c. Low brake fluid Technician B believes that the brakes can't be bled. Check and make sure there is free play at the top of the brake pedal after driving and braking for a while, if there is no free play, something is out of adjustment. The other brake pad is slightly worn. If every time you apply your brakes, your brake pedal pulses up and down, the problem is usually caused by the rotors being warped or out of true. Brake fade is loss of stopping power that occurs when excessive heat reduces friction between brake shoe linings and drum. If you are trying to bring a project car back to life, but can't get it to roll, chances are this is the problem. Copper corrodes easily which makes it a poor option. While starting the engine with the brakes applied, the pedal does not go down slightly. a-drum brakes Correct answer D-Both technicians are wrong because the problem is in the power booster. d. Neither A nor B. If the vehicle has low or uneven tire pressure, there might be a pull. Bad front tires, or broken belts in a front tire, could cause it. A soft brake pedal is a MAJOR brake issue. 4-wheel disc brakes on a vehicle are causing brake squeal. If this is what is going on, you need to identify and replace the faulty part. The way to prevent these issues is to avoid driving in deep puddles, or areas where salt is used on the roads, but if that isn't an option, be sure to clean the wheels and underside of the car often in winter. When that happens, I release the brakes and apply them again super fast. When you make the final adjustments to the drum brakes: Some vehicles have __________ openings in the backing plate to allow for manual adjustment of the brake shoes. Technician A says the quick take up valve must be depressed. You don't need to do anything different. This difference in pressure happens when the line is pinched or kinked and leaves the brake unit applied and dragging. A rotor face must be within .0005 inch of being parallel and flat with no more than .003 inch of runout. A only a. If you have this type of rear braking system, it is almost impossible to isolate the rear brakes. D. 400400400. Or it's possible your brake booster push rod is out of adjustment. B only b. Wash in hot, soapy water and dry. tech B states that the brake-by-wire system uses the break pedal position and pedal application speed as indicators of what the drive wants to do. Technician B says insufficient clearance between the pads and caliper slider could be the cause. One safe way to test whether a braking problem is at the front or rear brakes is to drive at a low speed and: (7.1.2) *, All of the following can cause brake pedal pulsation, EXCEPT, All of the following can cause brake system dragging, EXCEPT. Other times it is fine. Another cause of a hard brake pedal can be a brake caliper that is stuck or seized. a. Manage Settings d. Air in the hydraulic system. I changed the brake pads, but that didn't help much. b. Brake Squeal:A vibration between the pads and the calipers or the pads and the rotors can cause them to squeal. c. Both A and B You may lose your brakes if you run out of travel before they are fully applied. All the other answers could occur. If the drum is machined beyond its limit, the contact surface moves further from the shoes. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. Technician B Unusual brake pedal feel. When the brake pedal gets soft or sinks to the floor, it's generally due to a leak in the braking system, most commonly the master cylinder leaking internally or externally. The technician believes there is most likely an issue with the hydraulic system. A brake hose problem like this can take two forms. 7. Additionally, brake dragging can also be caused by frozen emergency brake cables as well as . d. Steering gear problem. A. Seized wheel cylinder piston At the first sign of trouble with your brakes, you need to either fix them or seek help from a certified GM mechanic. They will need to be resurfaced. You can do this test if your emergency brake handle is near the center console and it is the style that you pull up with your hand. All of these would cause a low brake pedal, EXCEPT: The ABS warning light usually comes on when there is this type of problem. d. Neither A nor B, The front brake rotors and pads are being replaced on a vehicle equipped with a TCS (traction control system) and electronic stability control system (ESC). What do you think it might be? First, it can act like a restrictor in the line. Some of the cause of brakes dragging on one or more wheels can be: A seized caliper or brake pads that have become jammed in the caliper is probably the most common failure of this type, and can occur due to age, rust, and salt used on winter roads. c. Replacing a ball joint Answer: It could be a sticking caliper piston, slide pins, or the pads could be corroded in the caliper preventing them from moving freely. Abnormal noise. You may also need to have the drum or the rotors replaced or resurfaced because you waited too long to change the shoes and pads. The ABS and TRACTION OFF indicator lights stay on while the engine is running. tech A states that brake-by-wire means there is no mechanical or hydraulic connection between the break pedal and the wheel break units. d. Neither A nor B. Recently it takes longer to stop and I really have to put a lot of pressure on the brake pedal to come to a complete stop. C. Installation of a new brake rotor Then you want to back it off until the wheel starts to spin freely. Question: Will a bad master cylinder cause the calipers to stick? 