Azure Virtual Desktop or equivalent Virtual Desktop infrastructure. The ideas and concepts in these examples should inform your unique organizational requirements. When FSLogix determines a user should have an FSLogix profile container, and a local profile exists, FSLogix will permanently delete the local profile. FSLogix search roaming functionality is no longer necessary in newer versions of Windows. This controls the number of session VHDs that are persistent. With Storage Sense enabled and correctly configured, you can avoid the profile filled up with local copy of OneDrive data. Of course, this doesnt provide resiliency. FSLogicX profile locations Hello, im testing FSLogicX on RDS, looks like everything works fine except that if i created registry key VHDLocations with two different locations and for example one location is down, FSLogicX does not load profile or create from another location. CcdMaxCacheSizeInMBs specifies the maximum local cache size in megabytes, per user, during normal operation. 1: Disables the event log warning when the proxy or cache ACLs don't match the default values. ), it was felt that users would simply resync their data, Teams cache and Outlook cache and then put back any other minor customizations at their leisure. Although HealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister may be set to 0, it is NOT recommended. replied to OffColour1972 Jan 23 2020 01:40 AM . Change the value to the number of seconds a user's sign out is delayed if the number of available providers is less than the value specified in HealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister. There are a couple of key concepts to be aware of: As discussed in the deployment scenarios above, whenever VHD Locations are utilised, and there are multiple paths at play, some for of Replication Software is required to keep these locations in sync. So in answer to your question, no, a user with an existing profile container will always use that. The path supports the use of the FSLogix custom variables or any environment variables that are available to the user during the sign in process. 0: VHD(x) is of a fixed size and the size on disk is fully allocated. Leveraging Service Endpoints on Azure vNets for Storage should help to reduce the impact. In the FSLogix \x64\Release folder, run FSLogixAppsSetup.exe. Fullerton, CA 92834. Neurology | St. Joseph and St. Jude Heritage Medical Group | Orange County This mode shouldn't be used if the ODFC container is being used with Outlook Cached Exchange mode. I want to make use of File On demand to give user better experience but dont want to retain data locally in the end just because it will be available on cloud as well. (Identified some registry settings that can do it, but that actually removes all options from One Drive including above but again that will be on our own risk to use). is there anyone to ach. Use these examples as a starting point of your FSLogix configuration. Since the user profile is mounted to Windows 10 VDI upon log on, when the VHDX profile is disconnected, everything stops working. 0: Skype for Business Global Address List isn't redirected to the container. When enabled (1) FSLogix loads the FRXShell if there's a failure attaching to, or using an existing ODFC VHD(x). You can also run it as a Scheduled Task if you want. Group Policy Computer Settings for VDAs - Carl Stalhood Use this setting to define how FSLogix attempts to create a users ODFC container (VHD(x) file). Choosing to use VHDLocations rather than Cloud Cache does not mean that the ability to define multiple locations is lost. 6,750 Sq. The path supports the use of the FSLogix custom variables or any environment variables that are available to the user during the sign in process. Specifies the location where log files should be stored. The path supports the use of the FSLogix custom variables or any environment variables that are available to the user during the sign in process. 732 N East St, Anaheim, CA 92805. This circumstance has been documented to occur with and without the use of a non-persistent profile. Could this possibly be why its not detecting that it currently has a profile and do you know how we can resolve this issue? Storage Sense will not be helpful in case a user uses Always keep on this device option for data downloaded from One Drive. The following configuration settings are Cloud Cache specific and are used for ALL Cloud Cache implementations whether applied to Profile or ODFC container(s). Next we looked at network capacity again, plenty of headroom for the expected increase. The only way that it seemed possible to do this would be to use some sort of variable to direct subsets of users to particular file shares but if something happened and one file share suddenly started using substantially more capacity than the others, wed have to intervene and direct new users somewhere else. Various setting combinations could cause local profile data to be discarded with no Cloud Cache providers being updated. These steps need to be completed on all VMs. This is a very important consideration in every Profile Containers deployment, and its really impossible to tell without sending users into the environment to test it. In most scenarios, where Cloud Cache providers point to highly available storage that would rarely, if ever, be unavailable for extended periods, these settings are ideal for insuring data integrity. When enabled (1) FSLogix will delete all OST files in a VHD(x), except the OST with the latest modify date. As with any multi VHD location-based architecture, there is a requirement to replicate the containers. Having such capability withing One Drive client would really make sense. Administrators should be familiar with the use of OST files, and potential