Amazingly, Elisabeth and the sister of another of the missionaries, Rachel, were introduced to the Waodani just two years after their murder, and were invited to live among the tribe. These missionary societies laid the foundations of the Roman Catholic Church in West Africa, which lasted through to the independence period when African clergy replaced the white pastors. D. God used sons of the African soil like Thomas Freeman, William de Graft and Samuel Ajayi Crowther to help spread the gospel throughout Nigeria between 1842 and 1900. There were only bush paths, and no roads in the early times. The Christian religion teaches the doctrine of one supreme God and is opposed to the worship of any other forms of deity. The people in Nigeria and their traditions which they believed and worship God. He was a missionary under the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod that carried on missionary work in Ibesikpo between 1944 and 1948. Waterville Pub. Bangladesh 166.99. She is regarded as the first solo female missionary to Nigeria when she arrived in 1876. Barely ten years later, after the first missionaries arrived, the Methodists, for example, had started a station as far inland as MacCarthy Island. Having been raised in North London in a working class family, she initially worked as a housemaid, but had a long-harboured dream of becoming a missionary, and was convinced of her calling to China. Instead of adapting the teachings and practices of the new religion to suit indigenous values, as it did when the same Christian religion adopted Greek, Roman, German and Anglo-Saxon native practices, the early Christian missionaries condemned totally as pagan, and to be avoided by their converts, whatever they considered strange. Accessed February 27, 2021. History of the church in Africa: a survey. From the beginning of the world, the Lord has decreed that there will always be the season of harvest. Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12), Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange was happening to you. In 1859, the first newspaper in Yoruba. In the beginning of the 19th century, Christian missionaries were launched with unprecedented vigor to Africa. Civil Servants in Cross River said the lifting of embargo placed on promotion of civil servants by Gov. Missionaries today have brought education, medical care, and Holistic Development Centers into Nigeria. According to ot the Nigeria Christian Fellowship, there are at least seventy million people who consider themselves Christians. It was of the same scale as the one initiated by the Europeans. From Lagos, efforts moved to the East. He is considered to have laid the foundation for Christian witness in tropical Africa. The work of the missionaries also had little success initially. These new movements considered such ventures to be their contribution to Europes reparation for centuries of exploitation of Africans, reparation for the centuries of exploitation which the Trans Atlantic slave trade had caused to African society. When God pleases to convert the heathen, he will do it without your aid and mine.". Joseph Dunwell. Vol. The challenge for Christian missions was of two kinds: (l) to stop the spread and influence of Islam in Africa; and (2) to win Africa for Christ before it was too late.. The Hope Waddell Institute is named after him. *Queen of the Rosary College, Onitsha, 1942; *Ijebu-Ode Grammar School, Ijebu-Ode (Anglican), 1913; The identity of each is easy to decipher. In 1925 the Governor introduced measures which helped the efforts of the missionaries. It started first among the Yoruba recaptives who had embraced the Christian faith while in Sierra Leone (freed from slave trading ships by the British Royal Naval Squadron), and who returned home between 1839 and 1845. The Methodists, known as the Wesleyan Missionaries (after their founder), arrived in Freetown in 1811. Burns & Oates, 1979. At the time, the Waodani were one of the most violent known people groups on earth, who regularly practised homicide and fiercely defended their territory against those wishing to exploit the rich Amazonian land. Although modern scientific research has confirmed the medicinal properties of these concoctions, traditional medical practice had several shortcomings. Conversion progressively became something imposed rather than suggested; the way Christianity was teached seemed very alien to them. C.M.S. West Africa and Christianity. Catholicism arrived in the territory that would come to be known as Nigeria with Portuguese explorers in the 15th century, though their missionary efforts were largely unsuccessful and Catholicism virtually disappeared by the 17th century. They were followed by other major missionary bodies, including the Methodists and the Roman Catholics. Among other missionary hospitals of long standing and reputation are those run by the Methodists at Wenkyi in the Brong-Ahafo Region, and by the Seventh Day Adventists at Kwahu Atibie in the Eastern Region. *St. Patricks