Its that we have to do more than can our we have to sincerely CRY OUT Abba father. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. No diet can quench it; no relationship can fill it, no praise can stop it because we are trying to fill it with the wrong thing and so the cycle rages on, and we beg for more and more. And I love how Jesus stopped and wasnt pressed by the other followers. Hundreds of years before that time, God had promised David that He would never withdraw His mercies from him. Jesus was passing by for Bartimaeus. Thats why it is not surprising to see that Yahshua or better known as Jesus Christ, when He walked this earth as a human being, healed a lot of blind people. Thanks for reading Albert! Strong able-bodied men who had their sense of sight intact wanted to stop this blind man from asking Jesus for help. For one, it could be that Timaeus was a prominent figure in Jerusalem and maybe, due to financial difficulties, they became poor. He knew what he wanted! Am preaching on the same this coming Sunday. Sometimes, we have to recognize our needs so that we like Blind Bartimaeus in scripture will say Lord I want to see. There are so many lessons we can take away from the story of Blind Bartimaeus in the Bible. Now Jesus has become the custodian of all grace And Bartimaeus knew it! Mark 10:46-52 NIV. Thank you so much for addressing the feeling of uselessness. This is a ripe and edible message with enough insight as the ingredients. The truth of Scripture is that the grace, love, and power of Jesus are continually at work. Keep this in mind when people tell you things to discourage you from pursuing goals. No resources to go to court at this time. Although it was the power of God that made it possible for Bartimaeus to see again, Jesus said it was his faith that did it. When we are experiencing difficulties in life, we often find ourselves like Bartimaeus shouting for Jesus to have mercy on us. Its not only an opportunity to overcome but its also a chance for others to see the power of God displayed, leading them to him. We should never let anyone take away our crown. If Blind Bartimaeus didnt ask what was happening, chances are no one would have told him that Jesus who could heal him was within reach. This is powerful. He is loving. Shouldnt we be like this blind man? For example, when we see some people succeeding in life while others are not, we may blindly conclude that some people are simply luckier than others. When we listen to spiritual obstacles, we feel distanced from Jesus invitation to come near. Required fields are marked *. Bartimaeus recognised an opportunity and he took it;He knew that it was not enough to have Jesus come around his vicinity. Other article on Bartimaeus:3 Success Lessons From The Story of Bartimaeus. He will say, "Receive your sight; your faith has saved you." One reason Bartimaeus' faith was so bold was that he felt so keenly his deep need. What if he had listened to them? He knew what he wanted! Dont let them hold you back, your worth isnt tied to their opinion. During this period in history, Jewish people believed that illness and disability were a punishment from God because the person or a parent had committed sins. Other than that, wonderful blog! See Jesus already knew the answer, it wasnt an accident that Jesus just happened to be on that road on that day. Bartimaeus believes Jesus to be the long-awaited descendant of David, the one to sit on Davids throne for eternity. God isnt a genie. Thanks and God bless. Finally, which I personally believe to be the reason, Bartimaeus miraculous healing and conversion were so incredible that it made a great impact on the people who witnessed and heard of it. Why was Bartimaeus calling out to Jesus? Aware of the opportunity that was in front of him, Bartimaeus didnt let what people thought about what he was doing keep him back. Lessons that will help us with the difficult things in life we must face. He could not see the faces of the people as they passed him by. . He is dedicated to helping others grow personally and spiritually and lives by the motto "In This Life and The Next". We are so glad you came. Are you even actively seeking for relevant information that will make you live healthier, happier or even wealthier? When He heard the commotion, he knew that this could be the moment he was waiting for. Here are 10 inspirational lessons we can learn from the story of Blind Bartimaeus -. So, what did He do? If someone asked you on some random occasion, what you wanted in life, would you know? Wonder of wonders, the God of all creation - walking among men - heard Bartimaeus' cry and responded: "Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. As someone with a physical infirmity, this was the only source of livelihood open to him. In Jesus name, amen. We know that we live in this world full evil that darkens our in our spiritual life in our LORD God. For me, it means consistently writing articles not knowing if or how many people it will reach! We ask you to bless her, heal her, provide for her. [1-minute video], Can human beings become angels? So Bartimaeus called out to Him, Jesus,thouSon of David, have mercy on me.. When we come to Jesus, and voice our need, we can receive this grace because there is no reason for it to be withheld. Bartimeaus persisted in the pursuit of what he wanted. In each of us IS a vacuum yearning to be filled. It is a story about the power of Jesus being experienced in a persons life. Thank you and may the Lord increase you richly. This story can be found in Mark 10 & Luke 18. More than anything, he is faithful. Copyright 2023 Rosevine Cottage