Where there is an island that allows unsignalized right turns across a crosswalk between the island and the sidewalk. 07 Section 4E.11 contains additional provisions regarding the volume and sound level of pushbutton locator tones. Do not start crossing the street because the traffic light is about to change. 08 For crosswalks where the pedestrian enters the crosswalk more than 100 feet from the countdown pedestrian signal display, the numbers should be at least 9 inches in height. Pedestrian Signals Signals Where two accessible pedestrian signals on one corner are not separated by a distance of at least 10 feet, the audible walk indication shall be a speech walk message. At locations with pretimed traffic control signals or non-actuated approaches, pedestrian pushbuttons may be used to activate the accessible pedestrian signals. Information regarding reach ranges can be found in the "Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG)" (see Section 1A.11). Standard: Support: 05 Not all crosswalks at an intersection need audible beaconing; audible beaconing can actually cause confusion if used at all crosswalks at some intersections. 16 If used, a pilot light or other means of indication installed with a pedestrian pushbutton shall not be illuminated until actuation. The sound level of audible walk indications and pushbutton locator tones should be adjusted to be low enough to avoid misleading pedestrians who have visual disabilities when the following conditions exist: An alert tone, which is a very brief burst of high-frequency sound at the beginning of the audible walk indication that rapidly decays to the frequency of the walk tone, may be used to alert pedestrians to the beginning of the walk interval. Guidance: Option: Walk / Don't Walk Signals | Livonia, MI 11 An animated eyes symbol may be added to a pedestrian signal head in order to prompt pedestrians to look for vehicles in the intersection during the time that the WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) signal indication is displayed. 01 Pedestrian detectors may be pushbuttons or passive detection devices. 15 On a street with a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait, a pedestrian clearance time that allows the pedestrian to cross only from the curb or shoulder to the median may be provided. If information on intersection signalization or geometry is also given, it shall follow the intersection identification information. Speech walk messages that are used at intersections having pedestrian phasing that is concurrent with vehicular phasing shall be patterned after the model: "Broadway. If an exclusive signal phase is provided or made available for pedestrian movements in one or more directions, with all conflicting vehicular movements being stopped; At an established school crossing at any signalized location; or. 24 Accessible pedestrian signals that provide speech walk messages may provide similar messages in languages other than English, if needed, except for the terms "walk sign" and "wait.". The display of the number of remaining seconds shall begin only at the beginning of the pedestrian change interval (flashing UPRAISED HAND). The audible walk indication shall be audible from the beginning of the associated crosswalk. Support: Once it is actuated, the pilot light shall remain illuminated until the pedestrian's green or WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) signal indication is displayed. Support: Section 4E.03 Application of Pedestrian Signal Heads Standard: Technology that provides different sounds for each non-concurrent signal phase has frequently been found to provide ambiguous information. WebWalk interval, then a flashing Don't Walk interval, followed by a solid Don't Walk interval. Option: Standard: If the pedestrian clearance time is sufficient only to cross from the curb or shoulder to a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait and the signals are pedestrian actuated, an additional pedestrian detector shall be provided in the median. 02 An accessible pedestrian pushbutton shall incorporate a locator tone. If the pedestrian change interval is interrupted or shortened as a part of a transition into a preemption sequence (see. Pedestrian signal heads shall be mounted with the bottom of the signal housing including brackets not less than 7 feet or more than 10 feet above sidewalk level, and shall be positioned and adjusted to provide maximum visibility at the beginning of the controlled crosswalk. The animated eyes symbol shall be illuminated at the start of the walk interval and shall terminate at the end of the walk interval. Once it is actuated, the pilot light shall remain illuminated until the pedestrian's green or WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) signal indication is displayed. The animated eyes symbol shall be at least 12 inches wide with each eye having a width of at least 5 inches and a height of at least 2.5 inches. A flashing UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) signal indication means that a pedestrian shall not start to cross the roadway in the direction of the signal indication, but that any pedestrian who has already started to cross on a steady WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) signal indication shall proceed to the far side of the traveled way of the street or highway, unless otherwise directed by a traffic control device to proceed only to the median of a divided highway or only to some other island or pedestrian refuge area. If it is necessary to assist pedestrians in deciding when to begin crossing the roadway in the chosen direction or if engineering judgment determines that pedestrian signal heads are justified to minimize vehicle-pedestrian conflicts; If pedestrians are permitted to cross a portion of a street, such as to or from a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait, during a particular interval but are not permitted to cross the remainder of the street during any part of the same interval; and/or. Standard: Issued by FHWA. Longer walk intervals are often used when the duration of the vehicular green phase associated with the pedestrian crossing is long enough to allow it. Support: PEDESTRIANSIGNALS Standard: 06 The countdown pedestrian signal shall display the number of seconds remaining until the termination of the pedestrian change interval (flashing UPRAISED HAND). The sum of the time of the pedestrian change interval and the buffer interval shall not be less than the calculated pedestrian clearance time (see Paragraphs 7 through 16). To be a useful system, the words and their meaning need to be correctly understood by all users in the context of the street environment where they are used. Following the pedestrian change interval, a buffer interval consisting of a steady UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) signal indication shall be displayed for at least 3 seconds prior to the release of any conflicting vehicular movement. Speech pushbutton information messages should not be used to provide landmark information or to inform pedestrians with visual disabilities about detours or temporary traffic control situations. Except as provided in Paragraphs 5 and 6, pedestrian pushbuttons should be located to meet all of the following criteria (see Figure 4E-3): 05 Where there are physical constraints that make it impractical to place the pedestrian pushbutton adjacent to a level all-weather surface, the surface should be as level as feasible. Audible beaconing is the use of an audible signal in such a way that pedestrians with visual disabilities can home in on the signal that is located on the far end of the crosswalk as they cross the street. 08 If audible beaconing is used, the volume of the pushbutton locator tone during the pedestrian change interval of the called pedestrian phase shall be increased and operated in one of the following ways: Option: 08 A walking speed of up to 4 feet per second may be used to evaluate the sufficiency of the pedestrian clearance time at locations where an extended pushbutton press function has been installed to provide slower pedestrians an opportunity to request and receive a longer pedestrian clearance time. 01 Pedestrians may be provided with additional features such as increased crossing time, audible beaconing, or a speech pushbutton information message as a result of an extended pushbutton press. Speech walk messages shall be used only at intersections where it is technically infeasible to install two accessible pedestrian signals at one corner separated by a distance of at least 10 feet. 06 When used, accessible pedestrian signals shall be used in combination with pedestrian signal timing. WebA steady UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) signal indication means that a pedestrian shall not enter the roadway in the direction of the signal indication. 06 For pedestrian signal head indications, the symbols shall be at least 6 inches high. This can be done by means of a speech pushbutton information message (see. Where multi-leg approaches or complex signal phasing require more than two pedestrian phases, such that it might be unclear which crosswalk is served by each audible tone. The walk indication is displayed in white, and the don't walk indication is displayed in Portland orange. 12 If pedestrian volumes and characteristics do not require a 7-second walk interval, walk intervals as short as 4 seconds may be used. If a traffic control signal is justified by an engineering study and meets either Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume or Warrant 5, School Crossing (see. Pedestrian signals | Traffic Signs and Lights | ontario.ca Pedestrian Signals Traffic Signal Timing Manual: Chapter 5 - Office of Speech walk messages should not state or imply a command to the pedestrian, such as "Cross Broadway now." Vibrotactile indications provide information to pedestrians who are blind and deaf and are also used by pedestrians who are blind or who have low vision to confirm the walk signal in noisy situations. Research indicates that a rapid tick tone for each crossing coming from accessible pedestrian signal devices on separated poles located close to each crosswalk provides unambiguous information to pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired. They shall begin with the term "Wait," followed by intersection identification information modeled after: "Wait to cross Broadway at Grand." At intersections where a diagonal pedestrian crossing is allowed, or where one street receives a WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) signal indication simultaneously with another street. On a street with a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait, a pedestrian clearance time that allows the pedestrian to cross only from the curb or shoulder to the median may be provided. If you have entered the When not illuminated, the WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) and UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) symbols shall not be readily visible to pedestrians at the far end of the crosswalk that the pedestrian signal head indications control. 