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. b. The hose will look OK on the outside, but the inner liner will cause a restriction on the inside. c. Both A and B Who is right? Sketch each of your designs. If it involves only one of the front brake units, the vehicle will pull to the side with the dragging unit. Any brake booster (whether from Master Power or any other supplier) needs a vacuum source to operate. If you work by process of elimination, starting with the most likely cause and working through to more complex issues, you can easily diagnose the problem yourself. c. Brinelling If you determine that you have a leak, check the calipers, hoses, lines, master cylinder and wheel cylinders for the leak. b. It sounds to me like some components aren't moving freely and are getting stuck causing the pulling and noises. Correct answer B-Disc brake squeal is caused by the brake pad moving while braking. Be sure to remove the pad shims from the caliper and check for any rust under the shims as rust can cause the pads to bind. What could be the cause of the problem? You could also have a ballooning brake hose when the brakes are applied. Brake systems contain all of these components EXCEPT: Correct answer B-Copper tubing should never be used within the brake system. Technician B believes it's caused by movement of the brake pad while breaking. The brakes of large trucks are different. Al+ClX2AlClX3\ce{Al + Cl2 -> AlCl3} The building pressure in the system results in brake drag and possible brake lockup. B. 505050 initial cost b. Arcing B. Low Brake Pedal:This can occur if the rear drum brake shoe adjusters happen to be rusted or sticking. A faulty proportioning valve or master cylinder could also cause a pull to one side when braking; this is unusual but it does happen. Write the correct spelling for Middle layer of skin. A. Who is correct? Poor stopping This article takes a closer look at three common culprits. To get a sense of the scale of the energy, if we were to use this energy to create electron-positron pairs, approximately how many pairs could we create? 1) Caliper Slides The caliper has grooves which secure the brake pads in place and allow the pads to slide inward after you put your foot on the brake pedal. Within disc brake calipers, the pistons are sealed by a: Which of the following take(s) up the clearance as disc brake pads wear? A better idea of where the master cylinder is located in relation to the brake pedal. Who is right? I put new calipers, rotors and rubber lines on a couple of months ago and now the calipers stick sometimes. What is this type of bearing failure called? Brake fluid expands as brake fluid temperature rises from normal braking. c. Both A and B Brake dust is best removed from brake components on the vehicle by using: If a retracting tool is not available, which of the following can be used to retract the pistons in a caliper with non-integrated parking brakes? 200MeV200 \mathrm{MeV}200MeV is typical energy released in a fission reaction. When you remove the master cylinder, you must take all these steps EXCEPT: Correct answer D-Draining the master cylinder isn't required. The wheel cylinder is attached to the ________. I recommend having a thorough brake inspection by removing all calipers and inspecting all moving parts of each caliper, if everything looks good, examine the hydraulic part of the system. Al+ClX2AlClX3. What can cause this? You can also verify it by looking at the direction on the scan tool data list. Question: Does an emergency brake in a car not work after an accident? A. pumping the brake pedal 10 times with the ignition switch on Always use OEM recommended clips and anti-squeal shims. b. Four-wheel alignment This delay causes the spongy feel. The suspension additionally steering service area involves the following components: Steering system, Suspension system, Wheel Alignment and Wheel and Tires Service Log. To fix this problem you will need to replace the caliper. Question: I have a 99 Honda Civic EX. If a 40 kg person is accelerating at 10m/s^2, then the magnitude of the force acting on him or her is 400 N. Write a C++ statement that prints the message The number is not valid. if the Technician B says when this happens the brakes will operate like a normal non-ABS brake system. Use the relative acceleration method to graphically determine the linear velocity and linear acceleration of the piston. . a. Who is correct? DOT 5 Tech A says that quick take-up master cylinders use two additional pistons to move brake fluid faster. Binding Pins B. Sticking piston C. Binding caliper D. Worn break pads . b. All of the following items could cause this erratic pull EXCEPT: They will need to be resurfaced. However, there are shims on the brake pads which can get caught in these grooves from built up debris that may be there. I highly recommend having your car towed; this is a very dangerous situation, and the problem needs to be fixed before the car is driven. Technician A says excessive rotor run out could be the cause. It can also be a vacuum hose leak to the booster, or it can be a booster that is defective. Technician A says a defective proportioning valve could be the cause. a. Who is right? The drum brake adjuster is located under an access cover in the back of the drum brake. Brake pad friction materials may be manufactured from any of the following EXCEPT: makes a noise if the brake pads are due to be replaced. In a similar vein, a pinched hard brake line, or a rubber line that has started to come apart internally can cause the same problem, though localized to one or two wheels. Technician B says