Girls | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. The other thing that I am reminded of is to not allow people to talk you out of your breakthrough. Lastly, I get commissions for purchases made through my Amazon affiliate links in this website. Just who is Blind Bartimaeus and what does he have to teach us? To learn more about the 10 lepers, see my article: 3 Lessons To Learn From Jesus Healing The Ten Lepers. He threw anything that he thought would hinder him from fully following Christ. Lord, we lift up Jeremiah to you and we ask you to touch his life and bless him. Rise, He is calling you."" (Mark 10:49) We read in the following verses how Bartimaeus humbly asked Jesus to give him sight, and . But the more they tried to make him keep quiet, the louder he shouted. His need became secondary and a new need arose. While the Gospels didnt explicitly mention why, but we can assume a few reasons why Bartimaeus name was mentioned. The book of Luke states that when the people saw that Bartimaeus was healed, they praised God (Luke 18:42). Dont you think Jesus would have moved on without stopping if this man had not persisted in calling out to Him for help? But he did not only hear, he also acted proactively based on what he heard. Bartimaeus had information that Jesus was passing by. He was cut off from all worship at the Temple; he was exercised from the city; he was deemed accursed by God. Yes, the throwing off of his garment is very significant. Jesus saw blind Bartimaeus, He saw past the exterior, past others preconceptions, and saw His child. There is no one for whom Christs invitation does not apply. And yet Jesus stops for this man, a lowly sinner not worthy of notice by the times they lived in. Bartimaeus reminds me that God always gives us something to work with. All of us have a deeper yearning. By being a blind man, he is powerless on his own. This story in the Bible helps us to check our own vision. AMAZING TEACHING SIR . The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke include different versions of this story. The more they hushed him, the more they shushed him, the more he rushed at his solution. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This is a great read and learning lesson about names and thank you for you insite. Your throne shall be established forever. The reality is theres Bartemeus in all of us. Many of these reasons even appear faithful enough. . And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus. Our regrets, our disappointments steal our focus. Anyway keep up the excellent quality writing, it is rare to see a great blog like this one today.. Howdy, I think your website could possibly be having browser compatibility problems. What was his intense request? Immediately, he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.. Bartimaeus does not shy away from this intimacy, rather he enters into it. The crowd was probably on . 7. 7 Lessons to Learn From Blind Bartimaeus By David Arawa may 7, 2017 It was the last trip Jesus would make into Jerusalem before being crucified. For Bartimaeus, everything seemed to be going well for Him. It is high time you did some personal reevaluation in that regard. Sometimes we have to beg for Jesus, so we will realize that hes always been in this place, that He is the answer. As someone I know used to say, If you dont define, you wont find., And Jesus said unto him,Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. In the end, they not only got out of his way - they became his outriders . Yet he was faithful enough to believe that Jesus had the capacity, and the willingness, to transform his life. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Nothing could fill that gap, and so he does the only thing he can, he begs. Your email address will not be published. Yes, demonstrated great faith in Jesus Christ. If you fell in a deep ditch, wont you cry out with all your might to get the attention of any passerby? I have learnt so much from your Lessons of Blind Bartimaeus, that I want to include some of those lessons in my Homily for Sunday 22 October 2021 with permission. Required fields are marked *. In verse 48, we read: Now, heres where he found his first opposition. Because of the persistence and steadfast faith of Bartimaeus, what happened? Its similar to how Jesus said we should let our lights shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16 NIV). By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Christ, in His great mercy and compassion, commanded Him to come near. It is found in Mark 10:46-52 and Luke 18:35-43 and they highlight the power of having faith, knowledge, and persistence. The story of this blind man shines through the pages of the New Testament to impact our lives today and open our eyes to some important truths. Each of the three Synoptic Gospels tells of Jesus healing the blind near Jericho, as he passed through that town, shortly before his passion . The second lesson to learn from Blind Bartimaeus is that knowledge makes you aware of opportunities. The Lord bless you. Another reason is to show the veracity and historicity of Christs miracle. Afterward, let us carefully dissect the story and discover the golden nuggets of lessons from it. He cant run toward Jesus. If we dont recognize the opportunities in front of us, we cant take advantage of them and if we arent curious enough to ask questions, wed never know. Jesus comes close, and Bartimaeus responds. He didnt let other people silence his request. We see this happen when the 10 men with leprosy were healed. With more knowledge, I now understand what I need to do. Im inspired. The Bible gives us numerous instances where God has blessed lives because of the persistence of an individual. Heres a blind, weak, and poor beggar who wont get denied. Rather, this mercy is given because Jesus is merciful; Christs grace is met because he is graceful. No matter what that opportunity might be, people who cant see you succeeding, or like the crowd that surrounded Bartimaeus, who feel uncomfortable by your pursuit of it, may say things to keep you back. Do you need help recognizing the nearness of Jesus, or are the voices of obstacles a bit too loud? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. All well and good. The story of this blind man shines through the pages of the New Testament to impact our lives today and open our eyes to some important truths. In and for my health wealth and my Witness despite much pain and loss in my immediately family life of a marriage of 32 yrs and living alone though in an appt complex for seniors and disabled. Or like Bartimaeus, we may have a certain limitation and assume that thats just the way it is and we cant get any better. Thanks Talatu for reading and commenting. Rabbi, I want to see, he said. I am blessed with those who called Bartimaeus , saying arise, be of good cheer He is calling you. He would pray, Dear God, you know what we mean. The story of Blind Bartimaeus' healing can be found in Mark 10:46-52. We can come to Jesus with any need, knowing that He cares and hears us, even if we don't receive our hopes right away. The fifth lesson to learn from Blind Bartimaeus is that faith is required to achieve your goals. The Gospel of Mark tells of the curing of a man named Bartimaeus, healed by Jesus as he is leaving Jericho. To make things worse, his son was blind and so, he ended up being a beggar. How can you start acting in faith in order that God can help you overcome it? Yet his life becomes transformed when he recognizes the nearness of Jesus. Take Peter for instance. Author: Our creator God declares our worth and nothing can change that. We never uncover the power of Jesus because we say the right words. Thank you so much Viki. These obstacles are a lie. They can give him food. And if we go back to the fact that Jesus told him that his faith had made him well, it shows that our . Not only that, what if they were capable of giving it to you? amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Our hearts break for you and the loss of your child and not having your granddaughter with you. We must present our request to God and not simply assume that God already knew what we want so we dont need to pray. it is very elaborate and easy to understand may God expand your knowledge. An unstoppable person. Indeed Bartimaeus story has great insights especially where people ( christians ) you think might be for you react differently. Thanks for your comment, Jamby. The story of Blind Bartimaeus, as with many of Jesus' interactions during His 3-year ministry, also shows how to handle interruptions as we live in ministry. Bartimaeus was a blind man. Why did he run as fast as he could to meet Jesus once He invited him on? We can be a guide for them to know what the Lord is. But, thankfully, he proved to be unstoppable; the more they tried to silence him, the more he shouted out loud. And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. What necessity are you carrying right now that is slowing your pace of progress? Jesus calls the people, asking them to call Bartimaeus, to tell him that Jesus is calling him. What do you want me to do for you? he asks. Asking Questions Can Lead To A Better Life, Knowledge Makes You Aware of Opportunities, 3 Success Lessons From The Story of Bartimaeus, Input/Output: Change Your Environment, Change Your Life. What Do We Learn about Babylon in the Bible? Thanks a lot from explaining the scripture I have a clearer understanding what is is all about To God be the glory great things he has done. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, Jesus,Son of David,have mercy on me!. Im glad my blog was helpful, Susana. That is when I read your article on the seven lessons. Ask yourself, which step do you see yourself on presently? Thanks the holy Spirit to lead you to share with us. She has left behind 2 wonderful children; A Girl about to be 12 and a Boy who just turned 11. Yes, he was blind, but now he can see. Then Jesus said to him,Go your way;your faith has made you well.And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road. Bartimaeus couldn't see to plant seeds and take care of plants like a farmer, He couldn't see to cut wood and build like a carpenter. Why not? I am pastor destiny, its good to rely on God for an answer despite your situation and call on God as bart did. Since he does, he is all the more deserving of our loyalty. The story of Bartimaeus reminds us that Jesus cares for all people, regardless of social status or physical ability. I would love to hear your thoughts. There is more!!! A similar story can be found in Matthew 10:29-34 and Luke 18:35-43. I once heard a prayer from our college professor. The story of Bartimaeus was one of a beggarly blind man, who couldhear, who hadfaith, hadcourage, hadfocus, had avoice, who proved to beunstoppable, and who got his desired miracle: restoration of sightwhen he encountered Jesus Christ. In fact, Scripture says that he shouted all the more (v. 48). It was very insightful and a great help to me as I prepared. But when we consider how the Bible describes faith and connect it to how Bartimaeus displayed it, we can learn how to apply it to our lives in order to achieve our goals. Our man who already knew exactly what he wanted, replied, that I may see Lord.. Yet, later in that same chapter, when Jesus told them that he must die, Jesus had to rebuke Peter for saying This shall never happen to you! (Matthew 16:22 NIV). Recommended: Tribute to a good soldier of Christ. We intercede into the lives of men and women to speak truth into their lives and remind them of their worthwhile inspiring them to try new things and embrace the mess and turn it into their message. The people surrounding him tried to keep him quiet, but eventually, he got Jesus attention. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); on 7 Amazing Lessons From Blind Bartimaeus, 4 Lessons From The Rich Man and Lazarus: Remembering The Next Life, 3 Lessons To Learn From Jesus Healing The Ten Lepers. Scripture doesnt tell us how Blind Bartimaeus lost his sight, whether it was through injury or by birth. Learn how your comment data is processed. Jesus healed him and told him his faith made him well. But Jesus said neither sinned, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him (John 9:3 NIV). Let's take a . Tell me I look nice. The Lord is in this place that we couldnt fill on our own. The first lesson to learn from Blind Bartimaeus is that asking questions can lead to a better life. We might say things like there are people worse off than myself, or Jesus has more important things to worry about.. No matter what God does for us, like Bartimaeus, we shouldnt forget God but follow him. In the same way, Bartimaeus cried out to get the attention of Christ. This is the call of faith and the call of discipleship. He receives a more important gift that is given to man Gods calling. It is another to use it to your advantage. Why did he refuse to keep quiet when the people told him to shut up? Youre very welcome Tanisha. The lessons are: Be Ready To Take Advantage of Opportunities So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. What Bartimaeus shouted reveals a few things. Be curious and start asking more questions. We ask that you give her favor and allow her to spend time with her sweet grand and watch her grow into a fine woman. How Did Jesus Treat People with Disabilities in the Bible? It is time to cast it aside in order to move faster and closer to your goal. If you check the Gospels, you will see that there were people who were healed by Jesus but never bothered to follow Him. When Bartimaeus started shouting Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!, the book of Mark states that Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but instead of letting the people keep him back, in response, The Bible says that he shouted all the more (Mark 10:48 NIV). The answer to those questions can put us on a path to transforming our lives. If Bartimaeus wasnt curious about what was taking place around him or made assumptions as to what was taking place, he may have missed out on receiving his sight! Im really impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your weblog. Now those who sought to inhibit the beggar must assist in Jesus' ministry to him. You see, Bartimaeus was a beggar and he likely had to resort to begging because he was blind. ". As a Sunday teacher and Bible study teacher I received many gems here to aid me in my works. 4.1K views, 50 likes, 28 loves, 154 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7th District AME Church: Thursday Morning Opening Session The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.. We pray not just to let God know what we want, but we also pray to have a close encounter with our heavenly Father. My physical position in my grands lives has changed.. but they are Born Again and we share This and our love for each other. Now they came to Jericho. Like him, with an intelligent heart, lets acquire knowledge also! This flows from the last lesson we looked at. Now, heres the detailed reflection of the story. (Luke 9:62), 17 Unbelievable Bible Secrets No One Has Ever Told You. The sixth lesson to learn from Blind Bartimaeus is that your faith can lead others to God. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means son of Timaeus), was sitting by the roadside begging. You have to make appropriate use of it to your advantage. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 253 million people live with vision impairment: 36 million are blind and 217 million have moderate to severe vision impairment. He didnt have the sight to see Jesus, but he had the ear to hear that he (Jesus) was passing his way. Ive learnt so muxh from this story that I did this with my youth and they learnt so much. Hes calling you. Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. This lesson goes hand in hand with the first lesson I shared; asking questions can lead to a better life. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The Holy Spirit led me to this and I will praise God for making these things known to me through you. As wise believers lets not only learn these lessons but also apply them to our lives! The deepest yearning of our hearts could only be satisfied with Christ. Your email address will not be published. Thank you for your patience and continued support! After many years of living in darkness, now, he is now going to have the chance of being near the Light of the World Yahshua/Jesus the Messiah! But in addition to all that, Jesus himself lets us know that Bartimaeus was also a man of faith. It was active, vocal, proactive and well-directed. In love and grace, Jesus calls us to himself. Stocking The Pantry For From Scratch Cooking, Waiting With God | A Look At The Israelites Complaining In The Wilderness, Holding On To Gods Promises | A Look