College, Calabar, 1934; *Ibo Boys High School, Uzuakoli, (CMS), 1923; They believed in juju, magic and witchcraft. Of 31 secondary schools surveyed from 1859 and 1037, only the government, federal or state, established seven; 24 belonged to the Missions. It is important to emphasize that the modern history of the Christian Mission in Africa started from the late Eighteenth Century, the Catholics had been there earlier in the first centuries of the Christian era especially during the first Portuguese adventures. In the Gambia, as happened in other territories, the Christian missionaries did not confine their work to the spread of the Gospel alone. The Church Missionary Society established churches in several towns like Abeokuta, Lagos, Idaban, Oyo, and Benin. Those who were once enslaved and got their freedom back were more likely to support Christianity, come back to their own home and help share the religion there. Africa Christian Press, 1996. Many missionaries died because of the climate and tropical disease. T. Nelson. One of the few ethnic groups that were always open to the influence of different religions is the Hausa people. Christian missionary activities in West Africa,, Speaking at morning Mass in Rome, the Pope praised Christians who had given up everything to share their faith. Many of them came to faith. Slavery: An Unlikely Catalyst In the fifteenth century, Christianity came to Africa's coastlines through forts established by European slave traders. Aged just 28, she sailed to West Africa in August 1876 and was assigned to the Calabar region. Originally a freed African slave from Freetown, Sierra Leone of Yoruba ancestry, was instrumental in the establishment of Christian missions in Nigeria. nook and crannies of southern Nigeria. "This is indeed the valley of the shadow of death to me," Carey wrote at the time. West African Senior School Certificate Examination. *Etinan Institute, Etinan, Akwa Ibom: 1915; Important among these, all in Lagos, were the Baptist Academy in 1855, the C.M.S. They believed and practiced rituals to make money and do many things like killing of twins. Accessed February 25, 2021. There were related organizations that sprang up in Scandinavia, Holland and the USA. 70-155/160. Bebe Golf Ranch. Rendall) wife of Rev. He became known as the "Apostle to . In 1876 the college became associated with Durham University in England, which awarded degrees to students of the college. They believed in evil spirits, and other things peculiar to this religion. In 1858 the Rev. The achievement of the purpose of these Christian Missions came with some costs. *Olivet Heights, Oyo, 1945; South Africa, 1919-1928. They were instrumental in setting the scene which would meet the colonists when they started arriving. As happened in other territories, the Christian missionaries did not confine their work to the spread of the gospel alone. Longman Nigeria Plc., 1994, Boahen, A.A. et al Tropics in West Africa History. Though their first attempt was unsuccessful, these missionaries persisted and in the 19 th Century, there was a successful expansion of Christian missions in Nigeria. As happened in Ghana, the development of training colleges in Nigeria was slower than secondary schools, though the C. M. S. had opened the first training college at Abeokuta as far back as 1849. The Glasgow Missionary Society pamphlet of 1796, "Report on the Character of a Missionary, etc." lays considerable stress upon "piety, prudence and aptitude to teach" but not once mentions the need for craft skills (Williams 1959 . They had their own particular system of laws, administrative organization, and the strong influence of the traditionalists power. This made it difficult for the early missionaries to stay in the country for long. * St. Charles College, Onitsha, 1929; Natal, 1874-1909. Some progressive Europeans, like the first principal of Achimota College, Rev. This article will answer your questions. He was converted to Christianity along with his brothers while at Eton. Christian missionaries believed that their dedication to Christianity would be enough for conversion. It would be wrong, however, to blame all these ills on the Christian missionaries alone. Amazingly, Elisabeth and the sister of another of the missionaries, Rachel, were introduced to the Waodani just two years after their murder, and were invited to live among the tribe. Nevertheless, they say that the Northern states are where most Muslims live which Christians can be found mostly in the South of the country. Ex-policeman who claims to be reincarnation of Jesus Christ finally arrested (photos). With the support of the Propagation of the Faith within the Vatican, whose Cardinal Secretary became Pope Gregory XVI, various Roman Catholic missionary societies were founded. The history of this religion actually roots back to the days when Jesus commanded to take the Good News that He saves those believing and trusting Him to the ends of the world. Up to Guggisbergs time, the church schools did not receive