Ancient and continuing culture Archaeological sites from Shark Bay to Ningaloo show occupation by Aboriginal people between 35,000 30,000 years ago. These lock hospitals were part of a wider history of racially-based medical incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia that took place in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland for almost a century from the late 1800s. Gwoonwardu Mia Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre Large quantities of Macrozamia seed husks were retrieved from the floor sediments of Cathedral Cave, giving rise to the hypothesis that they formed the resource base supporting Carnarvon Gorge's large ceremonial gatherings. Mulgarda mullet Contemporary understanding of Aboriginal language groups in the Gascoyne region recognises the following five main Traditional Owners groups: These languages groups can be further classified based on their shared vocabulary and grammatical structure into the broader categories: The Mandi language group, now extinct, was considered a distinct language group but is now considered a subgroup of Yinggarda, as the languages are almost identical. The Department of Environment and Science collects personal information from you, including information about your email address and telephone number. The reasons for the gazettal are relatively simple; Carnarvon Gorge was an area recognised by Queenslanders (mainly through the promotional activities of the Royal Queensland Geographical Society) to be of high natural and scenic value. The State Government subsequently gazetted 65,000 hectares as Carnarvon Gorge National Park. Mission lives, mission stories The exhibition tells the story of how Aboriginal people were moved from the stations and their lives changed. In 1772 the French explorer Saint-Alouarn saw smoke coming from Dirk Hartog Island and his crew found what they believed was evidence of fires and a ceremonial area on the island. There are several Aboriginal organisations in the town which represent the interests of Yinggarda people. Interpretive Ranger Fred Conway discussing Aboriginal culture with visitors at the Art Gallery. The region has a moderate arid tropical climate and is quite warm all year round, with winter temperaturesonly in the low 20s and summer temps hitting exceeding 40 degrees celsius. Please assign your guests to their rooms. Current residents comprise Aboriginal people from many communities and language groups from the Gascoyne and beyond. Warda pearl In April 2019, the Thiin-Mah Warriyangka Tharrkari Jiwarli People were formally recognised by as native title holders of an approximately 6,804 square kilometres land area within theShires of Ashburton, Carnarvon, and Upper Gascoyne. In the long term, the sheep industry was not destined to fare well in Central Queensland and it eventually gave way to the cattle and mining industries. Australian Nature Guides, whose proprietor, Simon Ling, began researching Carnarvon Gorge's natural and human histories in 1997, Helicentral, who operate scenic helicopter flights into Moolayember Gorge. Thayadi, thayirri snake European explorer Ludwig Leichhardt passed to Carnarvon Gorge's east in 1844, naming the Expedition Ranges visible in the distance from Boolimba Bluff. This station became one of the most modern whaling shore stations in the world. While the community currently faces significant social challenges, there are important social and community initiatives being driven by members of this community in partnership with local non-government organisations and the Shire of Carnarvon. Winthu wind, Gutharraguda two waters / two bays Shark Bay The groups to the north of the Gascoyne River were characterised by a four section system and a variation on the Aranda marriage pattern (called the Mardudhunera (Martuthunira) type by Radcliffe-Brown). We can safely suggest that the rate of multilingualism would have been high, given marriages across group boundaries and regular contact with other linguistic groups. Gregory returned to Perth with fair reports about Carnarvon. Caring for country is about protecting important sites and the connections between sites, people and environment. A site near Eagle Bluff shows two periods of occupation, the first during the late Pleistocene between 30,000 and 18,000 years ago, and then during the Holocene about 7,000 to 6,000 years ago. Fax: +61 (08) 9964 4690, Parks and Wildlife Service Tel: +61 (08) 9964 3550 The entire park lies within the Southern Brigalow Belt Bio-region. Australia There are three claimant groups in this region; the Malgana, Nanda and Gnulli. Radcliffe-Browns comments about Yinggarda knowledge of section names suggests close links with northern groups. Bandana Station who ran Sunset Shows and have switched toaccommodation in 2017 with the establishment of Sandstone Park. ABORIGINAL CULTURE Carnarvon's traditional owners are the Aboriginal Yinggarda people, who named this area long ago, Gwoonwardu, meaning 'neck of water'. In more recent years, Aboriginal people have been able to successfully achieve limited tenure of their traditional lands, and the Wajarri have established small settlements in their own country. Along with his friend, Keith Anderson, the Gascoyne Transport Company was born. During an anthropological expedition in 19101911 social worker Daisy Bates described the hospitals as tombs of the living dead. It has been revealed that ancient rock art was destroyed after a recycled-plastic walkway intended to protect the site exploded during a bushfire in Carnarvon National Park. There are about 130 registered Aboriginal heritage sites in the Shark Bay area including quarries, rock shelters, burial sites and large scatters of discarded shells, bone and other food-related artefacts known as middens. Yamaji (or Yamatji) is the name used to identify Aboriginal people in the Murchison and Gascoyne regions of Western Australia. Archaeologically and anthropologically, these sites are of international significance, containing examples of stencilling techniques considered to be the most sophisticated of their kind in the world. Mackman, Doreen (ed). Jabi small dragon lizard Yet without specific knowledge of Bidjara and Karingbal culture, knowledge and technology, the rock art galleries can remain enigmatic and are sometimes seen as simplistic, which is far from the truth. Of these about 200 live on the Aboriginal reserve; 100 in shanty type accom- . Since the original gazettal, much land has been added to the reserve and it is now known as Carnarvon National Park, of which Carnarvon Gorge is but a