For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the flood came and took them all away. Matthew 24: 37-39. The government is our King. Like other minor fasts, Tzom Tammuz begins at dawn (first light) and ends at nightfall (full dark). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There wasnt much to celebrate on Independence Day, it would seem. On the 9th of Av it was decreed on our fathers that they would not enter the Land (of Israel) [Bamidbar 14], the Temple was destroyed the first time and the second time, Beitar (the stronghold of the Bar Kochba rebellion) was captured, and the city (of Jerusalem) was plowed under. That day remains for the Jewish people a mourning day, lasting for more than 2,000 years. In order to understand what happened at that time, we will first need to quickly review some history. He saw a storm wind (like the one that snatched Elijah away). (This includes any form of cooking even roasted, fried, or pickled.) Four weeks later, the Holy Temple was destroyed, and the Jews were exiled to Babylon. President Obama, with all respect that is due, as you approach the last hour of the presidency, you are shocked by the outcome of the election. Dismiss. Sign in. I can summarize America's condition today as remaining critical and dangerous. What will you do when His storm wind approaches? We are seeing levels of immorality that we could never have ever imagined years before. When the 17th of Tammuz falls on Shabbos, the fast is postponed until Sunday. This is because the Temple continued to burn into the tenth day. The Temple Mount: A Jerusalem Day Tour from the Aish HaTorah Rooftop by Eitiel Goldwicht Exploring the significance of Judaism's holiest location. This meal is called the Seudah HaMafseket (Separating Meal). When the 9th of Av falls on Shabbos the fast is postponed until Sunday. I think we are about to see a repeat of bc 586 and ad 70 this time around tho it will be a destruction of the spiritual Temple. This is amonth to see and establish the brilliance of your righteousness. President Obama, on the day when marriage as we know it ordained by God was with your help struck down in this land, you celebrated by lighting up the White House in the colors of the rainbow. Baruch is a professional financial advisor, author and public speaker. The Seventeenth of Tammuz (Hebrew: , Shiv'ah Asar b'Tammuz) is a Jewish fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple. There is some disagreement in the sources as to when this happened (or, more accurately, which interruption of the Tamid service is commemorated on the 17th of Tammuz). The Seventeenth of Tammuz ( Hebrew: Shivah Asar b'Tammuz) is a Jewish fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple. 6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. Thanks Cindy. The objective of the fast is to awaken our sense of loss. And,many of ushave wondered how much longer the Lord would stay his hand before bringing about the justice and judgment that we so much deserve. This past 3 month season has been one that was full of heartbreaking changes for Steve and I and our family and Im looking forward to a fresh new season. one full of new possibilities! Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! I was there and I witnessed it firsthand. We have promoted immorality at the same time. They only want Christians to surrender. The first Temple ( Solomon's Temple) was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587BC and the 2nd . Candle and besomim are not used, and it is permitted to drink the wine. Tammuz 11: 29. Will you like Ezekiel, bow down before Jesus, receive His instruction and be filled afresh with His Spirit? It is also customary to eat a piece of bread dipped into ashes and to declare, This is the Tisha BAv meal.. Tammuz 5: 23. This is the template of the harbinger. "Five tragedies occured to our ancestors on the 17th day of Tammuz and five on the 9th of Av. These include: Wishing you an easy and meaningful fast! Did you know that the harbingers have not stopped? In that time, all Tammuz . This Halacha is an excerptfrom our Sefer. Watch your covenant alignments and repent of any peace treaties youve made with the enemy (Josh 10:14) Pray before undertaking any partnerships/yokes. interesting correlation to important dates. He didn't pray and ask God, rather he commanded it himself. This year, when Tisha BAv is on Sunday, they are only forbidden on Tisha BAv itself. On this For more information, or to book Benjamin for a speaking or media appearance, 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. View all posts by robinsmit author. It was during this period that both of our Holy Temples were destroyed. It is a month of 29 days, which occurs on the Gregorian calendar around June-July. Begin commanding circumstances around you to change in your favor. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. This is insightful, prophetic, and right on the money! Many people dont understand where we are in biblical history, and how close it is for the Lords coming. It reaches its climax and concludes with the fast of the 9th of Av, the date when both Holy Temples were set aflame. And you are right, the dam has burst. Oorah, a 501c3 organization, sponsored in part by Kars4Kids | privacy policy, Parshat Kedoshim: A Lesson in Holiness and Humility, Parshat Acharei Mot: The High Priests Garments, Parshas Tazria-Metzora: The Dangers of Slander, Parshas Korach: The Danger of Hurting Others. Reubenhad great potential promise (Gen 49:3); but he didnt deal with character issues weakness rejection (Gen 29:30); fell into sexual sin which was his downfall (Gen 35:22); This was not just a moral failure but revealed an inability to maintain self-control under pressure. 17 Tammuz is the beginning of The Three Weeks, in which Jews follow similar customs as the ones followed during the Omer from the day following Passover until the culmination of the mourning for the death of the students of Rabbi Akiva (the 33rd day of the Omer such as refraining from marriage and haircuts. Of all the evils that occur in the world, why would marriage between two men or two women be the final straw to draw the wrath of the Almighty? Could the events occurring now be the breaching of Americas walls, and indicate soon destruction upon this nation as it did the ancient Israelites? behind the closed doors of power in the United States offering the reader To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. Tammuz is also the name for the month of July in the Gregorian calendar in Arabic (), Syriac ( ) and Turkish ("Temmuz"). This month is connected with vision seeing beholding. Numerical values are Thus, the struggle between Hyrcanus and Aristobulus was what first enabled the Romans to assume control over the land of Israel, which ultimately led to the destruction of the Jewish commonwealth and the second Temple. Numerical values are represented using letters of the Hebrew alef-bet (alphabet). 5. If one has ever read the Bible, how can one foster such a thing? To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. On the 9th of Tammuz, in the year we call 2015, on the same day as the first destruction of Jerusalem, the final judgment of God has been decreed over our land, through the rule of our highest court. Studying the Hebrew months helps us receive prophetic understanding on how the Lord orders our steps throughout the year. Be careful who you allow to be joined to you. The harbingers have not stopped. major news headlines including the crisis in the Ukraine, and the growing I remember during his first election believers in Christ had gathered in Washington. Here For Mass E-mailing. And America in the last few years has been in the process of methodically striking down the ten commandments and Gods law from every area of life particularly, the public arena. It is forbidden to wear leather shoes. There is only One who has authority over Jerusalem, and it is not the United Nations. Meat and wine are forbidden except on Shabbos. the sages of Israel, represented a time for transformation, to turn from Tammuz. You came to the presidency claiming as a Christian you could not support the ending of marriage as it had been known, and then you did everything in your power to end that very thing. Day Hebore this shame forever.. however, he took it to heart and instead of becoming full of self-pity and revenge, he demonstrated the fruit of repentance demonstrated through the love and concern for his brothers, father and family (see Gen 37) so even though he lost the position of 1st born, he acted like the 1st born throughout his life. 17 Tammuz Seventeenth of Tammuz is a fast day from 1 hour before sunrise to sundown in remembrance of Jerusalem's walls being breached. Tammuz 22: 10. There is only One and His name is the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel. Benjamin also uncovers what has been occurring That is the day when the hedge of Israels protection was removed. If one has soiled his hands he is permitted to clean the soiled area only. Wilderness is the Hebrew word midbarwhich comes from the root devar meaning speech. Tzom Tammuz for Hebrew Year 5775 occurred on Sunday, 5 July 2015. This is the arch that literally led the worshipers of Baal to the Temple of Baal. That template has not stopped, but we have a window right now to repent as a nation. We do not believe it is possible to know the date when Jesus will return. Required fields are marked *. As the Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries, Nathan reaches out to the over 4.5 billion people accessible over the Internet with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Well, America has also done all those things. Baruch is the author of the best-selling book; The One should not shave or get a haircut (permitted for Sephardim). available at Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Jonathan Cahn: At the 2017 Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, I made the following speech. the destruction of the Second Temple, and thus the Sages decreed the 17th And now it appears that your legacy will largely will be undone. The fast of the 9th of Av, commemorates the day . The day known as Americas founding, July 4, 1776, also fell on Tammuz 17 on the Hebrew calendar. 1. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Hebrew words also carry the meaning Spirit-storm for this was clearly a storm of the Spirit. a 40 day biblical warning to America puts that deadline on Aug 4 which is the anniversary of George Washington becoming a master mason and the birthday of our 44th president Obama (our obama-nation). [2] History [ edit] As Maimonides writes (Hil. Nine authors page: Benjamin Chozeh & Nabiy Prophetic word across the seven seas. Mosesinstructions to them (Num 13:17-20). You may choose to leave this blank for an anonymous question, Miscellaneous articles in Choshen Mishpat, The Chassidishe Parsha Torah Or-Likkutei Torah. We have a short window of time available in order to repent as a nation. This vulnerability is a most dangerous situation. | Serayah515, Reblogged this on Gates of the City and commented: What will occur, if anything, this year? May He find us watching, full of faith and obedient to the end, when Yeshua comes. Day of the LORD is at Hand. First released in 1998, it immediately On the Hebrew calendar both events took place on the 9th of Tammuz. And some say that this refers to an interruption of the Tamid service that took place at an earlier part of the second Temple period, under Hasmonean rule. Despite how you treated the name of God, the Word of God, and the ways of God, the hand of God; this is the inconvenient truth: God is real, His Word is true, His ways are eternal, His hand is mighty, His kingdom is without end, and the darkness shall not overcome it. During the period beginning from 17th of Tammuz until the end of the . more information on this subject, look for The Day of the LORD is at Hand, We no longer want freedom byGod, we want freedom from God. be dissolved by death. For the Mesopotamian god after which the month takes its name, see, Day to Mark the Departure and Expulsion of Jews from the Arab Countries and Iran,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "Tammz" (Arabic: ), is also the name for the month of July in, This page was last edited on 27 April 2023, at 13:28. Jewish Holidays: A Guide & Commentary, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. on the 9th of Tammuz. After some time, the Greeks began to oppress the Jews and attempted to outlaw the observance of Judaism. The 9th of Av, Tisha b'Av, commemorates a list of catastrophes so severe it's clearly a day set aside by Gd for suffering. Both Jewish Temples were destroyed on the same day, but hundreds of years apart. Not God. Smash! by death of the parties. I think it is entirely possible that some wall of national security was breached today Tammuz 9. America? It is proper for a person to sleep in a less comfortable manner than he is normally accustomed to. Towards the end of the Hasmonean period, there was a struggle between two Hasmonean brothers, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus (the sons of the previous king, Alexander Jannaeus), over who should be king which eventually led to war. It can be no coincidence that the landmark decision to approve same-sex marriage in all 50 states was publicly announced on June 26, the 9th of Tammuz . It can be no coincidence that the landmark decision to approve same-sex marriage in all 50 states was publicly announced on June 26, the 9th of Tammuz. This is the day in history (70 AD) that the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem resulting in the destruction of the second Jewish Temple. Tammuz 17 in particular begins a three-week period of mourning that culminates in the following month on the ninth of Avthe fast day that commemorates the destruction of both Temples. 4. The 7th The three weeks that begin on Shiva Asar BTammuz (17th of Tammuz) and end on Tisha BAv (the 9th of Av) are a period of mourning for the Jewish people. However, many authorities are lenient in this matter. And, you know sometimes, you really dont want what you asked for. Someone who fasts but spends the day in frivolous activity has completely missed the point. We have been blessed from the foundation of this country with freedom but, the freedom we have enjoyed is now despised and a freedom of another kind is desired. on the same day as the first destruction of Jerusalem, the final judgment All other fasts begin in the morning and end that night. It is therefore necessary to remove ones leather shoes shortly before sundown. Thats when the Babylonians breached the protective walls of Jerusalem, opening the nation to judgment. the meaning of the institution of marriage. And, if you strike down the