a defective wheel displays looseness or excessive play in the steering wheel especially while driving over rough road surfaces. If you get no assist, you need a new check valve. Technician B Who is correct? If there is fluid, but it is below the full indication, that may indicate that the friction material on the pads or shoes,or the rotors or drums themselves, may be worn beyond effectiveness. Brake dragging is commonly caused by broken or weak springs on the drum brakes. The steering wheel vibrates all the time and always veers to the left. A vehicle comes in with a complaint of excessive pedal travel before the brakes apply. A low brake pedal can also be due to a fluid leak or worn brake linings. Technician B is wrong because backing off the castle nut will not cause the bearing to overheat. This site is owned/ operated by an authorized GM Genuine Parts/ACDelco Seller. A bad master cylinder can introduce air into the lines, as can a failure at a caliper or wheel cylinder. To perform a thorough inspection of brake pads, you should do all of the following EXCEPT: Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Chapter 15 Test 3 Psych Testing and Measure. Correct answer D-A seized caliper piston could cause the pedal to be high with reduced braking power. "Scratcher" and "sensor" are types of disc brake pad __________ indicators. Brake dragging is commonly caused by broken or weak springs on the drum brakes. C. Both technicians Then you should try the brakes. The other situations wouldn't be caused by the lack of free play. a. You shouldn't waste your valuable time trying to rebuild it. You will find the booster between the master cylinder and the firewall in your engine compartment. You can pump the brakes before application to help offset this problem, but you need to get it fixed. You should clean or replace the adjusters to eliminate the problem. Brake hoses twist while replacing the caliper after a brake job resulting in brake drag at that unit. In addition to the above, you might want to try using your left toe underneath the brake pedal to lift it upwards once under way, to make sure it's returning fully. A clogged fluid return hole in the master cylinder can cause all four wheels to drag, because the fluid sent to the wheels when you press the pedal can't return and let the pressure off. Technician B says you can check for ABS or TCS blink codes by connecting two pins of the DLC (Data Link Connector). Correct answer C-Both techs are correct. Which of the following conditions can cause brake pedal fade? Who is right? All of these might lead to a low brake pedal, EXCEPT: 3 Basic Kinds of Valves in a Non-ABS System. This problem could be caused by a bad: The brakes on quick take up systems use the exact bleeding procedure as systems without the valve. Always replace components with genuine GM parts to avoid premature failure of brake system components. The other three answers can lead to a low brake pedal. A only A vehicle is equipped with a vacuum brake booster. Excessive tire pressure Brake adjustment B only A master cylinder may fail in two ways: internally or externally. Technician A is wrong because recalibration is not required for these sensors. Technician A is wrong because excessive rotor runout will cause brake pulsations with no effect on wear. Figuring out the problem and solutionis simply the result of having the right knowledge combined with an intelligent, systematic approach. Who is correct? What's more, I'll teach you to fix it in either case. Answer: Either the brake pads need to be replaced, or you could try shaving off the leading rear edge of the brake pad at a 45-degree angle and see if that helps. a. It does this through a small sliding valve operating on spring pressure. Which is the correct way to service these brakes? Technician B says disc brake squeal is often caused by movement of the disc brake pad during braking. Sometimes, though not very often, the brakes won't work, and it sounds like it's grinding for one or two seconds. Erratic brake pulling occurs on a vehicle when the brakes are applied. A. If you dont find your issue here, check out my article on brake noises, look through the comments at the end, or leave a comment yourself telling your story. All modern cars come with sophisticated antilock braking systems (ABS) and brake based stability control, which complicates some aspects of troubleshooting and repair, but those systems will inform you when there is a problem and default to the old, simple system. Don't drive the car in any case; there is something wrong with your brakes if the pedal is soft. a. Brake pad friction materials may be manufactured from any of the following EXCEPT: makes a noise if the brake pads are due to be replaced. a. B only This article also includes a repair technique for noisy drum brakes that I found by trial and error. B. The anchor pin never has to take all of the braking force when the brakes are applied, so its strength does not matter. Technician B states that the brakes can continue to operate like non-ABS brakes. Technician B says that the star wheel assembly should be lubricated on the floating end. Replacing the front strut Glazing is more a problem with drum brake systems than disc systems because pads get more ventilation. d. Neither A nor B. They need to be replaced at once. A only This is a very common brake issue on all makes and models: when youre driving at highway speeds and you apply your brakes, the steering wheel shakes. b. As a result, the car may exhibit a dragging sensation, since the brakes at the affected wheel are applied (or