section. Biodiversity protection - Carnarvon National Park protectsa diverse range of regional landforms and ecosystems, including 40 regional ecosystems, of which nine are listed as endangered. Aboriginal Business Development Forum 2020, Kanyara languages: comprising Baiyungu as well as Dhalanyji, Purduna and Binigura, Kartu languages: comprising Yinggarda, Malgana, Wajarri as well as groups Badimaya and Nhanda, Mantharta languages: comprising Tharrkari as well as Thiin, Jiwarli and Warriyangka. Wilyamaya tip of Heirisson Prong. Hours: This multi-award winning permanent interactive exhibition unites and reflects the culture and stories of the five Aboriginal language groups of the region; Yinggarda, Bayungu, Malgana, Thadgari and Thalanyji. Drawings depicting campsites and circular, semi-permanent huts accompanied Perons descriptions. Carnarvon Gorge | Queensland, Australia | Britannica Garlaya, yalibidi emu, Wirriya sea, salt water The community is a key priority area through our Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 and Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028. As visitors reach the end of the Lock Hospital Walk Trail at theCarnarvon Heritage Precinct, they are confronted with a life-like sculptural recognition of the pain that was one of the most poignant aspects of this terrible history epitomised in the tales that have been told, of how the children reacted and coped with the horror of being separated from their parents. Mardirra pink snapper The ugly past of Australia's 'lock hospitals' slowly revealed Use tab to navigate through the menu items. WajarriYinggarda relations were better than most and the two groups traded ceremonial objects, particularly pearl shells which were worn in initiation ceremonies (see Fink 1960: 59). Yamatji is a name commonly used by Aboriginal people in the Murchison and Gascoyne regions of WesternAustralia to refer to themselves, and sometimes also to Aboriginal people generally, when speakingEnglish. Wabagu sea eagle Sandstone Gorges with artesian springs are important regional ecosystems preserved within Carnarvon National Park. Through the actions and deliverables of this Reconciliation Action Plan, Council, through its people, will endeavour to create positive and meaningful advancements in our reconciliation journey towards an even more prosperous community. Looking like ill-tended orchards, these are leucaena plantations. [b] Since the Inggarda social bands contiguous with the Watjarri were known under the distinct hordal name of Kurudandi (perhaps surviving in the contemporary station toponym Coordewandy, Tindale suggested that while the Inggarda to the east had not adopted this rite, the western clans might have at some time taken up the practice as current among the Watjarri. Small-pox (moonnangno)was common among them.[8]. The first European sighting of the Gascoyne River was in 1839, by the British explorer Lieutenant Grey. The Shire of Carnarvon as we know it now is situated on the Indian Ocean coast approximately 900kilometres north of Perth in Western Australia. The arrival of Native Police in Central Queensland saw the balance of power gradually tip the way of the newcomers and by the late 1870's there was no longer any significant resistance to colonial presence. They knew the names of the sections of the Maia and Warienga [Warriyangga] tribes and every man claimed membership of a particular section. This means that concentration ponds, which are normally required to evaporate water to reach "salting point', aren't needed. Managed by a dedicated Aboriginal team, Gwoonwardu Mia is a cultural destination where visitors can feel a connection to and experience the Gascoyne's . Carnarvon Creek always flows, even when it hasn't rained for months. Malgana were granted native title over 28,800 square kilometres of land and waters in the Shark Bay area including a large part of the World Heritage Area and the Nanda determination included the southern portion of the World Heritage Area. Edel Land was a particularly important place for early Aboriginal people with a stone quarry at Crayfish Bay, fresh water at Willyah Mia on Heirisson Prong, and numerous middens and camp sites. The Burrowing Bees - The big hairy bee that is unique to the Gascoyne region is called Mungurrgurra or sometimes Jurrabarri. Mardirra pink snapper Wards Canyon is named after two fur-trappers who are considered to be the first full-time occupants of the Gorge (the Karingbal and Bidjara people are not thought to have permanently occupied it, but to visit intermittently for religious and social gatherings). Ifyou are planning to visit the library to access local history archives, contact staff ahead of your planned visit on (08) 9941 3727 as they may be able to assist with locating specific items or materials. The Gascoyne is known as an upside-down river, because it flows for about 120 days of the year, but therest of the year, it is a dry riverbed with water flowing below it, draining out into the ocean past the rivermouth. Unfortunately European settlement resulted in many Aboriginal languages not being used regularly. The aviator, Charles Kingsford Smith, saw a golden opportunity for a transport company to be set up in the area. It is currently operated by WA Museums under a funding agreement with DPIRD. Wilyamaya tip of Heirisson Prong. Gwoonwardu Mia Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre celebrates the region's Aboriginal heritage. Fortunately by the 1960's whaling ceased and the station was sold to the Nor-West Whaling Company (later to be renamed the Nor-West Seafoods). Together with Parks and Wildlife Services, they have collaborated on several conservation management projects with numerous benefits including dugong and turtle research, a major Dirk Hartog Island clean-up funded by Coastwest, and interpretive projects. Peron Peninsula was also important with middens found at many locations including Cape Peron, Cape Rose, Goulet Bluff and Eagle Bluff. Colonial history specific to Carnarvon Gorge can be glimpsed in the place names of certain locations. We aim to be an inclusive, engaged, resilient community with access to services and facilities enabling a safe and healthy lifestyle. After introduction of the Pearling Act of 1870 a government official sent to Shark Bay in 1873 reported: I am satisfied that the Aboriginal natives are as a rule well-treated by their employers However, living conditions in the pearlers camps were poor and many workers died of dysentery and other diseases.
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