At The Israelites Not Entering The Promise Land, How Moses On Mount Sinai Can Strengthen Our Relationship With God, Lessons From Hagar In The Bible For When You Feel Insignificant, The people wanted to stand in his way, but he went past them. Jesus issues an invitation for Bartimaeus to come forward. As I looked at the story again, I realised that there are many things we can learn from him. What is more, we are always invited into it. By saying, "Your faith has made you well," Jesus centralizes the necessity of persistent faith. It was obvious that he was blind, yet Jesus didnt make the assumption that he wanted to see. The first lesson to learn from Blind Bartimaeus is asking questions can lead to a better life. They help us on with our coats, but they prevent us from running to the one that can restore our vision. Of all the places where challenges may come from, it came from the most unexpected source the followers of Christ. Getting better would mean they no longer have an excuse. Bartimaeus could have done a lot to advance the message of Christ after he was healed. God does things for us to win us to His side and not to lose us. He was made to feel shame of his needs. I will definitely share it to others,there are many good point here! Now that He is about to leave, Bartimaeus knew that this is his only chance to get as close as possible to Christ. He was given the chance to pay forward the tremendous blessings he received from Jesus. I would like to add .. Bartimaeus didnt have all the answers. I have very restricted access to her daughter who is with the dad ( he has had primary custody) about an hour from me. Thank God and you for this very powerful lesson. Do you have the kind of information that will positively impart your life? Would you be able to tell them right there and then? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Your email address will not be published. It is up to us to use what he has blessed us with. And all the people, when they sawit,gave praise to God.. God wants to pass His call to others, to receive the blessings we have. Presumably Jesus could have walked to Bartimaeus to talk with him. When they came from people who sincerely sought Him, Jesus always stopped and gave his time and attention to the interruption. As Christian as we are, we share the light that we received which is Jesus Christ. What stands out the most to you in this story of Blind Bartimaeus? Thank you for bringing her to us so that we can love on her and pray for her. So they called the blind man, saying, "Be of good comfort. And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.. Is He your Saviour, healer, deliverer, helper, lover, provider, protector, master? Rise, He is calling you.. Verse 50 reads: He threw aside his garment. He became a walking testimony to the crowd, Thanks for your comment Angie! This indicates that there was something about how Bartimaeus interacted with Jesus that is instructive for us. Jesus longs to be with you and to interact with your life. . As I was preparing to do a Sunday School lesson on this topic I found your lesson. If they had something that required courage I would take feathers out of the. Faith without works is dead. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. In Bible times, the only way that a blind person . But in inviting Bartimaeus to voice his need, Jesus is encouraging an intimate relationship. Sometimes, it is the church members who will cause you to leave the body of Christ. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; There are 9 important lessons to learn from blind Bartimaeus. By stepping out in faith, he not only received his sight, but also total freedom from bondage. In this blog, I want us to focus on an inspiring story about Jesus miraculously healing a blind man. He saw his worth, He knew this mans needs. In verse 46, it tells us that the story happened when Jesus Christ was about to leave Jericho. He lived each day in total darkness. We keep trying to shove things into the yawning chasm, to feed the hungry monster but its never satisfied. Tell me Im enough. But after he does have mercy on us, we may neglect to give him the time and attention he rightfully deserves. So, he shouted, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" The problem was that the people around him were asking him to be quiet. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Jesus stops in his tracks and says, Call him. In response, the people call to Bartimaeus and tell him the encouraging word, Take heart, get on your feet, he is calling you (v. 49). No wonder he got his miracle. If you have been praying, are your requests clear and specific? This passage presents the glorious truth that no matter what we feel, or what we may struggle with, Jesus is near. His name is Bartimaeus, which literally means, the son of Timaeus. He had to do whatever he had to do to get the attention of Jesus, so that he too could be healed. He is the only one that can save us from our circumstances, from our choices, and set us on a new path. There are really a lot of lessons in the Bible that can only be found when we really focus on the story. Her Birthday was 12.1.1987. Though he cant fully repay Christ for the mercy and miraculous healing of his eyes, he served in any way he can and became a follower of our Savior. Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Significance for You, 12th Wedding Anniversary: 12 Beautiful Poems to My Wife, Jobs Three Friends: The Great Importance of Strategic Friendship, Jobs Three Friends: The Good, the Bad and the Lessons, Valentines Day Celebration: The Ultimate Guide for Christians.