precepts of God, will not your own precepts be struck down? which means to pull 14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORDS house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for TAMMUZ.. and is a financial advisor to some of the largest privately held real this same day, in the year 423 BC, Nebuchadnezzar's troops breached the During the meal, three men should not sit together so that they will not have to recite the Birchas HaMazon (Grace after Meals) as a group (mezuman). deity, representing idolatry, and the month of Tammuz, in the minds of He is on UTube. And, you went further, you sought to force Gods people to fund their killing. Meat, wine and fish are forbidden. Ourgregorian calendar connects us only to the earth realm. Its meBee! This was also the month that Ezekiel had his vision found in Ezekiel chapter 1, in Hebrew called Merkabah: The Chariot. Reblogged this on Proverbs 31 Wanna-be and commented: On the same day, the Vatican formally recognized the Palestinian State by signing a treaty with them. It falls on the 17th day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz and marks the beginning of the three-week mourning period leading up to Tisha BAv. Tammuz 7: 25. Psalm 106:24 says that they despised the precious land and did not believe His Word. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Two specific choices were made in this month. Tammuz, the fourth month on the Hebrew calendar, is associated with a number of tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people throughout history. The leader is representing the people. Cindy iv been watching this coming 4th of July for a while now for many reasons. 6. Tammuz (Hebrew: , Tammz), or Tamuz, is the tenth month of the civil year and the fourth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar, and the modern Assyrian calendar. This year (2015) it falls on July 25th. Monthly calendar for the month July in year 2015. If not, I am hoping for the Rapture to be sometime this year!!!! Tammuz 20: 8. Jonathan Cahn has warned of the Isaiah 9:10 judgements playing out upon our nation. One of the tragic events of the 17th of Tammuz was the interruption of the korban tamid (the daily offering of two sheep in the Temple). Ill tell you something else, the sign of Baal worship has emerged again today. During the Amida (silent, standing prayer) the following prayer is inserted in the blessing of VLeYerushalayim Ircha: HaShem our God, console the mourners of Zion and the mourners of Jerusalem, and the city that is mournful, destroyed, shamed, and desolate. (They are worn during Mincha instead.) While we prayed for a different outcome, the decision by the SC was not a surprise. Hyrcanus allied himself with a non-Jewish king and made a siege on Jerusalem. And the 9th of Tammuz stands as the day of God removing the hedge of protection around America. The custom of a Baal Nefesh[4]: Nevertheless a meticulous person should also fast on the 9th. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. This Article God bless you Cindy. The 9th of Av is also the day when Zionism began. act occurred on the 9th of Tammuz. And, the repercussions couldnt be bigger. Whats the big dealsome wouldsay? For besides being the day of the breach of the walls of Jerusalem 70 AD, Tammuz 17 is alsothe day Moses descended the mountain (Mt. Reuben means behold a son. We have called good evil and evil good. This is exactly what America is doing. We avoid pleasurable bathing during this period. This shouldve encouraged them! [3]. 240 days (perhaps double judgment or double the grace period) puts us two days before the Shemtah/Rosh hashana when the trumpet is sounded. its where the patriarchs and the past history makers were buried Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah. At that time it was amazing! King of Babylon, America has seen her walls break down. And so, these are the signs of apostasy and also the last days. After Maariv is completed, the book of Eichah (Lamentations) is read aloud to the congregation. America is hell bent on destroying itself. The following is a list of the basic prohibitions on Tisha BAv: Although the fast itself begins at sunset, certain aspects of the mourning of Tisha BAv begin earlier. You zealously fought to defend the carrying out of their murder and expanded it around the world. was built, the fast was abolished and the day was turned into a holiday. The And she is the author of three books: IT IS FINISHED, AWAKENED, and I AM HEALED. My stomach [aches] on the slain! For You, God, with fire you burned her, and with fire you will rebuild her, as it is said, And I will be for her, says God, a wall of fire around her, and I will be a glory within her.