partially applied) at all times. C. Both technicians The wheel cylinder is attached to the ________. d. Neither A nor B. Technician A says a parking brake not fully released could be the cause. Here are five of the most common brake problems in cars. It's good to understand what the cause of your problem might be before a mechanic starts talking about the need to replace this or that. The PCV valve vents the crankcase of blow by gases and isn't part of the braking system. . ASE identifies suspension both . When the brakes are applied, brake fluid is pumped from the master cylinder to the calipers in order to expand the caliper piston and slow the vehicle. b. A drum or rotor that has deep scores in it will cause the brakes to grab. d. Repair leak and replace brake linings. Correct answer B-Disc brake squeal is often caused by movement of the disc brake pad during braking. The master cylinder actually contains two pistons and seals, which in simpler systems controlled the front and back brakes separately, or the diagonally opposite wheels, so at worse you would only lose half your brakes. Question: My Chevrolet 2006 has some braking problems. A only For drum brakes, a 10 lb. Technician B says backing off the castle nut will cause the bearing to overheat. A routine inspection would include all of the following EXCEPT. Another possibility is that the pistons got bent, during a brake job or a car accident, and can't move freely anymore, causing the caliper to bind and limiting the amount of pressure to the pads. c. Both A and B Question: Only one wheel brakes on my 2000 Acura. What is the most likely reason? d. Metering valve. Question: My car has power brakes and used to stop on a dime. Why is this enzyme likely to include a side chain such as Ser in its active site? Correct answer C-Both technicians are correct. How to Replace Honda Brake Pads: Tips and Precautions. An often-misdiagnosed cause of pull is a collapsed brake hose. c. Both A and B Lubricate the pads where the brake shoes ride on the backing plate of drum brakes. Who is correct? 4-wheel disc brakes on a vehicle are causing brake squeal. d. Neither A nor B. Question: What makes a car's disc brakes drag hard after a 15-minute drive? Mechanical fading is when the drum gets too hot and expands away from the linings. Tech A states that in the Traction Control System, the control unit can independently apply individual brake units even though the driver is not stepping down on the brake pedal. A only C. 200200200 The anchor pin never has to take all of the braking force when the brakes are applied, so its strength does not matter. Residual valves are used to maintain constant pressure on the brake system. A car that pulls to one side can be annoying and also dangerous. c. Seized caliper piston on the other side The wheel speed sensor is being diagnosed with an OEM diagnostic scan tool. Question: My car won't start unless I press really hard on the brakes. Contact. Correct answer C-A short push rod length will have to travel farther for contact and result in excessive pedal travel. If your whole car shakes when your brakes are applied, it could be just your rear brakes. The failing bearing allows the hub to move around, effectively pushing the brake pads back into the caliper as far as it can. The vacuum booster can be checked by pumping the pedal a few times while the engine is off. Can I drive my car? Buying a new caliper may cost more but you will make up the cost with the time you save. This heat can be caused by a dragging brake unit. They are not compensating for normal lining wear. A only Master Cylinder: An incorrect brake pedal adjustment can cause brake drag. a. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. B. A only Loose wheel bearing Technician A Your brakes pull to the good side. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. It will not be caused by lateral runout, which would cause brake chattering or pulsing. Seized caliper piston Mechanical fade occurs when the brake drum gets so hot it expands away from the brake linings. After a master cylinders replaced and the brake system is bled what must happen? b. Technician A believes it's a defective proportioning valve issue. Who is correct? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. These records must include: (1) An identification of the vehicle including company number, if so marked, make, serial number, year, and tire size. That bleeds out any vacuum. d. Neither A nor B. You can buy an overhaul kit for calipers, but they are hard to find and your caliper may not be worth bringing back to life. I replaced master cylinder already. The other three answers can lead to a low brake pedal. The steering wheel vibrates all the time and always veers to the left. The master cylinder seems to be okay. The correct answer is C. Of the choices given, only an out-of-round brake drum can cause pulsation in a hydraulic brake system. Replacing sealed wheel bearing For more information about ASE, visit the official ASE website at www.ase.com, Copyright 2008-2023 All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy Disclaimer Sitemap. On a bearing that has been shock loaded, the race (cup) of the bearing can be dented. Replace them if you see that they have oil, fluid or grease on them. How To Determine Cause of Brake Drag. Which of the following would NOT cause a disc break to drag? Next, hold your foot to the pedal while starting the engine. The system reverts to regular brake operation without ABS. A) Internal master cylinder leak B) Warped rotors C) Both A and B D) None of the above None of the above