implications, before choosing to enable this setting. Lets say we implement the script, will it create new accounts for those already existing accounts? Using VHDLocations provides no replication, correct. No profile recovery is the least complex recovery scenario. Specifies the number of retries attempted when a VHD(x) file is locked (open by another process or computer). Setting ClearCacheOnForcedUnregister to 1 may result in user data saved in the registry during the current session to be lost. So, we need to remove our GPO setting using VHD locations, and then set our CCD locations. If the VHD path doesn't exist, it's created before it checks if a VHD(x) exists in the path. Specifies the number of milliseconds the system should wait for the volume to arrive after the VHD(x) has been attached. Ryan had experienced a similar problem, and his response was simply to use a PowerShell startup script to iterate through a list of file servers and order them by their free disk space. Specifies the number of seconds to wait between retries when attempting to reattach the VHD(x) container if it's disconnected unexpectedly. However, this didnt take into account OneDrive data, which was also scheduled to be synchronised into the profile VHD. This allows for simultaneous session access. System will need to wait till user login back satisfying 24 hr duration for One Drive cache to get cleared up. You have to get the Azure file share path from the storage account we created for the user profile before you add the registry key. Blob storage was the first available option for Azure native storage consumption when leveraging FSLogix Cloud Cache, allowing for an individual blob to be created per user in an Azure Storage Account. Had something similar in ming. using FSLogix object-specific settings - JAMES-RANKIN.COM So far I am positive but I am trying to find use cases where CloudCache was dropped out as a probable solution. Figure 3: Cloud Cache (primary / failover) | FSLogix Cloud Cache (CCDLocations). FSLogix Profiles configured to redirect temp data to local c: drive (SetTempToLocalPath). These settings will accept the list of custom environment variables and any variables available during the user's sign in. 1: ODFC container doesn't use or create a SID containing folder for the VHD(x) file. The following settings are applicable to Cloud Cache configurations. Before Cloud Cache you could in FSLogix set multiple paths for the VHD-files and it would automatically check the second path specified if the first was unavailable, the problem was that you needed to set up the replication between the two file locations yourself, and that was complicated since the VHD-disks will be locked during use, and it . 0: Normal direct access behavior. Exclude the VHD(X) files for profile containers from antivirus scanning, to avoid performance bottlenecks. The user is affected in a negative way up to and including session failures and/or data loss. CCDUnregisterTimeout is set to specify the number of seconds to wait prior to allowing a user session to be closed, even if a successful flush to a Cloud Cache provider hasn't occurred. There are of course maintenance routines to consider shrinking, compacting, pruning, and (dare I say it?) WillSomerville . 1: attach as computer - folder must have permissions for computer objects. The settings are created in the following location: When set to '0', the specific settings for each log file are ignored and all log files are disabled. We have swap directory name components set so this causes new containing directories to be named with the username first followed by the SID. So technically, new users would *always* hit the file share with the most available space. FSLogix Profile Container is enabled by default on the Nerdio configured AVD Windows 10 multi-session template VM. 1: Only when the Profile container is attached, the Outlook setting that enables cached mode is temporarily set until the container is detached. This model is particularly relevant for Azure-based deployments using VHDLocation with Azure Files, as there is no current way to leverage an Azure Files based file share as a DFS-N endpoint. A value of vhd means that newly created files should be of type VHD. '0' - Log DEBUG level messages and higher 1 - Log INFO level messages and higher 2 - Log WARN level messages and higher 3 - Log ERROR level messages and higher. This setting is specific to Office 2016 and later. The Standard configuration example is the simplest configuration in which most customers should consider. Depicted below is the most common and most simple deployment of the FSLogix solution. When enabled, this setting attempts to compact the VHD disk during the sign out operation and is designed to automatically decrease the Size On Disk of the user's container depending on a predefined threshold. I highly recommend this toolset for anyone looking to do multi-location replication of containers. FSLogix Profile Issues - Microsoft Community Hub This is the only operating model and is designed to utilize resources in the most efficient way possible prior to impacting the user's experience. When enabled (1) FSLogix loads the FRXShell if it's determined a temp profile has been created. The AppxPackages.xml file is not meant to be edited or modified. If the value is nonexistent, then the robocopy results aren't logged at all. This setting ensures cached mode is used only when the container is attached. Typically environments using this model of access rely on a storage level backup and replication solution alongside a manual restore process. A new one will only be created if it does not exist on ANY of the configured file shares. This is the simplest access model, but only allows one concurrent session. And i tested it and it works well.