(Zechariah 2:9) Blessed are You, God, Who consoles Zion and builds Jerusalem. of God has been decreed over our land, through the rule of our highest Tammuz 10: 28. Paul revealed in Romans 1:16-17 Gods message to the human race. I do believe judgement is here and more is coming. I myself was there. What the Bible says about Ninth of Tammuz ( From Forerunner Commentary ) Zechariah 8:19 Is it sin for those who have made the covenant with God to celebrate a national holiday? Its an amazing thing what has happened in this country. destroyed what little was left of the nation we once knew, which we called The Three Weeks. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper who love thee Psalm 122:6, Watching and waiting with YOU for the soon return of Jesus! I love new beginnings, fresh starts, and exciting possibilities. Some have the custom to sleep on the ground on the night of Tisha BAv and to rest their head on a stone. the Scriptures Volume One: Out of the Darkness which is now After their miraculous victory (celebrated on Chanukah), theHasmonean family became the kings of the Jewish commonwealth in the land of Israel. Other We use it totrack our life events but to know Gods schedule of events you must understand His calendar. To which the One enthroned in heaven laughs, the Lord scoffs at them and, rebukes them in his anger. He provided His people with moments of grace so that they could come back to Him. The "Three Weeks," between the fasts of the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av, are a period of mourning for Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and the Bais HaMikdash (The Holy Temple). Tammuz 3: 21. Let us break their chains and throw off their fetters. In looking at dates in history compared to current news, a disturbing pattern emerges. ), With several exceptions, one may not study Torah on, We are not permitted to greet each other on. Mournful without her children, destroyed without her residences, shamed without her honor, and desolate without inhabitant. He is also the spiritual leader of Beth Israel Worship Center in Wayne, New Jersey. Interestingly enough, the 9th of Tammuz fell on June 26, 2015, which is the very day that the Supreme Court struck down the hedge of marriage by legalizing same-sex marriage. Itis the month of thefirstborn (Reuben was the firstborn). Tammuz It is proper for every person to read the book of Eichah again. mythology of the name Tammuz comes from the Accadian sun-god (Adonis of month name, then the Hebrew year. The Romans penetrated the city walls of Jerusalem on this day prior to the destruction of the second Temple. We no longer have a #Christian consensus in this country. Yes, I was one of those kids that looked forward to Sept and starting a new school year with new books, clean unused notepads I enjoyed the fresh new possibilities that each new year held. The 17th of Tammuz is a fast day; no eating or drinking or drinking permitted from dawn to dusk. They went on to promote immorality and they worshiped Baal by offering up their children in human sacrifice. Because it is so dangerous,it is forbidden to be read in the regular synagogue service. was bound to Ishtar by sacred marriage, which could only be dissolved That was a major offense to God. In our rebellion and our ignorancewe fail to understand that inso doingwe have exchanged freedom for slavery the reality of which will not be realized until it is too late. Tisha BAv begins at sundown and continues until the following nightfall. I tend to always find the good and positive in everything and believe that everything will always work out and I will come out on top These past 3 months, weve moved and left great friends/family, Steves dad died (the first parent for either of us to lose), and just a little over a week ago,our Pastors (our friends) were voted out of our church, which leaves us churchless at the moment. Originally, a day of fasting and mourning was observed on the 9th of Tammuz. 500 years later, Jerusalem fell again, on the 17th of Tammuz, prior to While our calendar will hold dates of moving, death and loss of a church, Gods calendar, this month of Tammuz, holds endless possibilities of fresh vision, blessings, new beginnings, and double portion inheritance to name a few. Well, there are a lot of reasons one of which,may be demonstrated in the verynear future in a very painful way. All of the prohibitions of Tisha BAv begin at sundown. Declare daily God Your promises are yes and amen in my life. You took part in isolating and condemning Israel before the world and advancing a resolution proclaiming Israel had no right to Jerusalem. in International Finance and Economics at UCLA and graduate studies in was destroyed, and the Jews were exiled to Babylon. Tammuz 4: 22. This is the day in . So, the act of judgment follows an act of desecration. The Torah was burnt on this day by Apustemus, one of the Greek oppressors. Only our Elohim knows. The twelve spies that were sent to spy out Eretz Yisrael returned from their mission. Weve had the most ungodly presidency in the history of our nation this past eight years, and yet, President Obama left office with a 60% approval rating.