Cookie Notice Is the Tartaria nonsense actually the New Chronology repackaged? The number of lies being uncovered is breaking my brain. Far more importantly to me personally, is not that these previous lineages existed, but rather why they no longer dothat was the ultimate lesson I learned when acquiring extra knowledge through my dreamtime experiment almost two decades ago. The Holy Roman Empire? In some ways the conspiracist proponents of a global Tartarian Empire are traditionalists, or nostalgists. Did Tesla know? And there are all sorts of reports of airships at the time, that people saw, and they saw people on the bridge of these airships waving at themthese were ours. Just what would cause such a global flow of mud is not typically clarified. Supposedly it was a massive solar flare and CME but from what James has said, the EMVs wouldnt have allowed that. When they were safe, the Creator sang the Song of Destruction and sent down fierce Thunderbirds to wage a great battle against the other humans and the giant animals.They fought for a long time because the evil humans and the animals had become very powerful, and neither side could gain an advantage. Gradually, the term was dropped altogether, with only the occasional remnant to be found. Thank you for the comment Susan. Thus the corruption Tartars was supposedly coined, basically calling the Mongol hordes demons from hell. Tartaria Mud Flood Reset: A Missing Legacy - It may not display this or other websites correctly. All that AND Conspiracy Bot ponders his sex appeal! Ignorance surrounding Tartary's use as a place name has spawned conspiracy theories including ideas of a "hidden past" and "mud floods ". You have heard of the ancient lost civilizations of Atlantis. TARTARIA, THE MUD FLOOD, TIME TRAVEL AND - Drowning in absurdity The Austria/Hungarian empire was beginning to build airships, and they were too good at what they didnamely to surveil potential battlefields, military build-ups, and so forth. There are numerous photos (shown in countless videos on the topic) from that same time period that appear to include signs that extremely advanced technologies were being used by the civilization that seemingly vanished from those pre-existing cities buried in mud. Admittedly and unfortunately, I havent had the time to look into it with the kind depth it deserves, but in writing these last few articles, a particular idea keeps tapping me on the shoulder: are the mud flood and the time travel experiment re-covered in the last few posts, somehow related events? Thus we see claims about the Illuminati come in to explain the worldwide cover-up, or of the Jewish World Conspiracy, which isnt that surprising considering its connection to Russian claims of Aryan supremacy. James has also, over the years, explained that the Russians found one of these, removed it and attempted to place it near another one located at Lake Vostok. To them, these are evidence that 19th century Americans were living among the ruins of this vanished civilization, when in fact the photos depict nation building. When the orphan train movement began, it wasestimated that 30,000 abandoned children wereliving on the streets of New York City. As they pertain to the Mud Flood, the two primary issues I intended to raise here originated from profound revelations over the last decade from James Horak. Some have suggested that it was the result of a worldwide volcanic event, caused by mud volcanos. So the idea goes that the whole thing is due to the fact that many old maps label massive swathes of inner Eurasia as Tartaria, or Tartary. And from there, it just devolved into photoshopped hoaxes of gigantic bones. For various reasons that reality miners on the topic will discover on their own (if they havent already) the helium issue comes up often during mud flood/Tartaria discussions. . Tartarian Empire: Inside Architecture's Wildest Conspiracy Theory However, even some cursory research into mud volcanos would reveal that they are typically small and dont cause mass destruction. A plausible theory that I cant take credit for but caused me to remember the Carrington event when a lot of the telegraph lines burned up. This week on Hysteria 51, we're diving headfirst into the murky, muddy waters of the Tartarian Empire. It will take decades for most people to come to terms with how much of our reality is nothing but agenda-driven narrative. The Tartarian Empire Strikes Back: Mud Floods, Maps, and Forgotten (PDF) Tartaria : The Hidden Empire - Joachim Skaar, the aforementioned Youtuber, has been quoted as claiming, The same people that built the Capitol in Washington built the pyramids in Egypt, and that gives us a sense of the great depths of ignorance displayed by these conspiracists. Truly sensible concepts. Theres an arch-traditionalism present in the theory, too. These towns and cities that were partially buried made up Tartaria, a highly developed society that had free wireless energy and was home to, at least in part, giants Out with the old and in with the new, and that "new" civilization is us, was the "reset" of civilization. As will be seen, the origin of the Tartarian Empire conspiracy claims found online today are not the result of simple ignorance of the story behind some old cartographic labels, but this ignorance is clearly exploited by or feeds into the conspiracy claim, providing plenty of fodder for supposed primary source evidence that may seem convincing to a lay person who encounters these conspiracy claims online. Join David and Brent as they excavate the truth behind the enigmatic mud floods, unearth mysterious maps, and delve deep into the forgotten history of this once-mighty civilization. History Is a Lie. Tartaria, Mud Floods, and a Cover Up. 26K views 2 years ago Today we look at who the Tatars/Tartars were and investigate the claim that Tartaria was a great civilization buried by both history and a wave of mud. In fact, they are often identified more as hot springs, and can be enjoyed as natural mud baths. National Cultural Development Under Communism. Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, 11 Nov. 2016, And, to be sure, the fact that you and I are still here and having this conversation right now, means we still have time. If you havent read those previous articles and/or listened to the profoundly penetrating analysis of those events provided by James Horak, this suggestion will offer very little in the way of meaning, proper context or coherence. Art by Carioca Studio Moreover, this knowledge has touched on nearly every discipline we have: agriculture, aero biology, physics, mathematics, genetics, morality, history, metallurgy, advanced technology, artificial intelligence, spirituality, cosmology, astronomy, intelligent design, the EMVs, time travel, reverse speech, the attenuation of gravity waves, and on and onand it was given freely. Artificial/Synthetic Telepathy And Mind Control, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: TIME TO ACQUIRE A MORE ACCURATE REALITY MODEL, REVISITING 911: DIMITRI KHALEZOV & THE 3RD TRUTH, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: Crystal Clark interviews James Horak, May 11, 2017, PART 2: TIME TRAVEL--THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT (AND IGNORED) DISCOVERY OF OUR MODERN AGE, WORDS MATTER: POST-HUMAN IS THE WRONG TERM FOR WHAT ISCOMING, DYSNOPIA: A LOVE LETTER TO MILLENNIALS (AND THEWORLD), FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THE PAST#3, FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THE PAST#2, FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THEPAST, SNAKES & PARASITES: THE REALITY REVISION OF ACCELERATEDDECREPITUDE, TRUTH IS INTOLERABLE TO AN EMPIRE BUILT ONLIES, SECTION ON PSYCHOPATHY IS FINALLY BEINGPOPULATED, DR ANDREW WAKEFIELD SPEECH HEALTH AND FREEDOM CONFERENCE APRIL2021. From what I understand so far, the theory stems from researches like Gibson having come across numerous historical photos that, like so many other things, do not conform to the reality model our lineage has been presented with. In this short exploration we focus on Tartaria and the Mud Flood. It would challenge the power placement, and it would be less lucrative. It spanned 9 million miles. Resolving to destroy the world and start over, the Creator warned a few good People to flee to the highest mountain tops. Ninety thousand peopleone in three Chicago residentswere left homeless by the fire. I have not deeply researched the issue myself, but I find the idea intriguing because if readers will recall, in a previous post I discussed a work of fiction I published in 2010 about a split timeline, a sub-group of the population known as simuls, who (after the split) could remember aspects of both timelines simultaneously which also included memories of people who no longer seemed to exist, and the book was written years before I became aware of an actual timeline split in reality, or even the Mandela Effect, which is eerily similar. Or at least, thats what they claim. It is based on the idea that there was a global catastrophe that destroyed a highly developed civilization and gave rise to the countries as we know them today. The mud-flood created the conditions for the reset of the original unified civilization, it was deliberately caused, and the so . We also examine some evidence at the Salt Lake City Temple, a Wise Up video examining the Ohio mounds, some Pre Reset. Not exactly a global threat. For those new to the theory it may help to think of it as a bicycle wheel with several off-shooting spokes. Mudfloods - An in depth study on Tartaria | Thats right. According to Brian Dunning, whose Skeptoid blog and podcast covered it briefly about a year ago, the Tartarian Empire claims exist solely online, having first appeared on Youtube conspiracist channels around 2016 and gaining traction in 2017 and beyond on Reddit, Facebook, and elsewhere. Lomonosov's bastards: Anatolii Fomenko, pseudo-history and Russia's search for a post-communist identity. (PhD thesis) School of History and Politics, University of Wollongong, 2004. Its no great mystery. Tartaria and the Mud Flood is truly a 21st century conspiracy theory, in that it exists almost entirely on the Internet if not entirely. Did the Tartarians really have advanced technology? The Orphan Train event has become attached to the mud flood theory, I suspect, because the historical records dont adequately explain the true cause or reason for the phenomenon. This may sound like hyperbole, but its not. TARTARIA, THE MUD FLOOD, TIME TRAVEL AND