03 If a particular signalized location presents difficulties for pedestrians who have visual disabilities to cross the roadway, an engineering study should be conducted that considers the needs of pedestrians in general, as well as the information needs of pedestrians with visual disabilities. Additional information on the structure and wording of speech pushbutton information messages is included in ITE's "Electronic Toolbox for Making Intersections More Accessible for Pedestrians Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired," which is available at ITE's website (see Page i). 07 The light source of a flashing UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) signal indication shall be flashed continuously at a rate of not less than 50 or more than 60 times per minute. 03 If two accessible pedestrian pushbuttons are placed less than 10 feet apart or on the same pole, each accessible pedestrian pushbutton shall be provided with the following features (see Sections 4E.11 through 4E.13): 04 If the pedestrian clearance time is sufficient only to cross from the curb or shoulder to a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait and accessible pedestrian detectors are used, an additional accessible pedestrian detector shall be provided in the median. A walking speed of up to 4 feet per second may be used to evaluate the sufficiency of the pedestrian clearance time at locations where an extended pushbutton press function has been installed to provide slower pedestrians an opportunity to request and receive a longer pedestrian clearance time. 09 At locations with pretimed traffic control signals or non-actuated approaches, pedestrian pushbuttons may be used to activate the accessible pedestrian signals. Furthermore, low traffic volumes might make it difficult for pedestrians who have visual disabilities to discern signal phase changes. Support: 02 Passive detection devices register the presence of a pedestrian in a position indicative of a desire to cross, without requiring the pedestrian to push a button. Passive pedestrian detection may also be used to automatically adjust the pedestrian clearance time based on the pedestrian's actual walking speed or actual clearance of the crosswalk. Where two accessible pedestrian signals are separated by a distance of at least 10 feet, the audible walk indication shall be a percussive tone. They have a pushbutton locator tone and tactile arrow, and can include audible beaconing and other special features. For pedestrian signal head indications, the symbols shall be at least 6 inches high. Pedestrian Signals Option: If thesignal showssteady DONTWALK, it isnot safe to be in the crosswalk. 01 Pedestrian signal head indications shall have the following meanings: Standard: (b) A flashing DON'T WALK or WAIT or approved Upraised Hand symbol with a countdown signal indicating the time remaining for a pedestrian to cross the roadway means a pedestrian facing the signal may start to cross the roadway in the direction of the signal but must complete the crossing prior to the display of the steady Audible beaconing is not appropriate at locations with channelized turns or split phasing, because of the possibility of confusion. 21 Speech walk messages should not state or imply a command to the pedestrian, such as "Cross Broadway now." During the yellow change interval, the UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DON'T WALK) signal indication may be displayed as either a flashing indication, a steady indication, or a flashing indication for an initial portion of the yellow change interval and a steady indication for the remainder of the interval. After the countdown displays zero, the display shall remain dark until the beginning of the next countdown. 02 When the pedestrian signal heads associated with a crosswalk are displaying either a steady WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) or a flashing UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) signal indication, a steady or a flashing red signal indication shall be shown to any conflicting vehicular movement that is approaching the intersection or midblock location perpendicular or nearly perpendicular to the crosswalk. 