grants from the government. Henry Townsend who went from Sierra Leone to Badagry in 1842 in his company was the Rev Ajayi Crowther. Thomas Birch Freeman, son of a London-based West Indian father and an English mother. Here is the list of the early schools, mission, private or government owned. Here, the history of Christianity turns its new page in the 1840s. As a result of such unstable situation, the Christian missions only got here in the 1840s. Christian missionary activities in West Africa. When Lawson died, Aylward ran the mission alone. They believed in sacrifice to make money and do many other things like killing of twins. However, the discovery of quinine and other curative medicines in the late 19th century made the history of the missionary work in West Africa a different thing altogether. These missionaries are our glory! The glory of our Church!". Hope Waddell of the Church of Scotland had opened a school at Duke Town, Calabar. After he was ordained in 1849, he arrived in Nigeria later that year, particularly, Duke Town in Calabar, where he served as Head of Station of the mission until his retirement in 1891. Missionary activity in Nigeria cannot, of course, be viewed apart from the general European invasion of the West African territories from the advent of the Portuguese. We recognize sophistry and cant. The evangelical societies founded in the Americas included the Baptist Missionary Board and the Nova Scotian Methodists, whose members went to work among the Maroons, who had settled mainly in Liberia. West African Senior School Certificate Examination. They came with craftsmen who rebuilt . The pastors of the Church Missionary Society, from Badagry and later from Sierra Leone, visited these Christian communities in Abeokuta and other towns. New missionary societies (the LMS, the CMS, the Holy Ghost Fathers, the White Fathers, etc.) Catholic, Protestant, and Anglican missionaries were all trying to convert the native African people, often coming into conflict with one another. They relied very much on their home churches for their funds. *Kings College, Lagos, 1909; In Ghana the Presbyterians were pioneers in reducing Ga and Twi into writing. They brought educational programs to fight off the illiteracy through different educational programs and institutions. Meanwhile, the Scottish missionary, Mary Slessor, had established a reputation in the Cross River area as a nurse. She participated in establishing mission presence in Abeokuta for over two decades. Jim's journal, which famously features the quote "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose", has also been read by thousands of believers around the world. She reached Nigeria for the first time in 1876. Following agitation by the people in 1934, the government opened the old Yaba Higher College and Medical School, which awarded diplomas acceptable only locally. Here are a few verses about it in the Bible. Success followed the efforts of the pioneer missionaries. Noble were the exertions, labour and sacrifice that went into giving Nigeria foundational materials for human capital development, which provided the building blocks for our social and economic development, cultivation of refinement and civilization. Among these were the Congregation of the Holy Ghost (commonly known as the Holy Ghost Father), the Society of African Missions (SMA), the Society of Missionaries of Africa, popularly known as the White Fathers because of the white Muslim-like clothing which the Fathers wore, and the society of the Divine Word (SVD, abbreviated from its Latin name). The topic of our focus is, BEHAVING WISELY. It is lifted from 1 Samuel 18:14,15 and 30. They preached Christianity in a way that took into consideration the geographical and cultural differences between Europe and Africa. Indeed, in some situations the converts were taught to feel that they were absolved from obeying their own traditional rulers and certain laws of the state. Privacy Policy. Europeans were seen as ruling Africans both in political and ecclesiastical matters'' (Falae). ), Father Auguste Moreau and Father Eugene Murat, arrived at Elmina and revived the Roman Catholic Church in Ghana. In such asituation, provisions and other things had to be sent into the country not in large quantities as would have been desired by the missionaries. He travelled extensively from east to west . The Church of Scotland started missionary work in the area of Calabar. Collection consists largely of historical essays and archives written and collected by Cecil Roberson to document the history of Baptists in Nigeria. The only woman on board that ship was 29-year-old Mary Slessor, a missionary. Catholicism in Nigeria. It was founded in 1895. The President-elect, Sen. Bola Tinubu, has assured Nigerian workers of a minimum wage, social and economic justice. He started this massive campaign in the Great Britain stating that African slaves should be freed. This single problem made the missionary work very difficult. began work in many parts of