NAPOLEON: ARE THESE EVENTS ALL RELATED? The way that the Tartaria conspiracy claims blithely do away with massive parts of world history somewhat reminds me of the claims of chronological revisionists that I previously discussed at great length in a three part series. That extraordinary experience gave me far more than I expected, or could even simultaneously process, because it not only taught me the behavioral patterns that, if left unchecked, will inevitably lead to the demise of an entire civilization, but also, that our own civilization was not only on the same path, but nearing the end of that road. Indeed, it was the bellicose northern peoples of the Eurasian Steppe that the Chinese had built the Great Wall to keep out who would eventually come to be called Tatars by the West, such as the Manchu and Mongol peoples, as well as Turkic tribes. Antiquitech of Tartaria: A Missing Legacy | Unariun Wisdom Tartaria Mud Flood - YouTube They find beautiful old buildings that no longer exist, and they decide they have uncovered another clue about the destruction of Tartarian structures. However, never let it be said that conspiracy speculators arent ingenious, for they managed in their blindly focused keyword searches to turn up an obscure declassified CIA report on National Cultural Development under Communism. In it, there exists a paragraph that is presented as smoking gun evidence of a cover-up of Tartarias history. A podcast exploring the history and beliefs of the dark underbelly of the conspiratorial world! A mud flood was said to have wiped out this Empire, leaving only architectural marvels that could not be destroyed by the flood or our "backward" human hands. If liquefaction occurs on or near your property, your house may sink by inches or several feet and be surrounded by or filled with liquefied soil. Whats really scary is if Putin starts to assert that the ancestral claim of the Russian people extends all the way to America, where the Tartarian Empire is said to have formerly reigned. Now, there is a fast-spreading conspiracy theory about the existence of an ancient, suppressed mega-empire that originated in their region, and it is remarkably similar to the ethno-national propaganda Russias president spouts as a pretext for expansion, asserting the Russians are just reclaiming what has always been theirs. Architecture, sculpture, painting, and all the arts that adorn civilized life, have flourished in this country, at a period far remote. Thats right, we are not only talking about an inner Eurasian lost civilization. Of course, in that statement lies both the problem and the solution. Well, they say there was a worldwide catastrophe that destroyed much of their culture. As the CIA report I referenced indicates, this historical negation, denialism, and revisionism had been perpetrated by the Soviets, but as Sheiko describes, it continued, in a somewhat different vein, after the fall of the Soviet Union, as Russia sought out some post-Soviet identity. Finally, at the height of the battle, the Thunderbirds suddenly threw down their most powerful thunderbolts all at once. But of course, we know why that is. Some have likened it to Qanon because of its agglomeration of other conspiracy claims, and while it is still in its infancy, it seems important to make the public aware of it and its rather surprising implications. Tell me that doesnt sound like there is a connection. Inside The Empire Of Tartaria, One Of History's Wildest Conspiracies Repeatedly, and from locations all over the world, these photos show large, and largely uninhabited cities, not being built by those from our recent past, but rather being dug out of mud. Likewise, they will bring up a 19th century map of the Distribution of Races in the World that, again, color codes sections of Eurasia and much of North America to indicate the presence of the same culture. In turn, is it just Russian ethno-nationalist propaganda as the work of Fomenko is revealing itself to be? And, they don't have to go alone, JTR Brown and Kevin Crispin are back to help dig up clues on the supposed . The California Governors Office of Emergency ServicesMyHazardstool can help you identify geologic hazards near your house.. (LogOut/ The Carrington event of 1859. Although I only came across the mud flood theory about a year ago, Im incredibly intrigued by it. That nobody in our lineage has done more to provide us with a more accurate model of reality than James Horak, is something I believe in all sincerity. Mud Floods Tartaria - STOP | LOOK | THINK Such theories assert that Tartary (or the "Tartarian Empire") was a lost civilization with advanced technology and culture. The Tartarian Empire and The Mud-Flood Theory They point to the fact that grand buildings of certain distinct styles can be found all over the world, but of course that is because architectural trends spread internationally. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This allowed me to conceptualize its destruction easy. Is history a big lie? understanding Tartaria - the bridge . It was so hot that the worlds lakes boiled and dried up before their eyes. A site for sharing views and pictures/photos of amazing old world. This is another aspect of the theory that I havent really looked into, but the concept reminds me of many, many things James Horak has shared with us over the years, primarily his revelation regarding the engines in the earth (placed there when our ancestors migrated from Mars to Earth), that are part of an extremely advanced technology that works to keep the moon in parody with the earth. But again, we are talking about rural nomads, not an advanced civilization that, according to believers, is responsible for the construction of architecturally magnificent edifices. Adherent of this theory suspect monuments like Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow's Red Square continue tens or even hundreds of meters underground. Thanks for the comment Wayne. [2] To wit, the head of the Singer Manufacturing Company, makers of the famous sewing machines, commissioned the Singer building as their New York Headquarters and hired architect Ernest Flagg to design it. (LogOut/ If you like that article, youre really going to enjoy the next onehoping to have it finished before the new year. But like most conspiracists, the Tartarian Empire proponents believe there are secrets to uncover in almost any old book or photo they pore over, no matter how widely available they might be. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. He has even gone as far as helping us to better understand and even anticipate the wonders that await us on the other side of this madness, if we would but act to stop it. Even the rocks glowed red-hot, and the giant animals and evil people burned up where they stood. Another interesting spoke on the mud flood wheel is the perhaps related phenomenon of the seemingly large population of orphans around the same time period, historically referred to as the Orphan Train Movement. That video is posted below for readers, and while I recommend listening the show in its entirety, the following helium specific discussion begins at the 36:00 minute mark, and is transcribed below. Well, you could describe both as the myth of a vast Siberian / Inner Asian empire whose history has been stolen and erased. The aid institutions developed a program thatplaced homeless children into homes throughoutthe country. The California Governors Office of Emergency Services. In truth, there appears to be something far more insidious behind this conspiracy myth than simple misunderstanding and well-meant speculation, but lets have a look at this explanation just the same, as we will have to address the name Tartaria anyway. THE GREAT TARTARIAN EMPIRE The official history is hiding a major world power which existed as late as the 19th century. Declassified Dave, is an out of this world extraterrestrial being from a distant star system. These machines are also placed in a specific grid pattern deep within and around the earth, and over time, through uplift, their original placement has been altered which in turn causes some otherwise inexplicable phenomenon. According to Matthew Paris, King Louis IX of France, hearing news about the hellish ravages of Mongol forces invading Europe, said of the so-called Tatars, Well, may they be called Tartars, for their deeds are those of fiends from Tartarus, which of course was the Latin name for Hades. They bring up black and white photos from the 19th century that show people digging, whether employing hand shovels, mule teams, or steam shovels, especially if there is a fancy building around them. The following excerpt comes from From 1854 to 1929 an estimated 250,000 orphaned, abandoned, and homeless childrenwere placed throughout the United States and Canada duringthe Orphan Train Movement. He is here on Earth to deliver secrets and spread dark truths of the universe beyond what any can imagine. The rest of the report makes it clear that the CIA is talking about Communist attacks on Islam and the Muslim peoples within their authority. But Fomenko found popularity and success in writing about history, with his New Chronology book series, History: Fiction or Science, bringing him far more fame than he had ever earned as a mathematician. For example, it is entirely possible that these conspiracy claims crossed over into the English-speaking world from foreign language publications that arent mined in an Ngram search, or from online content in another language that, if I understand the tool correctly, wouldnt show up in a Google Trends search, even if it were set to conduct a worldwide search, because the keyword used is in in English. The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, CA comes to mind. . My first introduction to the mud flood theory came from researcher Michelle Gibson via Veritas. It cannot be taken seriously, making it a perfect topic for my April Fools episode. Joachim Skaar a Norwegian who runs The Tartarian Meltdown YouTube channel says, I think that it was one worldwide civilization, It was all based on unity, oneness, peace, love, and harmony, which we dont see in todays society. The conclusion being drawn is that these cities, structures, technologies and rail lines were not built by people in our lineage, but rather, were simply already there, seemingly abandoned, and then dug out of a layer of mudall over the worldand that the elite have covered the matter up through their favorite pastime of re-writing history to suit their agenda.