18 Speech walk messages that are used at intersections having pedestrian phasing that is concurrent with vehicular phasing shall be patterned after the model: "Broadway. Accessible pedestrian signals that are located as close as possible to pedestrians waiting to cross the street provide the clearest and least ambiguous indication of which pedestrian crossing is served by a device. Standard: At signalized locations with a demonstrated need and subject to equipment capabilities, pedestrians with special needs may be provided with additional crossing time by means of an extended pushbutton press. Guidance: A red flashing DONT WALK or flashing UPRAISED HAND means that no pedestrian should enter the roadway at this time. An alert tone can be particularly useful if the walk tone is not easily audible in some traffic conditions. At intersections with high pedestrian volumes and high conflicting turning vehicle volumes, a brief leading pedestrian interval, during which an advance WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) indication is displayed for the crosswalk while red indications continue to be displayed to parallel through and/or turning traffic, may be used to reduce conflicts between pedestrians and turning vehicles. The volume of audible walk indications and pushbutton locator tones (see. 01 To enable pedestrians who have visual disabilities to distinguish and locate the appropriate pushbutton at an accessible pedestrian signal location, pushbuttons shall clearly indicate by means of tactile arrows which crosswalk signal is actuated by each pushbutton. When walking, turn your whole bodynot just your neckto scan for traffic. If a one-section pedestrian signal head is used, the symbols shall be either overlaid upon each other or arranged side-by-side with the UPRAISED HAND symbol to the left of the WALKING PERSON symbol, and a light source that can display each symbol independently shall be used. Support: Guidance: Therefore, it is desirable to give users of accessible pedestrian signals the name of the street controlled by the pushbutton. If pedestrian volumes and characteristics do not require a 7-second walk interval, walk intervals as short as 4 seconds may be used. Additionally, orientation and mobility specialists or similar staff also might be able to provide a wide range of advice. If speech walk messages are used, pedestrians have to know the names of the streets that they are crossing in order for the speech walk messages to be unambiguous. 925. Pedestrian control signals Standard: Walk sign is on to cross Broadway. Transportation This can be done by means of a speech pushbutton information message (see Section 4D.13) during the flashing or steady UPRAISED HAND intervals, or by raised print and Braille labels on the pushbutton housing. WebThe pedestrian phase consists of three intervals: walk; pedestrian clearance, commonly referred to as flashing dont walk (FDW); and solid dont walk. Chapter 4E - MUTCD 2009 Edition - FHWA - Transportation A pedestrian change interval consisting of a flashing UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) signal indication shall begin immediately following the WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) signal indication. The animated eyes symbol shall be at least 12 inches wide with each eye having a width of at least 5 inches and a height of at least 2.5 inches. Longer walk intervals are often used when the duration of the vehicular green phase associated with the pedestrian crossing is long enough to allow it. In getting directions to travel to a new location, pedestrians with visual disabilities do not always get the name of each street to be crossed. Following the pedestrian change interval, a buffer interval consisting of a steady UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) signal indication shall be displayed for at least 3 seconds prior to the release of any conflicting vehicular movement. Guidance: Speech walk messages shall not contain any additional information, except they shall include designations such as "Street" or "Avenue" where this information is necessary to avoid ambiguity at a particular location. 02 Pedestrian signal heads should be used under any of the following conditions: Option: A flashing WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) signal indication has no meaning and shall not WebThe pedestrian clearance interval consists of a flashing "Don't Walk" signal. WebA permissive turn is made across an opposing flow of through vehicles and/or pedestrians. The countdown pedestrian signal shall be located immediately adjacent to the associated UPRAISED HAND (symbolizing DONT WALK) pedestrian signal head indication (see Figure 4E-1). As your flexibility increases, so will your ability to be safe. Where pedestrians who walk slower than 3.5 feet per second, or pedestrians who use wheelchairs, routinely use the crosswalk, a walking speed of less than 3.5 feet per second should be considered in determining the pedestrian clearance time. 15 If used, special purpose pushbuttons (to be operated only by authorized persons) should include a housing capable of being locked to prevent access by the general public and do not need an instructional sign. This requirement shall not apply to traffic control signals or pedestrian hybrid beacons that are activated from a flashing or dark mode to a stop-and-go mode by pedestrian actuations.
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