Africa. History books tended to exaggerate in achievements of Europeans, making no reference to Africans own great past. Church history, history of Christianity, religious history: some reflections on British missionary enterprise since the late eighteenth century. Church History 71, no. In 1827 it grew into Fourah Bay College. In 1964, he became the first black Bishop of the Anglican Communion. *Christ School, Ado-Ekiti, 1933; In the meantime, the Middle Belt is where people we know as pagans lived. He was assigned to Cameroon by Carey's Baptist Missionary Society in 1874, and three years later his wife, Mary, died just 11 months after they'd married. Initially, a majority of the missionary journeys was done with English-Speaking Protestants and later, in the 1820s and 1830s, they were joined by continental Protestantism from Germany, Switzerland and France. In spite of the division, the parent Methodist missionary church played an important role in the history of Christianity in Sierra Leone. Babalola, E. O. Christianity in West Africa. She and her husband were charged by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod to lead missionary expeditions in Nigeria. One of the most prominent people that were largely responsible for the Christianisation of Nigeria is Samuel Ajiya Crowther, a former slave of Yoruba origin. Timeline of Great Missionaries (and a few other well-known historical and church figures and events) Dates. In any study of colonial Nigeria, the groundwork accomplished by the missionaries in pre-colonial days must be a central concern. Malaria once turned Africa into the "missionaries' graveyard" as many European missionary personnel and families perished planting the Gospel in the Continent in the 19th century . Dr & Mrs H. Henry Budd (the third Principal of ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja) 3. Renewed evangelisation started when the Basel (later known as Presbyterian) missionaries started work at Osu (Accra). Crampton, Edmund Patrick Thurman. And yet this was what earlier missionaries in pagan Europe had done when, for example, they had changed the Sabbath to suit the pagan Sun Day (hence Sunday), and had also adopted the dates of the pagan festivals to celebrate Christmas Day and the Easter festival. Longman Publishing Group, 1980. Among other things the regulations required that all teachers should be registered, and a minimum salary was fixed. Another important fact about this region is that to the West of the territory Nigeria has today, people were often enslaved or involved in slavery which came to this land in the seventeenth century. After ordination in England in 1843, he returned to Abeokuta, and he and his wife Sarah Townsend remained until 1867. "Missionaries and other white Christians were alarmed by the idea that the equality of all people before God means they should be equal in public life. Without denying that prior to the introduction of Christianity in West Africa the people had developed their own crafts, one must admit that it was Christian missionaries who introduced modern forms of crafts such as carpentry and masonry. Johannes Zimmermann wrote a grammar of the Ga language, and in 1874 the Rev. It included the opening up of Africa to forces of change namely commerce (legitimate commerce, i.e. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Name. *St. Theresa College, Ibadan, 1932; With collaborations with other missionaries like William De Graft, he built a Mission house and Chapel, which was completed in November 1842. *Holy Rosary College, Enugu, 1935; People accepted Jesus Christ but still had the mentality impacted by the indigenous religions. During the same period, the Student Missionary Movement was beginning to have a strong influence on the need of global evangelization in North America and Europe. Soon after, in 1835 they moved up to Akropon on the hills in Akuapem, where the pioneer missionary the Rev. What Are The Impacts Of Missionaries In Nigeria? Among his pioneering achievements, he arranged for three youths to be sent to England for training as evangelists. The Muslims started the slave trade in this region. As a predominantly Roman Catholic country, France encouraged Roman Catholic missionaries right from the start of her colonial activities in West Africa. The Portuguese were the first to introduce the Christian faith into West Africa but following their departure from the West Coast in the mid-seventeenth century, the Christian religion survived only in Upper Guinea where a bishop was maintained in the Cape Verde Islands serving also a part of the mainland. This influenced the country greatly too. Teacher training colleges in Ghana did not expand as fast as the secondary schools. *Baptist Academy, Lagos, 1885; To provide the clear understanding of how this religion came to Nigeria, we have to mention that the state we know today was divided into several regions which had their own social and economic conditions which either stimulate the spread of it or prevented it from it.